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Sanremo - Song and Lyrics Discussion

Irem Aytepe

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I translated the lyrics in French:


La peau légèrement brune
Des lèvres comme le campari
Et des mots comme une boisson pétillante
Je peux venir te voir?
Laisse moi juste entrer
Je veux aller où
Les nuits sont aveuglantes
Le soleil continue de briller

Si je pouvais je sais où  je serais
Dans une petite ville en Italie
Ferme les yeux,  évade toi avec moi
Demain nous serons

Assis au bord de la mer
A boire le soleil
Tu es là alors pourquoi ne pas aller
Danser à Sanremo
On peut y être en quelques heures
A l'endroit où il y a les fleurs jaunes
Un endroit que nous sommes les seuls à connaître
Le coucher de soleil à Sanremo

Se sentir comme ça
N'arrive qu'une fois sur un million
Un moment suspendu
Est-ce qu'on peut le sceller
Avec un tendre baiser
Sorti d'un film
Fait par Fellini
Amour que tu aie besoin de moi

Là bas tu brilles comme une étoile
Peut importe qui tu es
Tiens ma main et on voyagera loin
Ferme les yeux,  nous serons

Assis au bord de la mer
A boire le soleil
Tu es là alors pourquoi ne pas aller
Danser à Sanremo
On peut y être en quelques heures
A l'endroit où il y a les fleurs jaunes
Un endroit que nous sommes les seuls à connaître
Le coucher de soleil à Sanremo
(Le coucher de soleil à Sanremo)

Là bas tu peux briller comme une étoile
Il y a une place pour toi qui que tu sois
Je sais que tu en as assez de la pluie
Mais demain nous serons

Assis au bord de la mer
A boire le soleil
Tu es là alors pourquoi ne pas aller
Danser à Sanremo
On peut y être en quelques heures
A l'endroit où il y a les fleurs jaunes
Un endroit que nous sommes les seuls à connaître
Le coucher de soleil à Sanremo

Assis au bord de la mer
A boire le soleil
Tu es là alors pourquoi ne pas aller
Danser à Sanremo
On peut y être en quelques heures
A l'endroit où il y a les fleurs jaunes
Un endroit que nous sommes les seuls à connaître
Le coucher de soleil à Sanremo
(Le coucher de soleil à Sanremo)

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On ‎9‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 9:51 PM, Irem Aytepe said:


sweet song!!!! it make me fly on colours of Mika!!! Good now i wait for album i like  so much the sound and song and lyrics are Amazing!!! i think that next album is beautiful in Mika's style!! :thumb_yello:

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Popularni britanski pjevač snima spot u riječkom starom gradu, vidjet će ga deseci milijuna ljudi


Za lokaciju je odabrana ulica Pod Voltun u riječkom starom gradu, a doznali smo da su u njegovo stvaranje uključeni i neki riječki znalci filmske struke. Stvaranje spota zabilježilo je i naše „oko kamere“.


Rijeka – Popularni britanski pjevač MIKA snimao je danas spot u Rijeci. Punim imenom Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., ovaj glazbenik i tekstopisac vrhunac slave dosegnuo je sredinom ovog desetljeća, kada su se radijskim eterom vrtili hitovi „Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)“, „We Are Golden“,  „Love Today“ ili „Celebrate“ u kojem mu se pridružio još slavniji Pharell Williams, a osvojio je publiku vokalnim sposobnostima, vrckavim tekstovima i glazbenom podlogom koja je spajala retro zvuk šezdesetih s elementima elektronske glazbe.


Njegovi video-spotovi imaju desetke milijuna pregleda na platformi YouTube, pa je tako, primjerice, duet s Arianom Grande „Popular Song“ premašio 170 milijuna pogleda.

Trenutačno najavljuje peti studijski album „My Name Is Michael Holbrook“ koji bi trebao ugledati svjetlo dana početkom listopada, a kako je prije nekoliko dana objavio i novi singl „San Remo“ moguće je da je upravo za tu pjesmu spot snimao u Rijeci.


