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Mika on the cover of Vanity Fair Italy Magazine - September 2019 -


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15 minutes ago, giraffeandy said:

Today I was at a big bookshop in Prague where they also sell foreign books and press and they have the Italian Vanity Fair! They just had the previous number and it was expensive but I'll probably get there the one with Mika as soon as they get it anyway... :biggrin2: 


Did they say when they usually get it? I'll try at the big international press shop at Munich central station this weekend - they should have it, but also probably not on the day of the official release.

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5 minutes ago, mellody said:


Did they say when they usually get it? I'll try at the big international press shop at Munich central station this weekend - they should have it, but also probably not on the day of the official release.


I asked them and they didn't know for sure but I should try on Tuesday. Luckily I walk around many times a week so I'll just try next week... 

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La crisi creativa L’addio alla tivù Il peso dei legami famigliari «Col nuovo album ricomincio da me»




Vanity Editoriale



Volo così


Aeroporto di Malpensa. Sto aspettando il volo per New York, breve viaggio di lavoro. Una mano mi accarezza la spalla. Mi giro e c’è lui, Mika. Mi saluta, sta per partire sul mio stesso aereo. L’ultima volta ci siamo visti a Hydra, un’isola greca, durante le vacanze. Chiacchieriamo, gli mostro l’ultima versione della copertina che vedete in questo numero. Gli piace, è contento.

  Sul volo parliamo di progetti, di idee. Poi ognuno al suo posto. Michael Holbrook, questo il vero nome di Mika, ha 36 anni, ha detto addio alla televisione, è stato lontano dalla musica per quattro anni e ora torna con un nuovo album. Dopo 12 anni di successi, per lui è arrivata la crisi. Forte, intensa,disorientante.

Le note,sparite.L’ispirazione, andata. La motivazione, assente. Il futuro, assai nebuloso. Di chiaro, c’era solo una domanda: e adesso che faccio? New York, la sera dopo il volo. Paola Turci è l’ospite a sorpresa dello stilista Michael Kors al party dopo la sfilata.Il pubblico è per la maggior parte internazionale, un po’ distratto e piuttosto rumoroso. Paola sale sul palco ed è sola con la sua chitarra. Attacca con una cover di Mina, Ancora ancora ancora. Poi un’altra canzone. E infine, con uno dei suoi pezzi più famosi, Volo così.Il pubblico si zittisce all’improvviso anche se non capisce una sola parola d’italiano.


  Mi sembra di volare, anche se sono ancora qui / E mi riprendo i sogni le speranze le illusioni tutto quel che sai di me / E volo così, a braccia aperte tra le nuvole / Volo così nell’aria tersa senza limiti / Volo nell’anima di queste notti tenere / Volo così perché è così che devo vivere / Volo nel cuore di chi ha voglia di sbagliare / Volo nel sole perché ho voglia di bruciare / Volo così


   Manhattan, Feroce, un club/ristorante sopra le mille luci dei grattacieli. Dopo il concerto Paola balla come una bambina, in piedi sul divano, di fianco a me. È libera, come acqua che scivola tra le mani: allo stesso modo, accarezza ogni cosa come se un momento dopo volasse via, leggera, senza peso. Fragile e potente. Appena passata la mezzanotte, arriva una piccola torta con una candelina: la cantante oggi compie 55 anni. Chiude gli occhi, soffia sulla fiamma e poi torna a ballare e cantare a squarciagola.


   Questo numero di Vanity Fair parla del peso e della leggerezza delle crisi. Di quel momento difficile e importantissimo in cui uno dice: e adesso che faccio? Nell’intervista, Mika, anzi Michael, sostiene di aver ritrovato le ali dell’ispirazione in un cimitero. Nella notte di New York, Paola mostra come per lei le ali siano una costante, una piccola follia da portare sempre con sé, come un portafortuna che si nasconde in una tasca.


   E voi? Dove sono finite le vostre ali? Buona lettura

PS: continuate a scrivermi pensieri, consigli e riflessioni a smarchetti@condenast.it







MIKA Ho fatto pace con me stesso


36 anni, fotografato da Jasper Abels.

Completo gessato con fascia di satin, Dior. Grooming Anna Maria Negri@ W-MManagement using Womo/ Bullfrog.

Hair Geraldine Fougerat Gay using Ever Bio Cosmetics, Huile de graine de figue de barbarie.







La crisi è arrivata dopo 12 anni di successo internazionale. Così, prima di scrivere il suo nuovo album, la popstar si è chiesta: perché lo faccio? La risposta è in un cimitero, nella storia della sua famiglia e in un progetto della madre






LA QUINTA VOLTA Mika, 36 anni. Dopo 4 anni di silenzio discografico, il 4 ottobre torna con My Name Is Michael Holbrook, quinto album in studio della sua carriera, a 12 anni dall’esordio di Life in Cartoon Motion.




Mia madre accettava lavori per me anche se non ci pagavano viaggio e albergo: così finivamo a dormire in macchina


Due anni fa, al cimitero di Bonaventure a Savannah, in Georgia, nel Sud degli Stati Uniti, Mika ha avuto una rivelazione. Sulle tombe degli antenati c’era il suo cognome, Penniman, in alcuni casi anche i suoi due nomi di battesimo, Michael Holbrook, e così, in modo forse un poco macabro ma «divertente, alla Tim Burton», come dice lui, quelle lapidi gli hanno ricordato chi è e da dove viene, e gli hanno rivelato qualcosa della famiglia del padre, fino a quel momento quasi ignorata.In quel cimitero – bizzarro dono dell’ispirazione – sono nati i primi versi di Tiny Love, la canzone che apre il nuovo album,My Name Is Michael Holbrook, a quattro anni da No Place in Heaven: «Non sapevo da che parte cominciare, ero in piena crisi creativa, nel senso che non avevo niente da dire. Così, come sempre in queste situazioni, mi sono detto che dovevo buttarmi verso l’ignoto, e per me l’ignoto è la famiglia di mio padre.Vedere il mio nome su tutte quelle tombe mi ha esaltato, è stato bello conoscere quel pezzo della mia identità ancora inesplorato. Ho sentito il bisogno di difendere le mie radici e ho cominciato a scrivere:My Name is Michael Holbrook, I was born in 1983. Mi chiamo Michael Holbrook,sono nato nel 1983». Seduto a piedi nudi e a gambe incrociate su un divano, Mika parla in fretta, le cose da dire sono tante e ha già aspettato troppo. Ha appena compiuto 36 anni, gli ultimi 12 – dall’esordio fortunato e coloratissimo di Life in Cartoon Motion – li ha passati a fare senza sosta le cose necessarie a essere una popstar internazionale: dischi, concerti, collaborazioni. A quello si sono aggiunti i talent show – in Italia X Factor, in Francia The Voice – che gli hanno dato la popolarità di massa tipica della tv. Ora ha deciso di concentrarsi solo sulla musica e il cambiamento di prospettiva ha coinciso anche con la mutazione del look, passato da uno stile camp a quello meno decorato di oggi.


