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Athens Voice Interview : MIKA in Athens during quarantine days, 6 May 2020


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Athens Voice.gr
06.05.2020, 15:45
Ο MIKA στην Αθήνα τις μέρες της καραντίνας
Γιάννης Νένες

Ο Βρετανο-Λιβανέζος popstar Mika, έμεινε στην Αθήνα κατά την διάρκεια της καραντίνας και μιλάει στην Athens Voice για την εμπειρία του.


Τις πρώτες ημέρες της καραντίνας, διατρέχοντας ανάµεσα σε χιλιάδες φωτογραφίες στα κοινωνικά δίκτυα καλλιτεχνών και μη, με έκπληξη είδαμε έναν από τους πιο θετικούς και ανοιχτόκαρδους ποπ σταρς, τον Βρετανο-Λιβανέζο Mika να φωτογραφίζεται σε ένα αθηναϊκό µπαλκόνι, λέγοντας πώς περνάει στο σπίτι στην Αθήνα, διαβάζοντας, µαγειρεύοντας και απολαµβάνοντας την πόλη.


Μετά από τη δηµοσίευσή µας στο site της Athens Voice και µε αρκετές μέρες καθυστέρηση, πήραµε και τις απαντήσεις στις ερωτήσεις που του είχαµε στείλει. Ξεκινώντας µε ένα ευγενικό, απολογητικό σηµείωµα:

«Θα ήθελα να ζητήσω συγγνώµη για την αργοπορία στην απάντησή µου. Η αλήθεια είναι ότι έχω αρνηθεί όλες τις συνεντεύξεις αυτή την περίοδο. Είδα όµως το ένθερµο κείµενο που ανεβάσατε πριν λίγες µέρες και την αναφορά στο τέλος του άρθρου ότι ακόµα περιµένετε τις απαντήσεις µου. Αυτό µε έκανε να χαµογελάσω και αποφάσισα να απαντήσω στις ερωτήσεις σας. Νιώθω πολύ τυχερός που βρίσκοµαι σε ένα τόσο όµορφο µέρος αυτή τη δύσκολη περίοδο. Τις καλύτερες ευχές µου. M.»


Πώς προέκυψε και βρίσκεσαι στην Αθήνα µε την καραντίνα;

Ο σύντροφός µου, που είναι µισός Έλληνας, έχει ένα σπίτι εδώ. Εγώ βρισκόµουν στη µέση της παγκόσµιας περιοδείας µου. Μόλις είχαµε τελειώσει από την Αυστραλία και τη Νέα Ζηλανδία, όταν όλη η ασιατική περιοδεία ακυρώθηκε. ∆εν µπορούσαµε να γυρίσουµε πίσω στην Ιταλία εξαιτίας του πλήρους lockdown, και δεν ήθελα να µείνω µόνος µου στις ΗΠΑ γιατί θα ήµουν πολύ µακριά από την οικογένειά µου που βρίσκεται στο Παρίσι. Έτσι, λοιπόν, ήρθα στην Αθήνα πριν 6 εβδοµάδες χωρίς να ξέρω καλά-καλά τι πρόκειται να γίνει.

Σε ποιο µέρος της Αθήνας είναι το διαµέρισµα που µένεις;
Είναι στο Παγκράτι. Φαίνεται να έχω βρεθεί σε µία περιοχή όπου ζουν τουλάχιστον 4 µουσικοί στον δρόµο µου. ∆εν τους έχω συναντήσει, αλλά τους ακούω να εξασκούνται κάθε µέρα. Πιανίστες, τραγουδιστές, σαξοφωνίστας. Έχω τζάµπα συναυλίες µε Bach, Cole Porter, πορτογαλέζικα Fado και κάποιους µάλλον αβέβαιους αυτοσχεδιασµούς. Πρέπει να οµολογήσω ότι τα µέλη αυτής της «ανεπίσηµης ορχήστρας» είναι πολύ καλύτεροι µουσικοί από άλλους! Ακόµα όµως κι αν το παίξιµο δεν είναι πάντα καταπληκτικό, µου αρέσει πολύ που βρίσκοµαι σε έναν δρόµο όπου δεν βλέπεις κανέναν αλλά ακούς τη µουσική που παίζουν. Είναι πολύ όµορφο και ποιητικό.


Έχεις ξαναβρεθεί στην Αθήνα;

Πολλές φορές. Αν και πάντα ήμουν πολύ βιαστικός. Πριν από αυτό, η μεγαλύτερη διάρκεια παραμονής μου ήταν 4 μέρες. Μπορώ να πω ότι την ανακαλύπτω για πρώτη φορά κανονικά, τώρα. Είναι ειρωνεία· έπρεπε να είναι τα πάντα κλειστά για να μπορέσω να συνδεθώ κανονικά με την πόλη. Να καθίσω, να περπατήσω, να ακούσω, να την καταλάβω καλύτερα, χωρίς να πέφτω στην παγίδα να πάω στα ίδια εστιατόρια και ξενοδοχεία. Είμαι γοητευμένος με αυτή την πόλη και αρχίζω να την αγαπάω αληθινά, μάλιστα σκέφτομαι να την κάνω πιο μόνιμο μέρος της ζωής μου.


Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σου μέρος στην Αθήνα;

Μου αρέσουν οι λαϊκές της Παρασκευής στις διάφορες γειτονιές, ειδικά αυτή στο Μετς. Αυτή την εποχή, το να μπορείς να τρέξεις γύρω από την Ακρόπολη και το Aστεροσκοπείο χωρίς τους χιλιάδες τουρίστες, είναι καταπληκτικό. Νιώθω πολύ πολύ τυχερός που μπορώ να τα δω με αυτό τον τρόπο. Τρέχω πάνω κάτω στου Φιλοπάππου και η θέα της πόλης με γοητεύει κάθε φορά. Η Αθήνα είναι γεμάτη urban μυστικά που δεν είναι φανερά στον τουρίστα με την πρώτη ματιά· τα μαγαζιά με τις έθνικ κουζίνες και τα εστιατόρια στην Ομόνοια, την πλατεία Βικτωρίας, τη Δημοτική Αγορά και το γεγονός ότι η θάλασσα και τα βουνά είναι εδώ δίπλα σου. Βρίσκω αυτή την πόλη μοναδική. Το πιο αγαπημένο μου πράγμα όμως είναι οι ταράτσες. Κάθομαι στο μπαλκόνι μου και κατασκοπεύω τους άλλους ανθρώπους να ζουν τη ζωή τους. Έχω συνδεθεί πολύ με αυτόν τον ωκεανό από ταράτσες και χαμηλά κτίρια. Τα μεσάνυχτα, στην Ανάσταση, ήταν θεαματικό να βλέπεις την πόλη να ζωντανεύει με τον τρόπο που έγινε.


Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σου φαγητό στην Αθήνα;

Όλες αυτές τις περασμένες εβδομάδες μαγείρευα στο σπίτι. Κουράζεσαι πολύ γρήγορα από το ντελίβερι! Επίσης, πολλά καλά εστιατόρια όπως φαίνεται, δεν στέλνουν στο σπίτι. Έτσι λοιπόν έγινα εξπέρ στα μανάβικα της περιοχής μου! Ξέρω ποιος κρεοπώλης είναι καλός και ποιος στριμένος. Ξερω ποιος μανάβης στον δρόμο μου πουλάει ντομάτες που διατηρούνται περισσότερο. Ακόμα έχω μάθει ποιοι υπάλληλοι είναι φιλικοί και ποιους να αποφεύγω! Η κυρία που έχει τον φούρνο εδώ κοντά με κάνει και χαμογελάω κάθε φορά που πάω. Στην αρχή ήταν δύσκολο γιατί δεν μιλάω ελληνικά αλλά τώρα, όποτε βγαίνω για ψώνια, λέω καλημέρα σε δέκα διαφορετικούς ανθρώπους.


Έχουμε δει ότι τις ημέρες της καραντίνας διαβάζεις κάποια πολύ ενδιαφέροντα βιβλία. Μπορείς να μου μιλήσεις για αυτά τα βιβλία;

Απολαμβάνω πραγματικά ένα βιβλίο με τον τίτλο «Δαμασκός» ενός αυστραλιανού συγγραφέα, του Χρήστου Τσιόλκα. Πρόκειται για ιστορίες γύρω από τη ζωή διάφορων χαρακτήρων, μεταξύ των οποίων και ο Άγιος Παύλος, μία γενιά μετά τον θάνατο του Χριστού. Είναι ένα πολύ όμορφο βιβλίο και, μέσα από αυτές τις ιστορίες, μεταφέρεσαι σε μία κρίσιμη στιγμή της γέννησης του Χριστιανισμού. Ταιριάζει να διαβάζεις κάτι επικό αυτή την περίοδο, καθώς η πραγματικότητά μας έχει κατά κάποιο τρόπο ανασταλεί. Διαβάζω επίσης ένα βιβλίο του Ismail Kadare, το «Chronicle in Stone». Πρόκειται για ένα αγόρι που μεγαλώνει στην Αλβανία κατά τη διάρκεια του Δεύτερου Παγκοσμίου Πόλεμου. Δεν γνωρίζω πολλά για την Αλβανία, αλλά είμαι πολύ περίεργος. Τα Βαλκάνια γενικά έχουν μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον και πιστεύω ότι, τουλάχιστον στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία, δεν μαθαίνουμε πολλά για αυτό το μέρος του κόσμου, και είναι κρίμα. Το αγαπημένο μου βιβλίο όμως αυτή τη στιγμή είναι η «Πανούκλα» του Αλμπέρ Καμί. Είναι ένα καταπληκτικό βιβλίο. Είμαι εντυπωσιασμένος από τις εκπληκτικές ομοιότητες ανάμεσα σε αυτό που περιγράφει ο Camus σε μία φανταστική του επιδημία στη δεκαετία του 1940 και σε αυτό που περνάει ο κόσμος τώρα. Στα πάντα, από τα συναισθήματα μέχρι την πολιτική, τις συνθήκες στο φαγητό, το ποτό, και το σεξ. Αυτό που το κάνει ακόμα πιο αξιοσημείωτο είναι ότι η επιδημία, έτσι όπως την περιγράφει ο Καμί, στην πραγματικότητα δεν συνέβη ποτέ. Θεωρώ ότι η ανάγνωση ενός βιβλίου που συνδέεται τόσο πολύ με αυτό που ζούμε, είναι κάτι εξαιρετικά παρήγορο. Άρχισα να το διαβάζω και μετά άρχισα να το ακούω καθώς τρέχω στο δρόμο, κάνοντας την καθημερινή μου άσκηση. Αυτό το βιβλίο, σε συνδυασμό με τα αρχαία μνημεία γύρω μου, με έχει κάνει να ενδιαφερθώ πολύ για τη φιλοσοφία. Βρήκα λοιπόν έναν καθηγητή πανεπιστημίου από το UCL του Λονδίνου ο οποίος έχει αρχίσει και μου κάνει μαθήματα μέσω FaceTime. Μελετάω εις βάθος τον Πλάτωνα και τον Σωκράτη αυτή την περίοδο. Είναι καταπληκτικό να σκέφτεσαι ότι κοιμάμαι μόνο μερικά χιλιόμετρα μακριά από το σημείο που βρισκόταν η Ακαδημία του Πλάτωνα.


Έχεις επίσης σχεδιάσει ένα ρολόι Swatch και πένες Pilot. Ζωγραφίζεις καθόλου όσο είσαι εδώ, με την καραντίνα;

Έχω μία μικρή σχεδιαστική εταιρεία με την αδερφή μου Yasmine. Μόλις έχουμε ολοκληρώσει ένα μεγάλο σχεδιαστικό πρόγραμμα για ένα προϊόν που θα κυκλοφορήσει αργότερα μέσα στη χρονιά. Το έργο κατέληξε να είναι πολύ πιο περίπλοκο από όσο περιμέναμε, γιατί έχουμε τόσο πολύ περισσότερο χρόνο στη διάθεσή μας! Μάλλον στάθηκαν τυχεροί (οι πελάτες). Ζωγραφίζω, περίεργα πράγματα μερικές φορές που δεν ξέρω γιατί τα ζωγραφίζω καταρχάς. Διαβάζω μία ιστορία για τους Ιθαγενείς Ινδιάνους της Αμερικής και τα πιστεύω τους, οπότε ζωγράφισα αυτό πριν λίγες μέρες:

Πάντα ζωγραφίζω με το ίδιο μολύβι και με την τεχνική της πένας που βουτάς στο μελάνι.


Πώς νιώθεις για όλη αυτή την κατάσταση με τον κορωνοϊό; Πιστεύεις ότι θα αλλάξει μακροπρόθεσμα τις ζωές μας; Είσαι αισιόδοξος;

Είμαι αισιόδοξος, έστω κι αν είμαι ρεαλιστής σχετικά με τα επίπονα κοινωνικά και οικονομικά αποτελέσματα που θα προκαλέσει και θα πρέπει να αντιμετωπίσουμε. Για μένα προσωπικά, όλη αυτή η κατάσταση μου έδωσε την ευκαιρία για αποσυμπίεση, τόσο πολύ ώστε να είμαι περίεργος και γεμάτος ανυπομονησία να μάθω για τα καινούργια πράγματα που έρχονται, με έναν τρόπο που είχα να νιώσω έτσι από έφηβος! Οικονομικά, στη δουλειά μου, έχω υποστεί μεγάλη ταλαιπωρία αλλά πιστεύω ότι δημιουργικά θα βγω από αυτή την ιστορία, καλύτερος. Τουλάχιστον το ελπίζω! Και αυτή η ελπίδα με κρατάει αισιόδοξο. Είναι ένας τρομερός ιός, και έχοντας περάσει από αυτό που μπορεί να προκαλέσει στους αγαπημένους σου ανθρώπους, μπορώ να σας πω ότι είναι τρομακτικό το πόσο γρήγορα μπορεί κάποιος να καταρρεύσει. Νομίζω ότι είναι η ώρα για ερωτήσεις προς τον εαυτό μας και τον κόσμο γύρω μας, όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερες ερωτήσεις. Νομίζω ότι οι απαντήσεις μπορούν και θα έρθουν αργότερα.


