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2019 - Sept.15 @ Corona Theatre, Montreal :PICS / VIDS / REPORTS


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Le Journal de Montreal

16 September 2019



Retour prometteur pour Mika


MONTRÉAL | Mika prépare son retour. À quelques jours du lancement de son cinquième album original, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, qui paraîtra le 4 octobre, le coloré chanteur était de passage au Théâtre Corona, dimanche, pour le premier de deux concerts à Montréal. Un rendez-vous avec ses admirateurs qui laissait présager un retour éclatant pour l’idole pop.


N’ayant pas proposé de disque depuis 2015 – année à laquelle remontent la sortie de «No Place in Heaven» et son tube «Boum Boum Boum» –, il y a déjà un moment que Mika n’a pas cartonné aux palmarès.

Mais l’accueil que lui réservait une assistance bruyante et entichée de 985 âmes, dans un Corona qui affichait complet, dimanche, indiquait hors de tout doute que les projecteurs sont loin d’être éteints pour lui. Cris d’effusion, «On t’aime, Mika!» répétés, devant un artiste généreux, né pour briller, ont bien prouvé que l’engouement pour ce dernier est intact.


La foule l’a joyeusement accueilli au son du premier extrait de sa nouvelle collection, la pimpante – pourrait-il en être autrement avec Mika? – «Ice Cream». À n’en pas douter, la ritournelle deviendra probablement une bombe radio, comme nombre d’autres morceaux de son répertoire.




Le personnage n’a rien perdu de sa flamboyance ; son veston et son pantalon tout de rouge vif, sa collerette blanche et son énergie indéniable, qui a rapidement embrasé les lieux.


Il s’est ensuite adressé à la salle en français. «Ça fait quatre ans», a-t-il commencé.


Une sonorisation déficiente a fait en sorte qu’on a eu du mal à comprendre le reste de sa petite introduction. N’empêche, on l’a bien entendu lorsqu’il s’est autoproclamé jaloux, confession qui a introduit la toute fraîche «Dear Jealousy».


Au bout de deux chansons, sa veste avait fichu le camp; notre homme avait sans doute chaud, à s’égosiller de son timbre aigu si caractéristique en sautillant d’une extrémité à l’autre de son espace. Mika avait la mèche mouillée de sueur collée au front à la fin de «Relax (Take It Easy)», premier de ses grands succès qu’on pouvait espérer, lequel a ravi le public.


L’artiste était là pour promouvoir son nouveau matériel, mais il n’a pas négligé d’équilibrer son programme avec plusieurs de ses anciens titres à sensation. C’était réjouissant de voir les paires de bras haut levés, se balancer de gauche à droite, sur «Origin of Love».


Proche de son monde au propre comme au figuré, Michael Holbrook s’est offert un bain de foule en descendant au parterre pour interpréter «Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)» au milieu de ses fidèles. Il est ensuite remonté sur son trône pour la compléter, en bondissant toujours plus haut, toujours plus survolté.


Mika a plus tard pris place au piano pour un segment plus tranquille, alignant «Tiny Love», «Blue» et «Underwater», non sans avoir d’abord blagué qu’il «bouffe tellement» chaque fois qu’il vient à Montréal.


Après s’est amorcée une «Lollipop» dépouillée à laquelle le Corona tout entier a participé avec ferveur, puis est venue l’attendue et vitaminée «Elle me dit», qui aurait sûrement pu faire se déhancher tout le quartier Petite-Bourgogne, avant un quasi-recueillement sur la jolie «Happy Ending».


Mika se produira à nouveau au Corona lundi dans le cadre de sa tournée «Tiny Love Tiny Tour».


:uk: Google translator



Promising return for Mika

MONTREAL | Mika is preparing his return. A few days before the launch of his fifth original album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, which will be released on October 4, the colorful singer was at the Théâtre Corona on Sunday for the first of two concerts in Montreal. An appointment with his admirers that foreshadowed a brilliant comeback for the pop idol.


Having not proposed a record since 2015 - the year of the release of "No Place in Heaven" and his hit "Boum Boum Boum" -, there is already a time that Mika did not hit the charts.

But the welcome he received from a noisy audience of 985 infatuated souls, in a Corona which was full Sunday, indicated beyond doubt that the spotlight is far from being extinguished for him. Shouts of effusion, "We love you, Mika!" repeated, in front of a generous artist, born to shine, have proven that the craze for the latter is intact.

The crowd cheerfully welcomed him to the sound of the first extract of his new collection, the spruce - could it be otherwise with Mika? - "Ice Cream". Undoubtedly, the refrain will probably become a radio bomb, like many other pieces of his repertoire.


The character has lost nothing of his flamboyance; his bright red jacket and trousers, his white collar and his undeniable energy, which quickly ignited the scene.