Za lokaciju je odabrana ulica Pod Voltun u riječkom starom gradu, a doznali smo da su u njegovo stvaranje uključeni i neki riječki znalci filmske struke. Stvaranje spota zabilježilo je i naše „oko kamere“.



:uk: Google translator



In the Eye of the Camera

A popular British singer is filming a video in Rijeka's old town, tens millions of people will see it


Pod Voltun Street in Rijeka's Old Town was selected as the location, and we learned that some of the film industry experts in Rijeka were involved in its creation. The creation of the video also captured our "around the camera".


Rijeka - Popular British singer MIKA filmed a video in Rijeka today. By the full name of Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., this musician and songwriter peaked in the middle of this decade when hits like "Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)," "We Are Golden," "Love Today," or "Celebrate" "Joined by the more celebrated Pharell Williams and captivated audiences with vocal skills, gritty lyrics and a backing track that combined the retro sound of the sixties with elements of electronic music.


His videos have tens of millions of views on the YouTube platform, for example, and the duet with Arian Grande's "Popular Song" has exceeded 170 million views.

He is currently announcing his fifth studio album, "My Name Is Michael Holbrook", which should see the light of day in early October, and as he released a new single "San Remo" a few days ago, it is possible that he was recording a video for the song in Rijeka.


Pod Voltun Street in Rijeka's Old Town was selected as the location, and we learned that some of the film industry experts in Rijeka were involved in its creation. The creation of the video also captured our "around the camera".















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Britanski pjevač MIKA u Rijeci snima spot za svoj novi singl

  • AUTOR: Luka Benčić
  • OBJAVLJENO: 08.09.2019. u 22:34

Nakon pilot-epizode Amazonove serije “Dark Tower” s postapokaliptičnom tematikom, Rijeka ponovo služi kao scenografija ofucanih uličica i zgrada, ovoga puta za potrebe jednog visokobudžetnog videospota.


U gradu na Rječini jučer su se, naime, na nekoliko lokacija snimali kadrovi za novi spot popularnog britanskog kantautora koji nastupa pod umjetničkim imenom MIKA. U redateljskoj stolici našla se, pak, britanska redateljska zvijezda specijalizirana za umjetničke glazbene videospotove koja se potpisuje kao W.I.Z


Kako smo doznali od lokacijske menadžerice Nine Majcan Šprajc, tri je dana producentski tim razgledavao potencijalne lokacije u Rijeci i dogovarao sve detalje prije nego što je pala prva klapa. Snimanje je počelo u subotu ujutro u zgradi Transadrije na riječkoj rivi, čiji je interijer “odglumio” stan, a snimalo se i na Senjskom pristaništu u riječkoj luci, potom u Starom gradu i na zaštićenoj rimskoj iskopini, Trgu Principij, te u Vodovodnoj ulici uz kanjon Rječine, gdje je kao interijer poslužio među riječkim hipsterima sve popularniji kafić Skradin.


U trenutku pisanja ovog teksta, još nije bilo poznato hoće li se uspjeti u naumu da se snima i u T-objektu bivšeg tvorničkog kompleksa Rikard Benčić u kojem je, za potrebe filma “Winnetou”, izgrađen te još uvijek tamo stoji zatvor. T-objekt će se, inače, u ponedjeljak početi rušiti te će na tom mjestu niknuti nova Gradska knjižnica, dio infrastrukture koja prati Europsku prijestolnicu kulture 2020.


Ekipa od 60 do 70 članova


S obzirom na to da se radi o vrlo skupoj i zahtjevnoj produkciji, snimanju ovog spota pristupilo se kao filmu, pa je u njegovoj realizaciji sudjelovalo 60 do 70 članova ekipe, a u jednom trenutku kamioni s opremom okupirali su Trg Grivica te je zatvorena uličica prema Principiju, što je probudilo veliku znatiželju prolaznika.


