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2021 @ Philharmonie de Paris, 24 October REPORTS/PICS/VIDS


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I typed up the text from Sunday, but there will most probably be mistakes. So, if you see any mistakes, please tell me.



After "Underwater" and before "Boum Boom Boum":

C'est un plaisir d'être là, (c'est) c'est toujours un peu délicat de parler, de casser cette atmosphère, mais je le fais avec grand plaisir parce que c'est notre deuxième soirée ici, c'est la dernière, dans un lieu qui est incroyable et dans une ville qui est très, très proche à mon cœur, où j'ai découvert sur la scène de Paris qu'est-ce que c'était un orchestre, qu'est-ce que c'était le spectacle, qu'est-ce que c'était la musique classique, qu'est-ce que c'était la musique en fait. Et le grand écart de/dans le thé (I don't understand him here, is it meant "théâtre") à Bercy et un gardien (I don't understand him here) à l'opéra et un orchestre, tout ce mélange. Et quand on a 7 ans, c'est mieux que ce soit nos sœurs. (I'm not sure, if I understood him right.) Pour moi de revenir à Paris, c'est très important. Cette prochaine chanson, elle est dédiée aux moments les plus beaux de Paris qui sont les moments où on regarde les autres, si on pense aux tous les plus beaux films qui on était filmé à Paris c'est toujours, c'est un film poétique qui observe les autres gens qui n'ont pas vraiment la conscience qu'on est entrant de les regarder, mais c'est arrivé à moi et à mon ami Doriand. On a écrit cette chanson sur une nappe à un café et ça ce qui on a vécu quand on était sur une terrasse à un café et on regardait les fenêtres au troisième étage et un très beau couple qui n'avait aucune idée qu'on les pouvait voir.



After "Boum Boum Boum" and before "Rain":

Dans tous les concerts de toute ma vie il y a toujours un moment où j'oublie les paroles, … on casse le verre, une fois que le verre est cassé, ça c'est viser (I understand what he means, but I don't understand this word). Le verre est cassé et je suis prêt.



After "I Went to Hell last Night" and before "Les baisers perdus":

J'ai rencontré il y a quelque moins quelqu'un qui m'a énormément touché avec la manière … qu'il chantait, qu'il fait danser, l'air autour de lui, um, avec un regard sur son répertoire qui est incroyable et il a changé la chanson que je lui ai donné, il a jeté un nouveau linéaire sur cette chanson. Maintenant chaque fois que je la chante, je pense à cette chanson, je pense à travers le filtre de ce jeune musicien, il est très bien dans cet orchestre, ici bien sûr, et ce monsieur, je vous présente Thibaut Garcia.


After "No Place in Heaven" and before "Love You when I'm drunk":

Hier j'ai présenté cette chanson en disant que dans l'opéra on chante énormément, dans toutes les chansons en général, il y a énormément des inspirations de l'amour, l'amour qui brûle, l'amour qui nous fait faire des choses complétement dingues, l'amour qui nous fait pleurer et d'où vient cet amour, quelle est l'origine de l'amour, eh beh, de temps en temps ce ne sort pas d'une alchimie, mais d'une vue hésitante avec une grosse jambe (I don't understand him here) et une flèche. De temps en temps il faut rendre l'hommage à la chose qui aujourd'hui provoque le plus d'amour, peut-être temporaire mai quand-même l'amour elle est là, ce n'est pas Tinder, c'est l'alcool.


After "Tiny Love" and before "Good Guys":

