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France 2 [ 20h30 Le Dimanche ] 27 October 2019


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"20h30 le dimanche" avec Mika et Fanny Ardant
  • Diffusé le 27/10/2019
  • Durée : 00h24


Des personnalités se confient en direct à Thomas Sotto dans "20h30 le dimanche" (FacebookTwitter#20h30LD) après le journal de 20 heures sur France 2 : entretien, rencontre(s) et aussi un live musical sur le plateau… Ce dimanche 27 octobre 2019, le chanteur Mika.

L'invité de ce nouveau numéro de la saison 3 du magazine vient de sortir son nouvel album My Name is Michael Holbrook, une autobiographie en treize morceaux intégralement en anglais, sur les traces de sa famille paternelle aux Etats-Unis... Ce dernier opus a été composé entre Miami, Londres et la campagne toscane...

Et aussi, Fanny Ardant

Rencontre avec la comédienne à l'affiche, à compter du mercredi 6 novembre 2019, du film La Belle Epoque, réalisé par Nicolas Bedos, aux côtés de Daniel Auteuil, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier, Pierre Arditi... Victor, un sexagénaire désabusé, voit sa vie bouleversée le jour où Antoine, un brillant entrepreneur, lui propose une attraction d’un genre nouveau : mélangeant artifices théâtraux et reconstitution historique, cette entreprise propose à ses clients de replonger dans l’époque de leur choix...


> Mika interprète un medley de nouvelles et d'anciennes chansons pour le live de ce "20h30 le dimanche"


:uk: Google translator



"20:30 on Sunday" with Mika and Fanny Ardant

    Broadcast on 27/10/2019
    Duration: 00h24

Personalities confide in live Thomas Sotto in "20h30 le dimanche" (FacebookTwitter#20h30LD) after the 20 hours newspaper on France 2: interview, meeting (s) and also a musical live on the set ... This Sunday October 27, 2019, the singer Mika.

The guest of this new issue of season 3 of the magazine has just released his new album My Name is Michael Holbrook, an autobiography in thirteen tracks entirely in English, in the footsteps of his paternal family in the United States ... The latter opus was composed between Miami, London and the Tuscan countryside ...

And also, Fanny Ardant


Meeting with the actress on the screen, starting Wednesday, November 6, 2019, the film The Belle Epoque, directed by Nicolas Bedos, alongside Daniel Auteuil, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier, Pierre Arditi ...> Victor, a sexagenarian disillusioned, sees his life upset the day when Antoine, a brilliant entrepreneur, offers him a new kind of attraction: mixing theatrical artifices and historical reconstruction, this company offers its customers to plunge back into the era of their choice ...

> Mika performs a medley of new and old songs for the live of this "20:30 on Sunday"





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20h30 le dimanche


Invité : Mika


diffusé le dim. 27.10.19 à 20h29

disponible jusqu'au 19.01.38

magazines - 24 min - tous publics


présenté par : Thomas Sotto

L'invité : Thomas Sotto recevra Mika pour son nouvel album « My name is Michael Holbrook » et sa tournée mondiale. 

- Rencontre avec Fanny Ardant pour la sortie du film « La Belle Epoque » réalisé par Nicolas Bedos. 

- Live de Mika. 



Edited by Kumazzz
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Télé Loisir



20h30 le dimanche : Mika mal à l'aise face à des images de lui en train de chanter quand il était enfant


Quatre ans après la sortie de son précédent album No Place in Heaven, Mika a enfin sorti un nouvel opus intitulé My Name Is Michael Holbrook. Un titre qu'il a choisi en référence à son véritable nom. Il était l'invité de Thomas Sotto dans 20h30 le dimanche pour évoquer ses nouvelles chansons. Le journaliste l'a notamment interrogé sur ses idoles, Prince, Michael Jackson ou Freddie Mercury; et ses origines libanaises, mais aussi sur son enfance. Pour évoquer ses jeunes années, le joker de Laurent Delahousse a lancé de rares images d'archives du chanteur, encore enfant, en train de chanter "déjà de manière époustouflante", comme il l'a souligné.