Producent Dominik Bunjevac, rođeni Siščanin s londonskom adresom iz londonske producentske kuće “Good morning, captain”, otkrio nam je da je Rijeka “upala” u priču kao zamjena za Havanu na Kubi, na kojoj je W.I.Z. radio već četiri svoja spota.


- Tražili su mediteransku luku i predložili smo im Rijeku, što su prihvatili - kazao je Bunjevac.


Otkrio nam je samo da je radnja spota smještena u 50-e godine prošlog stoljeća i da će biti crno-bijeli te da W.I.Z., kao i inače, sve snima filmskom kamerom, dakle na “old school” način, što iziskuje puno veću produkciju nego digitalna kamera.


Većina ekipe koja radi na spotu nije ni čula novu pjesmu MIKA-e niti joj zna naslov. Zna se samo da je riječ o drugom spotu za nadolazeći peti studijski album “My Name is Michael Holbrook”, čija je objava planirana za 4. listopada.


MIKA, pravim imenom Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., velika je zvijezda u Britaniji i svijetu s milijun i pol pratitelja na YouTubeu i nekoliko desetaka milijuna pregleda svakog videospota, pa nema sumnje da će i ovaj riječki dobiti ogromnu pažnju. MIKA je rođen 1983. u Beirutu, majka mu je Amerikanka libanonskih korijena, a otac američki Židov rođen u Izraelu. Kada je bio svega godinu dana star, njegova je obitelj, zbog rata, bila prisiljena napustiti Beirut te su preselili u Pariz. Već je sa svojim prvim singlom “Relax, Take It Easy” iz 2006. godine MIKA polučio veliku pažnju na britanskoj glazbenoj sceni i od tada njegova je karijera u konstantnom usponu. Teme i motivi seksualne ambivalencije, koji se pojavljuju u nekim od njegovih pjesama te imaju autobiografsko uporište, izazvali su svojevremeno u Velikoj Britaniji interes za njegov privatni život i seksualno opredjeljenje koje MIKA nikada nije pristajao “spuštati” na tabloidni nivo. U intervjuima se uvijek protivio etiketiranju.


Ikona LGBTQ pokreta


“Nikada nisam samog sebe etiketirao. Isto tako, nikada nisam ograničavao svoj život, nikada nisam ograničavao s kim ću spavati... Zovite me kako god hoćete, zovite me biseksualcem, ako vam treba izraz koji će me opisati”, rekao je 2009. u intervjuu za časopis Gay & Night.


Redatelj W.I.Z., rođen 1962. kao Andrew Whiston, specijalizirao se isključivo za spotove visokog umjetničkog koncepta. U njegovom su portfelju spotovi za svjetske glazbene zvijezde kao što su Massive Attack, Kasabian, Oasis, Marilyn Manson, Kings of Leon, Robbie Williams, Shakira, Suede, Manic Street Preachers, Smashing Pumpkins... Snimio je i koncertne filmove za Suede, Manic Street Preachers i Primal Scream, a mnogi od njegovih videa su društveno-politički angažirani. W.I.Z. je poznat po tome što drži do svojeg umjetničkog integriteta te odbija prihvaćati visokokomercijalne korporativne poslove poput snimanja reklama. Spot za pjesmu “Whatever Happened to My Rock’n’Roll” grupe Black Rebel Motorcycle Club je od strane časopisa NME proglašen najboljim MTV spotom 2002. godine.


:uk:Google translator



British singer MIKA in Rijeka is making a video for her new single


After a pilot episode of Amazon's post-apocalyptic, Dark Tower series, Rijeka again serves as a scenery for stripped down streets and buildings, this time for the purpose of a high-budget video.


In the city of Rječina yesterday, several locations were filmed for a new spot by a popular British singer-songwriter named MIKA. In the director's chair, however, is a British directorial star specializing in artistic music videos, signing as W.I.Z


As we learned from location manager Nina Majcan Šprajc, for three days the production team looked at potential locations in Rijeka and arranged all the details before the first flap fell. The shooting began on Saturday morning in the Transadria building on the Rijeka waterfront, whose interior had "acted out" the apartment, and it was also filmed at the port of Senj in the port of Rijeka, then in the Old Town and at the protected Roman excavation, Principij Square, and in Vodovodna Street along Rječina canyon, where the ever-popular Skradin café served as an interior among Rijeka's hipsters.


