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Mika in [Suite Parentale] November 6, 2018 in France 4

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"Une caméra en duplex d’un lieu public permettra en outre à des personnes concernées de s’exprimer. Conclu par les enfants eux-mêmes, sur ce qu’ils retiennent de l’émission, les conseils apportés et sur la façon dont il se voient dans quelques années, Suite parentale bénéficiera aussi de la présence et des interventions en plateau du chanteur Mika. Lui-même harcelé au lycée par un professeur et engagé dans cette lutte, il illustre l’espoir d’un avenir qui peut être radieux".



"A duplex camera of a public place will also allow people to express themselves. Concluded by the children themselves, what they learn from the show, the advice they provide, and how they see each other in a few years, Parental Suite will also benefit from singer Mika's presence and interventions on stage. Himself harassed in high school by a teacher and engaged in this fight, he illustrates the hope of a future that can be radiant".

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1 hour ago, Amy hudsone said:

some articles say that he's gonna be present in the studio to talk, I thought first that it was just a registered interview

Thanks for sharing :hug:

I didn't know it would be live either especially after seing the teaser I thought it had been recorded ahead..

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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27 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


It would be great! Because if they show only a video we know already we could not learn more about he wanted to mention.

So I have to open wide my eyes tomorrow at the Paris airport :lol3: Last week I was coming to Paris - he was leaving to Italy. This time I am coming back home :blush-anim-cl: Maybe he will be flying to Paris?

And I will watch the program in the evening.

Good luck Anna :crossed:

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Le Parisien

  • Mardi 6 Novembre 2018

Briser le tabou du harcèlement scolaire


« SUITE PARENTALE. MON ENFANT EST-IL HARCELÉ ? », magazine en direct présenté par Agathe Lecaron et Benjamin Muller (photo). 1 h 30.


« Comme beaucoup de personnes, j’ai été victime de harcèlement scolaire. Ils m’appelaient le Libanais, le pédé […]. J’aimerais dire que je ne garde pas de cicatrices de cette période, mais ça serait mentir. Bien sûr que j’en ai. » Pour la première de « Suite parentale », présenté par Agathe Lecaron et Benjamin Muller, France 4 a recueilli le témoignage poignant de Mika, chanteur et coach de « The Voice ». Lancée à l’occasion de la Journée nationale de lutte contre le harcèlement scolaire, cette nouvelle émission dérivée de « la Maison des maternelles », sur France 5, donnera également la parole à de jeunes victimes et des parents qui sont ou ont été confrontés à de telles situations, accompagnés d’un juge des enfants et d’une psychopraticienne en plateau. De quoi donner des clés aux téléspectateurs pour agir.


:uk:Google translator


Break the taboo of school bullying

"PARENTAL SUITE. IS MY CHILD HARASSED? ", Live magazine presented by Agathe Lecaron and Benjamin Muller (photo). 1:30.

"Like many people, I was a victim of bullying. They called me the Lebanese, the fag [...]. I would like to say that I do not keep scars of this period, but that would be lying. Of course I have some. For the premiere of "Suite Parale", presented by Agathe Lecaron and Benjamin Muller, France 4 has collected the poignant testimony of Mika, singer and coach of "The Voice". Launched on the occasion of the National Day Against School Harassment, this new program derived from "La Maison des maternelle" on France 5, will also give voice to young victims and parents who are or have been confronted with such situations, accompanied by a juvenile judge and a psychotherapist in the classroom. What give keys to viewers to act.







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6 hours ago, Gabry74 said:

Thank you very much Gabry :flowers2::hug:

There are also aps for France television for android and I think they will work too for live and replay for a few days but I don't know if they work outside of France :dunno:


Edited by crazyaboutmika
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1 hour ago, crazyaboutmika said:

Thank you very much Gabry :flowers2::hug:

There are also aps for France television for android and I think they will work too for live and replay for a few days but I don't know if they work outside of France :dunno:


You're welcome Anne! :hug:

FirstOneTV and Stream4Free work very well in Italy.  

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VIDEO. "J’ai arrêté de parler, d’étudier" : le chanteur Mika raconte comment il a été harcelé à l'école

Le chanteur s'est confié dans le magazine "Suite Parentale" qui consacre un numéro au harcèlement scolaire, mardi 6 novembre, sur France 4.


"Je cachais la réalité de ce que qui se passait, ce qui veut dire que je me retrouvais seul à l'école, seul en rentrant de l'école, seul à la maison." A l'occasion de la journée nationale de lutte contre le harcèlement scolaire, mardi 6 novembre, le magazine "Suite Parentale", à 21 heures sur France 4, a recueilli le témoignage du chanteur Mika. Il raconte avoir été harcelé par son enseignante alors qu'il n'avait que 8 ans et qu'il venait d'arriver à Londres avec sa famille. "Elle avait décidé que c’était moi, que c’était moi qu’elle allait harceler, affirme-t-il. J’étais mis sur une chaise, où je devais attendre pendant une heure, deux heures, sans bouger. Je demandais à aller aux toilettes, je n’avais pas le droit. Et je faisais pipi sur ma chaise."


