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Mika to be a judge @X Factor Italia 2021!


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25 minutes ago, Mikasister said:


FQ magazine

di Andrea Conti | 16 Settembre 2021



X Factor, Emma e Mika a FqMagazine:

“Sky ci affidi un nuovo programma, siamo una coppia ormai”. Ludovico Tersigni: “Il mio modello è Fiorello”


Dalla prima puntata delle Audizioni che abbiamo visto in anteprima una cosa è certa: meno rapper, più cantautori, band rock ma con un filo di pop, c'è anche una persona non binaria. “Il mio vero banco di prova sarà al Live, mi ispirerò a Fiorello”, ci racconta il neo conduttore Tersigni. Nonostante la chiusura del format nel Regno Unito, la versione italiana sarà riconfermata anche nel 2022


l nuovo corso di “X Factor” è certamente la libertà di genere e l’assenza di etichette. Via le divisioni per categoria. Ognuno dei 4 giudici dovrà portare con sé un solista e almeno una band. Il claim di quest’anno è “Come As You Are”, non a caso. Ma l’edizione di quest’anno vuole anche raccontare ragazzi “normali”, senza orpelli, che si ritrovano su palco in un momento storico di ripresa, in cui sembra che la pandemia stia allentando il colpo (grazie soprattutto ai vaccini). La produzione tende anche a sottolineare come in alcuni casi si porrà l’attenzione anche sul rapporto genitori-figli. Insomma libertà è la parola d’ordine dell’edizione 2021 del format che in Inghilterra ha chiuso i battenti dopo 17 anni.

Eliana Guerra, senior Creative Manager FremantleMedia, ci ha spiegato: “Abbiamo accolto la notizia e crediamo sia un normale accadimento. Un programma esiste quando ha ragione di esistere. Fondamentale. Importante è quando il format è radicato nel tessuto discografico ed è gesto di grande maturità metterlo in pausa. Il mercato discografico è cambiato in questi anni ed è un dato di fatto. Penso che la versione italiana (confermata almeno fino al prossimo anno, ndr) finché darà la possibilità di accendere una luce su un talento andrà avanti. X Factor non vuole essere un programma che butta fuori roba, certo poi se un pezzo gira tanto meglio. I Maneskin sono l’emblema di XF ossia accendere una luce e poi prendersi del tempo per intraprendere un percorso”.

Grande feeling dopo lo scorso anno di “rodaggio” tra i giudici Emma, Hell Raton, Mika e Manuel Agnelli. Emma e Mika in particolare a FqMagazine dicono: “Di fatto siamo una coppia, Sky ci affidi un nuovo programma” mentre il collega aggiunge: “Magari presentiamo Eurovision…”.


“X Factor” quest’anno darà ampio spazio agli inediti, come lo scorso anno, mentre c’è stato un cambio alla direzione musicale da Fabrizio Ferraguzzo (neo manager dei Maneskin) ad Antonio Filippelli.

Dalla prima puntata delle Audizioni che abbiamo visto in anteprima una cosa è certa: meno rapper, più cantautori, band rock ma con un filo di pop, c’è anche una persona non binaria, Jathson, che colpirà per la sua presenza scenica e per la performance. Tra i cantanti che hanno convinto la giuria e che, in effetti sembrano già in pole position per la finale, ci sono Karma “Call Out My Name” di The Weeknd e Gianmaria che con look sobrio e pathos ha proposto la sua “I suicidi” con attacco di pianoforte. Non manca la band pop-rock come i Karakaz. Debutto assoluto alla conduzione per l’attore Ludovico Tersigni che raccoglie l’eredità – pesante – di Alessandro Cattelan. Dalle prime immagini della prima puntata è apparso un passo indietro e a disposizione dei cantanti dei loro stati d’animo e delle loro emozioni. Bisognerà poi comprendere come si evolverà il suo ruolo nelle prossime fasi e soprattutto in vista dei Live. Vero di banco di prova per la sua esperienza da conduttore. “Se dovessi pensare a una ispirazione per la conduzione direi Fiorello – ha detto a FqMagazine Tersigni – perché ha carattere ed ha l’impronta del one man show. Cercherò di rompere certa liturgia e di portare quella luce speciale che hanno i concorrenti che partecipano”.