C'est beaucoup plus facile quand on chante cette chanson à la maison (I'm not sure, if I understand him right) et là la maison de cette chanson comme tellement de mes chansons, en fait, c'est pas de magnifique (I'm not sure, if I understand him) ça, c'est simple et pour ça je vous remercie énormément. Hier on était filmé, ce soir, vous n'enquêtez pas, on n'est pas encore filmé, ça reste éphémère, justement. Ça, c'était super, ça, c'était hier. En un discours avant cette prochaine chanson, j'ai parlé de tous les héros de mon enfance, de mon adolescence aussi, des hommes multicolores, libres dans tous les sens : intellectuellement, culturellement, sexuellement, oui, parce que même qu'on a treize ans, on pense à ça aussi, de temps en temps. Dans tous les cas :  Même avant que je le sache, je voyais qu'il y avait des gens qui étaient libres, je veux les rendre hommage. Je n'ai parlé hier, de toutes ces personnes qui sont même enterré ici à Paris, pas loin de la Cité de la musique, sauf que gentiment notre chef d'orchestre m'a réveillé ce matin avec un message, pas un "bonjour" ou "on se voit plus tard" ou "bonne répétition", mais une petite note : "Il faut que tu saches que lors que tu parlais hier de tes héros il n'y a pas de liaison, putain (I'm not sure, if he really says that). Pendant quelques minutes, j'ai parlé des "les zéros". Il y a des gens qui sourirent beaucoup. Je pensais qu'il y avait beaucoup d'empathie complètement j'ai .... Donc, prochainement sur France Télévisions, je sais pas quand, éventuellement il y a Mika, il est là avec tout cette belle Orchestre national d'Île-de-France, Simon Leclerc, Stella Maris et des "zéros".


After "Good Guys" and before "Blue":

Le bleu est une couleur féminine, bleu est profond, sacré, bleu comme rien d'autre, spirituel, ancien. Le bleu, on aime bien quand on voit avec cette mer bleue qui ont fait rêver et comme ce bleu tombe de ciel dans cette mer en bleu. Et tout ça pour dire que quoi qu'il arrive dans la vie, je te fais une promesse que j'aimerais le soleil, le jaune, le vert, le rouge, même le violet, je te promets que dans les moments les plus dures et les plus sombres que j'aimerais toujours le bleu entour de ça. Cette chanson est dédiée ce soir pour la personne qui m'a rendu ici, qui m'a emmené là et qui m'emmène là même ce soir, cette chanson est pour ma mère. 


Before the encore "Elle me dit":

Les deux soirs (I'm not sure if I understood him correctly) je me suis trompée par les paroles de cette chanson, d'une manière assez évidente, parce qu'avec le reste j'ai pu balayer (I don't understand the words he is saying but is clear that he means that he could somehow hide that he had forgotten the lyrics), parce que j'ai l'habit. Je refuse de partir de la Philharmonie de Paris sans pouvoir chanté cette chanson au moins une fois sans … (I don't understand the words but I'm sure he means without forgetting the lyrics). Mesdames et Messieurs, comme vous avez complètement érodé (I'm not sure if it's the right word) le système de l'organisation, avec toute la précision hallucinante des acoustiques qu'étaient développés pendant des années, je vous demande juste une chose : dans les couplets je joue, dans les refrains vous explosez.





After "Underwater" and before "Boum Boom Boum":

It's a pleasure to be here, (it's) it's always a bit tricky to talk, to break this atmosphere, but I do it with great pleasure because it's our second night here, it's the last one, in a place that is incredible and in a city that is very, very close to my heart, where I discovered on the stage of Paris what it was an orchestra, what it was the show, what it was the classical music, what it was the music actually. And the big difference between tea (I don't understand him here, is it meant "theatre") at Bercy and a guard (I don't understand him here) at the opera and an orchestra, all that mixture. And when you're 7 years old, it's better that it's your sisters. (I'm not sure, if I understood him right.) For me to come back to Paris, it's very important. This next song, it's dedicated to the most beautiful moments of Paris which are the moments when you look at the others, if you think of all the most beautiful films that were filmed in Paris it's always, it's a poetic film that observes the other people who don't really have the consciousness that we are looking at them, but it happened to me and to my friend Doriand. We wrote this song on a tablecloth at a café and this is what we experienced when we were on a terrace at a café and we were looking at the windows on the third floor and a very beautiful couple who had no idea that we could see them.



After "Boum Dorian Boum" and before "Rain":

In all the concerts in my life there is always a moment when I forget the lyrics, ... you break the glass, once the glass is broken, then it can go on (I understand what he means, but I don't understand this word). The glass is broken and I'm ready.



