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2022 - Mika @ Cap Roig Festival, Spain, 6 August - REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS


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Hay shows que son especiales y éste fue uno de esos. @mikainstagram ha sido protagonista de un espectáculo absolutamente cautivador ante el #caproigfestival22

Ha comenzado el directo con ‘Lollipop,‘ poniendo a todo el público a bailar en segundos.

📸: @joseirun_fotografia




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Diari Girona Notícies


Un enérgico Mika se entrega al público del Cap Roig Festival


Actualidad España  -  07/08/2022  -  00:51


Un concierto donde el público no ha dejado de bailar y cantar al ritmo de grandes éxitos como "Big Girl", "Relax" "Happy Ending" o "Grace Kelly"


Un enérgico Mika se ha entregado esta noche al público del Cap Roig Festival. Con todas las entradas agotadas, el icono de la música pop internacional ha sorprendido a los espectadores al inicio del concierto cantando las primeras notas de su tema "Lollipop" entre el público. Un concierto donde el público no ha dejado de bailar y cantar al ritmo de grandes éxitos como "Big Girl", "Relax" "Happy Ending" o "Grace Kelly".













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Ràdio Capital de l'Empordà


  • per Marc Clapés
  • Foto: Gerard Escaich
  • 7 d'agost de 2022

La festa de l'amor de Mika a Cap Roig


Aquesta era la cinquena vegada que veia en directe a Mika. El meu enamorament amb l’artista va començar el 2007, el moment on va aparèixer a les nostres vides, gràcies a ‘Grace Kelly’, una cançó vitalista, que enganxava des del primer moment. Recordo passar-me els dies mirant els canals VH1 i MTV (quan feien música) esperant veure el videoclip. N’estava molt viciat. I mesos més tard ja vaig veure’l en directe a Barcelona. Des de llavors sempre que ha vingut he anat a veure’l perquè sabia 100% que viuria una gran festa, una celebració de la vida.



I a Cap Roig ha estat tot això, però encara una mica més. Les altres vegades que l’havia vist la seva faceta més còmica i aquest feedback amb el públic no era tan evident com el que hi ha hagut a Calella de Palafrugell. No sé si va ser per la proximitat amb els espectadors, de fet el concert es va iniciar amb Mika cantant enmig del públic la happy ‘Lollipop’.

Tal com va dir, feia uns 15 minuts que estava assegut a la butaca i ningú s’adonava que estava allà. Va ser un inici perfecte, inimaginable. En el meu cap hi havia imatges de boles gegants, molta llum, confeti i balls. Però després pensava, home Marc, això és Cap Roig i a la gent li costa una mica aixecar-se de la cadira. Per tant, ha estat una enorme sorpresa tot el que m’he trobat des del minut 1.



Com he dit abans, no coneixia aquesta faceta més còmica del músic, que en tot moment ha fet broma amb un rovellat espanyol, que ha deixat moments molt divertits. Fins i tot s’ha atrevit a parlar català amb l’ajuda d’una noia del públic que anava traduint tot el que en Mika li deia. També hi ha hagut moments amb segones intencions amb expressions, anècdotes dels seus intercanvis a Sitges o balls amb espectadores a sobre l’escenari.

Tot això en 90 minuts. Uns minuts que han passat volant i on el músic ha aprofitat per sincerar-se i demanar disculpes per no tenir la veu al 100%, ja que feia 4 dies que havia estat malalt i encara no estava del tot recuperat. No sabem si per la forma que ha portat al show, amb molta xerrera, molt bon rotllet, però pràcticament no hem notat aquesta falta de veu que tenia.



Han sonat èxits emblemàtics com ‘Relax, take it easy’, ‘Rain’, ‘Big girl (you’re beautiful)’, ‘Underwater’ (amb ajuda del públic), ‘Happy ending’, ‘Elle me dit’ i la traca final amb ‘Grace Kelly’, ‘We are Golden’ i ‘Love today’, que servia per cloure una nit que ningú volia que acabés. I tot i que ell potser no tenia la veu al 100% es notava que estava a gust i no volia abandonar l’escenari. El músic s’ha quedat una bona estona mentre sonava música festiva i ell ens regalava tot el seu amor.


Si teniu l’oportunitat, aneu-lo a veure en directe. Ens ha avançat que aquest era l’únic concert que faria al nostre país durant aquest any. Però si el 2023 ve a Catalunya, aneu-hi. No us en penedireu. Jo segur que estaré allà, a primera fila.


:uk: Google translator



Mika's love party in Cap Roig

This was my fifth time seeing Mika live. My infatuation with the artist began in 2007, the moment he appeared in our lives, thanks to 'Grace Kelly', a vitalist song, which hooked from the first moment. I remember spending days watching VH1 and MTV (when they played music) waiting to see the music video. I was very addicted to it. And months later I saw him live in Barcelona. Since then, whenever he has come, I have gone to see him because I knew 100% that he would experience a great party, a celebration of life.


