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2021 @ Philharmonie de Paris, 23 October REPORTS/PICS/VIDS


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La pop de Mika, version symphonique ! - 24/10

Le chanteur Mika est actuellement en représentation à la Philharmonie de Paris, entouré d'unorchestre symphonique rien que pour lui, et même d'un chœur composé d'une cinquantaine de personnes. "Love today", "Grace Kelly", "Happy ending"... des tubes magnifiés par près de 150 artistes. Plusieurs années de travail pour concilier pop et classique, la formation de base de Mika. De la pop symphonique, un pari réussi samedi soir, encore à découvrir ce dimanche. - Culture & vous, du dimanche 24 octobre 2021, sur BFMTV.Toute l'actualité culturelle, bons plans et événements à venir durant l'été sur le cinéma, la musique, le théâtre, les expositions, la littérature...BFMTV, 1ère chaine d’information en continu de France, vous propose toute l’info en temps réel avec 18h d’antenne live par jour et des directs partout à travers le monde où l'actualité le nécessite. BFMTV, c'est aussi les débats et les grands reportages d'actualité. Retrouvez BFMTV sur le canal 15 de la TNT et sur BFMTV.com



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Le Journal du Dimanche


44 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

Le Journal du Dimanche


☛  PDF file ( 2 pages / 1.5 MB ) Le_Journal_du_Dimanche_24_Octobre_2021.pdf


09h00 , le 24 octobre 2021


Mika au JDD : "Je rêve de chanter avec Françoise Hardy"


INTERVIEW - Coach à la télé samedi, sur la scène classique de la Philharmonie ce dimanche, le chanteur Mika nous raconte son week-end éclectique.


La finale de The Voice (samedi soir sur TF1) et tout un week-end à la Philharmonie de Paris, jusqu'à ce dimanche soir (20h30). C'est peu dire que la semaine a été chargée en tournages et répétitions pour Mika. "L'éclectisme, être à l'aise partout et surtout ne pas être snob, c'est mon moteur depuis toujours", explique le chanteur britannico-libanais. Quatorze ans après Life in Cartoon Motion, cet objet pop coloré d'influences composites qui l'a rendu célèbre, il explore un nouveau terrain d'expression. L'auteur-compositeur-interprète de 38 ans a décidé de revisiter vingt-deux de ses chansons en version symphonique, accompagné par 130 musiciens de l'orchestre d'Ile-de-France à la Philharmonie, comme il l'avait fait à l'Opéra royal de Versailles en décembre 2020. Ensuite, il reprendra le chemin des studios pour un nouvel album.


La relecture symphonique de vos chansons, c'est un retour aux sources pour vous, ancien élève du Royal College of Music de Londres?

Il ne s'agit pas seulement de revenir à la musique classique de façon basique. Utiliser des instruments d'Afrique du Nord ou d'Orient m'intéresse aussi. Casser les genres musicaux est primordial pour moi. Avec l'âge, on déploie ses ailes et je ressens ce besoin d'élargir ma palette sonore à travers de nouvelles expériences. Cela fait sept ans que je mûris ce projet avec le musicien québécois Simon Leclerc. En bon passionné de musiques de films, je connaissais son travail comme chef d'orchestre à Paramount Pictures. On a tout réorchestré et retravaillé chaque morceau en profondeur. La difficulté était de recréer le groove originel avec des bassons, des flûtes et des violoncelles.

"Pour que l'émotion puisse s'échapper du corps, il faut qu'il soit réglé comme une mécanique de précision"

C'est une direction que vous comptez prendre avec votre prochain album?

Il est encore trop tôt pour en parler mais, effectivement, l'idée de revenir avec l'album habituel de onze chansons et de faire la tournée des promos m'apparaît complètement dépassée. Ce modèle-là est mort! Tout ce que je peux vous dire, c'est que mon projet se décomposera en quatre étapes, comme autant de chapitres éclectiques.


Quelles musiques écoutez-vous aujourd'hui?

J'aime toujours autant Vivaldi et la musique de la Renaissance mais aussi celle du DJ allemand Purple Disco Machine ou bien du rappeur [américain] Tyler, the Creator. C'est ça qui me donne de l'énergie. Mais, actuellement, dans ma loge, j'écoute le projet "Lovotic" de Charlotte Gainsbourg en boucle.


Revenons à la Philharmonie. Avez-vous suivi un entraînement particulier?