C’è da dire, infine, che c’è più di una incognita che grava sulla partenza: il calo degli abbonati (a causa del calcio) ma anche la partenza quasi in contemporanea di “Amici di Maria De Filippi” che ha anticipato l’apertura della scuola a domenica 19 settembre su Canale 5. Le Audizioni di “X Factor 2021”, show di Sky prodotto da Fremantle, si terranno il 16-23 e 30 settembre, Bootcamp 7 e 14 ottobre, Home Visit 21 ottobre e Live dal 28 ottobre in diretta con presenza del pubblico in studio. Lo show andrà in onda da giovedì 16 settembre in prima serata alle 21:15 su Sky Uno – on demand su Sky Go e Now – e in simulcast solo per l’esordio su Tv8. Su Tv8 poi riprenderà la programmazione “in differita” ogni mercoledì sera.


:uk: Google translator



X Factor, Emma and Mika at FqMagazine:

"Sky entrusts us with a new program, we are now a couple". Ludovico Tersigni: "My model is Fiorello"

From the first episode of the Auditions that we previewed one thing is certain: fewer rappers, more songwriters, rock bands but with a touch of pop, there is also a non-binary person. “My real test will be at Live, I will be inspired by Fiorello”, tells us the new conductor Tersigni. Despite the closure of the format in the United Kingdom, the Italian version will also be reconfirmed in 2022

The new course of "X Factor" is certainly the freedom of gender and the absence of labels. Via the divisions by category. Each of the 4 judges must bring with them a soloist and at least one band. This year's claim is "Come As You Are", not surprisingly. But this year's edition also wants to tell "normal" kids, without frills, who find themselves on stage in a historical moment of recovery, in which it seems that the pandemic is easing the blow (thanks above all to vaccines). The production also tends to emphasize that in some cases attention will also be paid to the parent-child relationship. In short, freedom is the watchword of the 2021 edition of the format that closed its doors in England after 17 years.

Eliana Guerra, Senior Creative Manager FremantleMedia, explained to us: “We have welcomed the news and we believe it is a normal occurrence. A program exists when it has a reason to exist. Basic. It is important when the format is rooted in the record fabric and it is a gesture of great maturity to put it on pause. The record market has changed over the years and it is a fact. I think that the Italian version (confirmed at least until next year, ed) will continue as long as it gives the possibility to turn a light on a talent. X Factor does not want to be a program that throws stuff out, of course if a piece turns out so much better. The Maneskins are the emblem of XF, that is, turning on a light and then taking the time to embark on a path ".

Great feeling after last year of "running in" between the judges Emma, Hell Raton, Mika and Manuel Agnelli. Emma and Mika in particular to FqMagazine say: “In fact we are a couple, Sky entrusts us with a new program” while the colleague adds: “Maybe we present Eurovision…”.

"X Factor" this year will give ample space to the unreleased, like last year, while there has been a change in the musical direction from Fabrizio Ferraguzzo (new manager of Maneskin) to Antonio Filippelli.

From the first episode of the Auditions that we previewed one thing is certain: fewer rappers, more songwriters, rock bands but with a touch of pop, there is also a non-binary person, Jathson, who will strike for his stage presence and for the performance. Among the singers who convinced the jury and who, in fact, already seem to be in pole position for the final, there are Karma "Call Out My Name" by The Weeknd and Gianmaria who with a sober look and pathos proposed his "Suicides" with piano attack. There is no lack of pop-rock bands like Karakaz. Absolute debut in the conduction for the actor Ludovico Tersigni who collects the legacy - heavy - of Alessandro Cattelan. From the first images of the first episode it appeared a step back and available to the singers of their moods and their emotions. It will then be necessary to understand how his role will evolve in the next phases and especially in view of the Live. True test bed for his experience as a conductor. "If I had to think of an inspiration for the running I would say Fiorello - Tersigni told FqMagazine - because he has character and has the imprint of the one man show. I will try to break a certain liturgy and bring that special light that the competitors who participate have ”.