And in Cap Roig it has been all that, but even a little more. The other times I had seen his more comic side and this feedback with the public was not as obvious as what has been in Calella de Palafrugell. I don't know if it was because of the proximity to the spectators, in fact the concert started with Mika singing the happy 'Lollipop' in the middle of the audience.

As he said, he had been sitting in the chair for about 15 minutes and no one noticed that he was there. It was a perfect start, unimaginable. In my head there were images of giant balls, lots of light, confetti and dancing. But then I thought, man Marc, this is Cap Roig and it's a little hard for people to get out of their chairs. So everything I've encountered since minute 1 has been a huge surprise.


As I said before, I did not know this more comical side of the musician, who has always joked with a rusty Spanish, which has left very funny moments. He even dared to speak Catalan with the help of a girl from the audience who was translating everything Mika said to him. There have also been moments with ulterior motives with expressions, anecdotes of their exchanges in Sitges or dances with spectators on stage.

All this in 90 minutes. A few minutes that flew by and where the musician took the opportunity to be honest and apologize for not having his voice at 100%, since he had been ill for 4 days and was still not fully recovered. We don't know if it's because of the way he's been on the show, with a lot of chatter, a very good roll, but we've practically not noticed this lack of voice he had.


Emblematic hits such as 'Relax, take it easy', 'Rain', 'Big girl (you're beautiful)', 'Underwater' (with the help of the audience), 'Happy ending', 'Elle me dit' and the final track with 'Grace Kelly', 'We are Golden' and 'Love today', which served to close a night that no one wanted to end. And even though he may not have had his voice at 100%, you could tell he was at ease and didn't want to leave the stage. The musician stayed for a long time while playing festive music and he gave us all his love.

If you have the chance, go see it live. He told us that this was the only concert he would do in our country this year. But if 2023 comes to Catalonia, go there. You won't regret it. I will definitely be there, in the front row.


Foto: Gerard Escaich


























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Mika inunda Cap Roig de ritmo, luces de colores y buenas vibraciones
Palafrugell (España) 6 ago (EFE).- El icono de la música pop internacional Mika ha desplegado este sábado en el escenario de Cap Roig, en Palafrugell (Gerona, noreste), un espectáculo lleno de ritmo frenético, sorpresas, mucha charla en “espaniano” (español e italiano), luces de potentes colores e incluso fuentes de fuego.


06 de agosto de 2022, - 20:42


Apenas se ha puesto bajo un foco en medio del oscuro escenario para decir “bona nit", se ha puesto a todo el público -más de 2.400 personas- en el bolsillo y ha empezado un show en el que no ha dejado de bailar, de saltar, de subir y bajar del piano, decorado con una M, una calavera y un corazón, y de interactuar con un auditorio encantado de estar allí.


Tras la primera breve aparición y para sorpresa de todos los asistentes, ha aparecido cantando en un extremo de la grada y, bromeando con los espectadores, ha dicho: “Hace un cuarto de hora que estaba aquí, he visto como bebían cerveza, la impaciencia que tenían…”.


Éste sólo ha sido el inicio de una historia de amor de un artista y un público, gran parte extranjero, que no ha dejado de inmortalizar con sus móviles cada una de las apasionadas interpretaciones de las canciones y la alegría, bromas, energía y buen rollo que desprendía el artista.


Mika, que esta noche ha brillado con luz propia, ha escogido "Lollipop", incluida en su primer álbum, “Life in cartoon motion” (2007), para abrir el concierto en este festival que tiene lugar en los jardines de Cap Roig y que organiza Clipper's Live con el impulso de CaixaBank.


Un espectáculo total que ha durado unos cien minutos con numerosas interacciones con el público, en las que el artista ha hecho gala de su sentido del humor y de los idiomas que habla como inglés, francés, italiano e, incluso, se ha lanzado con algunas palabras en catalán.


Del castellano, ha explicado que lo estudió, pero que lo había olvidado y que cantaría en inglés pero que, esta noche, necesitaba "hablar sólo español, no espaniano", a la vez que pedía a los presentes que cantasen con él y les recordaba que siempre podían utilizar "el lenguaje del amor".


Y el público le ha acompañado entonando sus canciones casi durante todo el espectáculo, en el que ha interpretado temas como “Tiny Love", "The origen of love" o "Big girl", momento en el que ha cambiado el traje pantalón negro y rojo que vestía por otro fucsia con una camiseta blanca de tiras con un gran corazón rojo, roto.


Grandes momentos de la noche han llegado también con “Relax, Take it easy”, “Yo-yo” o “Boum boum” y, de nuevo, Mika ha vuelto a aparecer en la platea.


Todas sus canciones han permitido disfrutar a los asistentes al concierto de un repaso por todas los registros vocales de este barítono ligero, que ha hecho gala en varios temas de su característico registro de falsete, con origen en su infancia, cuando era cantante de ópera y participó en varios musicales.


Otras de los grandes momentos de la noche ha llegado al presentar "Elle me dit", su primer tema en francés, y ha hecho subir al escenario a una chica del público que aguantaba una cartel que ponía “¿puedo bailar contigo?”, a la que le ha concedido el deseo con el acompañamiento de toda la grada.