Μόλις κυκλοφόρησες το άλμπουμ σου τον Οκτώβριο του ’19 και η καραντίνα ξεκίνησε ακριβώς μόλις άρχιζες την περιοδεία σου. Μίλησέ μου για το άλμπουμ και την τουρνέ.

Το άλμπουμ ήταν μία δική μου αντίδραση σε μία στιγμή αστάθειας στην προσωπική μου ζωή. Μία πολύ δυνατή, δημιουργική αντίδραση σε διάφορες προκλήσεις μεταξύ των οποίων τον θάνατο αρκετών ανθρώπων της οικογένειάς μου και φίλων, τον αγώνα της μητέρας μου με μία ανίατη ασθένεια, αλλαγές στη ζωή μου και το γεγονός ότι έπρεπε να αντιμετωπίσω το ότι μεγαλώνω σε μία βιομηχανία που έχει εμμονή με τη νεότητα. Η αντίδρασή μου ήταν να αρπάξω τα χρώματά μου και να τα κάνω ακόμα πιο φωτεινά και όχι ξεθωριασμένα. Στη μουσική, η μελωδία είναι χρώμα, έτσι λοιπόν ήθελα ένα άλμπουμ γεμάτο μελωδία και ασεβείς στίχους που να είναι τόσο προσωπικοί όσο και παιχνιδιάρικοι. Η περιοδεία ήταν μία συνέχιση αυτού. Πρόκειται για ένα τεράστιο σόου που αν και έχει σκηνικά και φωτισμούς που γεμίζουν 6 νταλίκες είναι  χτισμένο γύρω από εμένα σαν one man παράσταση. Ήθελα να δημιουργήσω κάτι που θα ήταν θεαματικό αλλά και ενδόμυχο. Ένα είδος τσίρκου του ενός. Μέχρι τώρα ήταν η πιο αγαπημένη περιοδεία της καριέρας μου και επρόκειτο να είναι και η μεγαλύτερή μου. Θα παίζαμε σε μεγάλες αρένες στη Νότια Κορέα καθώς και στα φεστιβάλ Loolapaloza στη νότια Αμερική και στο Coachella και μετά, επί δύο μήνες, θα κάναμε περιοδεία στις ΗΠΑ και τον Καναδά. Και ΟΛΑ ΑΥΤΑ ακυρώθηκαν! Και όπως φαίνεται τώρα θα ακυρωθούν και όλα τα καλοκαιρινά φεστιβάλ της Ευρώπης που θα έπαιζα. Έτσι, λοιπόν, πήρα μία απόφαση. Όταν τα πράγματα θα ξαναφτιάξουν, θα συνεχίσω από το σημείο που είχα σταματήσει, και θα παίξω σε όλα τα φεστιβάλ της επόμενης χρονιάς, εκεί που ήταν να παίξω φέτος. Και θα είναι ακόμα πιο ενδιαφέρον καθώς θα έχω συνεχίσει να αλλάζω και να κάνω περισσότερη μουσική. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι η ιδέα του σόου θα έχει εξελιχθεί και θα είναι πιο δελεαστική του χρόνου. Αυτή η παύση μπορεί πραγματικά να είναι ένα από τα πιο σημαντικά και παραγωγικά πράγματα που μου έχουν συμβεί στη ζωή μου, από δημιουργική άποψη. Είμαι σίγουρος ότι θα υπάρξει ένα τεράστιο κομμάτι δημιουργικότητας που θα βγει από αυτή τη φάση. Ελπίζω ότι αυτό που συμβαίνει στη δική μου διεργασία να συμβαίνει και με άλλους καλλιτέχνες… πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι θα έχουμε πολλές εκπλήξεις και ενδιαφέροντα πράγματα να δούμε να κυκλοφορούν τα επόμενα χρόνια.


Τα τελευταία 7 χρόνια ζεις και δουλεύεις στην Ιταλία. Πώς νιώθεις για τη χώρα αυτή και τι έχεις να πεις για την τραγωδία που ζει τελευταία;

Περνάω πολύ χρόνο εκεί αλλά δεν ζω μόνιμα. Είναι τρομερά λυπηρή η κατάσταση και οι επιπτώσεις δεν είναι ακόμα ξεκάθαρες νομίζω. Βρισκόμαστε ακόμα μέσα στην καταιγίδα και αντιμετωπίζουμε αυτή την ταραχώδη κατάσταση. Αυτό που με φοβίζει είναι τι θα συμβεί μετά… πώς θα διατηρηθεί το ηθικό και η ελπίδα όταν οι άνθρωποι θα είναι κουρασμένοι, θα έχουν λιγότερα αποθέματα, όταν ο θυμός θα αντικαταστήσει την αδρεναλίνη. Υπάρχουν τόσες πολλές ψυχολογικές συνέπειες που δεν είναι ακόμα ξεκάθαρες. Για αυτόν το λόγο πιστεύω ότι είναι πραγματικά η ώρα να αναρωτηθούμε. Η Ιταλία έχει υποφέρει πολύ, και σε πολιτικό επίπεδο δεν νομίζω ότι η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση αντιμετώπισε αυτή την κρίση με τον σωστό τρόπο, ειδικά τις πρώτες μέρες. Η Ιταλία θα χρειαστεί βοήθεια, αυτό είναι σίγουρο. Ελπίζω να μπορέσω να πάω εκεί σύντομα. Οι Ιταλοί είναι πολύ ανθεκτικοί και είναι υπερήφανοι για αυτό.


Με ποιους τρόπους σε έχει αλλάξει αυτή η πανδημία, σαν άνθρωπο και σαν καλλιτέχνη

Με πάρα πολλούς τρόπους. Το νιώθω. Νιώθω το μυαλό μου να αναπνέει. Προσέχω περισσότερο τους ανθρώπους που αγαπώ, ακόμα κι αν υπάρχει η ανησυχία… υπάρχει επίσης η διασύνδεση. Επίσης είμαι πολύ προσεκτικός με τους ανθρώπους που δεν θέλω να είμαι σε επαφή! Η περιέργειά μου πραγματικά έχει οξυνθεί και είμαι σίγουρος ότι αυτό θα με αλλάξει πολύ. Πώς ακριβώς; Δεν ξέρω και προς το παρόν δεν μου χρειάζεται να ξέρω. Τώρα είναι η ώρα να κάνουμε ερωτήσεις. Οι απαντήσεις θα έρθουν αργότερα.