Finally, it must be said that there is more than one unknown factor that weighs on the departure: the drop in subscribers (due to football) but also the almost simultaneous departure of "Amici di Maria De Filippi" who anticipated the 'opening of the school on Sunday 19 September on Canale 5. The auditions of "X Factor 2021", a Sky show produced by Fremantle, will be held on 16-23 and 30 September, Bootcamp 7 and 14 October, Home Visit 21 October and Live from 28 October live with the audience in the studio. The show will air from Thursday 16 September in prime time at 9.15pm on Sky Uno - on demand on Sky Go and Now - and in simulcast only for the debut on Tv8. On Tv8 the “deferred” programming will resume every Wednesday evening.




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42 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:



Now on RTL 102,5 an interview live with Emma and Manuelito and Ludovico


Where is Mika????

Late late late...





Mika was blocked for 4 hours on the road.

He arrived to the radio station just before 5 pm.

We could see him via Zoom connection from the studio.

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This guy was so different to the Sunny.





Here is the Google translation of the lyrics (quite well done IMO)


Blood on the pavements,
They fall from the skyscrapers,
Suicides all lined up at the bank in the morning
To be able to leave something to the children
and don't make him live the same life, yes the same life.

Blood on the pavements
they are above the skyscrapers
Suicides all lined up
Ready to end it all.
What led you to make such a disrespectful choice?
And so selfish.

Love me a little, Laura asked
Pay me the mortgage Marco asked
Let me see my daughter in the face said those who had nothing else
And who went to the roof to find the courage
Because she couldn't do it from her terrace

Blood on the sidewalk
Because Pietro threw himself
His wife arrived moments later with her new boyfriend
Peter could not bear to bear when he followed them on the Sabbath.
Anna, how beautiful she is, sad eyes and a lot of patience.
She lives in the shadow of her mother whose survival she has been looking after for a year,
Marco, on the other hand, talks a lot
Pietro hasn't ####ed in a lot.
People think I'm crazy,
people think I'm crazy,
and what do you want for this Saturday I'm in this building
to talk to them and watch them kill each other.
In my film, so far everything is good for each floor
and on each floor, because that's how it suits them and what do you want for this Saturday I'm in this building,
to talk to them and watch them kill each other,
in my film it repeats itself
so far so good, for every floor and every floor
because that's how it suits them.

Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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13 minutes ago, Mousetrap said:

Is there any hope to see XF this year for those who are not in Italy?


I watched it on TV8 yesterday, you can do so with a Proxy, or there are other links online as well... but not sure, I thought I read somewhere that only the first episode would be on TV8, and sky can't be watched from abroad. 

Does anyone know if the other episodes will be on TV8 as well?

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13 minutes ago, mellody said:


I watched it on TV8 yesterday, you can do so with a Proxy, or there are other links online as well... but not sure, I thought I read somewhere that only the first episode would be on TV8, and sky can't be watched from abroad. 

Does anyone know if the other episodes will be on TV8 as well?


I can't watch it live anyway because there's 5 hours (6 hours in winter) time difference with Europe for me :( 

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30 minutes ago, mellody said:


I watched it on TV8 yesterday, you can do so with a Proxy, or there are other links online as well... but not sure, I thought I read somewhere that only the first episode would be on TV8, and sky can't be watched from abroad. 

Does anyone know if the other episodes will be on TV8 as well?



I think I've read somewhere that TV8 will replay every episode every next Tuesdays after. (now I can see that @loremare73 says it would be Wednesdays not Tuesdays)

But  I can't find it now.

I will try to confirm it.

Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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9 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:



I think I've read somewhere that TV8 will replay every episode every next Tuesdays after. (now I can see that @loremare73 says it would be Wednesdays not Tuesdays)

But  I can't find it now.

I will try to confirm 

Thank you :flowers2:

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