"Mais là vous rêviez d'être chanteur lyrique, d'être à l'opéra", a constaté Thomas Sotto. "J'étais à l'opéra", a confirmé l'interprète de Relax, qui a expliqué qu'il chantait ainsi pour Noël en famille et qu'il s'agissait d'une chanson baptisée Petit âne. Malgré l'insistance du journaliste et à son grand dam, Mika a refusé de se lancer dans l'interprétation de ce titre désuet, dont il ne garde apparemment pas un très bon souvenir.


Mika a ensuite expliqué que c'était sur le piano qu'on entend dans la vidéo, qu'il avait appris à chanter. "Pendant toute la journée, j'étudiais la musique classique et le soir sur ce piano-là j'écrivais mes propres chansons." C'est même avec cet instrument qu'il a composé son tout premier tube sorti en 2007, Grace Kelly, celui qui l'a "fait connaître mondialement", comme l'a précisé Thomas Sotto. Le journaliste visiblement fan de l'artiste a été très sensible à son interprétation de son dernier titre à la fin du journal.


:uk: Google translator



Sunday 8.30 pm: Mika uncomfortable with images of him singing as a child

Four years after the release of his previous album No Place in Heaven, Mika finally released a new album entitled My Name Is Michael Holbrook. A title he chose in reference to his real name. He was the guest of Thomas Sotto in 20:30 on Sunday to discuss his new songs. The journalist asked him about his idols, Prince, Michael Jackson or Freddie Mercury; and his Lebanese origins, but also on his childhood. To evoke his younger years, the joker Laurent Delahousse has launched rare archive footage of the singer, still a child, singing "already breathtakingly", as he pointed out.

"But there you dreamed of being a lyrical singer, of being at the opera," said Thomas Sotto. "I was at the opera," confirmed the interpreter of Relax, who explained that he sang so for Christmas with his family and that it was a song called Little Donkey. Despite the insistence of the journalist and much to his chagrin, Mika refused to engage in the interpretation of this outdated title, which he does not seem to keep a very good memory.

Mika then explained that it was on the piano that we heard in the video, that he had learned to sing. "All day long, I studied classical music and at night on that piano I wrote my own songs." It is even with this instrument that he composed his very first tube released in 2007, Grace Kelly, the one who has "made known worldwide", as Thomas Sotto said. The journalist obviously a fan of the artist was very sensitive to his interpretation of his last title at the end of the newspaper.





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11 hours ago, Kumazzz said:





Thanks! I love their acoustic medley! :fangurl: And it's so funny how Mika's suit jacket fits the screen colours in the background, black with a yellow line. :naughty:

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Mika très gêné face à des images de lui enfant


Souvenir souvenir !


Mika est comme beaucoup de monde : voir des vidéos de lui ne le ravit pas forcément. Qu’il s’agisse d’une séquence filmée pendant son enfance, à l’époque de Noël, n’arrange pas vraiment les choses. Face à ces images diffusées dans 20 h 30 le dimanche ce 27 octobre, le chanteur de 36 ans était très gêné...


Mika vient de sortir un nouvel album intitulé My Name Is Michael Holbrook. Pour le faire connaître aux téléspectateurs, l’artiste britannique d’origine libanaise fait le tour des plateaux de télévision et multiple les anecdotes sur son passé et sa famille. Ce 27 octobre, la star de 36 ans était de passage dans 20h30 le dimanche et l’animateur Thomas Sotto lui avait prévu une petite surprise... Entre deux questions, le journaliste a diffusé une séquence filmée pendant son enfance dans laquelle il chante "déjà de manière époustouflante", comme l’a souligné le présentateur.


Gêné face à ces images d’archives, Mika a tout de même pris le temps d’expliquer à son hôte qu’il s’agissait d’un titre intitulé Petit âne, qu’il chantait à l’occasion des fêtes de Noël. "J’étais à l’opéra", a-t-il ajouté. Mais pas question de pousser la chansonnette pour Thomas Sotto sur le plateau de l’émission ! "Pendant toute la journée, j’étudiais la musique classique et le soir sur ce piano-là j’écrivais mes propres chansons", a confié le natif de Beyrouth. L’occasion de dévoiler que c’est sur ce piano qu’il a composé Grace Kelly, le tube qui faisait danser tous les Français en 2007. Une belle revanche pour le petit garçon atteint de dyslexie qui a subi du harcèlement scolaire au Lycée français Charles-de-Gaulle à Londres.


