Kumazzz Posted January 31, 2020 Share Posted January 31, 2020 (edited) PADOVA !! ********** REPORTS ********** @Lunari 4177837 ********** PICS ********** ********** VIDEOS ********** ********** PRESS ********** Edited February 2, 2020 by Kumazzz updating Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted January 31, 2020 Author Share Posted January 31, 2020 YouTube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted January 31, 2020 Author Share Posted January 31, 2020 TG24.sky.it They posting on two days before the concert. 22 minutes ago, Kumazzz said: TG24.sky.it 30 gennaio 2020 Sky_TG24_2020.01.30_Mika in concerto a Padova info e scaletta.mp4 13.7 MB · 0 downloads Mika in concerto a Padova: info e scaletta Mika torna in Italia con un concerto a Padova: tutte le info sugli orari, i biglietti e la scaletta dello show Il “Revelation tour” di Mika torna in Italia dopo aver preso il volo per le principali città di Francia, Belgio e Lussemburgo. L’artista presenterà al pubblico il suo nuovo album “My Name Is Michael Holbrook” alla Kioene Arena di Padova; l’appuntamento è per la serata di sabato 1 febbraio. Ecco tutte le info per arrivare preparati al concerto: gli orari, i biglietti e la probabile scaletta del live. Mika a Padova: tutte le info sul concerto Mika ha dato il via al suo “Revelation tour” lo scorso 10 novembre da Londra, per poi fare tappa nelle città di tutta Europa ed arrivare a riempire con la sua musica i grandi spazi dei palazzetti italiani. Dopo aver passato i mesi di dicembre e gennaio sui palchi di Francia, Belgio e Lussemburgo, ora il cantante è pronto a tornare in Italia. Il prossimo concerto in calendario si terrà alla Kioene Arena di Padova nella serata di sabato 1 febbraio. L’orario d’inizio del live di Mika è previsto per le 20:30. Per chi ancora fosse sprovvisto del titolo d’ingresso, attualmente sono disponibili ancora pochissimi biglietti su circuito Ticketmaster. I prezzi variano in base alla tipologia di posto selezionato e sono i seguenti (diritti di prevendita e commissioni di servizio incluse): tribuna gold 72,45 euro e tribuna blu o rossa visibilità lato palco 48,30 euro, i posti parterre e in tribuna numerata sono esauriti. La Kioene Arena si trova in Via S. Marco 53 a Padova. Sul sito di Zed Live è possibile prenotare il servizio di bus navetta per raggiungere comodamente la location del concerto, in partenza dalla Stazione di Padova. Il prezzo è di 5 euro a/r o di 3 euro solo andata/solo ritorno. La prenotazione è obbligatoria. La possibile scaletta del concerto Con il suo “Revelation tour” Mika sta presentando live al pubblico le nuove canzoni del suo album “My Name Is Michael Holbrook”, uscito il 4 ottobre 2019 per Polydor / Universal Music. Nella scaletta del concerto di Padova saranno sicuramente presenti molti dei brani contenuti in quest’ultimo disco, tra cui i singoli “Ice Cream”, “Tiny Love”, “Sanremo”, “Dear Jealousy”, “Tomorrow” e tanti altri. Mika porterà in scena anche i suoi precedenti grandi successi tutti da cantare e ballare, come “Relax (Take It Easy)”, “Happy Ending”, “Love Today”, “We Are Golden” e “Grace Kelly”. Di seguito, come linea guida, riportiamo la scaletta seguita dal cantante durante le precedenti date del “Revelation tour”; ricordiamo che le canzoni presentate al concerto di Padova potrebbero subire delle variazioni in base alle scelte dell’artista. Ice Cream Dear Jealousy Relax (Take It Easy) Origin of Love Platform Ballerinas Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) Tiny Love Underwater Paloma Tomorrow Elle Me Dit Stardust Lollipop Good Guys Happy Ending Love Today We Are Golden Grace Kelly Stay High / Tiny Love (Reprise) 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 1, 2020 Author Share Posted February 1, 2020 Soundcheck Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 1, 2020 Author Share Posted February 1, 2020 mikainstagram Padova! Siete in tantissimi stasera, un sold out che mi scalda il cuore e fa cominciare alla grande la settimana di tour in Italia! Per tutti gli amici dal nord al sud: ci vediamo domani a Bolzano e poi a Napoli mercoledì, Bari venerdì e Reggio Calabria sabato! I’m so proud to be the first international artist to cover the whole Italian peninsula from north to south! Here we go with the second leg of the Italian tour, so nice to start it with a sold out in Padova! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maggie112 Posted February 2, 2020 Share Posted February 2, 2020 Its been amazing! 