Dès le matin, je me conditionne avec un ostéopathe et un coach sportif. Chacun de mes mouvements est passé au peigne fin. Pour que l'émotion puisse s'échapper du corps, il faut qu'il soit réglé comme une mécanique de précision. Car sur scène, je ne peux pas me cacher derrière le tromboniste.


Pas de prompteur, donc?

Bien sûr que non! Vous me prenez pour qui? Un vieillot de la variété?

"J'ai longtemps hésité avant d'accepter de me produire dans ce genre de format. Il fallait que j'y trouve une cohérence"

A qui penserez-vous avant de monter sur scène?

J'avais dédié mon spectacle à l'Opéra royal de Versailles à ma mère. Je voulais tant qu'elle me voie une dernière fois sur scène [elle est décédée en février]. A la Philharmonie, je penserai aux 200 fans qui sont venus du monde entier, du Japon à la Pologne, pour m'écouter. Vous vous rendez compte qu'ils ont loué un bateau-mouche pour être tous ensemble? Ce sont les premiers qui se sont précipités quand les places ont été mises en vente. C'est beau, non?


Le concert de samedi soir correspondait aussi avec le direct The Voice. Comment avez-vous fait?

Il y a six mois, quand j'ai confirmé ma venue à la Philharmonie, cette finale de The Voice All Stars n'était pas encore prévue. Nous nous sommes organisés en conséquence en enregistrant dans les conditions d'un direct les performances des six candidats et les réactions. Mais pour le vote final avec le public, il faut être en vrai direct. Nous avons trouvé la solution du duplex : moi depuis ma loge de la Philharmonie, tous les autres à la Plaine Saint-Denis, mais mon favori n'a pas changé : Terence [qui était dans son équipe].


Vous êtes aussi dans X Factor en Italie et la Star Academy au Québec. Vous aimez les télé-crochets?

J'ai longtemps hésité avant d'accepter de me produire dans ce genre de format. Il fallait que j'y trouve une cohérence. Je n'ai jamais oublié la magie qui se dégageait des émissions des Carpentier ou de Studio Uno en Italie. Sans parler des specials aux Etats-Unis avec Elvis Presley, Cher ou Frank Sinatra. Même Glenn Gould a fait de la télé. C'est mon souhait le plus profond : que la télévision renoue avec son aspect romantique.

"Catherine Ringer est une déesse. Tout me plaît en elle, son irrévérence, son parcours. Elle brûle comme sa musique

Vous allez donc rempiler pour une prochaine saison de The Voice?

Je ne prends jamais mes décisions à la va-vite. Il faut laisser la pression retomber pour interroger mes envies. Depuis le début de ma carrière, c'est mon seul critère. Alors, wait and see!


Il se dit que vous allez présenter le concours de l'Eurovision 2022. Vous confirmez?

[Il rit.] Je ne vois pas du tout de quoi vous parlez. Vous avez dû mal lire, changez de lunettes!


Imaginons que vous soyez candidat. Quelles chansons françaises adoreriez-vous reprendre?

N'importe quelle chanson des Rita Mitsouko tant Catherine Ringer est une déesse. Tout me plaît en elle, son irrévérence, son parcours. Elle brûle comme sa musique. Serge Gainsbourg a été important aussi pour moi, comme le répertoire de Georges Moustaki. J'ai une tendresse particulière aussi pour Colette Magny et Charles Trenet. Mais, pour tout vous dire, mon rêve serait de chanter avec Françoise Hardy.


:uk: Google translator

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Mika at JDD: "I dream of singing with Françoise Hardy"

INTERVIEW - Coach on TV on Saturday, on the classical stage of the Philharmonie this Sunday, singer Mika tells us about his eclectic weekend.

The final of The Voice (Saturday evening on TF1) and a whole weekend at the Philharmonie de Paris, until Sunday evening (8:30 p.m.). It's an understatement to say that the week has been loaded with shootings and rehearsals for Mika. “Eclecticism, being comfortable everywhere and above all not being a snob, has always been my driving force,” explains the British-Lebanese singer. Fourteen years after Life in Cartoon Motion, this colorful pop object with composite influences that made him famous, he explores a new field of expression. The 38-year-old singer-songwriter decided to revisit twenty-two of his songs in a symphonic version, accompanied by 130 musicians from the Ile-de-France orchestra at the Philharmonie, as he had done at the Royal Opera of Versailles in December 2020. Then, he will return to the studios for a new album.