Seguidamente Mika, Michale Holbrook Penniman Jr., nacido en Beirut (Líbano) hace 39 años, ha interpretado “Grace Kelly”, sencillo con el que debutó en 2006, una pieza que él mismo subió a internet, medio millón de personas la escucharon y su popularidad hizo que Casablanca Records decidiera contratarle.


“We are golden” ha vuelto a hacer que la grada saltara como ha hecho el artista en casi todas sus canciones y las fuentes de chispas de fuego han amenizado los sones del tema.


“Love Today” ha sido la pieza para la despedida, que Mika ha hecho a su manera: ha apagado las luces, ha explicado que era el único concierto que había hecho en España y ha pedido la colaboración del público.


“Ahora todos vamos a casa, pero antes necesitamos hacer algo, cuando cuente a tres bailáis, saltáis, ¿estáis listos??” y, tras la cuenta atrás, se han abierto los focos y la música ha resonado de nuevo.


Antes de irse, ataviado con un pantalón lila, una capa clara con capucha y una corona dorada, ha explicado que había estado sufriendo por su voz, pero que gracias al público había salido todo bien.


Mika, que este año ha presentado el Festival de Eurovisión desde Turín (Italia) junto a Laura Pausini y Alessandro Cattelan, seguirá su gira en septiembre y octubre en Suiza y en Italia.


:uk: Google translator



Mika floods Cap Roig with rhythm, colored lights and good vibes


Palafrugell (Spain) Aug 6 (EFE).- The international pop music icon Mika has unfolded this Saturday on the Cap Roig stage, in Palafrugell (Gerona, northeast), a show full of frenetic rhythm, surprises, a lot of talk in “espaniano” (Spanish and Italian), powerfully colored lights and even fire fountains.

As soon as he stood under a spotlight in the middle of the dark stage to say "bona nit", he put the entire audience -more than 2,400 people- in his pocket and started a show in which he did not stop dancing, jumping, getting on and off the piano, decorated with an M, a skull and a heart, and interacting with an audience delighted to be there.

After the first brief appearance and to the surprise of all the attendees, he appeared singing at one end of the stands and, joking with the spectators, said: “I was here a quarter of an hour ago, I saw how they drank beer, the impatience They had…".

This has only been the beginning of a love story between an artist and an audience, a large part of whom are foreigners, who have not stopped immortalizing each of the passionate interpretations of the songs and the joy, jokes, energy and good vibes with their mobile phones. that the artist gave off.

Mika, who shone tonight with his own light, has chosen "Lollipop", included on his first album, "Life in cartoon motion" (2007), to open the concert at this festival that takes place in the gardens of Cap Roig and organized by Clipper's Live with the support of CaixaBank.

A total show that has lasted about a hundred minutes with numerous interactions with the public, in which the artist has shown off his sense of humor and the languages he speaks such as English, French, Italian and has even launched with some Catalan words.

Of Spanish, he explained that he studied it, but that he had forgotten it and that he would sing in English but that, tonight, he needed to "speak only Spanish, not Spanish", while asking those present to sing with him and reminding them that they could always use "the language of love".

And the public has accompanied him singing his songs almost throughout the show, in which he has performed songs such as "Tiny Love", "The origin of love" or "Big girl", moment in which he has changed the black pantsuit and red that he wore for another fuchsia with a white strappy shirt with a big red, broken heart.

Great moments of the night have also come with “Relax, Take it easy”, “Yo-yo” or “Boum boum” and, once again, Mika has reappeared in the audience.

All his songs have allowed those attending the concert to enjoy a review of all the vocal registers of this light baritone, who has shown off his characteristic falsetto register in several songs, originating in his childhood, when he was an opera singer and participated in several musicals.

Another of the great moments of the night came when he presented "Elle me dit", his first song in French, and brought a girl from the audience up on stage who was holding a sign that said "can I dance with you?" the one that has granted him the wish with the accompaniment of the entire grandstand.

Mika followed, Michale Holbrook Penniman Jr., born in Beirut (Lebanon) 39 years ago, has performed "Grace Kelly", a single with which he debuted in 2006, a piece that he himself uploaded to the internet, half a million people listened to it and his popularity made Casablanca Records decide to hire him.

“We are golden” has once again made the stands jump as the artist has done in almost all of his songs and the sources of sparks of fire have enlivened the sounds of the song.

“Love Today” has been the piece for the farewell, which Mika has done in his own way: he has turned off the lights, has explained that it was the only concert that he had done in Spain and has asked for the collaboration of the public.

“Now we all go home, but first we need to do something, when I count to three you dance, you jump, are you ready??” and, after the countdown, the spotlights have been opened and the music has resounded again.

Before leaving, dressed in lilac pants, a light cape with a hood and a golden crown, he explained that he had been suffering from his voice, but that thanks to the public everything had turned out well.