After "I Went to Hell last Night" and before "Les baisers perdus":

I met someone a few months ago who touched me enormously with the way ... that he sang, that he made dance, the air around him, um, with a look at his repertoire which is incredible and he changed the song I gave him, he put a new line (?) on that song. Now every time I sing it, I think about this song, I think through the filter of this young musician, he's very good in this orchestra, here of course, and this gentleman, I introduce you to Thibaut Garcia.


After "No Place in Heaven" and before "Love You when I'm drunk":

Yesterday I introduced this song by saying that in opera, we sing a lot, in all the songs in general, there are a lot of inspirations from love, love that burns, love that makes us do completely crazy things, love that makes us cry and where does that love come from, what is the origin of love, well, sometimes it doesn't come out of an alchemy, but from a hesitant view with a big leg (I don't understand him here) and an arrow. From time to time you have to pay homage to the thing that today provokes the most love, maybe temporary, but still, the love is there, it's not Tinder, it's alcohol.


After "Tiny Love" and before "Good Guys:

It's much easier when you sing this song at home (I'm not sure, if I understand him right) and here the house of this song like so many of my songs, in fact, it's not complex (I'm not sure, if I understand him) that, it's simple and for that I thank you very much. Yesterday we were filmed, tonight don't worry, we are not filmed, it remains ephemeral, precisely. That was great, that was yesterday. In a speech before this next song, I talked about all the heroes of my childhood, of my adolescence too, multicoloured men, free in every sense: intellectually, culturally, sexually, yes, because even when you're thirteen, you think about that too, from time to time. In any case:  Even before I knew it, I saw that there were people who were free, I want to pay tribute to them. I didn't talk yesterday about all these people who are even buried here in Paris, not far from the Cité de la musique, except that our conductor kindly woke me up this morning with a message, not a "good morning" or "see you later" or "have a good rehearsal", but a little note: "You should know that when you were talking about your heroes yesterday there is no f*cking (I'm not sure, if he really says that) connection. For a few minutes, I talked about "the zeros". Some people smiled a lot. I thought there was a lot of empathy completely I have .... So, soon on France Télévisions, I don't know when, eventually there is Mika, he is there with all this beautiful Orchestre national d'Île-de-France, Simon Leclerc, Stella Maris and the "zeros".


After "Good Guys" and before "Blue":

Blue is a feminine colour, blue is deep, sacred, blue like nothing else, spiritual, ancient. Blue, we like it when we see with this blue sea that made us dream and how this blue falls from the sky into this blue sea. And all this to say that whatever happens in life, I make you a promise that I will love the sun, the yellow, the green, the red, even the purple, I promise you that in the hardest and darkest moments I will always love the blue around it. This song is dedicated tonight for the person who got me here, who got me there and who is getting me there even tonight, this song is for my mother. 


Before the encore "Elle me dit":

Both evenings (I'm not sure if I understood him correctly) I got the words of this song wrong, in a pretty obvious way, because with the rest I could hide it (I don't understand the words he is saying but is clear that he means that he could somehow hide that he had forgotten the lyrics), because I have the habit. I refuse to leave the Philharmonie de Paris without being able to sing this song at least once without ... (I don't understand the words but I'm sure he means without forgetting the lyrics). Ladies and gentlemen, as you have completely altered (I'm not sure if it's the right word) the system of organization, with all the hallucinating precision of the acoustics that were developed during years, I ask you just one thing: in the verses I play, in the choruses you explode.

Edited by Prisca
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28 minutes ago, Prisca said:

I went in and got two programmes



Your reports really show how wonderful the concerts were (if a little hectic with transport 😅), I really love reading peoples different experiences. I hope you get the chance to speak to Mika next time 😊

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19 hours ago, Prisca said:

When I got there, the app kept showing that there was another metro. When I got there, the app showed that I had about 3 minutes before the last metro left. But I think it was just this door that I heard closing when I got there (so the last metro left earlier than indicated). So, I ran to the other metro line (in the wrong direction at first :doh:) and when I got there, as I had feared, the metro was already gone. The metro station was closed. So, I had to ask the cleaner if he could open the door of the metro station :blush:. Which he did.