Το σχέδιο που ζωγράφισε ο ΜΙΚΑ πριν λίγες ημέρες, κατά την παραμονή του στην Αθήνα, εν μέσω πανδημίας


Edited by Kumazzz
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MIKA in Athens during quarantine days


The British-Lebanese popstar Mika stayed in Athens during the quarantine and talks to Athens Voice about his experience.


In the early days of quarantine, going through thousands of photos on social media of artists and non-artists, we were surprised to see one of the most positive and open-hearted pop stars, the British-Lebanese Mika being photographed on an Athenian balcony, telling Athens how he goes home, reading, cooking and enjoying the city.


After posting on the Athens Voice site and several days later, I got the answers to the questions I had sent him. Starting with a polite, apologetic note:

"I would like to apologize for the delay in replying. The truth is that I have refused all interviews at this time. I also saw the warm text you uploaded a few days ago and the report at the end of the article that you are still waiting for my answers. That made me laugh and I decided to answer your questions. I feel very lucky to be in such a good weather during this difficult time. Best wishes. M. »


How did it come about that you are in Athens during the quarantine?

My partner, who is Greek, has a house here. I was at the height of my world tour. I had just finished Australia and New Zealand when the whole Asian tour was canceled. I couldn't go back to Italy because of the complete lockdown, and I didn't want to be the only one in the United States because I would be too far away from my family in Paris. So, I came to Athens 6 weeks ago without knowing exactly what was going to happen.


In which part of Athens do you live in?

It's in Pagrati. I seem to have been in an area where at least 4 musicians live on this road. I have not met them, but I hear them practicing every hour. Pianists, singers, saxophonists. I have a lot of concerts in Bach, Cole Porter, Portuguese Fado and some other uncertain self-designs. I have to admit that the members of this "unofficial orchestra" are much better than others! Even though the playing isn't always amazing, I really like being on a road where you don't see anyone but you hear the music they play. It is very poetic.


Have you been to Athens before?

Many times. Although I was always in a hurry. Before that, my longest stay was 4 days. I can say that I am discovering it for the first time normally, now. It's ironic; everything had to be closed for me to be able to connect normally with the city. To sit, to walk, to listen, to understand it better, without falling into the trap of going to the same restaurants and hotels. I am fascinated by this city and I am really starting to love it, in fact I am thinking of making it a more permanent part of my life.


What is your favorite place in Athens?

I like the popular Friday in the various neighborhoods, especially the one in Mets. At this time, being able to run around the Acropolis and the Observatory without the thousands of tourists is amazing. I feel very, very lucky to be able to see them this way. I run up and down Filopappou and the view of the city fascinates me every time. Athens is full of urban secrets that are not obvious to the tourist at first glance; the shops with ethnic cuisines and restaurants in Omonia, Victoria Square, the Municipal Market and the fact that the sea and the mountains are here next to you. I find this city unique. But my favorite thing is the terraces. I sit on my balcony and spy on other people living their lives. I am very connected to this ocean by terraces and low buildings. At midnight, at the Resurrection, it was spectacular to see the city come alive in the way it did.


What is your favorite food in Athens?

All these past weeks I've been cooking at home. You get tired of delivery very quickly! Also, many good restaurants do not seem to deliver. So I became an expert in the grocery stores in my area! I know which butcher is good and who isn't. I know which greengrocer on my way sells the best tomatoes. I've also learned which employees are friendly and which to avoid! The lady who has the oven nearby makes me smile every time I go. At first it was difficult because I don't speak Greek but now, whenever I go shopping, I say good morning to ten different people.


We have seen that in quarantine days you read some very interesting books. Can you tell me about these books?

I really enjoy a book called "Damascus" by an Australian author, Christos Tsiolkas. These are stories about the lives of various characters, including St. Paul, a generation after the death of Christ. It is a very beautiful book and, through these stories, you are transported to a critical moment of the birth of Christianity. It is appropriate to read something epic at this time, as our reality has somehow been suspended. I also read a book by Ismail Kadare, "Chronicle in Stone". He is a boy who grew up in Albania during World War II. I don't know much about Albania, but I'm very curious. The Balkans in general are very interesting and I think, at least in the UK, we don't learn much about this part of the world, and it's a shame. But my favorite book right now is Albert Camus's "Plague." It's an amazing book. I'm impressed by the striking similarities between what Camus describes in a fantastic 1940s epidemic and what the world is going through now. Everything from emotions to politics, food, drink, and sex. What makes it even more remarkable is that the epidemic, as Camus describes it, never really happened. I find that reading a book that is so closely related to what we live in is extremely comforting. I started reading it and then I started listening to it as I ran down the street, doing my daily exercise. This book, combined with the ancient monuments around me, has made me very interested in philosophy. So I found a university professor from UCL in London who has started and is teaching me through FaceTime. I am currently studying Plato and Socrates in depth. It's amazing to think that I only sleep a few miles away from where Plato's Academy was.


You also have a Swatch watch and Pilot pens. Do you paint at all while you are here, with the quarantine?

I have a small design company with my sister Yasmine. We have just completed a major design program for a product that will be released later this year. The project turned out to be much more complicated than we expected, because we have so much more time at our disposal! They were probably lucky (customers). I paint strange things sometimes that I don't know why I paint them first. I'm reading a story about Native Americans and I believe them, so I painted this a few days ago:


The drawing that MIKA painted a few days ago, during his stay in Athens, in the middle of a pandemic


I always paint with the same pencil and pen technique that you dip in ink.


How do you feel about this whole situation with the corona virus? Do you think it will change our lives in the long run? Are you optimistic?

I am optimistic, even if I am realistic about the painful social and economic consequences it will cause and we will have to deal with. For me personally, this whole situation gave me the opportunity to decompress, so much so that I was curious and full of impatience to learn about new things coming, in a way that I hadn't felt since I was a teenager! Financially, in my work, I have suffered a lot, but I believe that I will creatively get out of this story, better. At least I hope so! And that hope keeps me optimistic. It's a terrible virus, and having gone through what it can do to your loved ones, I can tell you how scary it can be for someone to collapse. I think it's time to ask ourselves and the world around us as many questions as possible. I think the answers can and will come later.


You just released your album in October 2019 and the quarantine started soon after you started your tour. Tell me about the album and the tour.