He then addressed the room in French. "It's been four years," he began.


A poor sound system made it difficult to understand the rest of his short introduction. Nevertheless, we heard it when he proclaimed himself jealous, a confession that introduced the fresh "Dear Jealousy".


After two songs, his jacket had made camp; our man was no doubt warm, singing in his characteristic high pitch, hopping from one end to the other of his space. Mika had the wet wick of sweat stuck to his forehead at the end of "Relax (Take It Easy)", the first of his great successes that could have been hoped for, which delighted the audience.


The artist was there to promote his new material, but he did not neglect to balance his program with several of his former sensational titles. It was great to see the pairs of high arms, swinging from left to right, on "Origin of Love".

Close to his own world as well as figuratively, Michael Holbrook offered a walkabout in front of the stage to perform "Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)" in the midst of his followers. He then went back to his throne to complete it, bounding higher and higher.

Mika later took the piano for a quieter segment, lining up "Tiny Love", "Blue" and "Underwater", not without first joking that he "eats so much" every time he comes to Montreal .


Then began a "Lollipop" stripped to which the whole Corona fervently participated, then came the awaited and vitaminized "She tells me", which would surely have been able to move the entire district of Little Burgundy, before a quasi-meditation on the pretty "Happy Ending".


Mika will perform again at Corona on Monday as part of his"Tiny Love Tiny Tour" tour.




























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1 hour ago, NancylovesM said:

Please tell me someone has a video of mika dancing in the audience to Big Girl You Are Beautiful!!!. He was right beside me and I missed recording it 😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I have video and I'm sure several others do as well. I won't be getting my videos online until after I'm home tomorrow, though.

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1 hour ago, NancylovesM said:

Please tell me someone has a video of mika dancing in the audience to Big Girl You Are Beautiful!!!. He was right beside me and I missed recording it 😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Here’s the clips I got. I hope you can see yourself



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5 hours ago, mellody said:

Wow, they were really close! :shocked: And Mika going down in the crowd to sing Big Girl! :shocked:

Must've been an amazing gig, Deb says it was her fave so far:



Closer than I've ever been before, Karin. Mika sat right between Dee and me to sing Happy Ending. And he sat right between Grazia and me for a few other songs. I mean, when he would reach out his arms I had to lean back so he wouldn't hit me in the face. And I was resting my phone on the stage, but had to keep moving it so he wouldn't step on it! Yeah, we were close.


As I said, I was standing next to Grazia so many of my photos and videos are similar to hers. If I find any good ones that are different I'll post them as well.




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55 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

That’s mine!

i posted Grace Kelly just now 


it was the best show I saw! It went so fast! Le Corona is the best place for Mika, we are so close of him and I have to say that people are so respectfull, nobody try to jump on him or grab him when he was sitting on the stage his feet in the crowd or when he came down in the crowd for Big Girl.  It was magical! 

I saw him ont his private show last time for Sucré Salé and it was more amazing this time! Let’s hope he will come back before 4 years 🤞🏻



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I have Lollipop but the quality of the video is not that good (it was my friend who was filming at that time and she turn her cell upside down 🤦🏻‍♀️)

We did miss a little bit of the beginning but we had a lot of it and it was so good! 😍



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Here’s my rambling mess of a report, much of it typed while waiting for the gig on Monday:

Sunday morning I didn’t want to get lost after leaving the bus station so I got to the venue by about 6:30am but no one was there yet. I decided to go hunting for places with WiFi and happened upon a grocery store with loose enough barriers that I could access it while sitting in the parking lot. Back to the venue and still no one so I went wandering some more & I accidentally found a pharmacy where I bought a warmer shirt (who knew Montreal was so chilly in September?!) then Atwater Market where I bought a couple things but got scared off by people speaking French at me, then to the canal. I saw a duck and some graffiti that said DEEE so I took that as a sign that I was where I should be. After some photos it was back to the venue and still no one, so it was off to the Starbucks for a wake-me-up drink and some breakfast. Venue check? Still no one there. My phone needed a charge so I went to a library (cuz I def don’t get enough library time back at home!) when it opened at ten and read a book in English for about 45mins. Finally when I checked the venue I found some there! It was Naomi and we had a nice time waiting and soon more fans joined us for a pleasant day milling around and chatting and people watching.


Promptly at 7 the security let us in, doing a quick bag check, and it was so smooth and easy and opposite of Brooklyn Steel. I was very impressed! Naomi and I tried to sort of position ourselves on either side of where Mika’s mike stand would be so neither would have the problem of his microphone blocking his face from our view. There was literally 0 barrier between audience and stage. I was unusually relaxed and happy and excited and not sweaty during the wait for this gig. I even enjoyed Kiesza more (not that I disliked her before, but she’s no Mika). 