Is the symphonic rereading of your songs a homecoming for you, a former student of the Royal College of Music in London?

It's not just about going back to classical music in a basic way. Using instruments from North Africa or the East also interests me. Breaking musical genres is essential for me. With age, we spread our wings and I feel this need to expand my sound palette through new experiences. It has been seven years since I matured this project with the Quebec musician Simon Leclerc. As a good fan of film music, I knew his work as a conductor at Paramount Pictures. We re-orchestrated everything and reworked each song in depth. The difficulty was to recreate the original groove with bassoons, flutes and cellos.


"In order for emotion to escape from the body, it must be regulated like precision mechanics"

Is that a direction you plan to take with your next album?

It's still too early to talk about it, but the idea of coming back with the usual eleven-song album and touring promos seems to be completely outdated to me. This model is dead! All I can tell you is that my project will be broken down into four stages, like so many eclectic chapters.

What music do you listen to today?

I still love Vivaldi and Renaissance music as much as ever, but also that of the German DJ Purple Disco Machine or the [American] rapper Tyler, the Creator. That's what gives me energy. But, currently, in my dressing room, I listen to Charlotte Gainsbourg's project "Lovotic" on a loop.

Let us return to the Philharmonie. Did you follow any specific training?

From the morning, I condition myself with an osteopath and a sports coach. Each of my movements is combed through. In order for emotion to escape from the body, it must be regulated like precision mechanics. Because on stage, I can't hide behind the trombonist.

No teleprompter, then?

Of course not! Who do you take me for? An old-fashioned variety?


"I hesitated for a long time before agreeing to perform in this kind of format. I had to find consistency in it"


Who will you think of before going on stage?

I dedicated my show at the Royal Opera of Versailles to my mother. I wanted so much that she saw me one last time on stage [she died in February]. At the Philharmonie, I will think of the 200 fans who came from all over the world, from Japan to Poland, to listen to me. Do you realize that they rented a riverboat to be all together?

They were the first to rush when the seats went on sale. It's beautiful, isn't it?

Saturday night's concert also matched with live The Voice. How did you do?

Six months ago, when I confirmed my visit to the Philharmonie, this finale of The Voice All Stars was not yet scheduled. We organized ourselves accordingly by recording in live conditions the performances of the six candidates and the reactions. But for the final vote with the public, you have to be in real life. We found the duplex solution: me from my box at the Philharmonie, all the others at the Plaine Saint-Denis, but my favorite hasn't changed: Terence [who was in his team].

You are also in X Factor in Italy and Star Academy in Quebec. Do you like tele-hooks?

I hesitated for a long time before agreeing to perform in this kind of format. I had to find consistency in it. I have never forgotten the magic that emanated from the Carpentier or Studio Uno broadcasts in Italy. Not to mention the specials in the United States with Elvis Presley, Cher or Frank Sinatra. Even Glenn Gould did TV. This is my deepest wish: that television revives its romantic aspect.


    "Catherine Ringer is a goddess. I like everything about her, her irreverence, her journey. She burns like her music. "


So you are going to re-stack for a next season of The Voice?

I never make my decisions in a rush. You have to let the pressure drop to question my desires. Since the start of my career, this has been my only criterion. So, wait and see!

It is said that you are going to present the Eurovision Song Contest 2022. You confirm?

[Laughs.] I don't know what you're talking about at all. You must have read badly, change your glasses!

Let's say you are a candidate. Which French songs would you love to cover?

Any song from Rita Mitsouko as Catherine Ringer is a goddess. Everything about her pleases me, her irreverence, her journey. She burns like her music. Serge Gainsbourg was also important for me, like the repertoire of Georges Moustaki. I also have a particular affection for Colette Magny and Charles Trenet. But, to be honest, my dream would be to sing with Françoise Hardy.






Mika at JDD: "I dream of singing with Françoise Hardy"

INTERVIEW - Coach on TV on Saturday, on the classical stage of the Philharmonie this Sunday, singer Mika tells us about his eclectic weekend.

The final of The Voice (Saturday evening on TF1) and a whole weekend at the Philharmonie de Paris, until Sunday evening (8:30 p.m.). It's an understatement to say that the week has been loaded with shootings and rehearsals for Mika. “Eclecticism, being comfortable everywhere and above all not being a snob, has always been my driving force,” explains the British-Lebanese singer. Fourteen years after Life in Cartoon Motion, this colorful pop object with composite influences that made him famous, he explores a new field of expression. The 38-year-old singer-songwriter decided to revisit twenty-two of his songs in a symphonic version, accompanied by 130 musicians from the Ile-de-France orchestra at the Philharmonie, as he had done at the Royal Opera of Versailles in December 2020. Then, he will return to the studios for a new album.

