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Mika in French Press - 2021


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@KumazzzTranslation of Télé 7 jours interview in English:

Mika: the great return of the master of magic

The colors of Mika:
 The singer Mika asked nine design artists to create artworks to give colors back to Paris  in order to decorate the Morris columns who are nowadays deprived of their posters to advertize shows because of the pandemy. And he also designed one.

Q: Tell us about this beautiful idea, Mika gives back its colors to Paris.
M: For personal reasons I spend Christmas and January month in Paris. After this complicated year, in adverse family situation, when I was in a car in Paris streets, with gloomy weather, going to my parents' apartment, I would see all the posters promoting movies that never came out, exhibitions that didn't take place, theater plays that had been cancelled...So I told myself: What if we reclaim those spaces with artwork precisely?" I wanted to use those free spaces on the Morris columns and the billboards to show drawings and tell stories.... so I asked artists to create artworks. I thought we would get 30 or 40 spaces, but now we got a total of 2500 alternatively. So Paris streets are becoming the biggest ephemeral art gallery in the world! I wanted to give an opportunity of expressing themselves to artists, thanks to their intimate stories, and to give back colors to the town, to the public spaces. And that it would be accessible to everyone.
Q: You also designed a poster. Tell us its story.
M: I wanted to recreate an athmosphere reminiscent of the Belle Epoque with this enchanting fantasy. With references to dance culture and to classical music. So you can see men who are dancing in the middle of a city. It's kind of like a tribal dance to demand spring.
Q: You share your life between Paris, London, Italy, the United States...Where do you feel home?
M: Everywhere I am free to express myself, to create and to love who I want to love.
Q: How do you live in the pandemic context?
M: At the beginning it was very confusing, like for everyone. It came as such a shock... Since World War to, we had not had such a suspended moment. The lockdown allowed us to realize all this I think. To reflect about our feelings, about our lives.
Q: You also helped others: I love Beirut concert which you organized after the explosion on August 4th 2020 which was a technical achievement and which raised a million euros...
M: It was at the same time crazy and complicated. During the lockdown I saw many artists singing in their house. But I didn't want this because I believe my work is a team work, with dozens of people working to make a show. So I cooked while singing and dancing, while drinking poor wine at my partner's in Athens. When there were the explosions in Beirut, I had the feeling responding with music had to be done, but while telling a story. The economical, political and social situation is problematic in Lebanon. So I wanted to provoke emotion. I organized this concert with artists in seven countries. And each time with dedicated teams because it was impossible to travel. And finally: 250 people got involved! I even surprized myself by doing things I would have never dared to do before like calling the Italian minister of culture to ask to be able to use the colisseum in Rome for Laura Pausini to sing! This cause gave me enough courage and crazyness to do it.
Q: In between the pandemic, Beirut events and the loss of your mother, 2020 was a difficult year for you. And, still, you have energy, enthousiasm and an unfailing smile. Is it strengh or modesty?
M: Oh...both meet, sometimes. I can metabolize pain as much as joy. Each time life hurts you, when someone leaves you or passes away, a chapter is closed and another one is open. I don't want to be crushed by life, by stress, by sadness. And I know it's easy to be. I want to answer to death  as much as to life with the same ferocity.
Q: What a beautiful symbol, for you, this concert given in Opéra Royal of Versailles...
M: I wanted to do something different. It was not an option to do something trivial. We created special arrangements for the audience watching on their TV. And opera for me is a story in itself. I can still see myself when I was eight years old, on the Royal Opera stage in London. It was a revelation! This is when I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I was infected with the virus - not the covid one! - that Cocteau called  " the red and gold illness". It never leaved me and there is no vaccine for this particular illness.
Q: When you think about this child and of you today, what is your best achievement?
M: (After a long silence) That is hard to say, I never do any review and I never think about those things. Maybe the fact that, over this last year, I have been able to answer quickly without being paralyzed by fright or the potential opinion of the others. This year was rich in terms of creativity: Beirut and Versailles concerts, the posters in Paris...my artistic palette has been very broad. And it made me want to explore new terrictories.
Q: Do you have other musical projects?
M: Yes, I am making a new album right now.
Q: You also met again with your mates of The Voice for the 10th season shooting which will be on TV after the summer holidays...
M: What a pleasure to listen to Zazie's jokes again and be with her and Florent and Jenifer! And Patrick Fiori whom I didn't know but we matched together right away. The shooting conditions were strange due to the situation, but we did it with candor, with a light heart, each of us with their own perspectives on music.
Q: The Voice in France, XFactor in Italy, Star Académie in Québec...transmission [of knownledge] is important for you?
M: Yes, but the truth is that I'm having fun, and it is better to have fun with people from different horizons. This work can lead to isolation. As for me, I don't want to be alone. And TV is a wonderful creating space, a huge source of artistic inspiration. It's only a matter of not being snob and not being narrow minded...But we'll talk about this again