So, I had to take the night bus from the previous day again


This part sounds very familiar, don't you think @Hero? "Two totally confused Mika fans lost at Gare du Nord at 1 am" :roftl:

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30 minutes ago, giraffeandy said:


This part sounds very familiar, don't you think @Hero? "Two totally confused Mika fans lost at Gare du Nord at 1 am" :roftl:

Oh yeeess.... :floor:

I can't believe how long we spent looking confused at that ticket barrier for how to get around it, then that man just walked past us straight through the gap in the middle! :lmfao:'Quick follow him!' ..:teehee: 


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6 minutes ago, Hero said:

Oh yeeess.... :floor:

I can't believe how long we spent looking confused at that ticket barrier for how to get around it, then that man just walked past us straight through the gap in the middle! :lmfao:'Quick follow him!' ..:teehee: 


Then dashing to find the stop for the night bus. And just like Saturday, standing outside the hotel wondering how to get in because the night bell wasn't working, and having to ring the reception to get someone to come into view through the window, then tapping on the glass because I couldn't think of how to say 'help we're locked outside and your bell isn't working' in French. :floor:

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1 hour ago, Hero said:

Then dashing to find the stop for the night bus. And just like Saturday, standing outside the hotel wondering how to get in because the night bell wasn't working, and having to ring the reception to get someone to come into view through the window, then tapping on the glass because I couldn't think of how to say 'help we're locked outside and your bell isn't working' in French. :floor:

In case you need it for your next Mika trip it is: "A l'aide nous sommes enfermèes dehors et votre sonnette ne fonctionne pas" :wink2:

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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22 hours ago, Prisca said:

It's much easier when you sing this song at home (I'm not sure, if I understand him right) and here the house of this song like so many of my songs, in fact, it's not complex (I'm not sure, if I understand him) that, it's simple and for that I thank you very much.

I think I saw this translation on Twitter. He talked about that some of his songs don’t find a home in beautiful venues [like the Philharmonie], but they find their home in us (fans/audience) and he thanked us very much ❤️

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23 hours ago, Prisca said:




After "No Place in Heaven" and before "Love You when I'm drunk":

...mais d'une vue hésitante avec une grosse jambe (I don't understand him here) et une flèche. 

Maybe referencing cupid? Or letting us know that he likes muscular thighs. :teehee:


23 hours ago, Prisca said:

Before the encore "Elle me dit":

... parce qu'avec le reste j'ai pu balayer (I don't understand the words he is saying but is clear that he means that he could somehow hide that he had forgotten the lyrics), parce que j'ai l'habit.

I think he said he could sweep it under the carpet. I'm sure I heard 'tapis' which means carpet. (I only know this thanks to a carpet shop near me called Tapis :lol3:)


23 hours ago, Prisca said:

, je vous demande juste une chose : dans les couplets je joue, dans les refrains vous explosez.

Ah! I thought he said expressez, as in express yourselves.  To be fair, explosez is probably a better description of what we did! :teehee: :dance_man::pbjt::groovy:


Thank you for this Prisca, reading through it brought back memories of how I felt that night. :cloud::wub2:

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8 hours ago, Hero said:

Maybe referencing cupid?

I think so. But I have the feeling that he describes cupid rather particularly. :lol3:


8 hours ago, Hero said:

I think he said he could sweep it under the carpet. I'm sure I heard 'tapis' which means carpet. (I only know this thanks to a carpet shop near me called Tapis :lol3:)

That's possible. :thumb_yello:


8 hours ago, Hero said:

Ah! I thought he said expressez, as in express yourselves.  To be fair, explosez is probably a better description of what we did! :teehee: :dance_man::pbjt::groovy:


I'm not quite sure he's saying "je joue" :teehee: (but it is clear that he meant that we should not sing), but that he told us to explode, I'm sure of it. :yes:


8 hours ago, Hero said:

Thank you for this Prisca, reading through it brought back memories of how I felt that night. :cloud::wub2:

I'm glad to hear that. :hug:

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On 11/24/2021 at 11:39 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:

I hope you get the chance to speak to Mika next time 😊



I hope Mika comes to the UK next year and you can finally see him live. :hug:

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On 11/24/2021 at 11:09 PM, Prisca said:

I typed up the text from Sunday, but there will most probably be mistakes. So, if you see any mistakes, please tell me.