Is the symphonic rereading of your songs a homecoming for you, a former student of the Royal College of Music in London?

It's not just about going back to classical music in a basic way. Using instruments from North Africa or the East also interests me. Breaking musical genres is essential for me. With age, we spread our wings and I feel this need to expand my sound palette through new experiences. It has been seven years since I matured this project with the Quebec musician Simon Leclerc. As a good fan of film music, I knew his work as a conductor at Paramount Pictures. We re-orchestrated everything and reworked each song in depth. The difficulty was to recreate the original groove with bassoons, flutes and cellos.


"In order for emotion to escape from the body, it must be regulated like precision mechanics"

Is that a direction you plan to take with your next album?

It's still too early to talk about it, but the idea of coming back with the usual eleven-song album and touring promos seems to be completely outdated to me. This model is dead! All I can tell you is that my project will be broken down into four stages, like so many eclectic chapters.

What music do you listen to today?

I still love Vivaldi and Renaissance music as much as ever, but also that of the German DJ Purple Disco Machine or the [American] rapper Tyler, the Creator. That's what gives me energy. But, currently, in my dressing room, I listen to Charlotte Gainsbourg's project "Lovotic" on a loop.

Let us return to the Philharmonie. Did you follow any specific training?

From the morning, I condition myself with an osteopath and a sports coach. Each of my movements is combed through. In order for emotion to escape from the body, it must be regulated like precision mechanics. Because on stage, I can't hide behind the trombonist.

No teleprompter, then?

Of course not! Who do you take me for? An old-fashioned variety?


"I hesitated for a long time before agreeing to perform in this kind of format. I had to find consistency in it"


Who will you think of before going on stage?

I dedicated my show at the Royal Opera of Versailles to my mother. I wanted so much that she saw me one last time on stage [she died in February]. At the Philharmonie, I will think of the 200 fans who came from all over the world, from Japan to Poland, to listen to me. Do you realize that they rented a riverboat to be all together?

They were the first to rush when the seats went on sale. It's beautiful, isn't it?

Saturday night's concert also matched with live The Voice. How did you do?

Six months ago, when I confirmed my visit to the Philharmonie, this finale of The Voice All Stars was not yet scheduled. We organized ourselves accordingly by recording in live conditions the performances of the six candidates and the reactions. But for the final vote with the public, you have to be in real life. We found the duplex solution: me from my box at the Philharmonie, all the others at the Plaine Saint-Denis, but my favorite hasn't changed: Terence [who was in his team].

You are also in X Factor in Italy and Star Academy in Quebec. Do you like tele-hooks?

I hesitated for a long time before agreeing to perform in this kind of format. I had to find consistency in it. I have never forgotten the magic that emanated from the Carpentier or Studio Uno broadcasts in Italy. Not to mention the specials in the United States with Elvis Presley, Cher or Frank Sinatra. Even Glenn Gould did TV. This is my deepest wish: that television revives its romantic aspect.


    "Catherine Ringer is a goddess. I like everything about her, her irreverence, her journey. She burns like her music. "


So you are going to re-stack for a next season of The Voice?

I never make my decisions in a rush. You have to let the pressure drop to question my desires. Since the start of my career, this has been my only criterion. So, wait and see!

It is said that you are going to present the Eurovision Song Contest 2022. You confirm?

[Laughs.] I don't know what you're talking about at all. You must have read badly, change your glasses!

Let's say you are a candidate. Which French songs would you love to cover?

Any song from Rita Mitsouko as Catherine Ringer is a goddess. Everything about her pleases me, her irreverence, her journey. She burns like her music. Serge Gainsbourg was also important for me, like the repertoire of Georges Moustaki. I also have a particular affection for Colette Magny and Charles Trenet. But, to be honest, my dream would be to sing with Françoise Hardy.











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Hello MFCers ! Yesterday gig was a dream. I was so glad seeing Ida on stage singing with Mika after all this time ! 

I can't write a report (my English is very poor 😅), but I've posted some videos on my YouTube channel :wink2:


Love Today 



Tiny Love 



Good guys




Happy Ending



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Hello everybody ! 