Perché ha messo il suo nome legale nel titolo dell’album?

«Volevo dimenticare la persona che ero stata negli ultimi anni pertornare a essere quelragazzo che stava di fronte alsuo pianoforte di merda bianco, nella casa di famiglia, a scrivere canzoni, quelle di Life in Cartoon Motion».


Vuole prendere le distanze da Mika?



Che cosa l’ha stancata di Mika?

«È una domanda che richiede una risposta complessa, per rispondere devo tornare alla mia storia familiare, la stessa da cui sono partito quattro anni fa quando sono andato in crisi. Usare il nome dell’anagrafe mi ha permesso di rivedere irapporti con la mia famiglia con uno sguardo diverso,più adulto e coraggioso».


Da dove si comincia?

«Da quando avevo sette anni. Mio padre, consulente finanziario, era stato preso in ostaggio in Kuwait nell’ambasciata americana. È tornato sette mesi dopo, completamente cambiato. Prima era papà, poi era Mike: non riuscivamo più a chiamarlo papà, quell’uomo magro con la barba, che aveva vissuto cose fortissime, noi figli non lo riconoscevamo più».


Oggi come lo chiama?

«“Pa”, è il modo che ho trovato, dopo averlo chiamato Mike per 15 anni. “Daddy” non riesco».


Dopo il ritorno di suo padre, che cos’è successo?

«Un tracollo economico, abbiamo perso la casa, con i creditori che venivano a pignorarci i mobili. Così ci siamo trasferiti a Londra dove abbiamo vissuto in un bed and breakfast per due anni. Dovevamo ricostruire la nostra vita da zero. È in quel momento che tutti i miei problemi esplodono, su tutti la dislessia, e poi l’insegnante violenta e l’espulsione da scuola».


E a quel punto comincia a cantare.

«Mia madre viene da me e mi dice: ok, adesso tu vai a lavorare; o sarai un fallimento totale o un grande successo;se fallisci, uno come te non può che finire in prigione». In prigione? Addirittura? «Non so perché lo diceva, oggi può sembrare una frase buffa, ma è stata l’ossessione della mia vita. Lo spauracchio del fallimento ha cominciato a perseguitarmi da quando ero bambino».


Ha sempre vissuto con la paura di fallire?



Poi cosa succede?

«Mia madre mi mette sotto con il canto: quattro ore di esercizio al giorno. Dopo cinque mesi di questo training sfiancante, già canto alla Royal Opera House di Londra. E così, cambia tutto: mi trattano bene, mi pagano, ho delle responsabilità. Un altro mondo rispetto all’incubo della scuola».


Studiare canto era un obbligo?

«Sì, detestavo la disciplina. Tutti i giorni mi allenava mia madre e due volte alla settimana arrivava questa insegnante russa appena atterrata da Mosca, che vestiva come una signora russa degli anni Venti, parlava a stento l’inglese e mi urlava addosso in russo. La mattina, prima delle lezioni, piangevo».


Sua madre voleva trovarle un lavoro come cantante o allevare una popstar?

«Non voleva la popstar, anche oggi odia quella parte del mio lavoro: per me voleva il successo, che per lei significa coltivare un talento creativo, trovare soddisfazione nell’espressione artistica, che è come un superpotere che nessuno può toglierti e che ti dà la vera libertà».


La parte più difficile qual è stata?

«La mia nuova vita di allenamento costante mi ha allontanato ancora di più da mio padre. Perché a quel punto ero diventato un progetto: il progetto di mia madre».





Che cosa comportava il «progetto Mika»?

«Mia madre accettava lavori in tutta Europa, anche quando non ci venivano pagati il viaggio e l’albergo. E così io, lei e le mie sorelle Jasmine e Paloma ci trovavamo a dormire nella nostra vecchiaToyota Previa,fuori dal teatro in cui avrei dovuto esibirmi.Il progetto Mika è stato uno sforzo collettivo, di tutta la famiglia».


Si è mai sentito sfruttato?

«No, perché sapevo che era quello il mio futuro. Mia mamma aveva riconosciuto il talento in me».


Tutta la famiglia puntava su di lei. Una responsabilità pesante?

«Sì, una pressione fortissima, che sento ancora oggi, ogni giorno della mia vita».


La fa stare male?

«A volte sì. Ma poi riconosco che avere una famiglia così complessa è una ricchezza incredibile. Questa è la vita, questo è l’amore. Non è una cosa che si sperimenta tra due persone in un albergo alle Maldive».


I suoi quattro fratelli come hanno vissuto il «progetto Mika»?

«In parte bene, in parte male. Non sono mai stati invidiosi, perché casa nostra è una specie di comune. Però mia sorella Paloma, per esempio, avrebbe sempre voluto fare l’attrice, ma non ha mai potuto farlo perché è nata con una semi paralisi alla parte sinistra del corpo. Per lei sono un punto d’orgoglio ma anche motivo di tristezza. La sua vita si è saldata con la mia, è la mia stylist.Mia sorella Jasmine, invece,fa tutte le mie grafiche».


Famiglia e carriera sono una cosa sola.

«Il problema è che quando diventi adulto, come fai a liberarti di tutta questa storia familiare per ritrovare la leggerezza necessaria a creare? Cominci a cantare e a scrivere canzoni da bambino, lo hai fatto per tutta la vita, poi a un certo punto ti chiedi: perché?».


Che risposta si è dato?