Mika, who this year has presented the Eurovision Song Contest from Turin (Italy) together with Laura Pausini and Alessandro Cattelan, will continue his tour in September and October in Switzerland and Italy.



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Mika inunda Cap Roig de ritmo, luces de colores y buenas vibraciones
7 ago. 2022

El icono de la música pop internacional Mika ha desplegado este sábado en el escenario de Cap Roig un espectáculo lleno de ritmo frenético, sorpresas, mucha charla en “espaniano” (español e italiano), luces de potentes colores e incluso fuentes de fuego.


Apenas se ha puesto bajo un foco en medio del oscuro escenario para decir “bona nit", se ha puesto a todo el público -más de 2.400 personas- en el bolsillo y ha empezado un show en el que no ha dejado de bailar, de saltar, de subir y bajar del piano, decorado con una M, una calavera y un corazón, y de interactuar con un auditorio encantado de estar allí.


:uk: Google translator



Mika floods Cap Roig with rhythm, colored lights and good vibes

The icon of international pop music Mika has displayed this Saturday on the Cap Roig stage a show full of frenetic rhythm, surprises, lots of talk in "espaniano" (Spanish and Italian), powerful colored lights and even fire fountains.

As soon as he stood under a spotlight in the middle of the dark stage to say "bona nit", he put the entire audience -more than 2,400 people- in his pocket and started a show in which he did not stop dancing, jumping, getting on and off the piano, decorated with an M, a skull and a heart, and interacting with an audience delighted to be there.








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La Vanguardia (1ª edición)


Mika, energía y buen rollo en Cap Roig


El cantante triunfó con un amplio recital que animó al público desde el minuto uno


Mika, en un momento de su actuación

Relax, take it easy. O, lo que es lo mismo, relájate y tómatelo con calma. Anoche, Mika hizo gala de su famoso lema en el Festival de Cap Roig. El artista de Beirut, que recientemente presentó Eurovisión junto a Laura Pausini, transmitió su buen rollo a los que se acercaron a Calella de Palafrugell, que no fueron pocos. De hecho, la organización hacía tiempo que anunciaba el sold out (todo vendido) para este concierto, uno de los más esperados del cartel.


“Vi un concierto suyo en París en el 2018 y fue espectacular. En cuanto supe que venía a Catalunya, no lo dudé ni un segundo. Es un show garantizado”, reconocía una de las asistentes poco antes de que empezara el espectáculo. El resto del público parecía estar de acuerdo con ella, pues la euforia estalló cuando apareció de entre el público cantando Lollipop, algo que hizo en varias ocasiones, y fue a más conforme iban sonando temas, como Yo Yo o We are golden o el espectacular Love today.

Tampoco faltaron el popular Big girl con su “you are beautiful” a coro del público al inicio, ni otras canciones de su más reciente álbum, My name is Michael Holbrook, con el que empezó una gira mundial que se vio obligada a poner pausa por la pandemia.


Aunque si hubo una canción con la que revolucionó a los asistentes, esa fue Grace Kelly, el single que le trajo la fama en el 2007 y con el que alcanzó el número 1 en las listas de distintos países, entre ellos España. Cuando sacó ese hit,

su propósito no era otro que burlarse de los músicos que intentan reinventarse para ser más populares. Y, de hecho, esa es un poco su marca personal: ser siempre él mismo. Una esencia que, pese a sus catorce años de carrera y más de diez millones de discos vendidos, mantiene intacta.


Alegría, humor y buenas vibraciones fueron los principales ingredientes de un show que puso al público en pie durante la noche. c


:uk: Google translator


Mika, energy and good vibes in Cap Roig

The singer triumphed with an extensive recital that encouraged the public from minute one

Mika, at one point in his performance

Relax, take it easy. Or, what is the same, relax and take it easy. Last night, Mika showed off his famous motto at the Cap Roig Festival. The artist from Beirut, who recently presented Eurovision together with Laura Pausini, conveyed his good vibes to those who came to Calella de Palafrugell, who were not a few. In fact, the organization had long announced the sold out (everything sold out) for this concert, one of the most anticipated on the bill.

“I saw a concert of his in Paris in 2018 and it was spectacular. As soon as I found out that he was coming to Catalonia, I didn't doubt it for a second. It is a guaranteed show”, acknowledged one of the attendees shortly before the show began. The rest of the public seemed to agree with him, because the euphoria exploded when she appeared from the public singing Lollipop, something he did on several occasions, and it got worse as songs were being played, such as Yo Yo or We are golden or the spectacular Love today.


Nor was the popular Big girl missing with her "you are beautiful" in the chorus of the public at the beginning, nor other songs from his most recent album, My name is Michael Holbrook, with which he began a world tour that was forced to pause for the pandemic.

Although if there was a song with which she revolutionized the audience, that was Grace Kelly, the single that brought her fame in 2007 and with which she reached number 1 on the charts of different countries, including Spain. When she put out that hit,

his purpose was none other than to make fun of musicians who try to reinvent themselves to be more popular. And, in fact, that is a bit of his personal brand: always being himself. An essence that, despite his fourteen-year career and more than ten million records sold, remains intact.

