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2019 @ Razzmatazz Barcelona, SPAIN, 12 Nov REPORTS/PICS/VIDS


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:spain: Barcelona !!!!




  1. Intro
  2. Ice Cream
  3. Dear Jealousy
  4. Relax
  5. Origin of Love
  6. Platform Ballerinas
  7. Big Girl
  8. Tiny Love
  9. Blue
  10. Underwater
  11. Lollipop
  12. Live Your Life
  13. Popular
  14. Happy Ending
  15. Love Today
  16. We Are Golden
  17. Grace Kelly
  18. Tiny Love ( reprise )
  19. Stay High

























Edited by Kumazzz
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tillymilo posts live from time to time on Instagram.

It cuts every 3 minutes but at least I could see 

"Tiny Love"


"Live Your Life"

"Happy Ending"

He is wearing his blue suit and a white shirt.

I don't see any changes in decoration. Maybe - as it is a festival in Barcelona - they did not built Mika's stage?


Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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40 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Happy Ending with acapella part!!!! In this big venue!!!!!


Isn't it about the same size as London?

I think we'll first see the new stage set in France... :dunno:

Anyway he even did HE accapella at Bercy, THAT is a big venue!

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13 Novembre, 2019


De festa amb en Mika

La nit de dimarts era freda a la ciutat de Barcelona i el refredat que portava a sobre no feien preveure una nit molt animada, però per altra banda sé el que és veure en Mika en directe, ja que anteriorment havia tingut l’oportunitat de veure fins a tres vegades més i per tant ja podia suposar que acabaria la nit cridant i ballant com si demà no fos dimecres i no em trobés francament malament.


Cap d’aquests impediments van ser suficients perquè des del primer moment gaudís amb  el concert, que una vegada més va començar el músic dedicant unes paraules en català, cosa que no passa ni de bon tros amb tots els artistes que ens visiten. Això ja va fer aixecar els primers aplaudiments de la nit i el que quedava!


El show va començar amb una de les cançons del seu nou disc “My Name is Michael Holbrook“, en aquest cas ‘Ice Cream’, una refrescant peça que va donar el tret de sortida a una nit on van sonar vàries de les seves noves cançons combinades amb els èxits de sempre, els que tothom esperava amb més ganes. No es pot dir que les noves cançons no tinguin qualitat, però quan sona ‘Relax, take it easy’, ‘Big girls, you’re beautiful’, ‘Lollipop’ o ‘Happy ending’, el públic s’emociona i ho dóna tot.


Han passat 12 anys des del seu debut amb “Life in Cartion Motion” i tot i que les seves cançons ja no tenen tanta repercussió com tenien llavors, la sala Razzmatazz estava plena un dimarts a la nit per gaudir del directe d’un músic que sap com fer-se estimar. De fet va ser un concert ple d’amor, amb molts cors entre el públic, amb parelles fent-se petons i abraçant-se, amb declaracions d’amor per part del cantant i amb un ambient d’aquells que no vols que mai arribi al seu final. Una bona manera de desconnectar del teu dia a dia i deixar-se endur pel bonrotllisme del britànic.


I ja que parlem d’amor, evidentment que un dels moments àlgids del concert va ser quan va sonar ‘Love today’, una de les darreres que van sonar i que va provocar l’èxtasi col·lectiu.


Després d’uns minuts on en Mika va marxar de l’escenari i mentre alguns abandonaven la sala pensant-se que ja no tornaria, evidentment un concert de Mika no s’acaba si no ha sonat el seu gran èxit ‘Grace Kelly’, la cançó, aquella cançó amb la qual va arribar a les nostres vides el 2007 i amb la qual des de llavors només ens ha portat coses bones i sobretot amor, molt d’amor.


:uk: Google translator


Party with in Mika

Tuesday night was cold in the city of Barcelona and the cold that was on top of it did not foresee a very lively night, but on the other hand I know what it is to see in Mika live, since I had previously had the opportunity to see up to three times more and therefore I could already suppose that the night would end up shouting and dancing as if tomorrow was not Wednesday and I did not find it really badly.

None of these impediments were enough so that from the first moment, he enjoyed the concert, which once again began the musician devoting some words in Catalan, something that does not happen in any way with all the artists who visit us. This already raised the first applause of the night and what remained!

The show began with one of the songs from his new album "My Name is Michael Holbrook", in this case 'Ice Cream', a refreshing piece that gave the starter a night where they sounded several of their new songs combined with the successes of always, those that everybody hoped with more desire. It can not be said that the new songs do not have quality, but when it sounds 'Relax, take it easy', 'Big girls, you're beautiful', 'Lollipop' or 'Happy ending', the public gets excited and gives it all.

It has been 12 years since its debut with "Life in Cartion Motion" and although their songs no longer have as much impact as they had then, the Razzmatazz room was full on a Tuesday night to enjoy the live music of a musician He knows how to make himself love. In fact it was a concert full of love, with many hearts among the audience, with couples kissing and embracing, with statements of love on the part of the singer and with an atmosphere of those who do not want that never come to an end A good way to disconnect from your day to day and get hold of the bonorrollismo of the British.

And since we talk about love, obviously one of the moments of the concert was when it was called 'Love today', one of the last ones that sounded and caused collective ecstasy.

After a few minutes in which Mika left the stage and while some left the room thinking that he would not return, obviously a Mika concert is not over if his great success, Grace Kelly, has not sounded, the song, that song that came to our lives in 2007 and with which since then it has only brought us good things and above all love, a lot of love.





Love Today


Grace Kelly


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The concert was amazing and definitely one of my favorite Mika gigs I've been to so far. The queuing was very relaxed and I managed to make it to the front row. Mika was in good spirits and sounded wonderful. I loved hearing Live Your Life, which I'd never heard life before. I was surprised that he didn't do Tomorrow this time though (and no Sanremo either). He came out to meet the fans after the gig, stayed a while and really took the time to sign things and talk to people. All in all, an unforgettable experience. :wub2:😁

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1 hour ago, Lunari said:

The concert was amazing and definitely one of my favorite Mika gigs I've been to so far. The queuing was very relaxed and I managed to make it to the front row. Mika was in good spirits and sounded wonderful. I loved hearing Live Your Life, which I'd never heard life before. I was surprised that he didn't do Tomorrow this time though (and no Sanremo either). He came out to meet the fans after the gig, stayed a while and really took the time to sign things and talk to people. All in all, an unforgettable experience. :wub2:😁


Do you remember, when was the end of the concert and how long did you wait for Mika? How long did he stay? 

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52 minutes ago, giraffeandy said:


Do you remember, when was the end of the concert and how long did you wait for Mika? How long did he stay? 

The concert ended a little before 11pm and I think Mika came out about half past midnight. I think he stayed for at least 10 or 15 minutes, but it's hard to say for sure because I kind of lost track of time while he was there. :)

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4 minutes ago, Dominika said:

The concert finished at around 11:30 and he came out around 01:00 :wink2:

He must have come out a little earlier than 1:00, because I was already in my hotel by that time (although maybe not that much, as my hotel was very close to the venue). ;)

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