Here I am, after this crazy week-end ! ^_^ And it was exactly like @Oxyton said. A real dream. In fact, I have the sensation all these two days were a dream especially the concert, of course, who was magical. From the moment I rode the train, until the last train today, it was like a dream, a parallel world, whose climax was the moment Mika started to sing.

I didn't settle down yet, and don't want to. And the best way I know for "live it again" is writing, so here I go (it's funny, I'm always one of the first to make it  :lmfao:. Well, we don't care...) 


So, like you maybe know, I was only at the 23th october night, because I thought the two would have been too difficult to handle with my disorder (and I hate to admit it, but I was right. Don't want to enter in the details because it was the only bad moment of the trip. I sometime hate being autistic. It doesn't stop me for enjoying the trip and the concert, fortunately). So, this is my complete report.




First of all, one thing was irreal with that concert : it was the first for me since the covid. Since the day I bought the tickets, I refused to wait too much for the concert. I was too afraid for a lockdown or something else who would prevent me from going. I was afraid to be atrociously disappointed if I started to be excited. And it lasted until the last moment. So, all started to feel irreal since the train for Paris departed yesterday. And it only grew more and more as the day advanced. When I arrived to Paris, and saw the Philharmonie. When I entered the Gare de l'est. When I took the metro (and nearly fell each time it started to run :lol3:). I spent the day, like : "OMG, it's real, I'm really at Paris". Then, I spent the afternoon at the National museum of natural history, where I admired with a big enthousiasm hundreds of bones. It's not the subject, I know, but I realised  a childhood dream, so I was very happy, and it made the waiting enjoyable. Then, I spent an hour at the hotel, ate at a restaurant and flew at the Philharmonie, where I could briefly talk with the other fans (helIo @Laurya ) I must say the Philharmonie's interior was pretty impressing. It really made something to enter. And like that, it started.




I was at the third row, with Mika's micro just before me. Absolutely perfect. When I heard the musicians start the overture, I still doesn't really realised. I told to myself "I can't believe it, I can't believe it" Then, Mika came. Like always, it felt like I found something I missed without really realising it. I was so happy to see him again after 1,5 years, and also Max and Ida, who I didn't see since a very long time, and was happy to see again. He came exactly in front of me and since it's a symphonic concert, he remained. Just imagine how I was : my eyes sparkling and silently screaming "I missed you", and this big smile I didn't lost one minute (to the point I thought it was good we wore masks, especially since this will be at the TV :lol3:). I was so happy. Mika was obviously too. His smile between each song spoke for him (and now I read he thought of us before the show, it totally makes sense). He seemed to feel spoiled and very happy by our reaction at the concert. As for the concert in itself, I loved every bite of it. The symphonic is really something. We hear each instrument, and Mika's voice appears so pure, so beautiful, not that it isn't in an ordinary concert, but with the sound of the hall and the instruments it's really something. It was extraordinary to hear the symphonic versions I loved so much from Montreal and Como. I loved all of its. I'm a little like Mika on that, I never cry, even when it's so moving and beautiful. But still. I adored the songs I already knew (the recordings are not half as strong, as beautiful they are). I absolutely loved the songs he never made in a symphonic version, like "No place in heaven" and "I went to hell last night". And those versions made me see some songs in a different way. For example, I really liked "Blue". I like it, and more since Mika talked about it, but I love it less than "Tiny love". But with the orchestra, I preferred Blue, I LOVED it so much, because I didn't know how it would turn, and it turned to the point I thought "Wow" a lot in the song. I didn't wait this song be as wonderful. And  I was finally able to hear Heroes in live. :wub2: One of my favourites of TOOL. Oh gosh, what a masterpiece. I even closed my eyes one second. It was so good. The first standing ovation followed... 


There were 4 or 5 standing ovation, without counting Love Today (where everybod was standing anyway). It tells how much the concert was extraordinary. Each song was a suspended moment out of time, and it was often hard to not stands in admiration. After all those standing ovations, the crowd gone totally wild. At the end of the concert, for Elle Me Dit, Love Today and Grace Kelly, people were crazy, stood up and remained like that. Mika made us sing on Grace Kelly and for Love today, it was nearly like a "normal" concert. Then came an "Encore". Of course, Mika couldn't sing again, since the orchestra couldn't play like that, but he came anyway for the salute. Excepted nobody wanted it to end, so there was again "Encore", and he came again, and we stopped the "Encore" only when the lights opened. It was an incredible moment. I think I never knew an "Encore" as strong. I think it really demonstrates how people, not only us fans who were obviously happy with the performance, but eveyone else, were really overwhelmed. It was an unique moment and once again, I think  we really communicated with each others.