At the time of writing, it was not yet known whether it would succeed in filming in the T-building of the former factory complex, Rikard Benčić, where it was built for the purposes of the “Winnetou” film and is still being held there. Otherwise, the T-building will begin demolishing on Monday and the new City Library, part of the infrastructure accompanying the European Capital of Culture 2020, will emerge.


A team of 60 to 70 members


Considering that it is a very expensive and demanding production, the filming of this video was approached as a film, so 60 to 70 members of the crew participated in its realization, and at one point trucks with equipment occupied Grivica Square and the alley was closed according to Principia. , which aroused the great curiosity of passers-by.


Producer Dominik Bunjevac, a born Sishtanin with a London address from the London production company Good morning, captain, revealed that Rijeka "broke into" the story as a replacement for Havana in Cuba, where W.I.Z. worked on four of his videos.

- They were looking for a Mediterranean port and we suggested Rijeka to them, which they accepted - Bunjevac said.

He only revealed to us that the video was set in the 1950s and that it would be black and white and that WIZ, as usual, captures everything with a movie camera, so in an “old school” way, which requires much more production than digital camera.


Most of the crew working on the video have neither heard the new song by MIKA nor know its title. It is only known that this is the second video for the forthcoming fifth studio album "My Name is Michael Holbrook", which is scheduled for release on October 4.

MIKA, by the real name of Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., is a big star in the UK and the world with one and a half million followers on YouTube and tens of millions of views of each video, so there is no doubt that this river will receive enormous attention. MIKA was born in Beirut in 1983, his mother is American of Lebanese roots and his father is an American Jew born in Israel. When he was only a year old, his family was forced to leave Beirut because of the war and they moved to Paris. Already with his debut single "Relax, Take It Easy" from 2006, MIKA has received a lot of attention on the British music scene and since then his career has been on the rise. The themes and motives of sexual ambivalence, which appear in some of his poems and have an autobiographical foothold, sparked a UK interest in his private life and sexual commitment that MIKA never agreed to "lower" to the tabloid level. In interviews he always objected to labeling.


LGBTQ movement icon


"I have never labeled myself. Also, I never restricted my life, I never restricted who I slept with ... Call me whatever you want, call me bisexual, if you need an expression to describe me, "he said in an interview with Gay & Night in 2009 .


Directed by W.I.Z., born in 1962 as Andrew Whiston, he specializes exclusively in high artistic concept videos. His portfolio includes spots for world-class music stars such as Massive Attack, Kasabian, Oasis, Marilyn Manson, Kings of Leon, Robbie Williams, Shakira, Suede, Manic Street Preachers, Smashing Pumpkins ... He has also made concert films for Suede. Manic Street Preachers and Primal Scream, and many of his videos are socio-politically engaged. W.I.Z. is known for holding on to his artistic integrity and refusing to accept high-profile corporate jobs such as advertising. The video for the song "Whatever Happened to My Rock'n'Roll" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club was named the best MTV spot in 2002 by NME magazine.



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Popularni britanski pjevač Mika snima novi videospot na riječkim ulicama

  • Autor: Katarina Blažević
  • Objavljeno: 7. rujan 2019. u 22:12

Osim kod Principija, spot se danas snima i u konobi Skradin u Vodovodnoj ulici, na Senjskoj obali, kao i u kompleksu Rikard Benčić. Producenti ovoga spota podrijetlom su iz Hrvatske te su se u izboru između Havane i Rijeke ipak odlučili za hrvatsku obalu

Britanski pjevač libanonskog podrijetla koji nastupa pod imenom Mika u ovim trenucima snima svoj novi videospot na riječkim ulicama. Upravo kod Galerije Principij smo ga i mi uspjeli uhvatiti u ranim popodnevnim satima.