Oh yeah Mika... well… where should I even start? I’ve been front row before but never in the centerish of a stage, especially at one as low as as this one. This night I think he was extra extra compared to NYC, but maybe I felt that way cuz of where I was.


Random thoughts about the songs, in no particular order:

Ice Cream was fun, a good opener. 

FACT: Dear Jealousy is pretty much the most perfect song ever. 

Tiny Love was wonderful ofc, I love the style and tempo changes now even though when I first heard they weirded me out.

During Big Girl he sat down on the stage’s edge right between Naomi and I. I could’ve so easily touched him but purposely leaned away cuz I didn’t want him to think I was touching him on purpose.

I swear he looked at me during Relax, and we def made eye contact during Popular Song…… what’s he trying to tell me? xD Relax was great, it’s a song I don’t usually record or take pics during but I got Mika and Max’s little jump together (sorry Max is barely in frame). Popular Song is always fun to sing along with. I’m so glad he’s been doing the album version with all the lyrics.

Elle Me Dit was fun and even it’s the one he did that I can’t sing along with I was happy he played it. 

Underwater was gorgeous as usual. I especially liked the lights at the beginning, they were coming down in blue green rays and looked like he was indeed underwater. Usually I only take note of the lights when they’re blinding but this effect was quite striking!

During Love Today he was on the floor and did some “interesting” “dance” moves, then he stood up. I usually never film that song but he was so close & I knew I may never get the chance like that again so I filmed it. Let’s just say when I showed it to my friend she said, and I quote, “holy sh*t… He was practically in your lap 😂 😂 😂 jesus... he’s such a hoe!!! 😆… holy mother of f*ck”.

He didn’t do Tomorrow which I definitely missed hearing. No San Remo either :(

I wasn’t too sure about Blue when I first heard it, but after hearing it more & his explaining it I love the lyrics.

Origin of Love is definitely a favorite of mine live, even still. He brought up Max and Wouter (drummer’s name?) and Tim for Lollipop and had them on the ground. While Mika was invisible behind the piano I used the chance to get better pics of Max and Tim then I ever had before. 

We Are Golden has been great to see, I haven’t checked for sure but I think he had only performed it a couple of the gigs i was at before the tiny tour. 

Grace Kelly was insanely fun, took no pics or vids during that but I trust others did. He closed with the reprise of Tiny Love and Stay High. Oh I will Mika, you ensured I will for weeks to come!


Oh yeah, I was saving talking about Happy Ending for last.... so he started out sitting down on the stage’s edge beside me and I had to film it. Then he got up and sang as usual, then he started trying to get people to be quiet and I knew what was coming. I must’ve muttered ‘oh my god, no no no oh my god he’s gonna do it’ about ten times. He was literally standing right above me when he sang the ending a capella. I’ve seen him sing like this a few times live before, but this was different. I started crying a little bit because the moment was so special and I was overwhelmed. Mika or his songs had never ever made me cry before, maybe tear up a bit but that’s it, but this time I had to take my glasses off and hastily wipe off tears of happiness before he started the next song. Please keep in mind I’m not one to cry easily, like I’ve never cried over a movie and i didn’t even cry after my cat of 16 years died until like 2 years later, so you know this f*cking moved me. 


I took a bunch of pics of Mika with the band bowing at the end. It made me so happy to get a great group pic of my own for Mikapedia!

He had promo in the morning and many many people were waiting so he didn’t make an appearance afterward. I felt especially gutted since I’ve never been more prepared to say something sensible (at least in my mind) to him and to give him a gift I was really proud to have found and to maybe even ask for pic of us or a hug since it was my 13th Mika gig and I never asked for either. But oh well, it was not to be...

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47 minutes ago, Berenice Romero said:

Does someone know if he was selling merch in the venue? I've been asking around but someone told me they didn't see any stands but also saw people with merch, I know he's got some stuff on the official store online but I want to be prepared for when I see him in Mexico lol


They’d been selling tshirts, sweatshirts and tote bags but in NYC and Montreal they sold out of all but the tote bags. Seems like each venue gets a shipment, so hopefully folks in the upcoming cities can get something

Edited by kreacher
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4 hours ago, kreacher said:

Here’s my rambling mess of a report, much of it typed while waiting for the gig on Monday:

Sunday morning I didn’t want to get lost after leaving the bus station so I got to the venue by about 6:30am but no one was there yet. I decided to go hunting for places with WiFi and happened upon a grocery store with loose enough barriers that I could access it while sitting in the parking lot. Back to the venue and still no one so I went wandering some more & I accidentally found a pharmacy where I bought a warmer shirt (who knew Montreal was so chilly in September?!) then Atwater Market where I bought a couple things but got scared off by people speaking French at me, then to the canal. I saw a duck and some graffiti that said DEEE so I took that as a sign that I was where I should be. After some photos it was back to the venue and still no one, so it was off to the Starbucks for a wake-me-up drink and some breakfast. Venue check? Still no one there. My phone needed a charge so I went to a library (cuz I def don’t get enough library time back at home!) when it opened at ten and read a book in English for about 45mins. Finally when I checked the venue I found some there! It was Naomi and we had a nice time waiting and soon more fans joined us for a pleasant day milling around and chatting and people watching.

