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[The Voice] season-8, France - 2019


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On Mikapopolsku.com you can read my resume of the second episode of The Voice.


Here is the link for an English translation.



Here is the link for an Italian translation.



But actually you can choose any language you want and Google translator will do the rest :bleh:



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Salut tout le monde! I'm back with more captions for everyone to enjoy :wink2:


I have finished the captions for the first episode of The Voice season 8, minus the contestant intros, and did the first few minutes of la suite. I'm planning on doing the whole season, but I can't promise how fast I'll get them done since I'm working alone this season. As always, let me know if you notice any mistakes!

01 - 01 - The Voice - Auditions à l'aveugle 1 (Saison 08) - MP4 - www.mikawebsite.com.srt

01 - 02 - The Voice, la suite - Auditions à l'aveugle 1 (Saison 08) - MP4 - www.mikawebsite.com.srt

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No. 3303 - 23 Février 2019

pdf file (page 4 / 201KB ) Télémagazine - 23 Février 2019 (No. 3303)-4-4.pdf






Il a tout juste 40 ans et déjà vingt ans de carrière derrière lui.

À son actif, un nouvel album et une promotion sur TF1…

Déjà coach emblématique de The Voice Kids, il est devenu le boss des auditions à l’aveugle chez les adultes.

Autant dire que 2019 est son année !


Qu’est-ce qui vous a décidé de rejoindre la version adulte du concours de talents de TF1 ?


Parce que je me suis régalé dans The Voice Kids.

Les enfants ont proposé des performances incroyables, j’étais donc curieux d’observer les adultes évoluer.


Quels sont vos rapports avec les autres coachs ? Aviez-vous déjà travaillé avec eux ?


Mika, on s’était déjà croisé…

Avec lui, j’ai bien rigolé. Julien Clerc, je le côtoie au concert des Enfoirés.

Tout le monde l’écoute quand il prend la parole.

Avec lui, on a parlé « flow », par exemple. C’est drôle !

Jenifer, elle est comme ma sœur : c’est mon repère dans l’émission.


Avez-vous adapté votre discours en vous adressant à des talents adultes ?


Bien sûr ! Impossible de faire le show comme je le fais dans The Voice Kids.

Avec les adultes, je suis plus posé et j’observe les autres coachs.

Avec la nouvelle règle des «K.O.», j’ai pu piquer quelques talents à mes camarades.

Émotions garanties !


Que pensez-vous de la tonalité générale des prestations ?


Il y a beaucoup de musique urbaine cette année.

Des gens qui n’en faisaient pas avant en font maintenant !

Et je me dis que le boulot que j’ai fait depuis plusieurs années a servi !

Certains ont choisi mon équipe sans forcément aimer ma musique.

Et certains chanteurs urbains ne m’ont pas forcément choisi !

Dans mon équipe, il n’y a pas que des rappeurs : il y a aussi des voix et des interprètes.


Quels conseils leur donnez-vous le plus souvent ?


Dans mon équipe, il n’y a pas un talent ressemble à l’autre.

C’est pour cela que je leur demande de rester eux-mêmes.


Phoenix, votre nouvel album, est sorti il y a quelques semaines. Pourquoi un tel titre ?


On connaît tous la mythologie. Il renaît de ses cendres.

Tout le monde renaît de ses cendres. Ce que tu as raté hier, tu peux le réussir demain. Il y a dix ans, j’étais au fond du trou… et je suis revenu.

Ce titre, c’est comme un message qui dirait « allez, on se lève ! ».


Quel a été le processus de son développement ?


Je travaille à la pression, à l’instinct. Dès la fi n de la tournée précédente, j’ai fixé la date de sa sortie… au 9 novembre. Et à partir de là, il n’y avait plus qu’à se mettre au boulot ! Et là, j’ai fait un album qui est de toutes les humeurs, comme l’est la vie.


Vous fêtez cette année vos vingt ans de carrière. C’est plutôt passé rapidement, non ?


J’ai toujours travaillé, toujours eu la tête dans le guidon à faire un album tous les deux ans, et à partir ensuite en tournée.

Après mon concert au stade Vélodrome à Marseille, j’ai eu un trou d’air.

Dans les tribunes, je voyais dans le public des gens que je connaissais, des amis d’enfance accompagnés de leurs enfants… majeurs !

C’est incroyable comme le temps passe !

Je commence à devenir un papy dans mon métier ! ■





He is just 40 years old and already twenty years behind him.

To his credit, a new album and a promotion on TF1 ...

Already the emblematic coach of The Voice Kids, he has become the boss of blind auditions for adults.

Suffice to say that 2019 is his year!


What made you decide to join the adult version of the TF1 Talent Contest?


Because I enjoyed myself in The Voice Kids.

The kids offered amazing performances, so I was curious to watch the adults evolve.


What are your relationships with other coaches? Have you ever worked with them?


Mika, we had already met ...

With him, I had a good laugh. Julien Clerc, I meet him at the concert of Enfoirés.

Everyone listens to it when he speaks.

With him, we talked about "flow", for example. It's funny !

Jenifer, she's like my sister: it's my landmark on the show.

Have you adapted your speech by addressing adult talents?

Of course ! I can not do the show like I do in The Voice Kids.

With adults, I am more posed and I observe the other coaches.

With the new rule "K.O.", I was able to pique some talents to my comrades.

Guaranteed emotions!


What do you think of the overall tone of the benefits?

There is a lot of urban music this year.

People who did not do it before do it now!