😍 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maggie112 Posted February 2, 2020 Share Posted February 2, 2020 (edited) I really loved this show 😃 Mika chatted with the audience a lot, he said that in the morning he had difficulties to speak but everything went well I was exhausted because of the early queuing (I started at 4 AM, there were a lot of early queuers but then people stopped arriving so we reached #100 at about the same hour, around lunchtime, than other Italian weekend/big dates) but in the end I was soooo happy to have been there again 🤣 I will upload my videos on YouTube but I’m afraid that my voice will be louder than Mika’s (and I know I’m not a good singer at all 🐔🐔🐔) Edited February 2, 2020 by maggie112 5 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 2, 2020 Author Share Posted February 2, 2020 Backstage pics by Max IG stories 85567394_1046146082418865_456590683213383201_n.mp4 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 2, 2020 Author Share Posted February 2, 2020 Rockol.it √ Mika, partita la seconda tranche del tour: ecco com’è andata Dopo qualche settimana di pausa Mika torna sul palco e inaugura la seconda parte del tour a supporto di “My Name Is Michael Holbrook” a Padova. La band capitanata da Serj Tankian, il gruppo di Jonathan Davis e la formazione di San Francisco hanno pubblicato sui social la stessa immagine Ha preso il via ieri, 1 febbraio, a Padova, la seconda tranche del “Revelation tour” di Mika, che nelle prossime settimane è atteso sui palchi di Bolzano (domenica 2, PalaOnda); Napoli (mercoledì 5, Teatro PalaPartenope); Bari (venerdi 7, Palaflorio); e Reggio Calabria (sabato 8, Palacalafiore). La prima parte della tournée del cantante di origini libanesi è andata invece in scena tra il mese di novembre e il mese di dicembre scorsi – qui trovate la nostra recensione del concerto al Mediolanum Forum di Assago, Milano. Ecco alcune foto scattate ieri a Padova, alla Kioene Arena, che ci raccontano com’è andata la serata: Google translator Spoiler √ Mika, the second tranche of the tour has started: that's how it went After a few weeks off Mika returns to the stage and inaugurates the second part of the tour in support of "My Name Is Michael Holbrook" in Padua. The band led by Serj Tankian, the Jonathan Davis group and the San Francisco team have published the same image on social networks The second tranche of Mika's "Revelation tour" kicked off yesterday, February 1, in Padova, which is expected on the stages of Bolzano in the coming weeks (Sunday 2, PalaOnda); Naples (Wednesday 5, PalaPartenope Theater); Bari (Friday 7, Palaflorio); and Reggio Calabria (Saturday 8, Palacalafiore). The first part of the tour of the singer of Lebanese origins was staged between November and last December - here you can find our review of the concert at the Mediolanum Forum in Assago, Milan. Here are some photos taken yesterday in Padua, at the Kioene Arena, which tell us how the evening went: Galleria fotografica https://www.rockol.it/gallerie-fotografiche/6057/1-febbraio-2020-kioene-arena-padova-mika-in-concerto 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 2, 2020 Author Share Posted February 2, 2020 Pacific Press Agency https://www.pacificpressagency.com/galleries/49347/italy-mika-performs-in-padova 16 files in gallery Italy: Mika performs in Padova Mariano Montella The famous English recording artist and singer-songwriter Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr, known by his stage name Mika, performs live on stage during his first italian date of "Revelation Tour" at Kioene Arena in Padova, Italy. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 2, 2020 Author Share Posted February 2, 2020 Music Attitude.it Mika, le foto e la scaletta del concerto di Padova del 1 febbraio 2020 Dopo il successo delle date dello scorso anno, Mika sta continuando a portare il suo “Revelation Tour” in tutta Italia (e non solo, visto che la tournée ha toccato anche Gran Bretagna, Spagna, Francia, Svizzera, Olanda, Belgio e Lussemburgo). Il 1 febbraio scorso il cantante britannico di origini libanesi ha fatto tappa alla Kioene Arena di Padova, per poi concludere questa seconda tranche sabato 8 febbraio a Reggio Calabria. “My Name Is Michael Holbrook“, questo il nome dell’ultimo album pubblicato il 4 ottobre 2019, ha riportato Mika sulla cresta dell’onda grazie soprattutto a singoli trascinanti come “Tiny Love” e “Ice Cream”, proposti insieme ai grandi successi del passato anche durante la data di Padova. Foto a cura di Giuseppe Craca Scaletta concerto Mika Ice Cream Dear Jealousy Relax, Take It Easy Origin of Love Platform Ballerinas Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) Tiny Love Underwater Paloma Tomorrow Elle me dit Lollipop Happy Ending Love Today We Are