After "Underwater" and before "Boum Boom Boum":

C'est un plaisir d'être là, (c'est) c'est toujours un peu délicat de parler, de casser cette atmosphère, mais je le fais avec grand plaisir parce que c'est notre deuxième soirée ici, c'est la dernière, dans un lieu qui est incroyable et dans une ville qui est très, très proche à mon cœur, où j'ai découvert sur la scène de Paris qu'est-ce que c'était un orchestre, qu'est-ce que c'était le spectacle, qu'est-ce que c'était la musique classique, qu'est-ce que c'était la musique en fait. Et le grand écart entre Dorothée (French singer for kids) à Bercy et Garnier (it's the opera ) à l'opéra et un orchestre, tout ce mélange. Et quand on a 7 ans, c'est mieux que ce soit nos sœurs. (I'm not sure, if I understood him right.) Pour moi de revenir à Paris, c'est très important. Cette prochaine chanson, elle est dédiée aux moments les plus beaux de Paris qui sont les moments où on regarde les autres, si on pense aux tous les plus beaux films qui on était filmé à Paris c'est toujours, c'est un film poétique qui observe les autres gens qui n'ont pas vraiment la conscience qu'on est entrant de les regarder, mais c'est arrivé à moi et à mon ami Doriand. On a écrit cette chanson sur une nappe à un café et ça ce qui on a vécu quand on était sur une terrasse à un café et on regardait les fenêtres au troisième étage et un très beau couple qui n'avait aucune idée qu'on les pouvait voir.



After "No Place in Heaven" and before "Love You when I'm drunk":

Hier j'ai présenté cette chanson en disant que dans l'opéra on chante énormément, dans toutes les chansons en général, il y a énormément des inspirations de l'amour, l'amour qui brûle, l'amour qui nous fait faire des choses complétement dingues, l'amour qui nous fait pleurer et d'où vient cet amour, quelle est l'origine de l'amour, eh beh, de temps en temps ce ne sort pas d'une alchimie, mais d'une vue hésitante avec de grosses joues  (Not sure ) et une flèche. De temps en temps il faut rendre l'hommage à la chose qui aujourd'hui provoque le plus d'amour, peut-être temporaire mai quand-même l'amour elle est là, ce n'est pas Tinder, c'est l'alcool.


After "Tiny Love" and before "Good Guys":

C'est beaucoup plus facile quand on chante cette chanson à la maison (I'm not sure, if I understand him right) et là la maison de cette chanson comme tellement de mes chansons, en fait, c'est pas de magnifique (I'm not sure, if I understand him) ça, c'est simple et pour ça je vous remercie énormément. Hier on était filmé, ce soir, vous n'enquêtez pas, on n'est pas encore filmé, ça reste éphémère, justement. Ça, c'était super, ça, c'était hier. En un discours avant cette prochaine chanson, j'ai parlé de tous les héros de mon enfance, de mon adolescence aussi, des hommes multicolores, libres dans tous les sens : intellectuellement, culturellement, sexuellement, oui, parce que même qu'on a treize ans, on pense à ça aussi, de temps en temps. Dans tous les cas :  Même avant que je le sache, je voyais qu'il y avait des gens qui étaient libres, je veux les rendre hommage. Je n'ai parlé hier, de toutes ces personnes qui sont même enterré ici à Paris, pas loin de la Cité de la musique, sauf que gentiment notre chef d'orchestre m'a réveillé ce matin avec un message, pas un "bonjour" ou "on se voit plus tard" ou "bonne répétition", mais une petite note : "Il faut que tu saches que lors que tu parlais hier de tes héros il n'y a pas de liaison, putain (I'm not sure, if he really says that). Pendant quelques minutes, j'ai parlé des "les zéros". Il y a des gens qui sourirent beaucoup. Je pensais qu'il y avait beaucoup d'empathie complètement j'ai .... Donc, prochainement sur France Télévisions, je sais pas quand, éventuellement il y a Mika, il est là avec tout cette belle Orchestre national d'Île-de-France, Simon Leclerc, Stella Maris et des "zéros".





I've corrected some words in the first one

He talked about Dorothée in Bercy and then about going to the opera Garnier which is the big one in the center of Paris .