- Tražili su mediteransku luku za snimanje spota pa su prvo htjeli Havanu, ali mi smo predložili Rijeku jer smo supruga i ja iz Hrvatske, iako živimo u Londonu. Spot je baziran u pedesetima dok su umovi bili zatvoreni prema svemu što je danas normalno i prihvaćeno, rekao je producent Domagoj Bunjevac. 


Videospotom se nastoji širiti ljubav i tolerancija prema seksualnim manjinama, a obožavatelji popularnog pjevača u novoj pjesmi i spotu će moći uživati krajem rujna.

Nina Majcan Šprajc, inače ‘location manager’, zadovoljna je što Hrvatska, ali i Rijeka, rastu u smislu filmske i glazbene produkcije. 


- Rijeka postaje dio svjetske pozornice i trend snimanja sve više raste u Hrvatskoj, sve je više filmskih produkcija te se i u Rijeci možemo pohvaliti da stasamo u “film friendly lokaciju”, rekla je Nina Majcan Šprajc dodavši da je režiser ovoga spota već poznati Wiz koji je radio spotove i za Davida Bowiea. 



:uk: Google translator




Popular British singer Mika is recording a new video on the streets of Rijeka

  •     Author: Katarina Blažević
  •     Posted: September 7, 2019 at 10:12 pm

In addition to Principi, the video is being filmed today in the Skradin Tavern in Vodovodna Street, on the Senj coast, as well as in the Rikard Benčić complex. The producers of this video are originally from Croatia, so they chose the Croatian coast in the choice between Havana and Rijeka.

A British singer of Lebanese descent who performs under the name Mika is currently recording her new video on the streets of Rijeka. It was at the Principium Gallery that we, too, were able to catch him in the early afternoon.

- They were looking for a Mediterranean port to record the video, so they wanted Havana first, but we suggested Rijeka because my wife and I are from Croatia, even though we live in London. The video was based in the fifties while the minds were closed to whatever is normal and accepted today, said producer Domagoj Bunjevac.


The video strives to spread love and tolerance for sexual minorities, and fans of the popular singer will be able to enjoy the new song and video at the end of September.

Nina Majcan Šprajc, 'location manager', is pleased that Croatia, but also Rijeka, is growing in terms of film and music production.

- Rijeka is becoming part of the world stage and the trend of shooting is increasing in Croatia, there are more and more film productions, and in Rijeka we can boast of becoming a "movie friendly location", said Nina Majcan Šprajc, adding that the director of this video is already famous Wiz who has also done videos for David Bowie.



















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On 9/6/2019 at 11:54 PM, Kumazzz said:


I think it is.





Yes, also the part of Italian Riviera around Sanremo is called Riviera dei Fiori (Riviera of Flowers) and Sanremo is known as the city of flowers... 

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MIKA debuts a new song “Sanremo” today. Listen/share HERE. The track follows the release of “Ice Cream” and “Tiny Love” from MIKA’s highly anticipated new album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, out October 4. Pre-order the album HEREIdolator proclaims, “[MIKA is] making up for a long gap between projects…by gracing our ears with a couple bops ahead of the release date.”

In celebration of the forthcoming album, MIKA will make a long-awaited return to North America on his sold-out Tiny Love Tiny Tour with opening support from Kiesza on all U.S. and Canadian dates. The headline run kicks off with back-to-back shows at New York City’s Brooklyn Steel on September 12 and 13 with further dates in San FranciscoLos Angeles, and Montreal. Tickets are on sale now, see below for a complete itinerary.


For his first full length in five years, MIKA explores his American heritage on My Name Is Michael Holbrook. While his tumultuous childhood began in Lebanon before fleeing to Paris and then London, he focuses the album on the roots he traces back to his father’s Savannah, Georgia upbringing. The work also paints a loving picture of his relationship with his mother, the woman who trained him, made his wardrobe for years on the road and most importantly taught him never to follow and always to express himself fearlessly. After writing in home studios in Miami and Tuscany over the course of two years, MIKA went to Brussels to record with producers Marc Crew and Dan Priddy.