«Sono andato al cimitero di Savannah e ho visto la parte della mia vita che non aveva niente a che vedere con mia madre, con la mia carriera, con laToyota Previa. Una via d’uscita finalmente. In albergo mi sono messo a scrivere Tiny Love, poi è arrivata la telefonata che ha cambiato tutto».






«È mio padre che dice: devi venire qui a Dubai, tua mamma sta molto male, ha un problema al cuore, deve fare un intervento e rischia la vita. Come una punizione, nel momento in cui tentavo di emanciparmi da mia madre e dalla mia famiglia, quella telefonata mi ha riportato a casa».


Com’è andato l’intervento?

«Così così. Sono due anni che ha gravi complicazioni, fa avanti e indietro dall’ospedale, in Francia. Paloma e io ci occupiamo di lei».


Ha messo tutte queste esperienze nel nuovo album?

«Se la vita ti lancia una sfida del genere, mi sono detto, alza la temperatura, offri il tuo cuore, scrivi melodie. Non significa fare canzoni lacrimevoli, come se piangessi sul divano di un programma tv di merda della domenica pomeriggio. Queste nuove canzoni hanno colori forti e un messaggio intimo».


In Tiny Love Reprise cantano anche sua mamma e sua sorella Paloma.

«È un messaggio verso il futuro: facciamo pace con il passato, anche con la paura. Questa è la vita e noi abbiamo il nostro tiny love, il nostro amore piccolo piccolo».


In mezzo a questi scossoni ha smesso di fare tv.

«È stata una mia scelta».


Perché ha voluto prendere le distanze?

«Perché la tv non mi appartiene. La tv non è arte in sé, devi sempre pensare a quel che farai dopo, e soprattutto dopo un po’ non puoi essere più te stesso, reciti un personaggio, sei solo un meccanismo dello show».


È pentito?

«No. Sono anche contento di tante cose – per esempio, aver fatto certi discorsi politici in prime time alla Rai. Ma non rifarei più né X Factor né Stasera Casa Mika.Basta.Basta avere persone che ti dicono cosa puoi fare e cosa non puoi fare. Basta a quelli che ti dicono di sì, ma poi ti ostacolano togliendoti il budget».


La tv le ha fatto male?

«La tv può interferire con la musica, ma dipende poi da cosa fai dopo. La prova sono i biglietti dei concerti: le persone ti possono amare in tv, ma se poi non gli piace la tua musica non compra i biglietti».


Ma non ha mai avuto la sensazione di essere identificato più come personaggio televisivo che come musicista?

«A me è andata bene, ma il rischio c’è. Per questo ho deciso di concentrarmi solo sulla musica». In questo album si parla di sesso e sensualità, a partire dal singolo Ice Cream, una canzone piena di allusioni. «Il pop è stato desessualizzato, ma se alla musica togli il sesso che cosa resta? Penso a Prince, George Michael, Michael Hutchence, David Bowie. Perché non parlare di sesso, quando è sempre lì ed è molto divertente?».


Lei è fidanzato con Andreas da 12 anni. Crede alla monogamia?

«Ci credo perché sono un bastardo geloso. Ma è solo una scelta personale, non è una presa di posizione moralista».


Sei anni fa disse a Vanity Fair che volevate tanti figli. Non ne avete avuto neanche uno.

«Sarebbe un gesto egoista, oggi, avere un figlio, non potrei dedicarmici al massimo».


Come pensa di averli?

«Tutte le opzioni sono buone: adozione o madre surrogata. E lo dico subito:difendo la surrogazione ed è assurda l’idea che sia una pratica sporca abusata dagli omosessuali.Cisono tante coppie etero che fanno ricorso a questo metodo».


È un tema controverso, ci sono da considerare i legami biologici, per esempio.

«Conosco una coppia che ha avuto un figlio da una madre surrogata: è una donna felice di averli aiutati e fa parte della vita del bambino. Bisogna vedere caso per caso, non si può generalizzare. Di certo va combattuto il mercato che si




è creato in certi Paesi, dove i figli sono compravendite. Oggi, dicevo, non me la sento di diventare padre, vedo l’impegno che richiede Beau Regard, mio nipote di cinque anni, il figlio di Paloma».


A lei ha dedicato una canzone dell’album.

«È rimasta scioccata quando l’ha sentita, ma per me non è pornografia emotiva. È un modo per affrontare il trauma».


Non ne ha mai parlato.

«Ne parlo adesso. Nove anni fa, Paloma fumava alla finestra, ma siccome non ha molto equilibrio per via della semi paralisi, è caduta giù dal quarto piano, e cadendo è rimasta infilzata in una cancellata».


Lei era lì?

«Mi hanno chiamato, ero l’unico familiare a Londra. Entro nell’ambulanza, mi dicono: vada a salutare sua sorella, morirà, non c’è niente da fare. Mi avvicino, era una scena terribile. Le dico: ciao Paloma. E lei: puoi dire a questi stronzi di lasciarmi in pace, visto che devo alzarmi? Così guardo la dottoressa: mi scusi, ma questa non muore. E sono tornato nell’ambulanza, mentre cominciavano a segare il cancello, visto che non potevano semplicemente sfilarla,l’hanno portata via ancora con le aste che le trafiggevano il corpo».


Che cosa pensava mentre era lì con lei?

«Cose pratiche. Dovevo avvertire i miei familiari sparsi per il mondo.I nostri genitori erano in Bahrein, quando mio padre ha risposto – era il giorno del suo compleanno – pensava che fossi andato a trovarlo a sorpresa».


L’incidente ha legato di più lei e Paloma?

«No, al contrario: ci ha allontanati. Ma è normale, è una questione di sopravvivenza, bisogna mettere un po’ di distanza per attraversare l’esperienza e bisogna farlo da soli. Col tempo poi ci si riavvicina».


Ha cominciato questo album con una ricerca sulla sua identità. Ora che il disco esce, a che punto è del percorso?