Joy, humor and good vibes were the main ingredients of a show that put the audience on their feet during the night. c




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Qué Pasa



Mika inunda Cap Roig de ritmo, luces de colores y buenas vibraciones

Palafrugell (España) 6 ago (EFE).- El icono de la música pop internacional Mika ha desplegado este sábado en el escenario de Cap Roig, en Palafrugell (Gerona, noreste), un espectáculo lleno de ritmo frenético, sorpresas, mucha charla en “espaniano” (español e italiano), luces de potentes colores e incluso fuentes de fuego.

Apenas se ha puesto bajo un foco en medio del oscuro escenario para decir “bona nit”, se ha puesto a todo el público -más de 2.400 personas- en el bolsillo y ha empezado un show en el que no ha dejado de bailar, de saltar, de subir y bajar del piano, decorado con una M, una calavera y un corazón, y de interactuar con un auditorio encantado de estar allí.


Tras la primera breve aparición y para sorpresa de todos los asistentes, ha aparecido cantando en un extremo de la grada y, bromeando con los espectadores, ha dicho: “Hace un cuarto de hora que estaba aquí, he visto como bebían cerveza, la impaciencia que tenían…”.


Éste sólo ha sido el inicio de una historia de amor de un artista y un público, gran parte extranjero, que no ha dejado de inmortalizar con sus móviles cada una de las apasionadas interpretaciones de las canciones y la alegría, bromas, energía y buen rollo que desprendía el artista.


Mika, que esta noche ha brillado con luz propia, ha escogido “Lollipop”, incluida en su primer álbum, “Life in cartoon motion” (2007), para abrir el concierto en este festival que tiene lugar en los jardines de Cap Roig y que organiza Clipper’s Live con el impulso de CaixaBank.


Un espectáculo total que ha durado unos cien minutos con numerosas interacciones con el público, en las que el artista ha hecho gala de su sentido del humor y de los idiomas que habla como inglés, francés, italiano e, incluso, se ha lanzado con algunas palabras en catalán.


Del castellano, ha explicado que lo estudió, pero que lo había olvidado y que cantaría en inglés pero que, esta noche, necesitaba “hablar sólo español, no espaniano”, a la vez que pedía a los presentes que cantasen con él y les recordaba que siempre podían utilizar “el lenguaje del amor”.


Y el público le ha acompañado entonando sus canciones casi durante todo el espectáculo, en el que ha interpretado temas como “Tiny Love”, “The origen of love” o “Big girl”momento en el que ha cambiado el traje pantalón negro y rojo que vestía por otro fucsia con una camiseta blanca de tiras con un gran corazón rojo, roto.


Grandes momentos de la noche han llegado también con “Relax, Take it easy”, “Yo-yo” o “Boum boum” y, de nuevo, Mika ha vuelto a aparecer en la platea.


Todas sus canciones han permitido disfrutar a los asistentes al concierto de un repaso por todas los registros vocales de este barítono ligero, que ha hecho gala en varios temas de su característico registro de falsete, con origen en su infancia, cuando era cantante de ópera y participó en varios musicales.


Otras de los grandes momentos de la noche ha llegado al presentar “Elle me dit”, su primer tema en francés, y ha hecho subir al escenario a una chica del público que aguantaba una cartel que ponía “¿puedo bailar contigo?”, a la que le ha concedido el deseo con el acompañamiento de toda la grada.


Seguidamente Mika, Michale Holbrook Penniman Jr., nacido en Beirut (Líbano) hace 39 años, ha interpretado “Grace Kelly”, sencillo con el que debutó en 2006, una pieza que él mismo subió a internet, medio millón de personas la escucharon y su popularidad hizo que Casablanca Records decidiera contratarle.


“We are golden” ha vuelto a hacer que la grada saltara como ha hecho el artista en casi todas sus canciones y las fuentes de chispas de fuego han amenizado los sones del tema.


“Love Today” ha sido la pieza para la despedida, que Mika ha hecho a su manera: ha apagado las luces, ha explicado que era el único concierto que había hecho en España y ha pedido la colaboración del público.


“Ahora todos vamos a casa, pero antes necesitamos hacer algo, cuando cuente a tres bailáis, saltáis, ¿estáis listos??” y, tras la cuenta atrás, se han abierto los focos y la música ha resonado de nuevo.


Antes de irse, ataviado con un pantalón lila, una capa clara con capucha y una corona dorada, ha explicado que había estado sufriendo por su voz, pero que gracias al público había salido todo bien.


Mika, que este año ha presentado el Festival de Eurovisión desde Turín (Italia) junto a Laura Pausini y Alessandro Cattelan, seguirá su gira en septiembre y octubre en Suiza y en Italia.