The album was my own reaction to a moment of instability in my personal life. A very strong, creative reaction to various challenges including the death of several people in my family and friends, my mother's struggle with an incurable disease, changes in my life and the fact that I had to deal with growing up in an industry that is obsessed with youth. My reaction was to grab my colors and make them even brighter and not faded. In music, melody is color, so I wanted an album full of melody and disrespectful lyrics that were both personal and playful. The tour was a continuation of that. This is a huge show that, although it has sets and lighting that fills 6 trucks, is built around me like a one man show. I wanted to create something that would be spectacular but also inward. A kind of circus of one. Until now, it was the most favorite tour of my career and it was going to be my biggest. We would play in big arenas in South Korea as well as at the Lollapaloza festivals in South America and Coachella, and then, for two months, we would tour the United States and Canada. And ALL THESE were canceled! And as it seems now, all the summer festivals in Europe that I would play will be canceled. So I made a decision. When things change again, I will continue from where I left off, and I will play in all the festivals next year, where I was going to play this year. And it will be even more interesting as I will continue to change and make more music. This means that the idea of the show will have evolved and will be more tempting over time. This pause can really be one of the most important and productive things that has happened to me in my life, creatively. I am sure that there will be a huge piece of creativity that will come out of this phase. I hope that what happens in my own process happens to other artists as well; which means that we will have many surprises and interesting things to see released in the coming years.


For the last 7 years you have been living and working in Italy. How do you feel about this country and what do you have to say about the recent tragedy?

I spend a lot of time there but I don't live permanently. The situation is terribly sad and the consequences are not yet clear, I think. We are still in the storm and we are facing this turbulent situation. What scares me is what will happen next; how to maintain morale and hope when people are tired, have fewer supplies, when anger will replace adrenaline. There are so many psychological consequences that are not yet clear. That's why I think it's really time to ask. Italy has suffered a lot, and politically I don't think the European Union has dealt with this crisis in the right way, especially in the early days. Italy will need help, that's for sure. I hope to be able to go there soon. The Italians are very resilient and proud of that.


In what ways has this pandemic changed you, as a human being and as an artist?

In so many ways. I feel it. I feel my mind breathing. I pay more attention to the people I love, even if there is anxiety; there is also connection. I'm also very careful with people I don't want to be in contact with! My curiosity has really intensified and I'm sure that will change me a lot. How exactly? I don't know and I don't need to know at the moment. Now is the time to ask questions. The answers will come later.






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I'm intrigued to know more about the project he is doing with his sister. Any new kind of merch, clothing or watches, I'm buying it!

I really like his drawing too!

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56 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:


You just released your album in October of '19 and the quarantine started as soon as you started your tour. Tell me about the album and the tour.

The album was my own reaction to a moment of instability in my personal life. A very strong, creative reaction to various challenges including the death of several people in my family and friends, my mother's struggle with an incurable disease, changes in my life and the fact that I had to deal with growing up in an industry that he is obsessed with youth. My reaction was to grab my colors and make them even brighter and not faded. In music, melody is color, so I wanted an album full of melody and disrespectful lyrics that were both personal and playful. The tour was a continuation of that. This is a huge show that, although it has sets and lighting that fills 6 dalikas, is built around me like a one man show. I wanted to create something that would be spectacular but also inward. A kind of circus of one. Until now, it was the most favorite tour of my career and it was going to be my biggest. We would play in big arenas in South Korea as well as at the Loolapaloza festivals in South America and Coachella, and then, for two months, we would tour the United States and Canada. And ALL THESE were canceled! And as it seems now, all the summer festivals in Europe that I would play will be canceled. So I made a decision. When things change again, I will continue from where I left off, and I will play in all the festivals next year, where I was going to play this year. And it will be even more interesting as I will continue to change and make more music. This means that the idea of the show will have evolved and will be more tempting over time. This pause can really be one of the most important and productive things that has happened to me in my life, creatively. I am sure that there will be a huge piece of creativity that will come out of this phase. I hope that what happens in my own process happens to other artists as well; which means that we will have many surprises and interesting things to see released in the coming years.


Wow, that's great!!!  I hope next year the  the situation has normalized and we can once again enjoy life as before and his shows as well. :crossed: We will need them.

Edited by Mikasister
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3 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


2 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Automatic translation of the screen.

I suppose that "days of the crown" means "corona period" 😁








Is it really necessary?
Every single day

You're making me more ordinary
In every possible way


This ordinary mind is broken
You did it and you don't even know
You're leaving me with words unspoken
You better get back 'cause I'm ready for


More than this
Whatever it is
Baby, I hate days like this
Caught in a trap
I can't look back
Baby, I hate days like this


When it rain and rain, it rain and rains
When it rain and rain, it rain and rains
When it rain and rain, it rain and rains
When it rain and rain, it rain and rains


More than this
Baby, I hate days like


Trying to be ordinary
Was it me who was the fool?

Thought you found the man you wanted
'Til you turn him into something new

Well, even if our minds are broken
There's something that I need you to know
It's nothing like the life we wanted
You better move on 'cause I'm ready for


More than this
Whatever it is
Baby, I hate days like this
Caught in a trap
I can't look back
Baby, I hate days like this





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So, what do you see in Mika's drawing? My first thought was that the character on the right reminded me of Dagobert Duck. :teehee: Then I thought, it's someone in the spotlight who is running away. There's obviously something dangerous in the center part of the drawing - fire, maybe a volcano, this large black spike, which feels even more dangerous to me than the fire... I suppose all this danger is what the figure is running away from.


I don't like the general feeling of this drawing, it feels very dark to me and not positive at all. But I love Mika's drawing technique, all those details and fine lines, that must've taken hours! :wub2: And I think creating art is his way to deal with his worries and fears. I can well interpret the drawing representing the world's current situation.

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1 hour ago, mellody said:

So, what do you see in Mika's drawing? My first thought was that the character on the right reminded me of Dagobert Duck. :teehee: Then I thought, it's someone in the spotlight who is running away. There's obviously something dangerous in the center part of the drawing - fire, maybe a volcano, this large black spike, which feels even more dangerous to me than the fire... I suppose all this danger is what the figure is running away from.


I don't like the general feeling of this drawing, it feels very dark to me and not positive at all. But I love Mika's drawing technique, all those details and fine lines, that must've taken hours! :wub2: And I think creating art is his way to deal with his worries and fears. I can well interpret the drawing representing the world's current situation.

It reminds me of the artwork on Boum Boum Boum video with lyrics ,  of the artwork on the first Swatch by Mika box and also somehow of the mask sold with the limited edition of it and of the colorful mask on TBWKTM but in a black and white version. I also see greek pilars and old stones and the round shapes on top remind me of the sea. I don't find it dark in itself,  I think it needs filled up with colors like it's not finished yet.

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On 5/7/2020 at 9:32 AM, Kumazzz said:

But my favorite book right now is Albert Camus's "Plague." It's an amazing book. I'm impressed by the striking similarities between what Camus describes in a fantastic 1940s epidemic and what the world is going through now. Everything from emotions to politics, food, drink, and sex. What makes it even more remarkable is that the epidemic, as Camus describes it, never really happened. I find that reading a book that is so closely related to what we live in is extremely comforting. I started reading it and then I started listening to it as I ran down the street, doing my daily exercise. This book, combined with the ancient monuments around me, has made me very interested in philosophy.