«Ho iniziato con l’idea che il personaggio di Mika,la mia musica erano stati presi da me contro la mia volontà. Poi ho capito che non era vero, che non è stata tutta una costruzione di mia madre, l’ho voluto io. Ho fatto pace con gli ultimi 12 anni. Perché l’unico modo che conosco per vivere ed esprimermi è creare musica, scrivere, esibirmi. Senza questo non esisto»


Sono contento dei programmi che ho fatto, ma ho capito che la tv non mi appartiene, non voglio più essere un ingranaggio dello show


Tempo di lettura: 12 minuti


In questa pagina, da sinistra: completo tartan, VIVIENNE WESTWOOD. Camicia, COMEFORBREAKFAST. Sneakers, LANVIN. Camicia di seta, pantaloni e scarpe, tutto LOUIS VUITTON. Pagg. 58-59: abito gessato, DIOR. Stivali, HERMÈS. Pagg. 60-61 e 64: blazer e camicia, BERLUTI. Stivaletti, EMPORIO ARMANI. Pantaloni, vintage. Pag. 63: completo, JACQUEMUS. Pag. 66: Camicia di seta, pantaloni e scarpe, tutto LOUIS VUITTON.


Talent stylist Paloma Penniman. Ha collaborato Giada Zappa. Grooming Anna Maria Negri@W-MManagement usingWomo/Bullfrog. Hair Geraldine Fougerat Gay using Ever Bio Cosmetics, Huile de graine de figue de barbarie. Set Designer Charlotte Mello Teggia. Si ringrazia Pier Bragotto.



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1 hour ago, Kumazzz said:

Vanity Fair Italia N.38 – 25 Settembre 2019



JPG files of Mika


  Reveal hidden contents































PDF file ( 12 pages / 2.7MB ) Vanity Fair Italia N.38 – 25 Settembre 2019.pdf



Vanity Fair Italia N.38 – 25 Settembre 2019


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5 hours ago, crazyaboutmika said:

I will Eriko :thumb_yello:


Have you started yet, Anne? Google translate did quite a good job for me, I just can't get the text copied from my mobile but can do it later today from the PC. Then you wouldn't need to translate it all.

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On 9/17/2019 at 1:04 PM, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Mika is a perfect model ♥️♥️♥️♥️

 YES - that's what I've always thought - and said! :blush-anim-cl:  Must be great, and much fun,  to be behind the camera, with MIKA as model :wub: 


Love, love


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  • mari62 changed the title to Mika on the cover of Vanity Fair Italy Magazine - September 2019 -
5 hours ago, mellody said:


Have you started yet, Anne? Google translate did quite a good job for me, I just can't get the text copied from my mobile but can do it later today from the PC. Then you wouldn't need to translate it all.

I haven't yet so in that case it will save me time,  thank you Mellody :hug: I would simply edit it if I found mistakes.

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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The creative crisis

The farewell to the TV

The weight of family ties

«With the new album I start again from me»


Vanity Editorial


Flight like this

Malpensa airport. I'm waiting for my flight to New York, a short business trip. A hand caresses my shoulder. I turn around and he is there, Mika. He greets me, he's about to leave on my own plane. Last time we met in Hydra, a Greek island, during the holidays. Let's chat, I'll show you the latest version of the cover you see in this issue. He likes it, he is happy.

On the flight we talk about projects, ideas. Then everyone in his place. Michael Holbrook, this is Mika's real name, he is 36, he said goodbye to television, he was away from music for four years and now comes back with a new album. After 12 years of success, the crisis has arrived for him. Strong, intense, disorienting.

The notes, disappear. Inspiration, gone. The motivation is absent. The future, very nebulous. Clearly, there was only one question: what should I do now? New York, the evening after the flight. Paola Turci is the surprise guest of fashion designer Michael Kors at the party after the show. The public is mostly international, a little distracted and quite noisy. Paola takes the stage and is alone with her guitar. Attack with a cover of Mina, Still again. Then another song. And finally, with one of his most famous pieces, Volo thus. The public suddenly shuts up even if he doesn't understand a single word of Italian.

I seem to fly, even though I am still here / And I take my dreams back hopes the illusions all you know about me / And I fly like this, with open arms in the clouds / Flight in the clear air without limits / Flight in the soul of these tender nights / Volo so because that's how I have to live / Volo in the heart of those who want to make a mistake / Flight in the sun because I want to burn / Flight like this

Manhattan, Feroce, a club / restaurant above the thousand lights of skyscrapers. After the concert, Paola dances like a child, standing on the sofa next to me. It is free, like water that slides between the hands: in the same way, it caresses everything as if it flew away a moment later, light, weightless. Fragile and powerful. As soon as midnight passes, a small cake arrives with a candle: the singer turns 55 today. He closes his eyes, blows on the flame and then returns to dance and sing at the top of his lungs.

This issue of Vanity Fair talks about the weight and lightness of crises. Of that difficult and very important moment in which one says: and now what do I do? In the interview, Mika, indeed Michael, claims to have found the wings of inspiration in a cemetery. On New York night, Paola shows how for her wings are a constant, a little madness to always carry with her, like a lucky charm that hides in a pocket.

And you? Where did your wings go? Enjoy the reading

PS: keep writing to me thoughts, advice and thoughts at smarchetti@condenast.it


MIKA I made peace with myself

36 years old, photographed by Jasper Abels.

Dior pinstripe suit with satin band. Grooming Anna Maria Negri @ W-MManagement using Womo / Bullfrog.

Hair Geraldine Fougerat Gay using Ever Bio Cosmetics, Huile de graine de figue de barbarie.



The crisis came after 12 years of international success. So, before writing his new album, the pop star wondered: why do I do it? The answer is in a cemetery, in the history of his family and in a project of his mother





THE FIFTH TIME Mika, 36 years old. After 4 years of recording silence, October 4 returns with My Name Is Michael Holbrook, the fifth studio album of his career, 12 years after debut Life in Cartoon Motion.