The only problem with this concert was it was too short, like always. And it seemed so irreal, so dream-like, I didn't realise what  happened before my eyes and what I heard. I had the sensation I didn't was in it for real. I would love to remember every moment, to keep in mind every song, and to really feel the reality of the situation, but it was too strong, and I only start to realise I saw I wonderful Mika' symphonic concert now... I even cried a little when it was finished. If only the "repeat" option was a thing in the reality... It was the same sensation as for my first concert, the 16 years-old hyper-sensibility in less. :wub2: I would love to go at another symphonic concert, for hear it in a less "extra-dimensional" mood... Maybe one day. I really gone to my extreme physical limits for this concert, but I feel like for Mika, I can go even more away. When Mika talked about his heroes before "Good guys", saying how they helped me, it was sometime funny, but I couldn't help to think my own hero was just before me at that exact moment... Because not only he helped me and give me a lot of joy, but he makes me make things I thought impossible some months ago. :cloud:


It's why I can't wait to see the concert at tv. I need to live it again, to feel it again. Hear it again. For the moment, I don't want to hear anything else. It will even be hard to listen at "Blue", "I went to hell last night", "last party" and so much more in the "normal" version for now.


Also, I always told : "I'm not the kind of fans to keeping something just because Mika touched it". Well, I told myself that. And then, my father managed to take the bottle he used and who was still on the stage at the end of the concert. And so, my reaction was as weak as obvious. I just couldn't consider it like a "trash" anymore.


I now have a totally plain little plastic bottle, but since it's this precise bottle Mika had in his own hands and used, I  think I will just keep it for the rest of my life. All is normal. Just forget what I once said :glasses3:


Well, now, I feel an enormous post-Mika-depression coming... But I just don't want to end it for now. I want to live it as much as I can because it means I finally saw him and it was wonderful. I just can't wait to see the videos and of course, the TV retransmission... I don't have any videos of the songs because I was too close from the scene and didn't want to be "lectured" or bothers the musicians. So, a big thank you, Oxyton, and the others who filmed ! 







Edited by Presci1108
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". I don't have any videos of the snogs because I was too close from the scene and didn't want to be "lectured" or bothers the musicians. So, a big thank you, Oxyton, and the others who filmed !  "


I'm hoping this is just a typo for songs, because "snog"  in English = kissing :teehee:



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23 minutes ago, silver said:

". I don't have any videos of the snogs because I was too close from the scene and didn't want to be "lectured" or bothers the musicians. So, a big thank you, Oxyton, and the others who filmed !  "


I'm hoping this is just a typo for songs, because "snog"  in English = kissing :teehee:





Oh lala, thank you ! I will make that right. 

Edited by Presci1108
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2 hours ago, Presci1108 said:



Oh lala, thank you ! I will make that right. 


And I should also have said that you gave a great review.  I am glad you were able to go to the concert, and I hope the PMD won't be too bad  :hug:

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What a wonderful review @Presci1108! It really sounds like it was truly a magical evening and to be so close to Mika must have just been amazing! 


I would love to experience one of his symphonic concerts one day. 


Also I love that you managed to get Mika's bottle, a wonderful "treasure" to remember the concert by! 😃

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TF1 Le 13 heures du dimanche 24 octobre

La pop de Mika revisitée en version symphonique - Le Journal du week-end | TF1

La pop de Mika revisitée en version symphonique


Ultra populaire, en version The Voice, c'est ainsi que tout le monde connaît le chanteur Mika. Mais il y a une version de lui que l'on connaît moins : le Mika lyrique. Samedi soir à la Philharmonie de Paris, des fans du monde entier se sont retrouvés. Los Angeles, Londres, Bulgarie, Loir-et-Cher, Australie... tous sont venus découvrir cette nouvelle facette du chanteur. Pour le public, c'est un événement. Mais pour Mika, c'est un rêve d'enfant : faire cohabiter sa pop et le classique, entouré d'un orchestre qu'il lui faut apprivoiser. "On est 150 personnes et on doit s'écouter, donc tout prend une autre dimension", raconte-t-il. Et la formule semble plaire au public. "Ce que je trouve génial, c'est que j'ai pu emmener mes enfants découvrir le philharmonique", confient certains. "J'ai l'habitude de voir ses concerts pop, mais là de les voir de manière lyrique c'est un truc de fou", s'en réjouissent d'autres. Ce dimanche soir, Mika donne son deuxième et dernier concert à la Philharmonie de Paris.