Le chanteur a fait du chemin depuis cette vidéo. My name is Michael Holbrook est son cinquième album. Cette autobiographie en13 titres sortie le 4 octobre rend très certainement fière sa mère Joanie, qui se bat contre un cancer agressif. "Soit tu auras du succès et tu seras heureux, soit tu seras en prison", lui répétait-elle pendant son enfance. Heureusement, le succès était au rendez-vous...


:uk: Google translaator



Mika very embarrassed face images of him child


Remember souvenir !


Mika is like a lot of people: seeing videos of him does not necessarily delight him. Whether it's a film shot during his childhood, at the time of Christmas, does not really help things. Faced with these images broadcast in 20:30 on Sunday, October 27, the 36-year-old singer was very embarrassed ...


Mika has just released a new album titled My Name Is Michael Holbrook. To make it known to viewers, the Lebanese-born British artist toured the television sets and shared anecdotes about her past and his family. This October 27, the star of 36 years was passing in 20:30 on Sunday and the host Thomas Sotto had planned a small surprise ... Between two questions, the reporter broadcast a filmed footage of his childhood in which he sings " already in a breathtaking way, "as the presenter pointed out.


Embarrassed by these archival footage, Mika still took the time to explain to his host that it was a title entitled Little Donkey, which he sang on the occasion of Christmas. "I was at the opera," he added. But no question of pushing the ditty for Thomas Sotto on the set of the show! "During the whole day, I studied classical music and at night on that piano I wrote my own songs," said the native of Beirut. The opportunity to reveal that it was on this piano he composed Grace Kelly, the tube that made all the French dance in 2007. A nice revenge for the little boy with dyslexia who suffered harassment at the Lycée Français Charles-de-Gaulle in London.


The singer has come a long way since this video. My name is Michael Holbrook is his fifth album. This 4-track autobiography, released on October 4th, is certainly proud of her mother Joanie, who is fighting against aggressive cancer. "Either you'll be successful and you'll be happy, or you'll be in prison," she told him as a child. Fortunately, success was at the rendezvous ...



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Mika sur le Liban, Solidaire avec les jeunes qui veulent être entendus et avoir un futur.


Invité par 20h30 le dimanche et interviewé par Thomas Sotto sur France2, Mika – qui par ailleurs évoque son nouvel album « My name is Michael Holbrook » a réitéré son appui aux manifestants libanais, pays ou il est né en 1983. Mika a également évoqué son enfance, sa carrière et son attrait pour la musique. Mika a indiqué que le Liban fait parti de la culture de la famille et note qu’il a changé la photo de profil sur les réseaux sociaux en solidarité avec les jeunes qui veulent être entendus et avoir un futur sur un fond d’images de la chaine humaine qui s’est ce dimanche.


Mika: ce n’est pas un engagement, c’est une évidence, parce qu’ils veulent s’exprimer, qu’ils ont quelque chose à dire et c’est juste. Le chanteur a dit imaginer être avec les manifestants. « Cela fait très longtemps qu’ils sont pas assez écoutés ».

Mika a indiqué que la chaine humaine a été « transversale », c’est-à-dire un très d’union.


Voir un extrait de l’interview vidéo de Mika où il évoque le Liban


:uk: Google translator



Mika on Lebanon, Solidarity with young people who want to be heard and have a future.


Invited by 20:30 on Sunday and interviewed by Thomas Sotto on France2, Mika - who also discusses his new album "My name is Michael Holbrook" reiterated his support to the Lebanese demonstrators, country where he was born in 1983. Mika also spoke about his childhood, his career and his attraction to music. Mika said Lebanon is part of the family culture and notes that he has changed the profile picture on social networks in solidarity with young people who want to be heard and have a future on a background of images of the human chain this Sunday.