My mother accepted jobs for me even though they didn't pay us for travel and hotel, so we ended up sleeping in the car


Two years ago, at Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, Georgia, in the southern United States, Mika had a revelation. On the graves of the ancestors there was his surname, Penniman, in some cases even his two first names, Michael Holbrook, and so, perhaps a little macabre but "funny, to Tim Burton", as he says, those tombstones reminded him of who he is and where he came from, and they revealed something about his father's family, until then almost ignored. In that cemetery - a bizarre gift of inspiration - the first verses of Tiny Love were born, the song that opens the new album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, four years after No Place in Heaven: «I didn't know where to start, I was in full creative crisis, in the sense that I had nothing to say. So, as always in these situations, I told myself that I had to throw myself into the unknown, and for me the unknown is my father's family. Seeing my name on all those graves has exalted me, it was nice to know that piece of my identity still unexplored. I felt the need to defend my roots and started writing: My Name is Michael Holbrook, I was born in 1983. My name is Michael Holbrook, I was born in 1983 ». Sitting barefoot and cross-legged on a sofa, Mika speaks quickly, there are many things to say and he has already waited too long. He has just turned 36, the last 12 - from the lucky and colorful debut of Life in Cartoon Motion - he has gone on to do the things necessary to be an international pop star: records, concerts, collaborations. To that were added the talent shows - in Italy X Factor, in France The Voice - that gave him the mass popularity typical of TV. Now he has decided to focus only on music and the change of perspective has also coincided with the change in the look, which has gone from a camp style to the less decorated style of today.


Why did you put your legal name in the album title?

"I wanted to forget the person I had been in the last few years to go back to being that boy who was in front of his white s**tty piano, in the family home, writing songs for Life in Cartoon Motion."


Do you want to distance yourself from Mika?



What made you tired of Mika?

"It's a question that requires a complex answer, to answer I have to go back to my family history, the same one I started four years ago when I went into crisis. Using the name of the registry office allowed me to review reports with my family with a different look, more adult and courageous ».


Where do you start?

"Since I was seven years old. My father, a financial advisor, had been taken hostage in Kuwait at the US embassy. He returned seven months later, completely changed. First it was Dad, then it was Mike: we could no longer call him Dad, that thin man with a beard, who had lived very strong things, we children didn't recognize him anymore ».


What do you call him today?

"" Pa "is the way I found it, after calling him Mike for 15 years. "Daddy" I can't ".


After his father's return, what happened?

"An economic collapse, we lost the house, with creditors coming to foreclose on the furniture. So we moved to London where we lived in a bed and breakfast for two years. We had to rebuild our lives from scratch. It is at that moment that all my problems explode, above all dyslexia, and then the violent teacher and expulsion from school ».


And then he starts singing.

«My mother comes to me and tells me: ok, now you go to work; "You will either be a total failure or a great success; if you fail, someone like you can only end up in prison." In prison? Even? "I don't know why she said it, today it may seem like a funny phrase, but it was the obsession of my life. The bugbear of failure has begun to haunt me since I was a child. "


Have you always lived with the fear of failure?



Then what happens?

"My mother puts me down with singing: four hours of exercise a day. After five months of this exhausting training, I am already singing at the Royal Opera House in London. And so, everything changes: they treat me well, they pay me, I have responsibilities. Another world compared to the school nightmare ".


Was studying singing an obligation?

«Yes, I detested the discipline. Every day my mother trained me and twice a week this Russian teacher arrived from Moscow, who dressed like a Russian lady of the Twenties, hardly spoke English and screamed at me in Russian. In the morning, before classes, I cried. "


Did his mother want to find him a job as a singer or raise a pop star?

"She didn't want the pop star, even today she hates that part of my job: for me she wanted success, which for her means cultivating a creative talent, finding satisfaction in artistic expression, which is like a super power that nobody can take away from you and that gives you true freedom ".


Which was the hardest part?

"My new life of constant training has pushed me further away from my father. Because at that point I had become a project: my mother's project ».


What did the "Mika project" involve?

"My mother accepted jobs all over Europe, even when the trip and hotel were not paid for. And so I, she and my sisters Jasmine and Paloma found ourselves sleeping in our old Toyota Previa, outside the theater where I was supposed to perform. The Mika project was a collective effort of the whole family ».


Have you ever felt exploited?

"No, because I knew that was my future. My mom had recognized the talent in me. "


The whole family pointed to her. A heavy responsibility?

"Yes, a very strong pressure, which I still feel today, every day of my life".


Does it make you feel bad?

"Sometimes yes. But then I recognize that having such a complex family is an incredible wealth. This is life, this is love. It is not something that is experienced between two people in a hotel in the Maldives ».


How did your four siblings experience the "Mika project"?

"Partly well, partly bad. They have never been envious, because our house is a kind of municipality. But my sister Paloma, for example, always wanted to be an actress, but she never could do it because she was born with a semi paralysis on the left side of her body. For her I am a point of pride but also a cause for sadness. Her life has become my own, she's my stylist. My sister Jasmine, on the other hand, does all my graphics ".


Family and career are one.

«The problem is that when you become an adult, how do you get rid of all this family history to find the lightness necessary to create? You start singing and writing songs as a child, you did it for life, then at a certain point you ask yourself: why? ».


What answer did you give?

"I went to the Savannah cemetery and saw the part of my life that had nothing to do with my mother, with my career, with the Toyota Previa. A way out at last. In the hotel I started writing Tiny Love, then came the phone call that changed everything ».

"It is my father who says: you have to come here to Dubai, your mother is very sick, she has a heart problem, she has to make an operation and risk her life. As a punishment, when I tried to emancipate myself from my mother and my family, that phone call brought me home ».


How did the surgery go?

"So and so. She has had serious complications for two years, back and forth from the hospital in France. Paloma and I take care of her ».


Did you put all these experiences into the new album?

"If life throws you such a challenge, I said to myself, raise the temperature, offer your heart, write melodies. It does not mean making tearful songs, as if I were crying on the couch of a s**tty Sunday afternoon TV program. These new songs have strong colors and an intimate message ».


Her mother and her sister Paloma also sing in Tiny Love Reprise.

"It is a message to the future: we make peace with the past, even with fear. This is life and we have our tiny love, our little little love ».


In the midst of these shocks he stopped making TV.

"It was my choice."


Why did he want to distance himself?

«Because the TV does not belong to me. TV is not art in itself, you always have to think about what you will do next, and above all after a while you can't be yourself anymore, you play a character, you're just a mechanism of the show ».


Is he repented?

"No. I am also happy with so many things - for example, having made certain political speeches in prime time at Rai. But I wouldn't do X Factor or Casa Mika again tonight. It's enough. Enough of having people tell you what you can do and what you can't do. Enough of those who say yes, but then they hinder you by taking away your budget ».