:uk: Google translator



Mika floods Cap Roig with rhythm, colored lights and good vibes

Palafrugell (Spain) Aug 6 (EFE).- The international pop music icon Mika has unfolded this Saturday on the Cap Roig stage, in Palafrugell (Gerona, northeast), a show full of frenetic rhythm, surprises, a lot of talk in “espaniano” (Spanish and Italian), powerfully colored lights and even fire fountains.


As soon as he stood under a spotlight in the middle of the dark stage to say "bona nit", he put the entire audience -more than 2,400 people- in his pocket and started a show in which he did not stop dancing, jumping, getting on and off the piano, decorated with an M, a skull and a heart, and interacting with an audience delighted to be there.

After the first brief appearance and to the surprise of all the attendees, he appeared singing at one end of the stands and, joking with the spectators, said: “I was here a quarter of an hour ago, I saw how they drank beer, the impatience They had…".

This has only been the beginning of a love story between an artist and an audience, a large part of whom are foreigners, who have not stopped immortalizing each of the passionate interpretations of the songs and the joy, jokes, energy and good vibes with their mobile phones. that the artist gave off.

Mika, who shone tonight with her own light, has chosen “Lollipop”, included on her first album, “Life in cartoon motion” (2007), to open the concert at this festival that takes place in the gardens of Cap Roig and organized by Clipper's Live with the support of CaixaBank.

A total show that has lasted about a hundred minutes with numerous interactions with the public, in which the artist has shown off his sense of humor and the languages he speaks such as English, French, Italian and has even launched with some Catalan words.

Of Spanish, he explained that he studied it, but that he had forgotten it and that he would sing in English but that, tonight, he needed to "speak only Spanish, not Spanish", while asking those present to sing with him and reminding them that they could always use “the language of love”.

And the public has accompanied him singing his songs almost throughout the show, in which he has performed songs such as "Tiny Love", "The origin of love" or "Big girl", moment in which he has changed the black pantsuit and red that he wore for another fuchsia with a white strappy shirt with a big red, broken heart.

Great moments of the night have also come with “Relax, Take it easy”, “Yo-yo” or “Boum boum” and, once again, Mika has reappeared in the audience.

All his songs have allowed those attending the concert to enjoy a review of all the vocal registers of this light baritone, who has shown off his characteristic falsetto register in several songs, originating in his childhood, when he was an opera singer and participated in several musicals.

Another of the great moments of the night came when he presented "Elle me dit", his first song in French, and brought a girl from the audience up on stage who was holding a sign that said "can I dance with you?" the one that has granted him the wish with the accompaniment of the entire grandstand.

Mika followed, Michale Holbrook Penniman Jr., born in Beirut (Lebanon) 39 years ago, has performed "Grace Kelly", a single with which he debuted in 2006, a piece that he himself uploaded to the internet, half a million people listened to it and his popularity made Casablanca Records decide to hire him.

“We are golden” has once again made the stands jump as the artist has done in almost all of his songs and the sources of sparks of fire have enlivened the sounds of the song.

“Love Today” has been the piece for the farewell, which Mika has done in his own way: he has turned off the lights, has explained that it was the only concert that he had done in Spain and has asked for the collaboration of the public.

“Now we all go home, but first we need to do something, when I count to three you dance, you jump, are you ready??” and, after the countdown, the spotlights have been opened and the music has resounded again.

Before leaving, dressed in lilac pants, a light cape with a hood and a golden crown, he explained that he had been suffering from his voice, but that thanks to the public everything had turned out well.

Mika, who this year has presented the Eurovision Song Contest from Turin (Italy) together with Laura Pausini and Alessandro Cattelan, will continue his tour in September and October in Switzerland and Italy.




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Ràdio Palafrugell

a 7 d'Agost de 2022



  • Aquest era l’únic concert de la gira de Mika a Catalunya i a l’estat espanyol.
  • Van ser uns 90 minuts d’excel·lents interpretacions i pur espectacle.

MIKA va oferir un gran concert al Cap Roig Festival el passat dissabte a la nit. Va començar a les 22:20 amb un “Bona nit, Cap Roig” i sense el cantant a l’escenari. El públic esperava que sortís en qualsevol moment, però al cap d’una estona va sorprendre a tothom assegut en una de les butaques. Fins i tot, va fer broma que feia quinze minuts que era allà i que ningú se n’havia adonat.


El públic ja es posà dempeus en els primers minuts de l’actuació i van començar a alçar globus vermells en forma de cor a les primeres files. Aquests il·lustraven l’afirmació “I love M”, que també hi havia al piano. I és que el concert havia començat molt fort amb una introducció i la cançó Lollipop.


Ja des de dalt de l’escenari, afirmà que volia practicar el seu castellà i que ho faria durant el concert. A més, també va dir que el públic li podia ensenyar el català, unes paraules que van rebre aplaudiments. No obstant això, va afegir que el llenguatge que faria servir durant la nit seria el de l’amor.