Dorothée was a French singer for kids (like Chantal Goya ....but worse :naughty:)

Mika has already told about her in the "Mika loves Paris " concert in may 2016

I don't remember about the sisters ...give me the links and I'll check


Give me the link to the video before tiny love and I'll corect the beginning wich is not tonaly correct


I remember he said that it's good when a song finds it's home and that it happenes with many of hims 


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1 minute ago, carafon said:

I don't remember about the sisters ...give me the links and I'll check

It's here around 04.29:



8 minutes ago, carafon said:

Give me the link to the video before tiny love and I'll corect the beginning

Do you mean after Tiny Love? Mika didn't say something before Tiny Love. :original:

It starts about 11:28:


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4 minutes ago, Prisca said:

It's here around 04.29:



Do you mean after Tiny Love? Mika didn't say something before Tiny Love. :original:

It starts about 11:28:


He said  "c'est mieux que ça soit comme ça" on the first one


And yes it was after tiny love , sorry

I'll check later


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On 11/24/2021 at 11:09 PM, Prisca said:

I typed up the text from Sunday, but there will most probably be mistakes. So, if you see any mistakes, please tell me.




After "Tiny Love" and before "Good Guys":



C'est beau quand une chanson trouve sa maison  et là la maison de cette chanson comme tellement de mes chansons, en fait, c'est pas des lieux  magnifiques comme  ça, c'est en vous et pour ça je vous remercie énormément. Hier on était filmé, ce soir, vous en fetez  pas (which is a mistake the right way is "ne vous en faites pas" .it was not the first time that he was wrong btw ), on n'est pas  filmé, ce moment reste éphémère, justement. Ça, c'était super, ça, c'était hier. En un discours avant cette prochaine chanson, j'ai parlé de tous les héros de mon enfance, de mon adolescence aussi, des hommes multicolores, libres dans tous les sens : intellectuellement, culturellement, sexuellement, oui, parce que même qu'on a treize ans, on pense à ça aussi, de temps en temps. Dans tous les cas :  Même avant que je le sache, je voyais qu'il y avait des gens qui étaient libres, je veux les rendre hommage. Je n'ai parlé hier, de toutes ces personnes qui sont même enterré ici à Paris, pas loin de la Cité de la musique, sauf que gentiment notre chef d'orchestre m'a réveillé ce matin avec un message, pas un "bonjour" ou "on se voit plus tard" ou "bonne répétition", mais une petite note : "Il faut que tu saches que lors que tu parlais hier de tes héros il n'y a pas de liaison, putain (I'm not sure, if he really says that). Pendant quelques minutes, j'ai parlé de "les zéros". Il y a des gens qui souriaient beaucoup. Je pensais qu'il y avait beaucoup d'empathie complètement j'ai .... Donc, prochainement sur France Télévisions, je sais pas quand, éventuellement il y a Mika, il est là avec tout cette belle Orchestre national d'Île-de-France, Simon Leclerc, Stella Maris et des "zéros".


If you need more "checking" , give me the link 


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10 hours ago, Prisca said:



I hope Mika comes to the UK next year and you can finally see him live. :hug:

I hope so too! There's plenty of festivals here as well.


I did see him at Radio 1 Big Weekend but that was 14 years ago! I remember after his performance me and my mum rushed out to see if we could say hello, we went to the very edge of the private area which was all blocked off and asked a guard if Mika would pass by so I could speak to him, the guard looked me dead in the eye and said "NO!" :(


I did find out later that Mika had performed on a sprained ankle so I guess he just wanted to go and rest. 


Hopefully next time I see him live I'll be happy just to say hello to him! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't believe this was all only 2 months ago. 😢 It seems like forever. :crybaby: I miss him, I miss Paris, I miss the excitement of finally being there, I miss all the crazy MFCers and I miss my ladies @Prisca and @giraffeandy . Life is very dull, flat and boring here. 

Edited by Hero
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6 minutes ago, Hero said:

I can't believe this was all only 2 months ago. 😢 It seems like forever. :crybaby: I miss him, I miss Paris, I miss the excitement of finally being there, I miss all the crazy MFCers and I miss my ladies @Prisca and @giraffeandy . Life is very dull, flat and boring here. 