Did TV hurt you?

"TV can interfere with music, but it depends on what you do next. The proof is the concert tickets: people can love you on TV, but if they don't like your music then they don't buy tickets ».


But have you never had the feeling of being identified more as a TV personality than as a musician?

«It went well for me, but the risk is there. This is why I decided to focus only on music ». In this album we talk about sex and sensuality, starting with the single Ice Cream, a song full of allusions. "Pop has been de-sexualized, but if you take away sex, what's left? I think of Prince, George Michael, Michael Hutchence, David Bowie. Why not talk about sex when it's always there and it's a lot of fun? "


You have been engaged to Andreas for 12 years. Do you believe in monogamy?

"I believe it because I'm a jealous bastard. But it is only a personal choice, it is not a moralistic stance ".


Six years ago you told Vanity Fair that you wanted so many children. You haven't had a single one.

"It would be a selfish gesture, today, to have a child, I could not devote myself to it".


How do you think you have them?

"All options are good: adoption or surrogate mother. And I say it immediately: I defend the subrogation and it is absurd the idea that it is a dirty practice abused by homosexuals. There are many hetero couples that resort to this method ".


It is a controversial issue, there are biological links to be considered, for example.

"I know a couple who had a child from a surrogate mother: she is a happy woman who helped them and is part of the child's life. It is necessary to see case by case, it cannot be generalized. Certainly, the market must be fought, it is created in certain countries, where children are trades. Today, I said, I don't feel like becoming a father, I see the commitment that Beau Regard requires, my five-year-old nephew, Paloma's son ».


You have dedicated a song from the album to her.

"She was shocked when she heard it, but for me it's not emotional porn. It is a way to deal with the trauma ".


You never talked about it.

"I'm talking about it now. Nine years ago, Paloma smoked at the window, but since she didn't have much balance due to her semi paralysis, she fell down from the fourth floor, and fell onto a railing when she fell. "


Were you there?

"They called me, I was the only family in London. I go into the ambulance, they tell me: go say hello to your sister, she will die, there is nothing to do. I walk over, it was a terrible scene. I tell her: hi Paloma. And her: can you tell these assholes to leave me alone, since I have to get up? So I look at the doctor: excuse me, but this one does not die. And I returned to the ambulance, while they were starting to saw the gate, since they could not simply remove it, they took it away again with the rods that pierced the body ».


What did you think while you were there with her?

«Practical things. I had to warn my family around the world. Our parents were in Bahrain, when my father replied - it was his birthday - he thought I went to see him by surprise. "


Did the accident bind her and Paloma more?

"No, on the contrary: she turned us away. But it's normal, it's a question of survival, you have to put some distance to go through the experience and you have to do it yourself. In time, then we get closer ».


You started this album with a research on your identity. Now that the record comes out, at what point is it on the course?

«I started with the idea that the character of Mika, my music had been taken from me against my will. Then I realized that it wasn't true, that it wasn't all my mother's construction, I wanted it. I have made peace with the last 12 years. Because the only way I know how to live and express myself is to create music, write, perform. Without this I do not exist "


I'm happy with the programs I did, but I realized that TV doesn't belong to me, I don't want to be a cog in the show anymore


Reading time: 12 minutes


On this page, from left: complete tartan, VIVIENNE WESTWOOD. Shirt, COMEFORBREAKFAST. Sneakers, LANVIN. Silk shirt, trousers and shoes, all LOUIS VUITTON. Pages 58-59: pinstriped suit, DIOR. Boots, HERMÈS. Pages 60-61 and 64: blazer and shirt, BERLUTI. Ankle boots, EMPORIO ARMANI. Pants, vintage. Page 63: complete, JACQUEMUS. Page 66: Silk shirt, trousers and shoes, all LOUIS VUITTON.

Talent stylist Paloma Penniman. Giada Zappa has collaborated. Grooming Anna Maria Negri @ W-MManagement usingWomo / Bullfrog. Gay Hair Geraldine Fougerat using Ever Bio Cosmetics, Huile de graine de figue de barbarie. Set Designer Charlotte Mello Teggia. Thanks to Pier Bragotto.

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3 hours ago, mellody said:


The creative crisis

The farewell to the TV

The weight of family ties

«With the new album I start again from me»


Vanity Editorial


Flight like this

Malpensa airport. I'm waiting for my flight to New York, a short business trip. A hand caresses my shoulder. I turn around and he is there, Mika. He greets me, he's about to leave on my own plane. Last time we met in Hydra, a Greek island, during the holidays. Let's chat, I'll show you the latest version of the cover you see in this issue. He likes it, he is happy.

On the flight we talk about projects, ideas. Then everyone in his place. Michael Holbrook, this is Mika's real name, he is 36, he said goodbye to television, he was away from music for four years and now comes back with a new album. After 12 years of success, the crisis has arrived for him. Strong, intense, disorienting.

The notes, disappear. Inspiration, gone. The motivation is absent. The future, very nebulous. Clearly, there was only one question: what should I do now? New York, the evening after the flight. Paola Turci is the surprise guest of fashion designer Michael Kors at the party after the show. The public is mostly international, a little distracted and quite noisy. Paola takes the stage and is alone with her guitar. Attack with a cover of Mina, Still again. Then another song. And finally, with one of his most famous pieces, Volo thus. The public suddenly shuts up even if he doesn't understand a single word of Italian.

I seem to fly, even though I am still here / And I take my dreams back hopes the illusions all you know about me / And I fly like this, with open arms in the clouds / Flight in the clear air without limits / Flight in the soul of these tender nights / Volo so because that's how I have to live / Volo in the heart of those who want to make a mistake / Flight in the sun because I want to burn / Flight like this

Manhattan, Feroce, a club / restaurant above the thousand lights of skyscrapers. After the concert, Paola dances like a child, standing on the sofa next to me. It is free, like water that slides between the hands: in the same way, it caresses everything as if it flew away a moment later, light, weightless. Fragile and powerful. As soon as midnight passes, a small cake arrives with a candle: the singer turns 55 today. He closes his eyes, blows on the flame and then returns to dance and sing at the top of his lungs.