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13 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

TF1 Le 13 heures du dimanche 24 octobre

La pop de Mika revisitée en version symphonique - Le Journal du week-end | TF1

La pop de Mika revisitée en version symphonique


Ultra populaire, en version The Voice, c'est ainsi que tout le monde connaît le chanteur Mika. Mais il y a une version de lui que l'on connaît moins : le Mika lyrique. Samedi soir à la Philharmonie de Paris, des fans du monde entier se sont retrouvés. Los Angeles, Londres, Bulgarie, Loir-et-Cher, Australie... tous sont venus découvrir cette nouvelle facette du chanteur. Pour le public, c'est un événement. Mais pour Mika, c'est un rêve d'enfant : faire cohabiter sa pop et le classique, entouré d'un orchestre qu'il lui faut apprivoiser. "On est 150 personnes et on doit s'écouter, donc tout prend une autre dimension", raconte-t-il. Et la formule semble plaire au public. "Ce que je trouve génial, c'est que j'ai pu emmener mes enfants découvrir le philharmonique", confient certains. "J'ai l'habitude de voir ses concerts pop, mais là de les voir de manière lyrique c'est un truc de fou", s'en réjouissent d'autres. Ce dimanche soir, Mika donne son deuxième et dernier concert à la Philharmonie de Paris.




TF1 Le 13 heures du dimanche 24 octobre

La pop de Mika revisitée en version symphonique - Le Journal du week-end | TF1



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VK  2021.10.24 TF1_13H La pop de Mika revisitée en version symphonique

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22 hours ago, Presci1108 said:

I'm a little like Mika on that, I never cry, even when it's so moving and beautiful.


Ha. Think again, as with the bottle. :teehee: I never cried at gigs so far, at the most I got teary eyes. But at the Sunday gig Mika and his fans, also me, all cried together. So, never say never. 


22 hours ago, Presci1108 said:

I had the sensation I didn't was in it for real. I would love to remember every moment, to keep in mind every song, and to really feel the reality of the situation, but it was too strong, and I only start to realise I saw I wonderful Mika' symphonic concert now


I felt the same after the Saturday gig, I loved the concert, but it felt so surreal that I couldn't really process it. I couldn't even properly feel the emotions at the gig, apart from a few moments, tho obviously they were there and my mind knew I was watching something extraordinary. But at and especially after the Sunday gig it all came at once and I was completely overwhelmed and couldn't stop my tears for quite some time. That's why I can only really write about the Saturday gig in comparison to the Sunday gig, because it was almost exactly the same concert, just with completely different emotions for me.


Anyway, many thanks for your report! :flowers2:

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15 minutes ago, mellody said:


Ha. Think again, as with the bottle. :teehee: I never cried at gigs so far, at the most I got teary eyes. But at the Sunday gig Mika and his fans, also me, all cried together. So, never say never. 



You're right, we never know with Mika.

I started to cry like an idiot today, because, like an idiot, I start to really realise what I saw and heard just now. It's really something I couldn't imagine to feel, so, I would not be surprised if it continue and I cry like a baby at a concert one day. ^_^



Anyway, I can't wait to read the report of that moment. It seems it was really moving...

Edited by Presci1108
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I won't write a report about the Saturday gig, anyway I'm posting some pix and videos.


Btw, I'd love to hear from those who were there and understand French what he was saying between songs. I understood a few bits and saw some things on Twitter, but would be nice to have a collection of it here. Especially as I'm not sure they'll show those parts on TV.


Just a few words about after the show. We waited at the backstage exit, I suppose ca. 100 fans (on Sunday it was probably 3 times as many), but didn't see Mika, he left through a different exit. We saw his family leave though, and as I was with Rose, Andy came over to us - he knows us from the early days, always used to interview us with his camera back in 2007/2008. :naughty: It was so sweet of him to say Hi, the last time I had talked with him was in 2015 - and we also got a hug from him, that was certainly one of the highlights for me that weekend. :wub2:

Beauregard had a cool cap with blinking lights - I bet my son would love one like that. :teehee:

Luckily that night all fans were respectful and didn't bother Mika's family. 


I took my phone out only after the last song, and took 2 little videos and some pix. Can't upload the videos now from the train, but I'll upload the photos for now.