MIKA va seguir amb Origin i Big Girl, sense deixar-se de moure ni un moment fins al final del concert, anant de cantó a cantó de l’escenari, pujant a dalt del piano o baixant en alguna ocasió entre el públic per cantar i ballar. Un dels moments més esperats va ser quan es va interpretar el tema Relax, take it easy, acompanyat d’una enèrgica coreografia i de bengales. També es van incloure les cançons Boum Boum i Yo Yo que van ser ballades per tothom, acompanyades d’un escenari que canviava de colors.


Després de l’energia d’aquests temes i els tocs d’humor en les intervencions de l’artista, va arribar una proposta més tranquil·la com Underwater. El públic va poder cantar una part de la tornada mentre l’escenari quedava a les fosques i en alguna ocasió, amb una alçada dels telèfons mòbil i els flaixos engegats. Un altre moment tendre va ser quan va explicar la seva filosofia “pink”, que era la de ballar en els moments més difícils. Això li havia ensenyat la seva mare, que anava vestida de rosa.


També va sonar Happy Ending, Rain i Elle Me Dit, amb aquesta aprofità per dirigir algunes paraules en francès per al públic provinent de França. Va procedir amb Grace Kelly -la cançó de debut l’any 2006- i We are golden. El concert va acabar sense bis, però amb un Love Today molt enèrgic.


Durant els 90 minuts, no van faltar els crits de “guapo” des del públic, els quals MIKA sempre responia amb flirtejos i propostes d’acompanyar-los després a casa. Va afegir que havia passat un temps a Sitges d’intercanvi per a aprendre el castellà, però que més aviat l’havia parlat poc i havia après altres coses amb els espanyols.





MIKA in Cap Roig 2022: At 200% - Ràdio Palafrugell


Author Ràdio Palafrugell Author's archive

  •     This was the only concert of Mika's tour in Catalonia and Spain.
  •     It was about 90 minutes of excellent performances and pure spectacle.

MIKA gave a great concert at the Cape Roig Festival last Saturday night. It started at 22:20 with a "Good night, Cap Roig" and without the singer on stage. The audience expected him to come out at any moment, but after a while he surprised everyone by sitting in one of the armchairs. He even joked that he had been there for fifteen minutes and no one had noticed.


The audience already stood up in the first minutes of the performance and began to raise red balloons in the shape of a heart in the first rows. These illustrated the statement "I love M", which was also on the piano. And the fact is that the concert had started very strongly with an introduction and the song Lollipop.


Already from the top of the stage, he stated that he wanted to practice his Spanish and that he would do so during the concert. In addition, he also said that the audience could teach him Catalan, words that received applause. However, he added that the language he would use during the night would be that of love.


MIKA continued with Origin and Big Girl, never stopping to move for a moment until the end of the concert, going from corner to corner of the stage, climbing on top of the piano or occasionally going down into the audience to sing and dance. One of the most anticipated moments was when the song Relax, take it easy was performed, accompanied by energetic choreography and sparklers. Also included were the songs Boum Boum and Yo Yo that were danced by everyone, accompanied by a stage that changed colors.


After the energy of these themes and the touches of humor in the artist's interventions, a calmer proposal like Underwater arrived. The audience was able to sing part of the refrain while the stage was in the dark and on occasion, with a height of mobile phones and flashes on. Another tender moment was when he explained his "pink" philosophy, which was to dance in the most difficult moments. This had been taught to him by his mother, who was dressed in pink.


He also played Happy Ending, Rain and Elle Me Dit, with this one he took the opportunity to direct some words in French for the audience coming from France. He proceeded with Grace Kelly - the debut song in 2006 - and We are golden. The concert ended without an encore, but with a very energetic Love Today.


During the 90 minutes, there was no shortage of shouts of "handsome" from the audience, to which MIKA always responded with flirtations and proposals to accompany them home afterwards. He added that he had spent some time in Sitges on an exchange to learn Spanish, but that he had rather spoken little and had learned other things with the Spaniards.


A night that will be remembered for the show that MIKA gave at the Cap Roig Festival: full of good music, choreography, light, colors, costume changes, the audience going on stage, the proximity of the singer... Even to apologize for not being able to be 100%, as he had been ill in the last few days and commented that he had been close to suspending it. He did it in Catalan, with the help of a girl from the audience who translated for him. If he wasn't 100% at that concert, it's certainly hard to imagine what he does when he is there.







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TV Costa Brava



Mika es converteix en el rei de Cap Roig


Després de Camilo, Mika va ser l'encarregat de pujar a l'escenari de Cap Roig. En un concert on s'havien exhaurit totes les entrades, el cantant libanès va fer gaudir als espectadors amb un repertori on van sonar cançons com Grace Kelly o Underwater, acompanyades d'una forta il·luminació i una vitalitat de l'artista, que va caure de peu al festival. 


Mika va sortir a passar-s'ho bé al Festival de Cap Roig. El cantant de Beirut va demostrar l'energia que té damunt de l'escenari des del primer segon de concert, posant-se al públic del festival a la butxaca només començar. De fet, la primera cançó ja la va fer enmig d'uns espectadors entregats que van poder tocar i veure de ben a prop el seu artista preferit, mentre cantaven plegats Lollipop. I és que Mika va passejar-se pels jardins de Cap Roig com si fos casa seva, baixant de l'escenari i movent-se per les diferents files de platea durant l'inici de Big girl, traient a ballar als espectadors, tot fent-los part del concert.