This issue of Vanity Fair talks about the weight and lightness of crises. Of that difficult and very important moment in which one says: and now what do I do? In the interview, Mika, indeed Michael, claims to have found the wings of inspiration in a cemetery. On New York night, Paola shows how for her wings are a constant, a little madness to always carry with her, like a lucky charm that hides in a pocket.

And you? Where did your wings go? Enjoy the reading

PS: keep writing to me thoughts, advice and thoughts at smarchetti@condenast.it


MIKA I made peace with myself

36 years old, photographed by Jasper Abels.

Dior pinstripe suit with satin band. Grooming Anna Maria Negri @ W-MManagement using Womo / Bullfrog.

Hair Geraldine Fougerat Gay using Ever Bio Cosmetics, Huile de graine de figue de barbarie.



The crisis came after 12 years of international success. So, before writing his new album, the pop star wondered: why do I do it? The answer is in a cemetery, in the history of his family and in a project of his mother





THE FIFTH TIME Mika, 36 years old. After 4 years of recording silence, October 4 returns with My Name Is Michael Holbrook, the fifth studio album of his career, 12 years after debut Life in Cartoon Motion.


My mother accepted jobs for me even though they didn't pay us for travel and hotel, so we ended up sleeping in the car


Two years ago, at Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, Georgia, in the southern United States, Mika had a revelation. On the graves of the ancestors there was his surname, Penniman, in some cases even his two first names, Michael Holbrook, and so, perhaps a little macabre but "funny, to Tim Burton", as he says, those tombstones reminded him of who he is and where he came from, and they revealed something about his father's family, until then almost ignored. In that cemetery - a bizarre gift of inspiration - the first verses of Tiny Love were born, the song that opens the new album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, four years after No Place in Heaven: «I didn't know where to start, I was in full creative crisis, in the sense that I had nothing to say. So, as always in these situations, I told myself that I had to throw myself into the unknown, and for me the unknown is my father's family. Seeing my name on all those graves has exalted me, it was nice to know that piece of my identity still unexplored. I felt the need to defend my roots and started writing: My Name is Michael Holbrook, I was born in 1983. My name is Michael Holbrook, I was born in 1983 ». Sitting barefoot and cross-legged on a sofa, Mika speaks quickly, there are many things to say and he has already waited too long. He has just turned 36, the last 12 - from the lucky and colorful debut of Life in Cartoon Motion - he has gone on to do the things necessary to be an international pop star: records, concerts, collaborations. To that were added the talent shows - in Italy X Factor, in France The Voice - that gave him the mass popularity typical of TV. Now he has decided to focus only on music and the change of perspective has also coincided with the change in the look, which has gone from a camp style to the less decorated style of today.


Why did you put your legal name in the album title?

"I wanted to forget the person I had been in the last few years to go back to being that boy who was in front of his white s**tty piano, in the family home, writing songs for Life in Cartoon Motion."


Do you want to distance yourself from Mika?



What made you tired of Mika?

"It's a question that requires a complex answer, to answer I have to go back to my family history, the same one I started four years ago when I went into crisis. Using the name of the registry office allowed me to review reports with my family with a different look, more adult and courageous ».


Where do you start?

"Since I was seven years old. My father, a financial advisor, had been taken hostage in Kuwait at the US embassy. He returned seven months later, completely changed. First it was Dad, then it was Mike: we could no longer call him Dad, that thin man with a beard, who had lived very strong things, we children didn't recognize him anymore ».


What do you call him today?

"" Pa "is the way I found it, after calling him Mike for 15 years. "Daddy" I can't ".


After his father's return, what happened?

"An economic collapse, we lost the house, with creditors coming to foreclose on the furniture. So we moved to London where we lived in a bed and breakfast for two years. We had to rebuild our lives from scratch. It is at that moment that all my problems explode, above all dyslexia, and then the violent teacher and expulsion from school ».


And then he starts singing.

«My mother comes to me and tells me: ok, now you go to work; "You will either be a total failure or a great success; if you fail, someone like you can only end up in prison." In prison? Even? "I don't know why she said it, today it may seem like a funny phrase, but it was the obsession of my life. The bugbear of failure has begun to haunt me since I was a child. "


Have you always lived with the fear of failure?



Then what happens?

"My mother puts me down with singing: four hours of exercise a day. After five months of this exhausting training, I am already singing at the Royal Opera House in London. And so, everything changes: they treat me well, they pay me, I have responsibilities. Another world compared to the school nightmare ".


Was studying singing an obligation?

«Yes, I detested the discipline. Every day my mother trained me and twice a week this Russian teacher arrived from Moscow, who dressed like a Russian lady of the Twenties, hardly spoke English and screamed at me in Russian. In the morning, before classes, I cried. "


Did his mother want to find him a job as a singer or raise a pop star?

"She didn't want the pop star, even today she hates that part of my job: for me she wanted success, which for her means cultivating a creative talent, finding satisfaction in artistic expression, which is like a super power that nobody can take away from you and that gives you true freedom ".


Which was the hardest part?

"My new life of constant training has pushed me further away from my father. Because at that point I had become a project: my mother's project ».


What did the "Mika project" involve?

"My mother accepted jobs all over Europe, even when the trip and hotel were not paid for. And so I, she and my sisters Jasmine and Paloma found ourselves sleeping in our old Toyota Previa, outside the theater where I was supposed to perform. The Mika project was a collective effort of the whole family ».


Have you ever felt exploited?

"No, because I knew that was my future. My mom had recognized the talent in me. "


The whole family pointed to her. A heavy responsibility?

"Yes, a very strong pressure, which I still feel today, every day of my life".


Does it make you feel bad?

"Sometimes yes. But then I recognize that having such a complex family is an incredible wealth. This is life, this is love. It is not something that is experienced between two people in a hotel in the Maldives ».


How did your four siblings experience the "Mika project"?

"Partly well, partly bad. They have never been envious, because our house is a kind of municipality. But my sister Paloma, for example, always wanted to be an actress, but she never could do it because she was born with a semi paralysis on the left side of her body. For her I am a point of pride but also a cause for sadness. Her life has become my own, she's my stylist. My sister Jasmine, on the other hand, does all my graphics ".


Family and career are one.

«The problem is that when you become an adult, how do you get rid of all this family history to find the lightness necessary to create? You start singing and writing songs as a child, you did it for life, then at a certain point you ask yourself: why? ».