And I tell myself that the job I have done for several years has served!

Some have chosen my team without necessarily liking my music.

And some urban singers did not necessarily choose me!

In my team, there are not only rappers: there are also voices and performers.


What advice do you give them most often?

In my team, there is not one talent like the other.

That's why I ask them to stay themselves.


Phoenix, your new album, was released a few weeks ago. Why such a title?

We all know mythology. He is reborn from his ashes.

Everyone is reborn from the ashes. What you missed yesterday, you can succeed tomorrow. Ten years ago, I was at the bottom of the hole ... and I came back.

This title is like a message that says "go, we get up! ".


What was the process of its development?


I work on pressure, on instinct. From the end of the previous tour, I set the date of its release ... on November 9th. And from there, there was more to get to work! And here I made an album that is of all moods, as is life.


You are celebrating this year your twenty years of career. It's pretty fast, right?


I have always worked, always had the head on the handlebars to make an album every two years, and then go on tour.

After my concert at the Velodrome stadium in Marseille, I had a hole in the air.

In the stands, I saw in the audience people I knew, childhood friends accompanied by their children ... major!

It's amazing how time flies!

I'm starting to become a grandpa in my job! ■





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7 hours ago, endless_eight said:

Salut tout le monde! I'm back with more captions for everyone to enjoy :wink2:


I have finished the captions for the first episode of The Voice season 8, minus the contestant intros, and did the first few minutes of la suite. I'm planning on doing the whole season, but I can't promise how fast I'll get them done since I'm working alone this season. As always, let me know if you notice any mistakes!

01 - 01 - The Voice - Auditions à l'aveugle 1 (Saison 08) - MP4 - www.mikawebsite.com.srt

01 - 02 - The Voice, la suite - Auditions à l'aveugle 1 (Saison 08) - MP4 - www.mikawebsite.com.srt


:flowers2:Thanks a million @endless_eight

Your file links on the first post.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Mika fans are used to waiting.:cheerful_h4h:

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9 hours ago, endless_eight said:

Salut tout le monde! I'm back with more captions for everyone to enjoy :wink2:


I have finished the captions for the first episode of The Voice season 8, minus the contestant intros, and did the first few minutes of la suite. I'm planning on doing the whole season, but I can't promise how fast I'll get them done since I'm working alone this season. As always, let me know if you notice any mistakes!

01 - 01 - The Voice - Auditions à l'aveugle 1 (Saison 08) - MP4 - www.mikawebsite.com.srt

01 - 02 - The Voice, la suite - Auditions à l'aveugle 1 (Saison 08) - MP4 - www.mikawebsite.com.srt

Thank you so much for your work, we are really happy whenever we will get your subtitles.

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On 2/10/2019 at 1:58 PM, Kumazzz said:





Blind audition - 2






Blind audition - 2 La Suite







Blind audition - 3




Blind audition - 3 La Suite




Edited by Kumazzz
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Ah I loved the moment when CLEM was singing and Mika was sooo touched by his performance 💓 Yes......


All coaches were touched and Soprano sais: "People, remember this moment. This guy will make a huge career!"


Later he added something like: "One day I will say that I was a coach and I was sitting here when he started his career".


And he's in Mika's team!!!!!!!!!!!


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On 2/24/2019 at 12:13 PM, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Ah I loved the moment when CLEM was singing and Mika was sooo touched by his performance 💓 Yes......


All coaches were touched and Soprano sais: "People, remember this moment. This guy will make a huge career!"


Later he added something like: "One day I will say that I was a coach and I was sitting here when he started his career".


And he's in Mika's team!!!!!!!!!!!


On 2/24/2019 at 12:13 PM, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


He is my favorite . :groupwave:

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You can read my resume of the 3rd episode of The Voice on my Mika website Mikapopolsku.com 


Link for English



for Italian



But actually you can switch it into any language you want by choosing from the list :das:



Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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Here are the English subtitles for episode 2 of season 8 of The Voice! The file for La suite only has subtitles for the first few minutes, since they keep putting the last contestant of the evening there this year. Enjoy!

02 - 01 - The Voice - Auditions à l'aveugle 2 (Saison 08) - MP4 - www.mikawebsite.com.srt

02 - 02 - The Voice, la suite - Auditions à l'aveugle 2 (Saison 08) - MP4 - www.mikawebsite.com.srt

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13 hours ago, endless_eight said:

Here are the English subtitles for episode 2 of season 8 of The Voice! The file for La suite only has subtitles for the first few minutes, since they keep putting the last contestant of the evening there this year. Enjoy!


Thank you for your hard work! :flowers2:

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Resume of the 4th episode of The Voice are ready on my website Mikapopolsku.com

You can read it in different languages. 






In Polish



And some snapshots.







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Une rencontre suffit pour changer un destin... Rendez-vous samedi à 21h ✌

En exclusivité MYTF1 vous offre les premières minutes des cinquièmes auditions à l’aveugle de The Voice 8 du samedi 9 mars 2019. Une rencontre suffit pour changer une vie, un destin. Dans cette première séquence des auditions à l’aveugle 5, Mika, Jenifer, Soprano et Julien Clerc racontent leurs rencontres qui ont fait basculer leur destin. « La vie est une question de rencontres » pour Julien Clerc. Voir l’extrait du Replay des auditions à l’aveugle 5 - The Voice 8 du samedi 9 mars 2019





VK 2019.03.06 Une rencontre suffit pour changer un destin... RDV samedi à 21h



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