 Mika's happiness
My wish for 2021:
"Drink a beer with my friends in a pub"
The first thing I will do when covid is over:
Drink 10 beers with my friends in a pub."
The song that gives me hope:
"Pata Pata by Miriam Makeba"
An activity that calms you down:
"Since the beginning of the pandemic,  I walk a lot"

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Le Monde

05 May 2021


Mika Le Liban se meurt et ses enfants se retrouvent pris en otage


Neuf mois après l’explosion qui a dévasté Beyrouth, le 4 août 2020, le chanteur, né dans la capitale libanaise d’une mère libano­syrienne et d’un père américain, dénonce une « parodie de justice » et appelle à agir


Un homme de dos sur une terrasse surplombant le port de Beyrouth. Tête baissée, il détourne le regard des ruines à l’horizon. Neuf mois après l’explosion meurtrière, le 4 août 2020, qui a semé le chaos et la désolation dans ma ville natale, cette photo signée Gianmarco Maraviglia agit sur moi comme une allégorie du Liban. Cet homme comme beaucoup d’autres, comme je suis aussi tenté de le faire parfois, détourne le regard pour ne pas avoir honte.


La famine guette


Honte de cet Etat qui mène un paradis à la ruine, honte de ses dirigeants, honte au nom de ces femmes, de ces enfants, de ces vieillards, de ces réfugiés trahis et abandonnés. Au lendemain du 4 août, le premier ministre démissionnaire affirmait haut et fort : « Les responsables devront rendre des comptes. » Neuf mois plus tard, il continue de gérer les affaires courantes, le juge d’instruction chargé de l’enquête a été récusé. Cette parodie de justice, c’est comme une deuxième explosion, une deuxième mort pour les victimes et leurs familles. Mon pays se meurt et ses enfants se retrouvent pris en otage, paralysés par le malheur, assommés par les catastrophes : le port, le coronavirus et la crise économique. Plus de 200 morts, des milliers de blessés après l’apocalypse, plus de 6 000 morts du Covid­19 depuis un an, un suicide tous les deux jours et demi, une moyenne qui s’est accentuée à cause de la bérézina économique. Derrière ces chiffres, ce sont des femmes, des hommes avec leur histoire, leur force et leur faiblesse. Ce sont mes frères qui se battent simplement pour avoir un toit, pour manger, pour être soignés. La famine guette. Même l’emblématique galette au thym a vu son prix multiplié par cinq, les étiquettes dans les rares boutiques ouvertes changent plusieurs fois par jour. Un fonctionnaire qui gagnait 1 450 euros il y a quelques mois n’en rapporte chez lui plus que 145.


Un peuple à genoux


Face à cette réalité, qu’elles sont loin ces manifestations de l’automne 2019… Certes, quelques manifestants courageux continuent certains jours de bloquer les routes menant à Beyrouth ou de défiler avec des pancartes. Ils n’ont plus rien à perdre. On leur a tout pris, même leurs larmes, leurs rires, leur dignité. Loin d’eux, je les admire. Mais un peuple à genoux ne se soulève  pas. Il faut d’abord qu’il se redresse, qu’il devine la lumière au bout de son obscur quotidien pour empêcher le pire d’arriver. Mon pays se meurt, et la communauté internationale ferme les yeux. Emmanuel Macron à Beyrouth reprend Rimbaud : « On n’a pas le droit de rester des “Assis”. » Mais qu’il est difficile de se lever pour et dans un pays qui n’est pas le sien, contre l’inertie d’une classe dirigeante corrompue trop occupée à compter ses liasses de billets verts. Quand il ne restera que des cendres au pays du Cèdre, ils seront encore capables de se battre pour que le plus gros tas leur appartienne !


Quand j’étais enfant, ma mère me répétait que, malgré les fracas de l’histoire, le Liban s’en sortait toujours, que, pour faire face à l’agonie, il suffisait d’être frivole ! Aujourd’hui, j’ai peur que ma terre, mes racines soient parties avec elle. J’avoue qu’il m’arrive de douter de cette prophétie. Et si, derrière l’effroi et la colère, le courage et la résilience n’étaient plus un remède miracle ? Et si Beyrouth la magnifique ne venait pas à bout de ses ennemis qui la dévorent ?


Je ne peux m’y résoudre. Par ce texte, je me fais le modeste portevoix de tous ceux qui ne parlent plus, de tous ceux qu’on n’entend plus. J’appelle les Libanaises et Libanais, les figures politiques du pays, les amoureux du Liban, la diaspora, la communauté internationale et les organisations humanitaires à agir à la place qui est la leur. Ne laissez pas un pays mourir. Ne laissez pas gagner les prédateurs. Il est urgent de changer le système politique, de former un nouveau contrat social. Il y va de notre responsabilité, enfants du Liban devenus grands.


Mika est chanteur


page - 34




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😔🕊❤️@Mikasister  yes.. i'm agree with Mika... I agree with him very much .. with the event i love beirut he did a lot for lebanon .. !!!  Lebanon must not die!!! !! never die..