What answer did you give?

"I went to the Savannah cemetery and saw the part of my life that had nothing to do with my mother, with my career, with the Toyota Previa. A way out at last. In the hotel I started writing Tiny Love, then came the phone call that changed everything ».

"It is my father who says: you have to come here to Dubai, your mother is very sick, she has a heart problem, she has to make an operation and risk her life. As a punishment, when I tried to emancipate myself from my mother and my family, that phone call brought me home ».


How did the surgery go?

"So and so. She has had serious complications for two years, back and forth from the hospital in France. Paloma and I take care of her ».


Did you put all these experiences into the new album?

"If life throws you such a challenge, I said to myself, raise the temperature, offer your heart, write melodies. It does not mean making tearful songs, as if I were crying on the couch of a s**tty Sunday afternoon TV program. These new songs have strong colors and an intimate message ».


Her mother and her sister Paloma also sing in Tiny Love Reprise.

"It is a message to the future: we make peace with the past, even with fear. This is life and we have our tiny love, our little little love ».


In the midst of these shocks he stopped making TV.

"It was my choice."


Why did he want to distance himself?

«Because the TV does not belong to me. TV is not art in itself, you always have to think about what you will do next, and above all after a while you can't be yourself anymore, you play a character, you're just a mechanism of the show ».


Is he repented?

"No. I am also happy with so many things - for example, having made certain political speeches in prime time at Rai. But I wouldn't do X Factor or Casa Mika again tonight. It's enough. Enough of having people tell you what you can do and what you can't do. Enough of those who say yes, but then they hinder you by taking away your budget ».


Did TV hurt you?

"TV can interfere with music, but it depends on what you do next. The proof is the concert tickets: people can love you on TV, but if they don't like your music then they don't buy tickets ».


But have you never had the feeling of being identified more as a TV personality than as a musician?

«It went well for me, but the risk is there. This is why I decided to focus only on music ». In this album we talk about sex and sensuality, starting with the single Ice Cream, a song full of allusions. "Pop has been de-sexualized, but if you take away sex, what's left? I think of Prince, George Michael, Michael Hutchence, David Bowie. Why not talk about sex when it's always there and it's a lot of fun? "


You have been engaged to Andreas for 12 years. Do you believe in monogamy?

"I believe it because I'm a jealous bastard. But it is only a personal choice, it is not a moralistic stance ".


Six years ago you told Vanity Fair that you wanted so many children. You haven't had a single one.

"It would be a selfish gesture, today, to have a child, I could not devote myself to it".


How do you think you have them?

"All options are good: adoption or surrogate mother. And I say it immediately: I defend the subrogation and it is absurd the idea that it is a dirty practice abused by homosexuals. There are many hetero couples that resort to this method ".


It is a controversial issue, there are biological links to be considered, for example.

"I know a couple who had a child from a surrogate mother: she is a happy woman who helped them and is part of the child's life. It is necessary to see case by case, it cannot be generalized. Certainly, the market must be fought, it is created in certain countries, where children are trades. Today, I said, I don't feel like becoming a father, I see the commitment that Beau Regard requires, my five-year-old nephew, Paloma's son ».


You have dedicated a song from the album to her.

"She was shocked when she heard it, but for me it's not emotional porn. It is a way to deal with the trauma ".


You never talked about it.

"I'm talking about it now. Nine years ago, Paloma smoked at the window, but since she didn't have much balance due to her semi paralysis, she fell down from the fourth floor, and fell onto a railing when she fell. "


Were you there?

"They called me, I was the only family in London. I go into the ambulance, they tell me: go say hello to your sister, she will die, there is nothing to do. I walk over, it was a terrible scene. I tell her: hi Paloma. And her: can you tell these assholes to leave me alone, since I have to get up? So I look at the doctor: excuse me, but this one does not die. And I returned to the ambulance, while they were starting to saw the gate, since they could not simply remove it, they took it away again with the rods that pierced the body ».


What did you think while you were there with her?

«Practical things. I had to warn my family around the world. Our parents were in Bahrain, when my father replied - it was his birthday - he thought I went to see him by surprise. "


Did the accident bind her and Paloma more?

"No, on the contrary: she turned us away. But it's normal, it's a question of survival, you have to put some distance to go through the experience and you have to do it yourself. In time, then we get closer ».


You started this album with a research on your identity. Now that the record comes out, at what point is it on the course?

«I started with the idea that the character of Mika, my music had been taken from me against my will. Then I realized that it wasn't true, that it wasn't all my mother's construction, I wanted it. I have made peace with the last 12 years. Because the only way I know how to live and express myself is to create music, write, perform. Without this I do not exist "


I'm happy with the programs I did, but I realized that TV doesn't belong to me, I don't want to be a cog in the show anymore


Reading time: 12 minutes


On this page, from left: complete tartan, VIVIENNE WESTWOOD. Shirt, COMEFORBREAKFAST. Sneakers, LANVIN. Silk shirt, trousers and shoes, all LOUIS VUITTON. Pages 58-59: pinstriped suit, DIOR. Boots, HERMÈS. Pages 60-61 and 64: blazer and shirt, BERLUTI. Ankle boots, EMPORIO ARMANI. Pants, vintage. Page 63: complete, JACQUEMUS. Page 66: Silk shirt, trousers and shoes, all LOUIS VUITTON.

Talent stylist Paloma Penniman. Giada Zappa has collaborated. Grooming Anna Maria Negri @ W-MManagement usingWomo / Bullfrog. Gay Hair Geraldine Fougerat using Ever Bio Cosmetics, Huile de graine de figue de barbarie. Set Designer Charlotte Mello Teggia. Thanks to Pier Bragotto.



Interesting what he says, Love and agree with  some of his answers. Thanks Karin for the translation!   :flowers2:

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Thanks a lot for posting @SusanT



1 hour ago, SusanT said:

Yesterday, July 5, Vanity Fair Italy (online) reprinted a 2019 interview with Mika. They're republishing "alcuni pezzi indimenticabili" (some unforgettable pieces) every day from their archive as part of the magazine's celebration of their 20th anniversary. 




Mika Fan Club posted the original article and a translation four years ago.







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