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Vanity Fair Italia N.6




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Torna MANLIO CASTAGNA con la trilogia fantasy piena di creature paurose che ha per protagonista la piccola Frida (come sua figlia)


Nessun border collie che abbaia: la scomparsa di tutti i cagnolini del posto mette un gruppo di ragazzi sulle loro tracce. Lo racconta Manlio Castagna, 45 anni, regista e sceneggiatore salernitano, in Petrademone - La terra del non ritorno (Mondadori, pagg. 528, € 17), secondo capitolo della trilogia che Ivan Cotroneo sta adattando per la tv, a cui Marco D’Amore presta la voce nell’audiolibro e di cui anche Mika è fan.

La piccola Frida, dunque, si avventura ad Amalantrah, «la terra del non ritorno», proprio per salvare gli animali rapiti da forze sconosciute. Continua così un fantasy ipnotico dove I Goonies incontrano Tolkien, popolato da creature che ci si aspetterebbe di trovare tra gli Animali fantastici di J.K. Rowling.


Non risparmia ai bambini temi forti come la perdita. Perché?

«Non puoi conquistare la maturità se non attraverso esperienze dolorose. Trovo bello soffrire con i personaggi, l’happy ending mi annoia. I finali migliori sono quelli in cui, pur perdendo molto, si raggiunge l’obiettivo».


La protagonista ha il nome di sua figlia.

«È vero, ma sulla carta non le faccio sconti anche se, nelle situazioni di pericolo, provo un’infinita tenerezza. Mia figlia di tre anni e mezzo, peraltro, sa di avere un alter ego letterario e mi chiede di parlargliene perché, da fan di Tim Burton, ama le storie dark».


La scrittrice di Harry Potter ogni anno chiede scusa per uno dei protagonisti che ha ucciso. Lei lo farebbe mai?

«No, anzi mi pento di non averne uccisi altri, o di non averli fatti fuori tutti».


Come in Divergent, la trilogia di Veronica Roth, nella sua storia c’è un faccia a faccia con la paura. La sua qual è?

«Il mio unico tatuaggio è la K di Kafka, uno che diceva: “Io sono le mie paure”. Ho tante piccole fobie, ma la maggiore è perdere chi amo. Infatti la creatura che preferisco dei miei libri è il Magro Notturno, che rapisce cani e bambini e incarna quanto ci terrorizza di più. Lo metterei in giardino, a tenere alla larga gli idioti».




Beware of dogs

Back MANLIO CASTAGNA with the fantasy trilogy full of scary creatures that has as its protagonist the little Frida (as her daughter)


No border collie barking: the disappearance of all the dogs of the place puts a group of guys on their trail. This is reported by Manlio Castagna, 45, director and screenwriter from Salerno, in Petrademone - The Land of No Return (Mondadori, pages 528, € 17), second chapter of the trilogy that Ivan Cotroneo is adapting for TV, to which Marco D ' Love lends the voice in the audiobook and of which also Mika is fan.

Little Frida, therefore, ventures to Amalantrah, "the land of no return", just to save the animals abducted by unknown forces. This continues a hypnotic fantasy where the Goonies meet Tolkien, populated by creatures that one would expect to find among the fantastic animals of J.K. Rowling.


It does not spare children strong themes such as loss. Why?

"You can not conquer maturity except through painful experiences. I find it nice to suffer with the characters, the happy ending bores me. The best finals are those in which, even if we lose a lot, we reach the goal ».


The protagonist has the name of her daughter.

"It's true, but I do not give you discounts on paper, even if, in situations of danger, I feel endless tenderness. My three-and-a-half-year-old daughter, however, knows she has a literary alter ego and asks me to tell her about it because, as a Tim Burton fan, she loves dark stories. "


The Harry Potter writer apologizes annually for one of the protagonists she killed. Would you ever do it?

"No, on the contrary, I regret not having killed others, or not having made them all."


As in Divergent, the trilogy of Veronica Roth, in her story there is a face to face with fear. What is it?