Soon it will be 2022 and new Mika concerts. :lustslow: And if you can't wait until then, come and visit me. :huglove:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

@Anna Ko Kolkowska told me that you love anecdotes , so I'm back not for a concert review but to tell you about a tiny story happening in the stands.... 

It's been quite a long time , I'll try my best , please be lenient whith my memory :teehee:

That night I was seated at the 4th rank ,right in front of Mika's family . Beauregard was just behind me , with Yasmine on his right , and on his left MHPS , Fortuné , his friend , Zuleika, Andy and maybe more ....

I was surrounded by people I didn't know , probably not as hard fan as we are.  The old man on my left was obviously none of us but rather a musician himself , or a friend of the philarmony , anyway he seemed to know much about music and he seemed to be friend whith the responsible who retired after that night .(Maybe you remember that at the end Mika thanks a man who was just retiring , I don't remember his name or function)

Beauregard and MHPS were very enthousiastic from the very beginning , clappping hands, screaming after each songs quite loudly , and B dancing with Yasmine   . My neighbour didn't look like he appreciated this noise that much , and I really feared that he may ask them to shut up :naughty:.

But he was enjoying the concert very much and after an awesome song (don't ask me which one , I don't remember after all this time) he  began to be more and more enthousiastic , even shouting "bravo" a couple of time .

At the midtime pause , Mika's family left , only Fortuné and friend stayed . My neighbour asked me why Mika told about Opéra while introducing a song , so I told him the whole story about his debuts. He was very interrested , even asked me about the compositors  he had performed . Remembering that he was quite annoyed by the noise behind him and to prevent any incident I told him that Mika's father was sitting behind him. He first said "Oh  , now I understand why him and the boy are so noisy " and added "he should be so proud of him" . Of course I only could agree ....

Then he turned towards Fortuné and said to him "this lady ( yes he was talking about me ....:naughty::blush: ) told me that you're sitted next to the artist's father " !

 :damn: . I didn't ear the answer (may be none ....) but didn't feel like Fortuné was that happy ! I felt soooo embarrassed that I started to regret :doh:.

When Bo and MHPS went back the man first asked Bo if he was enjoying the show and he said "yes" . Mika's father appologized for the noise and said that  Bo was not shy to show his enthousiasm because he noticed that the man also screamed a couple of time.

Then the man asked him if he was Mika's father . Of course he said yes , and the man told him that he should be so proud of his son . MHPS grabbed his shoulder and thanked him several times , saying that it means a lot to him . As you can imagine , I was sooo relieved ! I don't remember exactly the tempo but the man asked again about Mika's work at the opéra and got the answers he wanted . Mika's father  introduced  Fortuné ( :naughty:.....)  and Beauregard to him . He asked if Fortuné was an artist too ,  he replied "no I'm an architect". But Mickael said that Beauregard was kind of an artist and the man said "Oh a mini Mika then " and they started a conversation about him . I didn't ear much at this time because people were coming back but they both seemed to be very interrested by each other  , and the man asked a lot . Then Mika came back to continue the show and the father thanked the man several times again , saying that the compliments were so meaningfull coming from him ( still don't know who he exactly was , anyway obviously somebody who knows much about music )

At the end of the show they talked again , and Mika's father gave  his phone number asking the man to call him back . Don't ask me the number ,I was not able to read it when the man almost blinded me whith the newspaper it was writting on when he left at the "encore" ....

It seems that the noise WE made at this time was too much for him to cope with !!:naughty:

Well ,I still don't know who he is , but the whole story made me smile because I may be the "responsible" of a new friendship or maybe a new teacher for Beauregard 

Edited by carafon
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22 minutes ago, carafon said:

@Anna Ko Kolkowska told me that you love anecdotes , so I'm back not for a concert review but to tell you about a tiny story happening in the stands.... 

It's been quite a long time , I'll try my best , please be lenient whith my memory :teehee:

That night I was seated at the 4th rank ,right in front of Mika's family . Beauregard was just behind me , with Yasmine on his right , and on his left MHPS , Fortuné , his friend , Zuleika, Andy and maybe more ....