“I hadn’t put out a record in four years. I didn’t know what to do when it came time to start the process and was honestly kind of at a loss,” MIKA says. “I felt a little disappointed by the commercial side of the industry. I didn’t want to make a record by numbers or by committee. I wanted to make an uncontaminated, homemade pop record

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Sanremo is on the Radio 2 C list, so at least it will get a few plays



#Newto2 this week! 🎶🆕@lizzo 🆕@petshopboys ft. @yearsandyears 🆕@KeithUrban 🆕@Pink ft. @thegreatkhalid 🆕@mikasounds 🆕@OfficialOMD See the full playlist here: 👉bbc.in/32pd4U4

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On 9/8/2019 at 5:08 PM, silver said:

I know the lyrics say "Over there you shine like a star"   but I hear "Over there you'll shine like a star", which puts a slightly different interpretation on the line - or is it just me?


Late to reply, but yes, I think you're right. :)


Light brown skin
Lips like Campari
And words like soda
Can I come over?
Just let me in
I wanna go where
The nights are blinding
The sun keeps shining

If I could I know where I'd be
In a little town in Italy
Close your eyes, come away with me
Tomorrow we will be

Sitting by the seaside
Drinking up the sunshine
You're here so why don't we go
Dancing in Sanremo
We can be there in a couple of hours
To the place with the yellow flowers
Somewhere only we know
Sunset in Sanremo

To feel like this
Is one in a million
A suspended moment
Can we seal it
With a tender kiss
Out of a movie
Made by Fellini
Love that you need me

Over there you'll shine like a star
Doesn't even matter who you are
Hold my hand and we'll travel far
Close your eyes and we will be

Sitting by the seaside
Drinking up the sunshine
You're here so why don't we go
Dancing in Sanremo
We can be there in a couple of hours
To the place with the yellow flowers
Somewhere only we know
Sunset in Sanremo
(Sunset in Sanremo)

There you can shine like a star
There's a place for you whoever you are
I know you're tired of the rain
But tomorrow we'll be

Sitting by the seaside
Drinking up the sunshine
You're here so why don't we go
Dancing in Sanremo
We can be there in a couple of hours
To the place with the yellow flowers
Somewhere only we know
Sunset in Sanremo

Sitting by the seaside
Drinking up the sunshine
You're here so why don't we go
Dancing in Sanremo
We can be there in a couple of hours
To the place with the yellow flowers
Somewhere only we know
Sunset in Sanremo
(Sunset in Sanremo)

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, mellody said:


I wonder if we'll get the video on Friday? Did he say it anywhere?



It would be great. Somewhere I've read that the video should be released about the end of September, so maybe this Friday? Already in October.


The photos are outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :fangurl:

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1 hour ago, mellody said:


I wonder if we'll get the video on Friday? Did he say it anywhere?


I think so too, there's usually a new music video on the album release day to promote it... 


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Oooooh my god this video is so amazing!!!! And I feel like it gives a new meaning to the lyrics! I've read on a french website that it was about the oppression of homosexuals in italy, is it true or is it about oppression of homosexuals in general?

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17 minutes ago, BiaIchihara said:

Can someone transcript what's said on the intro and ending of the video???


Tonight we're putting homosexuality under a microscope, and the danger they represent to society. Our experts include a psychiatrist and a police official. But first, let's hear a homosexual, your name please.

Fredrico Aldorandi.

Your occupation?


Are you a homosexual?


Does your family know this?

It's been secret.

Are they likely to discover your homosexuality?

It's unavoidable, I'm certain my career will suffer.

Well, why speak now?

I can no longer hide it, and I hope I can give courage to others.


I'm told that outside is a demonstration by a group of homosexuals. The policy of this administration is that we do not knowingly hire homosexuals, and if we find homosexuals in our administration we terminate their employment without delay.

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