"My only tattoo is the K of Kafka, one who said:" I am my fears ". I have so many little phobias, but the biggest is losing who I love. In fact, the favorite creature of my books is the Magno Nocturne, which kidnaps dogs and children and embodies what terrifies us the most. I'd put it in the garden, to keep the idiots away. "



In February 2018, Mika mentions "Petrademone".


Edited by Kumazzz
adding a pdf file
  • 2 months later...

Mika at the Milano Design Week 2019


Vanity Fair


Fuorisalone 2019 da Star


Mika da «House of Job»;

Stefano Seletti, Maurizio Cattelan e gli altri «devoti al design» alla guida della parata più pop della settimana; l'emozione di Ludovico Einaudi al pianoforte; Carlo Cracco e Saturnino tra le zip di Alex Chinneck. Ecco tutte le star della Design Week 2019




Studio Job

IG story




and more pics from INSTAGRAM










and story video from studiojobofficial


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Posted (edited)

:thumb_yello: ma quanto è bello mika coi suoi golfini

Edited by Paoletta
On 4/15/2019 at 7:00 AM, Kumazzz said:

Vanity Fair


Fuorisalone 2019 da Star


Mika da «House of Job»;

Stefano Seletti, Maurizio Cattelan e gli altri «devoti al design» alla guida della parata più pop della settimana; l'emozione di Ludovico Einaudi al pianoforte; Carlo Cracco e Saturnino tra le zip di Alex Chinneck. Ecco tutte le star della Design Week 2019




Studio Job

IG story







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  • 1 month later...






Mika announces the new single coming out in the next few days. It's called Ice Cream, the new unpublished song by the artist and will be released this Friday, May 31. Mika also shared a small audio preview of the song directly inside her official social spaces.

Ice Cream marks Mika's long-awaited return to music, even in Italy. Adopted by Italy among the editions of X Factor in which he took part as a judge and those of Tonsera Casa Mika, his program on Rai2, Mika will return to our country for the promotion of a single.

In addition to the appointment at the Music Awards, scheduled for June 4 and 5 at the Arena di Verona, Mika has already been confirmed among the guests of Radio Italia Live - The Concert scheduled in Palermo on June 29. Among the faces of the rich Italian cast, Mika is the only international super guest included in the line up and will present to the Sicilian public the new single Ice Cream (international super guest of the event in Milan is instead Sting, which will be in Piazza Duomo on Monday, May 27).

An imminent return of Mika was in the air, not only because in leaving the post of judge to X Factor had told that he wanted to devote himself to music. The announcement of his promotional activities, in fact, had suggested the release of a new single close to the summer period. The official confirmation arrived only in the last hours with the communication, by the same singer, of the trailer with the title of the piece and its release date.

From Friday, May 31 Ice Cream will be available in radio rotation and digital download and will anticipate the two events in Italy which Mika will take part in June.


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8 hours ago, mellody said:


They got the release date wrong, 31 June (which doesn't even exist) instead of 31 May. :doh:


Twofold error! :facepalm:

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Ear One


Mika - Ice Cream (Radio Date: 31-05-2019)

  • MIKA
  • Il grande ritorno dal 31 maggio

Mika torna con un nuovo singolo in uscita il 31 maggio in tutto il mondo: Ice Cream sarà disponibile dal 31 maggio in streaming, download e in rotazione radiofonica e anticiperà un nuovo album e un nuovo tour previsti per l’autunno prossimo.

Scritto da Mika con Dan Black e prodotto da Mark Crew e Dan Priddy con Dan Black, Ice Cream si preannuncia come la perfetta colonna sonora dell’estate 2019 e si ispira ai ricordi delle calde estati in vacanza in Costa Azzurra.

Un grande ritorno, quindi, per un eclettico artista protagonista di grandiosi show televisivi (Stasera CasaMika, X Factor Italia, The Voice of France) che ha deciso di riportare il focus totalmente alla musica proprio a dodici anni dal debutto stellare di Life In Cartoon Motion, lanciato dalla hit colossale Grace Kelly, ancora oggi cantata da tutti.



Mika is back with a new single coming out on May 31st around the world: Ice Cream will be available on May 31st in streaming, download and on radio and will anticipate a new album and a new tour planned for next autumn.