He got me interested in that book now. Although I don't like what I read about it on Wikipedia, it seems like a rather dark story. But I might give it a try, just out of curiosity for the similarities to the current pandemic that Mika mentions. I'll probably regret it, like watching the movie "The Storm" or part 3 of "The Matrix" - where you are left without any hope and the main characters just die, all of them. :aah:

Have any of you read this book? I read that it's part of the lectures at French schools, so maybe some of the French fans know it?

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1 hour ago, mellody said:


He got me interested in that book now. Although I don't like what I read about it on Wikipedia, it seems like a rather dark story. But I might give it a try, just out of curiosity for the similarities to the current pandemic that Mika mentions. I'll probably regret it, like watching the movie "The Storm" or part 3 of "The Matrix" - where you are left without any hope and the main characters just die, all of them. :aah:

Have any of you read this book? I read that it's part of the lectures at French schools, so maybe some of the French fans know it?

I did but it was so many years ago that I don't remember lot of things

But I don't think that it was too dark

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Ciao a tutti! Ho tradotto l'intervista completa di Athens Voice in italiano (inclusa la domanda sulla campagna di Vanity Fair Italia che inizialmente nell'intervista non c'era, ed è comparsa successivamente). 

Spero sia utile e interessante. 😉


MIKA ad Atene durante i giorni di quarantena
La popstar trascorre i tempi del Coronavirus ad Atene e si è innamorato della città
La popstar britannico-libanese Mika si trova ad Atene durante la quarantena e racconta ad Athens Voice la sua esperienza.

All'inizio della quarantena, scorrendo migliaia di foto sugli account dei social media di artisti e non, siamo rimasti sorpresi nel vedere una delle popstar più positive e generose, il britannico-libanese Mika fotografato su un balcone di Atene, che raccontava di cosa stesse facendo a casa, tra leggere, cucinare e godersi la città.

Dopo il nostro post sul sito Athens Voice, anche se con qualche giorno di ritardo, abbiamo ricevuto le risposte alle domande che gli avevamo inviato. A cominciare da una cortese nota di scuse:

"Vorrei scusarmi per il ritardo nella risposta. Se devo essere onesto, in questo periodo ho rifiutato tutte le interviste. Ad ogni modo, ho visto l'affettuoso articolo che avete postato qualche giorno fa e la nota alla fine in cui si diceva che state ancora aspettando le mie risposte. Questo mi ha fatto sorridere e ho deciso di rispondere alle vostre domande. Mi sento molto fortunato di trovarmi in un luogo così bello in questo tormentato periodo. I miei migliori auguri. M."
Come mai sei ad Atene in quarantena?
Il mio compagno, che è per metà greco, ha un appartamento qui. Ero in pieno tour mondiale. Avevamo appena finito in Australia e Nuova Zelanda quando l'intero tour asiatico è stato cancellato. Non potevamo tornare in Italia, a causa del lockdown totale, (il mio compagno non ha il passaporto americano) e io non volevo andare da solo negli Stati Uniti, perché sarei stato troppo lontano dalla mia famiglia, che è a Parigi. Perciò sono venuto ad Atene 6 settimane fa, senza sapere cosa sarebbe successo.
In quale zona di Atene si trova l'appartamento in cui vivi?
È a Pangrati. A quanto pare è una zona in cui ci sono almeno 4 musicisti che vivono nella mia stessa strada. Non li ho incontrati, ma li sento che si esercitano ogni giorno. Pianisti, cantanti, sassofonisti. Assisto a concerti gratis di Bach, Cole Porter, Fado portoghese, anche qualche improvvisazione un po' incerta. Devo ammettere che i membri di questa "orchestra non ufficiale" sono molto meglio di certi altri musicisti! Anche se il loro modo di suonare non è sempre eccezionale, mi fa davvero piacere stare in una strada in cui non si vede nessuno ma si sente la musica che suonano. È molto bello e poetico.
Eri già stato ad Atene prima d'ora?
Molte volte. Anche se ero sempre di fretta. Prima d'ora, il mio soggiorno più lungo era stato di 4 giorni. Posso dire che la sto scoprendo per la prima volta per bene, solo ora. È ironico, ci voleva che tutto fosse chiuso per il lockdown per potermi connettere davvero con la città. Così ho potuto mettermi seduto, camminare, ascoltarla, capirla meglio, senza cadere nella trappola di andare nei soliti ristoranti e alberghi. Sono affascinato da questa città e sto iniziando ad amarla davvero, infatti sto pensando di renderla una parte più permanente della mia vita.
Qual è il tuo posto preferito ad Atene?
Mi piacciono i mercati all'aperto del venerdì nei vari quartieri, specialmente quello a Mets. In questo periodo dell'anno, avere la possibilità di correre per l'Acropoli e l'Osservatorio, senza tutte quelle migliaia di turisti, è sorprendente. Mi sento incredibilmente fortunato ad avere l'opportunità di vedere questi luoghi in queste condizioni. Corro su e giù per la collina di Filopappo e la vista della città mi affascina tutte le volte. Atene è piena di segreti urbani che non sono così ovvi per il turista a prima vista; i negozi di cibo etnico e i ristoranti a Omonoia, Victoria Square, il Mercato Centrale e il fatto che il mare e le montagne sono proprio accanto a te. Trovo questa città unica. Però la cosa che preferisco in assoluto sono i tetti. Mi siedo sul balcone e spio le altre persone mentre fanno la loro vita. Mi sento legato a questo oceano di tetti ed edifici bassi. A mezzanotte della Pasqua ortodossa, è stato spettacolare guardare la città prendere vita, così com'era.
Qual è il tuo cibo preferito ad Atene?
In tutte queste settimane ho cucinato a casa. Il delivery ti stanca molto presto! Oltretutto, molti ristoranti buoni non sembrano offrire il servizio di consegne a domicilio. Così sono diventato un esperto dei negozi di alimentari della mia zona! So quale macellaio è simpatico e quale è un po' folle. So quale verduriere sulla mia strada vende i pomodori che si mantengono di più. Ho anche imparato a capire quali commessi sono gentili e quali sono da evitare! La signora che ha la panetteria vicino mi fa sorridere ogni volta che ci vado. All'inizio è stato difficile perché io non parlo greco ma ora, ogni volta che vado a fare la spesa, dico buongiorno a dieci persone diverse.
Fai delle lezioni di cucina online. Puoi raccontarci della tua cucina?
Ho imparato a cucinare essenzialmente copiando. Guardavo mia madre e altre persone della mia famiglia, però anche se mi diverto, devo dire che sono più bravo a "consumarlo" il cibo che non a cucinarlo! Dato che mi trovavo nel bel mezzo del tour mondiale, volevo fare qualcosa che mi tenesse in contatto con i miei fan. Non volevo essere io che canto da solo davanti a una fotocamera, oltretutto qui non ho un pianoforte. E allora ho pensato di fare qualcosa che comunque faccio ogni giorno a casa. Cucinare... ascoltare musica, ballare come se nessuno mi vedesse e cantare sulle canzoni di cui non conosco le parole!
Abbiamo visto che trascorri la quarantena leggendo alcuni libri molto interessanti. Puoi parlarcene?
Mi sta piacendo molto un libro intitolato "Damasco" di un autore australiano, Christos Tsiolkas. Racconta le storie della vita di vari personaggi, tra cui San Paolo, una generazione dopo la morte di Cristo. È un libro molto bello e, attraverso queste storie, ti ritrovi trasportato in un momento critico della nascita della Cristianità. È opportuno leggere qualcosa di epico proprio adesso, dato che la nostra realtà è stata in qualche modo sospesa. Sto anche leggendo un libro di Ismail Kadare, "Chronicle in Stone" ("La città di pietra", it). Parla di un ragazzo cresciuto in Albania durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Io non so molto sull'Albania, ma sono tanto curioso. I Balcani in generale li trovo molto interessanti e penso che, almeno in UK, non si studia tanto questa parte del mondo, ed è un peccato. Comunque, il mio libro preferito in questo momento è "La peste" di Albert Camus. È un libro meraviglioso. Sono impressionato dalle sbalorditive somiglianze tra ciò che Camus descrive parlando di una epidemia immaginaria negli anni '40 e quello che il mondo sta attraversando ora. Tutto, dalle emozioni alla politica, cibo, bevande e sesso. Ciò che lo rende ancora più straordinario è che l'epidemia, come la descrive Camus, non è mai accaduta realmente. Trovo che leggere un libro così strettamente legato a quello che stiamo vivendo sia estremamente confortante. Ho iniziato a leggerlo e poi ad ascoltarlo mentre correvo lungo la strada, facendo i miei esercizi quotidiani. La combinazione tra questo libro e i monumenti antichi che mi circondano, mi ha suscitato un interesse per la filosofia. Così ho trovato un professore universitario della UCL a Londra che ha iniziato a darmi lezioni tramite FaceTime. Attualmente sto studiando a fondo Platone e Socrate. È pazzesco pensare che dormo solo a pochi chilometri da dove si trovava l'Accademia di Platone.
Tu hai anche ideato il design per un orologio Swatch e per le penne Pilot. Hai fatto qualche disegno mentre sei qui, durante la quarantena?
Ho una piccola azienda di design in società con mia sorella Yasmine. Abbiamo appena terminato un importante programma di design per un prodotto che sarà disponibile entro la fine dell'anno. Il progetto si è rivelato molto più complicato di quanto ci aspettassimo, perché abbiamo molto più tempo a nostra disposizione! Probabilmente sono stati fortunati (i clienti). Disegno a volte cose strane che, tanto per cominciare, non so perché le disegno! Stavo leggendo una storia sui nativi americani e le loro credenze, quindi ho disegnato questo alcuni giorni fa:



