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Mika on [ TÊTU ] 27 November 2019


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On 11/28/2019 at 1:44 PM, mellody said:


I guess I'd have agreed with you a few years ago... but meanwhile, I know myself good enough to think that I couldn't handle this in the long run, as a partner. As a friend, maybe, that's different... but the way Mika describes himself here, you need to be able to take yourself back a lot for being in a relationship with him, and I couldn't do that, I'm too stubborn myself. :naughty: Even how they met, I definitely wouldn't have told a guy who might not feel the same that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I'm too proud for that, too worried to get hurt if I'm that open. How good that Andy did it differently than I would have. :thumb_yello:

As about taking the pros and cons of someone you love, I already had the experience in my mid-20s that love isn't enough to stay in a relationship, there can be reasons to separate, even if you love each other.


I definitely agree with the last sentences of your post though. :wub2:

Of course,  even with all the love in the world some love stories do not always last forever. My first and best one ended up turning into friendhip when my childhood sweetheart ended up finding out he was gay (which came as a surprise for both of us) and changed a true love story into a beautiful life lasting long distance friendship,  but at least we haven't lost each other and we are still close friends :wub2: 

Andy and Mika are lucky to be compatible and get on well :wub2:

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I found a link to order Têtu


When you order you have a space where you can put a message. Be sure to write : "Je veux le magazine avec Mika en couverture" in that space to specify you want the one with Mika on the cover because there is an edition with Christiane Taubira as well.

Here are the two covers



Edited by crazyaboutmika
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32 minutes ago, crazyaboutmika said:

I found a link to order Têtu


When you order you have a space where you can put a message. Be sure to write : "Je veux le magazine avec Mika en couverture" in that space to specify you want the one with Mika on the cover because there is an edition with Christiane Taubira as well.

Here are the two covers





and what is the price at kiosk? I can see on this page 6,90 EUR

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Pure People.com

Mika : "La première fois que j'ai couché avec un garçon, c'était un désastre !"

Quelques semaines après la sortie de son cinquième opus, le chanteur Mika revient sur son coming out, privé d'une part et public de l'autre, dans les pages de "TÊTU". Il y évoque aussi sa première fois avec un garçon. Interview à coeur ouvert.


Alors que son nouvel album My Name is Michael Holbrook est sorti le 5 octobre 2019, Mika , chanteur pop libano-britannique, mais aussi profondément engagé, s'exprime dans TÊTU sur son coming out. Une interview intime et intimiste dans laquelle il revient sur des moments parfois douloureux de sa vie.

Car ce coming out, il n'y était pas forcément préparé. Dans la sphère privée, auprès de sa famille, c'est son partenaire Andy qui lui a permis de faire cette grande annonce. "Avec l'amour, j'ai trouvé la confiance", dit-il. Il a parlé à sa mère d'abord, "qui le savait depuis toujours et qui s'en foutait", puis à ses soeurs, "qui ont eu beaucoup plus de mal à accepter". Mais la douleur et la "déception" viennent des médias qui essaient de lui arracher des confessions. "C'était atroce, se souvient-il, poursuivre un artiste pour lui arracher cette vérité intime, c'est dégueulasse."


Parce que pour le chanteur, tout ceci n'est pas nouveau, il attend juste d'atteindre "une paix avec lui-même". "J'ai compris que j'étais gay dès l'âge de 8 ans", raconte-t-il au magazine. Mais ce n'est qu'à l'âge de 15 ans qu'il passe le pas des rapports physiques. Un "désastre" selon lui : "La première fois que j'ai couché avec un garçon, c'était un désastre ! Humiliant ! J'avais 15 ans - je crois - et je ne comprenais rien." Si cette anecdote peut faire sourire, elle met surtout en lumière le manque d'information sur les relations entre hommes, tabou encore présent dans notre société. "On devrait dire plus souvent que le sexe gay n'est pas facile. Maintenant j'en rigole, mais ce n'a pas toujours été le cas !"


Mika a évoqué médiatiquement son homosexualité en 2012 et est en couple avec le réalisateur Andy Dermanis depuis 2007. Au fil de ses interviews, le coach de The Voice a distillé quelques confidences sur son amoureux. On a ainsi appris qu'Andy vivait à Londres et que la distance était parfois difficile à gérer dans leur couple.


:uk: Google translator



Mika: "The first time I slept with a boy, it was a disaster!"


A few weeks after the release of his fifth opus, singer Mika returns on his coming out, private on the one hand and public on the other, in the pages of "TÊTU". He also talks about his first time with a boy. Open heart interview.

While his new album My Name is Michael Holbrook was released on October 5, 2019, Mika, Lebanese-British pop singer, but also deeply committed, expresses himself in TÊTU on his coming out. An intimate and intimate interview in which he returns to sometimes painful moments of his life.

Because coming out, he was not necessarily prepared. In the private sphere, with his family, it was his partner Andy who allowed him to make this great announcement. "With love, I found confidence," he says. He spoke to his mother first, "who knew it forever and who did not care," and then to his sisters, "who had a much harder time accepting." But the pain and "disappointment" come from the media trying to wrest confessions. "It was atrocious," he recalls, "to sue an artist to snatch this intimate truth from him, it's disgusting."

Because for the singer, all this is not new, he just waits to reach "a peace with himself". "I understood that I was gay from the age of 8," he tells the magazine. But it is only at the age of 15 that he passes the pace of physical relationships. A "disaster" according to him: "The first time I slept with a boy, it was a disaster! Humiliating! I was 15 years old - I think - and I did not understand anything." If this anecdote can make you smile, it highlights especially the lack of information on relations between men, taboo still present in our society. "We should say more often that gay sex is not easy, now I laugh, but it has not always been the case!"

Mika spoke about his homosexuality in 2012 and has been in a relationship with director Andy Dermanis since 2007. Throughout his interviews, The Voice's coach distilled some confidences about his lover. We learned that Andy lived in London and that the distance was sometimes difficult to manage in their relationship.



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Translated in Chinese.



MIKA 【法国TÊTU杂志】MIKA采访终于翻译好了!通过杂志我们也能更加了解@Mika_official 内心的想法
非常感谢@辛巴達答 帮助一起翻译[心]你拯救了全文的语文水平[哈哈]








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