Written by Mika with Dan Black and produced by Mark Crew and Dan Priddy with Dan Black, Ice Cream promises to be the perfect soundtrack for the summer of 2019 and is inspired by the memories of the hot summers on holiday on the French Riviera.

A great return, therefore, for an eclectic artist who is the protagonist of great TV shows (Tonight CasaMika, X Factor Italia, The Voice of France) who has decided to bring the focus totally to music just twelve years after Life In Cartoon Motion's stellar debut , launched by the colossal hit Grace Kelly, still sung by everyone today.




  • Like 5
16 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

Ear One


Mika - Ice Cream (Radio Date: 31-05-2019)

  • MIKA
  • Il grande ritorno dal 31 maggio

Mika torna con un nuovo singolo in uscita il 31 maggio in tutto il mondo: Ice Cream sarà disponibile dal 31 maggio in streaming, download e in rotazione radiofonica e anticiperà un nuovo album e un nuovo tour previsti per l’autunno prossimo.

Scritto da Mika con Dan Black e prodotto da Mark Crew e Dan Priddy con Dan Black, Ice Cream si preannuncia come la perfetta colonna sonora dell’estate 2019 e si ispira ai ricordi delle calde estati in vacanza in Costa Azzurra.

Un grande ritorno, quindi, per un eclettico artista protagonista di grandiosi show televisivi (Stasera CasaMika, X Factor Italia, The Voice of France) che ha deciso di riportare il focus totalmente alla musica proprio a dodici anni dal debutto stellare di Life In Cartoon Motion, lanciato dalla hit colossale Grace Kelly, ancora oggi cantata da tutti.



Mika is back with a new single coming out on May 31st around the world: Ice Cream will be available on May 31st in streaming, download and on radio and will anticipate a new album and a new tour planned for next autumn.

Written by Mika with Dan Black and produced by Mark Crew and Dan Priddy with Dan Black, Ice Cream promises to be the perfect soundtrack for the summer of 2019 and is inspired by the memories of the hot summers on holiday on the French Riviera.

A great return, therefore, for an eclectic artist who is the protagonist of great TV shows (Tonight CasaMika, X Factor Italia, The Voice of France) who has decided to bring the focus totally to music just twelve years after Life In Cartoon Motion's stellar debut , launched by the colossal hit Grace Kelly, still sung by everyone today.





So is that the single cover?It looks somehow disturbing. :aah: But at least they managed to give the swimming pool teeth! :lmao:

  • Like 1
  • Haha 4
10 hours ago, mellody said:


So is that the single cover?It looks somehow disturbing. :aah: But at least they managed to give the swimming pool teeth! :lmao:

The most "disturbing" thing for me is to compare yourself to Michelangelo's David!  :roftl:



  • Haha 2

They talked about Ice Cream and also showed a short interview to Mika during TG1 news on RaiUno tonight, towards 8.30!!

30 minutes ago, pupaclaudia said:

They talked about Ice Cream and also showed a short interview to Mika during TG1 news on RaiUno tonight, towards 8.30!!



Is that true that Mika said that the album title is "My Name is Michael Holbrook"?

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:



Is that true that Mika said that the album title is "My Name is Michael Holbrook"?

I saw that information somewhere on instagram too

8 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:



Is that true that Mika said that the album title is "My Name is Michael Holbrook"?

Yes! 😁

Posted (edited)

Rai2 : TG2 20:30 del giorno 01/06/2019




A part of Mika appears.


MP4 ( 1:27 / 22.6MB)

Edited by Kumazzz
adding VK link
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Posted (edited)




Tuttifrutti tra arte e musica: le opere di Fontana e Leonardo; le note di Lang Lang, Sting e Mika Tanta arte e musica nella nuova puntata di Tuttifrutti: Lucio Fontana alla Galleria Borghese e la Madonna Benois di Leonardo esposta a Fabriano dopo un lungo viaggio dalla Russia. E poi un tris eccezionale di artisti: Lang Lang, Sting e Mika.


a part of Mika interview


Hope @Subtitling Team will work to add subs, thank you.
Edited by Kumazzz
adding a video file
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