[Il disegno che MIKA ha dipinto pochi giorni fa, durante il suo soggiorno ad Atene, nel mezzo della pandemia].
Dipingo sempre utilizzando la stessa matita e la tecnica di intingere la penna nell'inchiostro.
Cosa ne pensi riguardo a tutta questa situazione del Coronavirus? Pensi che cambierà le nostre vite a lungo termine? Sei ottimista?
Io sono ottimista, anche se sono realistico riguardo alle dolorose conseguenze sociali ed economiche che questo causerà e che dovremo affrontare. A me personalmente, tutta questa situazione ha dato la possibilità di "decomprimere", tanto che sono curioso e molto impaziente di scoprire le cose nuove che arriveranno: non mi ero più sentito così da quando ero adolescente! Finanziariamente, nel mio lavoro, ho dovuto affrontare parecchi problemi, ma dal punto di vista della creatività credo che da tutta questa storia ne uscirò un uomo migliore. Almeno, lo spero! E questa speranza mi mantiene ottimista. È un virus terribile e, avendo avuto esperienza diretta di quello che può fare alle nostre persone più care, posso dirti che è spaventoso vedere quanto velocemente può far collassare qualcuno. Io credo che sia il momento di porci delle domande, su noi stessi e sul mondo che ci circonda, quante più domande possibili. Penso che le risposte possano arrivare, e arriveranno, più tardi.
Hai pubblicato il tuo album nell'ottobre 2019 e la quarantena è iniziata proprio quando dovevi ricominciare il tour. Raccontami dell'album e del tour.
L'album è stata la mia reazione a un momento di instabilità nella mia vita privata. Una reazione molto forte e creativa a varie sfide, tra cui la morte di diverse persone nella mia famiglia e di alcuni miei amici, la battaglia di mia madre contro una malattia incurabile, i cambiamenti nella mia vita e il fatto che ho dovuto affrontare l'essere diventato "grande" in un settore (quello della musica) che è ossessionato dalla giovinezza. La mia reazione è stata quella di afferrare i miei colori e renderli ancora più luminosi, non lasciarli sbiadire. Nella musica, la melodia è il colore, perciò volevo un album pieno di melodie e testi irriverenti che fossero tanto personali, quanto festosi. Il tour era una continuazione di questo. E' uno spettacolo enorme che, sebbene abbia scenografie e luci che riempiono 6 tir, è costruito intorno a me come un "one man show". Volevo creare qualcosa che fosse spettacolare e intimo allo stesso tempo. Una sorta di circo con un unico artista. Finora, è stato il tour che ho preferito in tutta la mia carriera e avrebbe dovuto essere il mio più grande. Dovevamo suonare nelle grandi arene in Corea del Sud e ai festival di Lollapalooza in Sud America e al Coachella, e poi, per due mesi, saremmo andati in tour negli Stati Uniti e in Canada... e TUTTO QUESTO è stato cancellato! E a quanto pare, anche tutti i festival estivi europei in cui avrei dovuto suonare, ora saranno cancellati. Quindi ho preso una decisione. Quando le cose saranno migliorate, riprenderò da dove avevo interrotto, e il prossimo anno suonerò in tutti quei festival in cui avrei dovuto suonare quest'anno. E sarà anche più interessante, perché io avrò continuato a cambiare e a fare sempre più musica. Ciò significa che il concept dello show si sarà evoluto e sarà anche più attrattivo l'anno prossimo. Questa pausa potrebbe davvero essere una delle cose più importanti e produttive che mi sia mai successa nella vita, dal punto di vista creativo. Io sono sicuro che ci sarà un'enorme fetta di creatività che si scatenerà in questo periodo. Spero che ciò che sta accadendo a me nel  processo creativo, accada anche ad altri artisti... il che significa che potrebbero esserci molte sorprese e uscite interessanti che vedremo nei prossimi anni.
Negli ultimi 7 anni hai vissuto e lavorato in Italia. Cosa ne pensi riguardo a quel Paese e cosa ti senti di dire sull'attuale tragedia?
Trascorro molto tempo lì, ma non ci vivo permanentemente. La situazione è terribilmente triste e le conseguenze non sono ancora chiare, credo. Siamo ancora nella tempesta e stiamo affrontando questa situazione turbolenta. Ciò che mi spaventa è quello che accadrà dopo; come si potranno mantenere il morale e la speranza quando le persone saranno sfinite, quando avranno meno risorse, quando la rabbia sostituirà l'adrenalina. Ci sono moltissime conseguenze psicologiche che non sono ancora evidenti. Ecco perché credo che sia davvero il momento di farsi delle domande. L'Italia ha sofferto molto, e a livello politico io non penso che l'Unione europea abbia affrontato questa crisi nel modo giusto, soprattutto all'inizio. L'Italia avrà bisogno di aiuto, questo è certo. Io spero di poterci tornare presto. Gli italiani hanno una grande capacità di resistere, e ne sono orgogliosi.
Cos'è esattamente la campagna @vanityfairitalia?
Era una campagna di solidarietà. Io sono apparso in diverse copertine di Vanity Fair Italia e mi è stato chiesto di partecipare a una campagna di solidarietà e orgoglio. E ovviamente l'ho fatto molto volentieri. La campagna non riguarda solo le celebrità, ma cerca di unire artisti, scrittori, musicisti, medici, che siano italiani o no, tutti uniti nel loro amore per il paese, un amore e un orgoglio che vanno oltre il patriottismo o la nazionalità scritta sul passaporto.
In che modo questa pandemia ti ha cambiato, come essere umano e come artista?
In tantissimi modi. Lo sento. Sento che la mia mente respira. Sono più attento alle persone che amo, anche se la preoccupazione c'è... pure il legame c'è. Sto anche molto attento quando si tratta di persone con cui non voglio essere in contatto! La mia curiosità si è davvero intensificata e sono sicuro che questo mi cambierà molto. Come esattamente? Non lo so e in questo momento non ho bisogno di saperlo. Ora è il momento di farsi domande. Le risposte arriveranno più tardi.