"Je n’écrivais plus, je lisais très mal"

Le cauchemar a repris quelques années plus tard lorsque des élèves du lycée Charles-de-Gaulle, à Londres, l'ont brimé. "Ils m’appelaient le Libanais, le pédé", détaille-t-il, précisant être la cible de jets d'objets : "Des canettes, des cailloux que je recevais dans la tête." Pour se protéger, il tentait de limiter les interactions avec ses camarades : "J’arrivais toujours cinq minutes en retard pour tous les cours et c’était pas parce que j’étais désorganisé, c’est parce que je me cachais", détaille-t-il.


Il a alors développé des troubles de l'apprentissage "très sévères, très sérieux" et un sentiment de honte : "Je n’écrivais plus, je lisais très mal. Et j’avais honte de le dire à ma famille, à mes parents, parce que c’est comme si je n’étais pas assez normal."


:uk:Google translator


VIDEO. "I stopped talking, studying": singer Mika tells how he was harassed at school
The singer has confided in the magazine "Suite Parentale" which devotes a number to bullying school, Tuesday, November 6, on France 4.

"I hid the reality of what was going on, which meant I was alone in school, alone when I came home from school, alone at home." On the occasion of the national day against bullying school, Tuesday, November 6, the magazine "Suite Parentale", at 21 hours on France 4, collected the testimony of the singer Mika. He says he was harassed by his teacher when he was only 8 years old and had just arrived in London with his family. "She had decided that it was me, that it was me she was going to harass," he says, "I was put in a chair, where I had to wait for an hour, two hours, without moving. I was going to the bathroom, I was not allowed, and I pee in my chair. "

"I did not write anymore, I read very badly"

The nightmare resumed a few years later when students at Lycee Charles-de-Gaulle, in London, were harmed. "They called me the Lebanese, the fagot," he explains, pointing out that he is the target of throwing objects: "Cans, pebbles I received in my head." To protect himself, he tried to limit interactions with his classmates: "I always arrived five minutes late for all classes and it was not because I was disorganized, it's because I was hiding," details -t it.

He then developed learning disabilities "very severe, very serious" and a sense of shame: "I did not write, I read very badly, and I was ashamed to tell my family, my parents because it's like I'm not normal enough. "


VIDEO file ( ts ) 18.9MB

harcelement scolaire mika temoigne.ts




Edited by Kumazzz
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The Summary of WEB articles about "Suite parentale"


mcetv.fr&client=NEWS_360&size=96&type=FAMCE Ma Chaine Etudiante

Ce mardi, France 4 diffusera une témoignage poignant de Mika. Le chanteur a tenu à revenir sur le harcelèment dont il a été victime à l'école...

www.bienpublic.com&client=NEWS_360&size=Bien Public

Mika se confie sur le harcèlement scolaire dont il a été victime

"Je suis Mika, et comme beaucoup de personnes, j'ai été victime de harcèlement scolaire." Le chanteur britannico-libanais s'est confié dans l'émission "Suite ...


Mika raconte son expérience difficile du harcèlement scolaire

Les célébrités ont chacune leur histoire personnelle, parfois très douloureuse. Le chanteur aujourd'hui mondialement Mika a été harcelé dans son enfance et ...


Mika, victime de harcèlement scolaire, raconte de difficiles souvenirs

Dans un extrait de l'émission Suite parentale, le chanteur revient sur ses jeunes années, durant lesquelles il était moqué par ses camarades de classe.

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Premier invité de « Suite parentale », le magazine que France 4 lance le 6 novembre, le chanteur Mika revient sur ses douloureuses années de maltraitance ...


Mika victime de harcèlement scolaire, ses douloureuses confidences sur son enfance

Le mardi 6 novembre, Mika sera l'invité d'Agathe Lecaron et de Benjamin Muller dans l'émission Suite parentale sur France 4. Pour l'occasion, le chanteur est ...

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Harcèlement, agressions... Les douloureuses confidences de Mika

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La surprenante confession de Mika sur son enfance – Potins.net  

La surprenante confession de Mika sur son enfance

C'est un moment très intime que Mika a livré à des journalistes de France 4 sur son expérience dans le monde scolaire.


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TEMOIGNAGE « J'aimerais bien dire que je n'ai pas de cicatrice de cette époque de ma vie, mais ce serait un mensonge », a révélé le chanteur dans un extrait ...

"Je recevais des cailloux dans la tête" : Mika se confie sur le harcèlement scolaire  

Mika se confie sur le harcèlement scolare dont il a été victime

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La “Maison des maternelles” fait des petits : dans “Suite parentale”, le magazine que France 4 lance le 6 novembre, Agathe Lecaron et Benjamin Muller vont ...

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23 minutes ago, Dominika said:

That was it? Are you kidding me? They just did loud promo of the program based on Mika :emot-sad:

It is to give courage to harassed children that we can get out of it later.
Above all, avoid thinking of suicide as a desirable way out.