Golden Encore: Grace Kelly Tiny Love (reprise) Stay High 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anna Ko Kolkowska Posted February 2, 2020 Share Posted February 2, 2020 On this video I can see for the first time the pink piano bulbs " dancing as well to "Big Girl" 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anna Ko Kolkowska Posted February 2, 2020 Share Posted February 2, 2020 Platform Balerinas in masks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 2, 2020 Author Share Posted February 2, 2020 mikainstagram mikasounds Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 2, 2020 Author Share Posted February 2, 2020 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunari Posted February 2, 2020 Share Posted February 2, 2020 (edited) I'm pretty tired after returning from Padova, but the concert was great. Since I knew I wouldn't be able to arrive there early, I decided to buy a sitting ticket this time. My seat actually turned out to be terrible: it was in the front row, which was at the same level as the standing area, and you could see absolutely nothing (the part of the stage that wasn't blocked by the people standing was blocked by the loudspeakers). I really don't think the venue should be allowed to sell tickets for such a place (and nowhere did it say that the view was limited or anything like that). Anyway, if I wanted to actually see Mika, I had no choice but to join the people in the standing area, and I ended up really enjoying the gig after all. It was unusually long (almost two hours), maybe because Mika was very chatty. Other than Stardust (which I think he usually does in Italy anyway), there weren't any additions to the usual setlist. When it was time to sing Tomorrow, he started singing it in English, but then sang the second part in Italian. I'm sure most people have already seen the band members with "Mika masks" that he posted on Instagram. While Max was wearing the mask, Mika had to help him walk across the stage because he "couldn't see worth a s**t now" (Mika's words, slightly paraphrased because they were in Italian). There was another funny moment: before Lollipop, some people were throwing candies at Mika (at least I think that's what happened, as I wasn't close enough to really see it), and he joked that they were trying to kill him. He pretended to be an Italian news announcer: "Mika had a pretty short career that lasted about 10 years. He died in Padova because of a caramel in the head." He said that the news would show his old apartment in Milan and that his Italian friends would talk about his death. "Chiara would say: I thought Mika had stardust in his head, but it turned out that it was actually a caramel. Morgan would talk about the poetic death of Mika." He got really invested in the story of his death by caramel and just kept going on and on about it before he finally finished singing Lollipop. A less funny part was that he said he had lost his voice in the morning, but thanks to medication, he was able to sing now. I really hope he'll get better soon, considering how many gigs he has to do in the near future! Edited February 2, 2020 by Lunari 4 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 2, 2020 Author Share Posted February 2, 2020 Rock On Italia http://www.rockon.it/ Flickr album ( 22 photos ) https://www.flickr.com/photos/rockonit/albums/72157712941955996/with/49478131642/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anna Ko Kolkowska Posted February 2, 2020 Share Posted February 2, 2020 7 minutes ago, Lunari said: A less funny part was that he said he had lost his voice in the morning, but thanks to medication, he was able to sing now. I really hope he'll get better soon, considering how many gigs he has to do in the near future! Thank you for your report! I love Mika's speaches during the gigs It looks like in Bolzano tonight it's freezing in the venue. Mika and fans are wearing coats!!!! I hope he will not suffer after. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silver Posted February 2, 2020 Share Posted February 2, 2020 Thanks for the review, @Lunari Killed by a caramel 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 2, 2020 Author Share Posted February 2, 2020 YouTube user Pinky BRug Relax BG Tiny Love UW Tomorrow / Domani Stardust LT GK 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anna Ko Kolkowska Posted February 2, 2020 Share Posted February 2, 2020 45 minutes ago, Lunari said: I'm pretty tired after returning from Padova, but the concert was great. Since I knew I wouldn't be able to arrive there early, I decided to buy a sitting ticket this time. My seat actually turned out to be terrible: it was in the front row, which was at the same level as the standing area, and you could see absolutely nothing (the part of the stage that wasn't blocked by the people standing was blocked by the loudspeakers). I really don't think the venue should be allowed to sell tickets for such a place (and nowhere did it say that the view was limited or anything like that). Anyway, if I wanted to actually see Mika, I had no choice but to join the people in the standing area, and I ended up really enjoying the gig after all. It was unusually long (almost two hours), maybe because Mika was very chatty. Other than Stardust (which I think he usually does in Italy anyway), there weren't any additions to the usual setlist. When it was time to sing Tomorrow, he started singing it in English, but then sang the second part in Italian. I'm sure most people have already seen the band members with "Mika masks" that he posted on Instagram. While Max was wearing the mask, Mika had to help him walk across the stage because he "couldn't see worth a s**t now" (Mika's words, slightly paraphrased because they were in Italian). There was another funny moment: before Lollipop, some people were throwing candies at Mika (at least I think that's what happened, as I wasn't close enough to really see it), and he joked that they were trying to kill him. He pretended to be an Italian news announcer: "Mika had a pretty short career that lasted about 10 years. He died in Padova because of a caramel in the head." He said that the news would show his old apartment in Milan and that his Italian friends would talk about his death. "Chiara would say: I thought Mika had stardust in his head, but it turned out that it was actually a caramel. Morgan would talk about the poetic death of Mika." He got really invested in the story of his death by caramel and just kept going on and on about it before he finally finished singing Lollipop. A less funny part was that he said he had lost his voice in the morning, but thanks to medication, he was able to sing now. I really hope he'll get better soon, considering how many gigs he has to do in the near future! I just found this part about Mika being killed by caramels 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 1 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 3, 2020 Author Share Posted February 3, 2020 STARTRACKS PHOTO http://startraksphoto.com/m/mGallery.aspx?ev=fd876883e4b Saturday, February 01, 2020 Mika Kicks Off his Revelation Tour in Italy Some pics from the site. 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted February 4, 2020 Author Share Posted February 4, 2020 PRESS On Stageweb.com 3 febbraio 2020 Mika, colori e simpatia alla Kioene Arena di Padova Mika vuole un bene dell’anima al nostro Paese, al punto che non suona per niente strano che, anche di fronte a ben dodici concerti nell’arco di poco più di due mesi e mezzo, la Kioene Arena si sia imballata per bene per quello che è il debutto della leg di febbraio che lo porterà in seguito in Nordamerica, Asia ed Oceania, dopo diverse date europee (suonerà anche in Francia e Paesi Bassi). Ed è un peccato perché il concerto che l’artista sta portando è quello di supporto al suo ultimo album My Name Is Michael Holbrook che sta consolidando sempre più il suo status di artista pop di riferimento a livello internazionale. O, almeno, lo meriterebbe sulla carta. Tutto ciò perché Mika non è solo musica, ma è anche intrattenimento di grande qualità. L’esperienza televisiva, prima con X Factor e poi con Casa Mika, ha fatto diventare nel giro di un lustro quello che era un longilineo inglese dal sorriso sempre stampato in faccia e con una voce pazzesca, uno showman a tutto tondo. Il tour di supporto alla nuova fatica My Name Is Michael Holbrook è a suo modo un concept show, che riprende senza alcuna variazione quanto è già stato visto dai fan italiani nella coda del 2019. Un percorso dove i colori ed il loro significato nella vita delle persone (con la conclusione dedicata al bianco, che li racchiude tutti) e il rapporto con i propri genitori, protagonisti di una lunga introduzione. Ma la vera protagonista è la madre, la cui vicenda personale di persona che adora ballare e che ora si trova in sedia a rotelle ha caratterizzato il monologo che ha lanciato Elle Me Dit, unico pezzo francofono di tutta la serata. Mika parla italiano per tutta la sera, narrando numerosi aneddoti sulla sua vita e scherzando su un piccolo malanno di salute che lo avrebbe colpito nella mattinata di sabato. Uno scherzo, o forse la realtà, un dubbio che però è stato spazzato via in maniera travolgente