Edited by Elena Mastro
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I missed a part of Vanity Fair campaign.




Τι είναι ακριβώς η καμπάνια @vanityfairitalia;

Ήταν μία καμπάνια αλληλεγγύης. Έχω κάνει αρκετά εξώφυλλα για το Ιταλικό Vanity Fair και μου ζήτησαν να συμμετέχω σε μία καμπάνια αλληλεγγύης και υπερηφάνειας. Και φυσικά το έκανα πολύ ευχαρίστως. Η καμπάνια δεν έχει να κάνει μόνο με celebrities, αλλά επιχειρεί να ενώσει τους καλλιτέχνες, τους συγγραφείς, τους μουσικούς, τους γιατρούς της χώρας, είτε είναι Ιταλικής εθνικότητας είτε όχι, όλοι ενωμένοι στην αγάπη τους για τη χώρα, μία αγάπη και υπερηφάνεια που πάει πέρα από τον πατριωτισμό ή την εθνικότητα που γράφει το διαβατήριό σου.


:uk:Google translator


What exactly is the @vanityfairitalia campaign?

It was a solidarity campaign. I have done several covers for the Italian Vanity Fair and I have been asked to participate in a solidarity and pride campaign. And of course I did it very happily. The campaign is not just about celebrities, but about trying to unite artists, writers, musicians, doctors, whether they are Italian or not, all united in their love for the country, a love and pride that goes in addition to the patriotism or nationality that your passport says.


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8 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

I missed a part of Vanity Fair campaign.




Τι είναι ακριβώς η καμπάνια @vanityfairitalia;

Ήταν μία καμπάνια αλληλεγγύης. Έχω κάνει αρκετά εξώφυλλα για το Ιταλικό Vanity Fair και μου ζήτησαν να συμμετέχω σε μία καμπάνια αλληλεγγύης και υπερηφάνειας. Και φυσικά το έκανα πολύ ευχαρίστως. Η καμπάνια δεν έχει να κάνει μόνο με celebrities, αλλά επιχειρεί να ενώσει τους καλλιτέχνες, τους συγγραφείς, τους μουσικούς, τους γιατρούς της χώρας, είτε είναι Ιταλικής εθνικότητας είτε όχι, όλοι ενωμένοι στην αγάπη τους για τη χώρα, μία αγάπη και υπερηφάνεια που πάει πέρα από τον πατριωτισμό ή την εθνικότητα που γράφει το διαβατήριό σου.


:uk:Google translator


What exactly is the @vanityfairitalia campaign?

It was a solidarity campaign. I have done several covers for the Italian Vanity Fair and I have been asked to participate in a solidarity and pride campaign. And of course I did it very happily. The campaign is not just about celebrities, but about trying to unite artists, writers, musicians, doctors, whether they are Italian or not, all united in their love for the country, a love and pride that goes in addition to the patriotism or nationality that your passport says.


Yes, don't know why this question was missing when they first published the interview. I noticed it only some hours later, when I had already started to work on my translation. Anyway, now we have it complete, both in English 🇬🇧 and Italian 🇮🇹.


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3 hours ago, Elena Mastro said:

Yes, don't know why this question was missing when they first published the interview. I noticed it only some hours later, when I had already started to work on my translation. Anyway, now we have it complete, both in English 🇬🇧 and Italian 🇮🇹.



Yes, this question was not in the first version of the text.

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Oh, there is another question added!!!! Very important for us 😍



You take cooking classes online(I think it should be "you give cooking classes online). Can you tell me about your cooking?
I have learned to cook purely by copying. I saw my mother and other family members but, although I enjoy it, I have to say that I am better at "consuming" food than cooking it! Since I was in the middle of a world tour, I wanted to do something that would keep me in touch with my fans. I didn't want to be the only one singing on camera and I also don't have a piano here. So I thought about doing something I do every day at home. To cook ... to listen to music, to dance as if no one is watching me and to sing on songs which words I don't know!

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1 hour ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Oh, there is another question added!!!! Very important for us 😍



You take cooking classes online(I think it should be "you give cooking classes online). Can you tell me about your cooking?
I have learned to cook purely by copying. I saw my mother and other family members but, although I enjoy it, I have to say that I am better at "consuming" food than cooking it! Since I was in the middle of a world tour, I wanted to do something that would keep me in touch with my fans. I didn't want to be the only one singing on camera and I also don't have a piano here. So I thought about doing something I do every day at home. To cook ... to listen to music, to dance as if no one is watching me and to sing on songs which words I don't know!

 oh yes Very very very important i think  :cheer:because with Mika is fantastic!!!

we have a lot of fun every time
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