Mika: it's not a commitment, it's obvious, because they want to express themselves, they have something to say and that's right. The singer said to imagine being with the demonstrators. "It's been a long time since they've been listened to enough."

Mika said that the human chain has been "transversal", that is to say, a very union.


See an excerpt from the video interview of Mika where he talks about Lebanon




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Along The Boards



"8:30 pm Sunday" with Mika and Fanny Ardant


Personalities directly entrust Thomas Sotto in " 8:30 pm Sunday " Facebook Twitter # 20h30LD ) after the 20-hour newspaper on France 2: interview, meeting and also a live musical on set … this sunday , October 27, 2019, the singer Mika.

The guest of this new issue of the third season of the magazine has just released his new album My Name is Michael Holbrook, an autobiography in thirteen tracks, complete in English , in the footsteps of his paternal family in the US … This last work was written between Miami, London and the Tuscan countryside …

And also, Fanny Ardant

Meet up with the actress the bill, from Wednesday, November 6, 2019, from the film The Belle Epoque directed by Nicolas Bedos, alongside Daniel Auteuil, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier, Pierre Arditi … > Victor, a disillusioned sexagenarian, sees his life turned upside down as Antoine, a brilliant entrepreneur, offers him a new attraction: through the mix of theatrical art and historical rebuilding, this company offers giving its customers the opportunity to return to the era of their choice …


> Mika plays live a special medley for "8:30 pm Sunday"


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On 10/28/2019 at 9:48 AM, Megustaelpulpo said:

When you can...could someone make a translation? This interview seems so special, Mika looks so moved and lovely

Thanks so much

It's a great interview indeed. I will point it out to the subs team :thumb_yello:

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On 10/31/2019 at 2:16 PM, Kumazzz said:








How do you keep your form?

Mika: I have 4 coaches in 4 different countries. They contact themselves via emails. I do a lot of horse riding. I swim. I run. And I walk. 


How do you keep your optimism?

Mika: I am curious. And I am trying to find people which have interesting stories to tell. Really.  It's almost an obsession. And because I am interested by people around me it makes me  engaged and amazed by the situations I find myself in.


What you have to have while touring?

Mika: My dogs. Two Golden Retrievers. They are cool. And they travel with me around the world.


Where is "at your place"?

Mika: For me to be "at my place" is to be with people I love. With people who make me laugh. And it is the place where the food is. The kitchen.



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On 11/1/2019 at 12:06 PM, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:




How do you keep your form?

Mika: I have 4 coaches in 4 different countries. They contact themselves via emails. I do a lot of horse riding. I swim. I run. And I walk. 


How do you keep your optimism?

Mika: I am curious. And I am trying to find people which have interesting stories to tell. Really.  It's almost an obsession. And because I am interested by people around me it makes me  engaged and amazed by the situations I find myself in.


What you have to have while touring?

Mika: My dogs. Two Golden Retrievers. They are cool. And they travel with me around the world.


Where is "at your place"?

Mika: For me to be "at my place" is to be with people I love. With people who make me laugh. And it is the place where the food is. The kitchen.



4 fitness coaches?! No wonder he can eat so much & stay so thin :lol:  Thank you for this translation Anna :flowers2: (and for all your other translations too, they're so helpful!) 


Could you (or someone) please explain what's going at around 12:25 in the interview when those people are addressing Mika? Mika seemed very pleased to see them. I'm guessing the chef is Marc Haeberlin, but who is the lady and why is there another guy in the water? 

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10 hours ago, kreacher said:


4 fitness coaches?! No wonder he can eat so much & stay so thin :lol:  Thank you for this translation Anna :flowers2: (and for all your other translations too, they're so helpful!) 


Could you (or someone) please explain what's going at around 12:25 in the interview when those people are addressing Mika? Mika seemed very pleased to see them. I'm guessing the chef is Marc Haeberlin, but who is the lady and why is there another guy in the water? 

you're right the guy is the chief and the women his wife

And it's the chief again in the water …..all looking for Mika with kind words


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