Edited by Paoletta
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17 juin 2021 — n°23




PDF file 5 pages 2021.06.17_PRIDE_fr.pdf


page 49



page 50



page 51



page 52



page 53





Could anyone please translate the article ? Thank you.



Edited by Kumazzz
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1 hour ago, Kumazzz said:

Could anyone please translate the article ? Thank you.



It's nothing new, basically just the story of Mika's career but with a headline and one paragraph referring to Andy, probably to get people's attention. :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, mellody said:


It's nothing new, basically just the story of Mika's career but with a headline and one paragraph referring to Andy, probably to get people's attention. :rolleyes:



Yes, it's a Mika's story - with some errors;

they say that they left France after one year (?)

that he learnt singing 2 hours per week (?)


It looks like the text has been written a few months ago as they mention the 19th of February when the Versailles concert" will be broadcast" on France 4.


Then the text stops at 2013 on Les Enfoirees concerts and they mention his tour all around the Europe and Brazil !!!!


So I am not sure if it the whole text.


It's funny that the tilte is:

MIKA: who is Andy , the singer's partner?


And they put 3 sentences about him.



@Kumazzz  is this the whole text from PRIDE? It stops on 2013. It's really strange. 

Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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57 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

I don't understand why they mentioned only the first part of Mika's career and all of sudden stopped at 2013....

Not enough space or time? :dunno:

Edited by Prisca
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3 minutes ago, Prisca said:

Not enough space or time? :dunno:

Well, why they write about the past and nothing about recent years. Not a word about Revelation Tour or MNIMH...

Like they stopped 8 years ago - the only recent event is Versailles concert on TV.

I am really disappointed. :no: Even if they used many recent photos. They din't do their homework. Sorry.

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13 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Well, why they write about the past and nothing about recent years. Not a word about Revelation Tour or MNIMH...

Like they stopped 8 years ago - the only recent event is Versailles concert on TV.

I am really disappointed. :no: Even if they used many recent photos. They din't do their homework. Sorry.

I'm afraid they put a lot of love at the beginning of Mika's carrier and spend a lot of time for that and then run out of time. :dunno:

I agree, they didn't make a good job.

Edited by Prisca
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2 hours ago, holdingyourdrink said:

They should’ve hired one of us fans! We could write an entire book :biggrin2:


5 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:



And we are used to use 350 words for our reports for yearbooks. I am sure we will be able to tell the whole Mika story in it :lol:


Maybe this is why Mika hasn't got round to finishing his own book yet, he knows that his fans have his life story already covered! :lol3:

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Gala - 19 Août 2021 (No. 1471)


page 1+2+3



page 4+5



page 14+15



page 16+17



page 18




« J'étais bloqué par rapport à la télé au début de ma carrière.

Grâce à "The Voice", j'ai pris conscience que je pouvais m'y exprimer, communiquer qui je suis.»


:uk: Google translator

“I was stuck on TV at the start of my career.

Thanks to "The Voice", I realized that I could express myself, communicate who I am."


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16 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

:bow:. Could anyone please post the transcript this interview ? Thank you.


Télécâble Sat Hebdo - 30 Août 2021


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Page 8 + 9





I don't have time to do a transcript, but as a quick summary, in the first part he talks about The Voice, then about his Mum who used to design his clothes. He said for the first season of The Voice he did he wore a blue suit made by her, and now he asked Pierpaolo to design a blue suit for him, as an hommage to his Mum. He says he talks about her with joy and she's always there in his projects.


And the last question is interesting, he says he can't say anything yet about his projects but the next 3 years will be extremely charged and intense. He will compose a lot, he has the need to express himself and the pandemic has given him a creative urgency.


"Compose a lot" sounds fantastic! :wub2:

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5 hours ago, mellody said:


I don't have time to do a transcript, but as a quick summary, in the first part he talks about The Voice, then about his Mum who used to design his clothes. He said for the first season of The Voice he did he wore a blue suit made by her, and now he asked Pierpaolo to design a blue suit for him, as an hommage to his Mum. He says he talks about her with joy and she's always there in his projects.


And the last question is interesting, he says he can't say anything yet about his projects but the next 3 years will be extremely charged and intense. He will compose a lot, he has the need to express himself and the pandemic has given him a creative urgency.


"Compose a lot" sounds fantastic! :wub2:

Thanks a lot @mellody


Wax Mika ( WIKA ) wearing that blue velvet suit in Le Musée Grévin, Paris.



Posted in March, 2014




Posted in July 2021




WIKA looks so tired...


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Hello everyone, I'm Jolio from Twitter.


I made the Italian 🇮🇹 translation of yesterday's interview with Mika this morning, so I leave you the link here. 

@Kumazzz if you want the transcription to translate it into English, send me a dm on Twitter :)


It's so hard to post here, I think I messed up a bit




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