I was surrounded by people I didn't know , probably not as hard fan as we are.  The old man on my left was obviously none of us but rather a musician himself , or a friend of the philarmony , anyway he seemed to know much about music and the seemed to be friend whith the responsible who retired after that night .

Beauregard and MHPS were very enthousiastic from the very beginning , clappping hands, dancing with Yasmine  and screaming after each songs quite loudly . My neighbour didn't look like he appreciated this noise that much , and I really feared that he may ask them to shut up :naughty:.

But he was enjoying the concert very much and after an awesome song (don't ask me which one , I don't remember after all this time) he began to be more and more enthousiastic , event shouting "bravo" a couple of time .

At the midtime pause , Mika's family but Fortuné and friend left . My neighbour asked me why Mika told about Opéra while introducing a song , so I told him the whole story about his debuts. He was very interrested , even asked me about the compositors  he had performed . Remembering that he was quite annoyed by the noise behind him and to prevent any incident I told him that Mika's father was sitting behind him. He first said "Oh  , now I understand why him and the boy are so noisy " and added "he should be so proud of him" . Of course I only could agree ....

Then he turned to Fortuné and said to him "this lady ( yes he was talking about me ....:naughty::blush: ) told me that you're sitted next to the artist's father " !

 :damn: . I didn't ear the answer but didn't feel like Fortuné was that happy ! I felt soooo embarrassed that I started to regret :doh:.

When Bo and MHPS went back the man first asked Bo if he was enjoying the show and he said "yes" . Mika's father appologized for the noise and said that  Bo didn't dare to show his enthousiasm because the man also screamed a couple of time.

Then the man asked him if he was Mika's father . Of course ha said yes , and the man told him that he should be so proud of his son . MHPS grabbed his shoulder and thanked him several time , saying that it means a lot to him . As you can imagine , I was sooo relieved ! I don't remember exactly the tempo but the man asked again about Mika's work at the opéra and got the answers he wanted . He was also introduced to Fortuné ( :naughty:.....)  and Beauregard by Mika's father . He asked if Fortuné was an artist too ,  he said no I'm an architect. But Mickael said that Beauregard was kind of and the man said "Oh a mini Mika then " and they started a conversation about him . I didn't ear much at this time because people were coming back but they both seemed to be very interrested by each other  , and the man asked a lot . Then Mika came back to continue the show and the father thanked the man several time again , saying that the compliments were so meaningfull coming from him ( still don't know who he exactly was , anyway obviously somebody who knows much about music )

At the end of the show they talked again , and Mika's father gave him his phone number asking him to call him back . Don't ask me the number ,I was not able to read it when the man almost blinding me whith the newspaper it was writting on when he left at the "encore" ....:naughty:

It seems that the noise WE made at this time was too much for him at this time !!

Well ,I still don't know who he is , but the whole story made me smile because I may be the starter of a new friendship or maybe a new teacher for Beauregard 



Wow! Joelle, thank you for this beautiful story!!!!!!

This is what I love to listen to :cloud:

Things are happening on the stage. But things as well are happening in the audience.


I love this story about Mika's father. I think that fans very often talk to him and it means a lot to him. He is a part of our Mika family :hug: 

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5 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:



Wow! Joelle, thank you for this beautiful story!!!!!!

This is what I love to listen to :cloud:

Things are happening on the stage. But things as well are happening in the audience.


I love this story about Mika's father. I think that fans very often talk to him and it means a lot to him. He is a part of our Mika family :hug: 


The fact that the man is "somebody" in music probably made him even prouder as if it was from a fan !

Maybe one day Bo will be famous and will talk about this man the same way Mika is talking about his music teachers .....:wink2:

Oh and I forgot to  mentionned that at the very end Mika's father screamed a lot for Ida and Max .....seems that he's not mad about Max about a "controversial" joke ....

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Oh Joelle, thank you for sharing! I love the part where Fortuné didn’t seem to be very amused :lol3: 

And Senior being so grateful is adorable. It also happened at Carcassonne, when fans saw him and spoke about what a wonderful concert it was. He then said to the fans that “it was also thanks to you (the fanactions)” 

I am in awe how humble his family is. I would like to believe they like to sit in the audience, not only to witness the concert but also to feel the energy.

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