dal finale di Happy Ending cantato senza microfono tra lo stupore generale e accolto, nella sua conclusione, da un applauso che sembrava destinato a non finire. I brani dell’ultimo album, infine, non sfigurano di fronte anche alle hit più conosciute del suo repertorio, come ad esempio Grace Kelly e Lollipop. Non è un’anima soul come la conterranea Charlotte che ha aperto il concerto, ma ne ha una funk, come in uno dei suoi più recenti singoli Ice Cream, e, anche se dimostra di esserlo, non si crede un gran ballerino. La sua fortuna, infatti, è quella di mettere grinta in ogni sua azione. Il tour proseguirà, dopo la data di Bolzano di ieri sera, con tre concerti a Napoli, Bari e Reggio Calabria. Google translator Spoiler Mika, colors and sympathy at the Kioene Arena in Padua Mika wants a good of the soul for our country, to the point that it doesn't sound strange at all that, even in front of twelve concerts in the space of just over two and a half months, the Kioene Arena is well packed for that which is the debut of the February leg which will later bring it to North America, Asia and Oceania, after several European dates (it will also play in France and the Netherlands). And it is a shame because the concert that the artist is carrying is to support his latest album My Name Is Michael Holbrook which is increasingly consolidating his status as a reference pop artist at an international level. Or, at least, he deserves it on paper. All this because Mika is not only music, but also high quality entertainment. The television experience, first with X Factor and then with Casa Mika, made what was a long-haired Englishman with a smile always printed on his face and with a crazy voice, an all-round showman, within a luster. The tour supporting the new effort My Name Is Michael Holbrook is in its own way a concept show, which resumes without any change what has already been seen by Italian fans in the 2019 queue. A journey where the colors and their meaning in the life of the people (with the conclusion dedicated to white, which encompasses them all) and the relationship with their parents, protagonists of a long introduction. But the real protagonist is the mother, whose personal story of a person who loves to dance and who is now in a wheelchair characterized the monologue that launched Elle Me Dit, the only Francophone piece of the whole evening. Mika speaks Italian all evening, narrating numerous anecdotes about his life and joking about a small health ailment that would have affected him on Saturday morning. A joke, or perhaps reality, a doubt that was however swept away in an overwhelming way by the ending of Happy Ending sung without a microphone between the general amazement and welcomed, in its conclusion, by an applause that seemed destined not to end. Finally, the songs from the last album do not disfigure even the best-known hits in his repertoire, such as Grace Kelly and Lollipop. He is not a soul soul like the countryman Charlotte who opened the concert, but has a funk, as in one of his most recent Ice Cream singles, and, although he proves he is, he is not considered a great dancer. His luck, in fact, is to put determination in every action. The tour will continue, after last night's Bolzano date, with three concerts in Naples, Bari and Reggio Calabria. La scaletta del concerto Ice Cream Dear Jealousy Relax, Take It Easy Origin of Love Platform Ballerinas Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) Tiny Love Underwater Paloma Domani (Tomorrow) Elle me dit iStardust Lollipop Happy Ending Love Today We Are Golden Grace Kelly Stay High / Tiny Love Reprise Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mamiam Posted February 4, 2020 Share Posted February 4, 2020 On 2/2/2020 at 10:47 PM, silver said: Thanks for the review, @Lunari Killed by a caramel In fact, throwing sweets on stage can be quite dangerous. I was present at the Norwegian Wood gig in June 2004, when David Bowie was hit in his eye, by a lollipop thrown at him. It was really scary to see the stick hanging out of Davids eye! Thanks God it was removed, and it all went much better than it looked. After a lot of furious curshing, David continued with his concert for two more hours But this MIKA caramel story is just funny... Love, love me 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maggie112 Posted February 4, 2020 Share Posted February 4, 2020 Ice cream Dear Jealousy relax Platform ballerinas Origin of love Tiny love Big girl Tomorrow Lollipop We are golden Grace Kelly stay high 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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