Look at his happy smile. :swoon:





















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Oh my goodness.

That was lovely to be able to read all your reports and reviews. Thank you so much everyone. 
Karin, so nice that Andy came to say hi to you and Rose. 

im looking forward to watching the vids when I get chance.

 Thanks again everyone x x x x

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@mellody even though this isn't a full report yet everything you've said sounds so amazing! Thanks for sharing the pictures too! I've seen a few clips shared on social media and I noticed too in Mika's expressions how emotional he must have been feeling, especially dedicating Blue to his mum. 


I keep thinking myself how I would feel at the next Mika concert (please Mika come back soon!), I do wonder if I would cry just seeing him or maybe at a particular song, I do tend to show my emotions but until I'm at a concert I just don't know! 😅


Do we know yet when it will be broadcasted on TV or placed on the Philamornie Live website?

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21 hours ago, mellody said:

(...) Btw, I'd love to hear from those who were there and understand French what he was saying between songs. I understood a few bits and saw some things on Twitter, but would be nice to have a collection of it here. Especially as I'm not sure they'll show those parts on TV. (...)


If someone would like to do that, I would be very happy with that too. Especially on the second evening, Mika talked a lot, but unfortunately I couldn't get any further than understanding a couple of words.


Still can't believe I was there both evenings. So overwhelming to hear Mika perform with such an amazing symphony orchestra and choir. Feel so privileged! I have great respect for the way Mika took us through his emotions.


The first evening I sat at the last row of the parterre and the second evening I sat on the chaises (thanks again @Isabelle Lagneau ). During that second concert, Mika's music and appearence touched me tremendously. I'm not easily emotional, but the way he put his heart and soul into his performance.... whoah! It was an emotional rollercoaster. I wish every fan the chance to experience an evening like this!

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Guess what ? 

After three days, my body is waking up, and starts to send me the emotions when I listen to the videos of the concert. (I only listen, because the images live in my head - and my heart). Three days and it's only now I realise ! That's crazy, and it proves I was literraly punched by too much emotions for process its, so now, my mind makes it.


But when I read all the reports of the two nights, it's clear we are all in the same situation... 

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Here is the part before BLUE (the second video below)


Please prepare MIKA tissues.


It was hard to write all this with tears in my eyes.


First Mika translates the lyrics into French.


"... Blue is deep and bold
Blue is like no other
spiritual  old


We like watching the blue water of the sea - it makes us dreaming

But when it's raining - blue is falling from the sky

And all this to tell you that what ever happens in your life..


I promise you 

I will love the sun, yellow,

green, red...  even violet


I will promise you that even in the hardest and dark moments 

I will love the blue in you too



This song I dedicate tonight to a person which brought me here (on stage) and which brings me from up there,

and which brings me here tonight...

This song is for my mother..."






Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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On 10/24/2021 at 7:54 PM, Presci1108 said:



First of all, one thing was irreal with that concert : it was the first for me since the covid. Since the day I bought the tickets, I refused to wait too much for the concert. I was too afraid for a lockdown or something else who would prevent me from going. I was afraid to be atrociously disappointed if I started to be excited. And it lasted until the last moment. So, all started to feel irreal since the train for Paris departed yesterday. And it only grew more and more as the day advanced. When I arrived to Paris, and saw the Philharmonie. When I entered the Gare de l'est. When I took the metro (and nearly fell each time it started to run :lol3:). I spent the day, like : "OMG, it's real, I'm really at Paris". Then, I spent the afternoon at the National museum of natural history, where I admired with a big enthousiasm hundreds of bones. It's not the subject, I know, but I realised  a childhood dream, so I was very happy, and it made the waiting enjoyable. Then, I spent an hour at the hotel, ate at a restaurant and flew at the Philharmonie, where I could briefly talk with the other fans (helIo @Laurya ) I must say the Philharmonie's interior was pretty impressing. It really made something to enter. And like that, it started.

I just want to say that I was really happy to have been able to meet you and other members of MFC. These days was incredible. The two shows was magical and it was exactly like a dream... my heart is full of love after this weekend and I can’t wait to see you all again at other events or gigs ❤️❤️

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The only downside of this weekend was the fact that the time was too short to meet more people and spend more time together... this is my only regret. Everything else have been perfect and I hope that Mika could feel the ethereal love and admiration coming from the audience. 

It was magical, as always when Mika, a choir and an orchestra are on the same stage, nothing can beat this for me :wub2:



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