Promptly at 7 the security let us in, doing a quick bag check, and it was so smooth and easy and opposite of Brooklyn Steel. I was very impressed! Naomi and I tried to sort of position ourselves on either side of where Mika’s mike stand would be so neither would have the problem of his microphone blocking his face from our view. There was literally 0 barrier between audience and stage. I was unusually relaxed and happy and excited and not sweaty during the wait for this gig. I even enjoyed Kiesza more (not that I disliked her before, but she’s no Mika). 

Oh yeah Mika... well… where should I even start? I’ve been front row before but never in the centerish of a stage, especially at one as low as as this one. This night I think he was extra extra compared to NYC, but maybe I felt that way cuz of where I was.

Random thoughts about the songs, in no particular order:

Ice Cream was fun, a good opener. 

FACT: Dear Jealousy is pretty much the most perfect song ever. 

Tiny Love was wonderful ofc, I love the style and tempo changes now even though when I first heard they weirded me out.

During Big Girl he sat down on the stage’s edge right between Naomi and I. I could’ve so easily touched him but purposely leaned away cuz I didn’t want him to think I was touching him on purpose. 

I swear he looked at me during Relax, and we def made eye contact during Popular Song…… what’s he trying to tell me? xD Relax was great, it’s a song I don’t usually record or take pics during but I got Mika and Max’s little jump together (sorry Max is barely in frame). Popular Song is always fun to sing along with. I’m so glad he’s been doing the album version with all the lyrics.

Elle Me Dit was fun and even it’s the one he did that I can’t sing along with I was happy he played it. 

Underwater was gorgeous as usual. I especially liked the lights at the beginning, they were coming down in blue green rays and looked like he was indeed underwater. Usually I only take note of the lights when they’re blinding but this effect was quite striking!

During Love Today he was on the floor and did some “interesting” “dance” moves, then he stood up. I usually never film that song but he was so close & I knew I may never get the chance like that again so I filmed it. Let’s just say when I showed it to my friend she said, and I quote, “holy sh*t… He was practically in your lap 😂 😂 😂 jesus... he’s such a hoe!!! 😆… holy mother of f*ck”.

He didn’t do Tomorrow which I definitely missed hearing. No San Remo either :(

I wasn’t too sure about Blue when I first heard it, but after hearing it more & his explaining it I love the lyrics.

Origin of Love is definitely a favorite of mine live, even still. He brought up Max and Wouter (drummer’s name?) and Tim for Lollipop and had them on the ground. While Mika was invisible behind the piano I used the chance to get better pics of Max and Tim then I ever had before. 

We Are Golden has been great to see, I haven’t checked for sure but I think he had only performed it a couple of the gigs i was at before the tiny tour. 

Grace Kelly was insanely fun, took no pics or vids during that but I trust others did. He closed with the reprise of Tiny Love and Stay High. Oh I will Mika, you ensured I will for weeks to come!

Oh yeah, I was saving talking about Happy Ending for last.... so he started out sitting down on the stage’s edge beside me and I had to film it. Then he got up and sang as usual, then he started trying to get people to be quiet and I knew what was coming. I must’ve muttered ‘oh my god, no no no oh my god he’s gonna do it’ about ten times. He was literally standing right above me when he sang the ending a capella. I’ve seen him sing like this a few times live before, but this was different. I started crying a little bit because the moment was so special and I was overwhelmed. Mika or his songs had never ever made me cry before, maybe tear up a bit but that’s it, but this time I had to take my glasses off and hastily wipe off tears of happiness before he started the next song. Please keep in mind I’m not one to cry easily, like I’ve never cried over a movie and i didn’t even cry after my cat of 16 years died until like 2 years later, so you know this f*cking moved me. 

I took a bunch of pics of Mika with the band bowing at the end. It made me so happy to get a great group pic of my own for Mikapedia!

He had promo in the morning and many many people were waiting so he didn’t make an appearance afterward. I felt especially gutted since I’ve never been more prepared to say something sensible (at least in my mind) to him and to give him a gift I was really proud to have found and to maybe even ask for pic of us or a hug since it was my 13th Mika gig and I never asked for either. But oh well, it was not to be...

Wow! Thank you for that.  Felt like I just relived it.  Wonderfully written 🙂

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