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37 minutes ago, Dominika said:

That was it? Are you kidding me? They just did loud promo of the program based on Mika :emot-sad:


At the begining I was watching the program just to see Mika. But at certain moment I was so deep in the stories told by these 3 young girls that I had wet eyes....

Actually two of them are heroes: one has written a book about bullying - and she sued the bullies - she found the force to stop being the victim.

Another one has created an association helping children and their parents to fight with violence at schools.

They found their inner force to fight. And here Mika is a great supporter. He does not need to play a star on TV.

We can be disapointed because he did not come to the studio.

But maybe it was his choice? The girls did a great job! And this is the most important message of this program - we need to help each others.



Anyway the next programs on France 4 still talk about the bullying..... It's not the end of story. The Day Against Bullying is the 8th of November.

Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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3 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


At the begining I was watching the program just to see Mika. But at certain moment I was so deep in the stories told by these 3 young girls that I had wet eyes....

Actually two of them are heroes: one has written a book about bullying - and she sued the bullies - she found the force to stop being the victim.

Another one has created an association helping children and their parents to fight with violence at schools.

They found their inner force to fight. And here Mika is a great supporter. He does not need to play a star on TV.


I feel endless respect and support for those who went through such terrible times and their strength. Talking about it is necessary, this program was. 

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11 hours ago, Meggy said:


A part of Mika speaking.




⚠️ Don't tweet / post this link in public please, thak you.



MP4 ( 50.4MB )


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Thank you all so much for sharing this special MIKA part of the program!!:flowers2:Even we know a lot already, it's painful to get more cruel details about his time at school in London :tears:  No child should need to have such a devastating time in life!! :shocked: He's still affected, with wet eyes,  by telling this sad story. I feel so sorry for him :tears:  Thank you, strong and wonderful MIKA, for standing up for this important cause - I will forever be immensely  proud to be your fan!! :wub: 


Love, love


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19 hours ago, Loo said:

It is to give courage to harassed children that we can get out of it later.
Above all, avoid thinking of suicide as a desirable way out.


19 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


At the begining I was watching the program just to see Mika. But at certain moment I was so deep in the stories told by these 3 young girls that I had wet eyes....

Actually two of them are heroes: one has written a book about bullying - and she sued the bullies - she found the force to stop being the victim.

Another one has created an association helping children and their parents to fight with violence at schools.

They found their inner force to fight. And here Mika is a great supporter. He does not need to play a star on TV.

We can be disapointed because he did not come to the studio.

But maybe it was his choice? The girls did a great job! And this is the most important message of this program - we need to help each others.



Anyway the next programs on France 4 still talk about the bullying..... It's not the end of story. The Day Against Bullying is the 8th of November.


I didn't mean to undermine the importance of this topic. In the contrary, it is VERY important to talk about it out loud and I'm proud that Mika is supportig such things. What I ment by my comment was that part of the Mika's statement was already spread on the Internet and the rest was just 3 minutes long. I was dissapointed because I was waiting whole day to see and hear Mika even though I don't undrstand French. It was frustrating to wait for something short and something I already saw. I just thought that this interview will have another form and takes longer, that's all. 

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3 hours ago, Dominika said:



I didn't mean to undermine the importance of this topic. In the contrary, it is VERY important to talk about it out loud and I'm proud that Mika is supportig such things. What I ment by my comment was that part of the Mika's statement was already spread on the Internet and the rest was just 3 minutes long. I was dissapointed because I was waiting whole day to see and hear Mika even though I don't undrstand French. It was frustrating to wait for something short and something I already saw. I just thought that this interview will have another form and takes longer, that's all. 


I think, Dominika, that, as you do not speak French, for you it was just a opportunity to watch Mika. And you could feel in some way disapointed. 

But actually it was not an "usual" Mika's performance or interview. More people have seen the program the better. 

I do not have contact with school children anymore but even in Poland I can see how young people act in the streets, when they are in groups ect.


This program showed me a bigger picture. It was so hard to listen the stories told by the girls and the parents.... My perspective completely changed while watching.

Even if I new the problem from the past because my brother was bullied at school and outside the school. I was the person to defend him. And I never asked adults for help. I wanted to manage it by myself - as a sister to my brother.... I always stand for weaker, smaller, agressed. And I will stand with Mika for this. We have to speak up!

Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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3 hours ago, Dominika said:

I didn't mean to undermine the importance of this topic. In the contrary, it is VERY important to talk about it out loud and I'm proud that Mika is supportig such things. What I ment by my comment was that part of the Mika's statement was already spread on the Internet and the rest was just 3 minutes long. I was dissapointed because I was waiting whole day to see and hear Mika even though I don't undrstand French. It was frustrating to wait for something short and something I already saw. I just thought that this interview will have another form and takes longer, that's all. 

I understood well your disappointment Dominika, and it is true that from Mika's point of view we have not learned anything new. But like Anna, I saw this kind of thing happen to my family and I was a shield, so I think having Mika on the show allowed more people to see this program and maybe change people's minds.

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