La roba negra del principi de la nit va donar lloc a una jaqueta i uns pantalons totalment "pink" que més que un color, per Mika simbolitza una filosofia de vida. Al repertori no hi van faltar els grans èxits del cantant com Relax, Underwater, Love Today i Grace Kelly, acompanyant els seus últims èxits com Yo Yo. Uns temes que van aconseguir que desapareguessin les cadires de Cap Roig, mantenint de peu a la gent durant l'hora i quaranta minuts de música.


El que va aconseguir Mika va ser anar a una sola veu amb el públic. L'artista va fer apagar les llums i, públic i cantant a la vegada, van cantar plegats les últimes notes d'Underwater, tot il·luminant el cel de Calella amb les llanternes.

Una nit on Mika també va improvisar diàlegs amb el guitarrista i fer broma amb el seu accent castellà.

Si ell va baixar a la zona de platea, el públic també va poder pujar a l'escenari. Primer va ser una dona que el va ajudar a traduir al català el que ell volia dir en anglès. Després va ser el torn d'una noia amb una pancarta on posava "vull ballar amb tu" i que Mika va fer realitat. A ritme de Rain, els dos van saltar plegats a l'escenari veient com la resta d'assistents feien botar les graderies del festival.


Amb un públic embogit amb el concert, Grace Kelly va obrir la traca final de la nit deixant pas a We are golden i acabant amb Love Today, on l'artista va acabant apareixent sense samarreta i amb una corona, demostrant ser el veritable rei de Cap Roig.

Aquesta era l'única parada que el cantant feia a la península durant aquesta gira i Mika va voler allargar-la al màxim. Semblava que l'artista no volgués donar per acabada la nit a Cap Roig, quedant-se damunt de l'escenari fins a pràcticament mitjanit després d'un concert que quedarà gravat en la memòria de molts dels assistents.


:uk: Google translator



Mika becomes the king of Cap Roig

After Camilo, Mika was in charge of taking the Cap Roig stage. In a concert where all the tickets had been sold out, the Lebanese singer delighted the audience with a repertoire in which songs such as Grace Kelly or Underwater were played, accompanied by strong lighting and the artist's vitality, which fell on his feet at the festival.

Mika went out to have a good time at the Cap Roig Festival. The Beirut singer showed the energy he has on stage from the first second of the concert, putting the festival audience in the pocket just to start. In fact, he already performed the first song in the midst of devoted spectators who were able to touch and see their favorite artist up close, while singing Lollipop together. And it's that Mika walked around the gardens of Cap Roig as if it were his home, getting off the stage and moving through the different rows of the audience during the start of Big girl, making the spectators dance, all the while -part of the concert.

The black clothes at the beginning of the night gave way to a jacket and pants totally "pink" which, more than a color, for Mika symbolizes a philosophy of life. The repertoire did not lack the singer's great hits such as Relax, Underwater, Love Today and Grace Kelly, accompanying his latest hits such as Yo Yo. Songs that managed to make the chairs of Cap Roig disappear, keeping people on their feet during the hour and forty minutes of music.

What Mika achieved was to go in one voice with the audience. The artist turned off the lights and, audience and singer at the same time, they sang together the last notes of Underwater, all the while lighting up the Calella sky with lanterns.

A night where Mika also improvised dialogues with the guitarist and joked with his Spanish accent.

If he went down to the audience area, the audience could also go up to the stage. First it was a woman who helped him translate into Catalan what he wanted to say in English. Then it was the turn of a girl with a banner saying "I want to dance with you" and Mika made it come true. To the rhythm of Rain, the two jumped together on stage watching as the rest of the attendees blew up the stands of the festival.

With a concert-crazed audience, Grace Kelly opened the final act of the night, giving way to We are golden and ending with Love Today, where the artist eventually appeared shirtless and wearing a crown, proving to be the true king of Cap Roig.

This was the only stop the singer made in the peninsula during this tour and Mika wanted to extend it as much as possible. It seemed that the artist did not want to end the night in Cap Roig, staying on stage until almost midnight after a concert that will be etched in the memory of many of the attendees.



DIRECT MP4 https://vod-progressive.akamaized.net/exp=1659882811~acl=%2Fvimeo-prod-skyfire-std-us%2F01%2F2451%2F29%2F737259143%2F3407292223.mp4~hmac=0a0a25a683fe3a44814ee03e2135cea9f527398cfc8aca455a13c2feee37c575/vimeo-prod-skyfire-std-us/01/2451/29/737259143/3407292223.mp4






Edited by Kumazzz
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El Debate


Mika inunda Cap Roig de ritmo, luces de colores y buenas vibraciones

Redacción El Debate


El icono de la música pop internacional Mika ha desplegado este sábado en el escenario de Cap Roig un espectáculo lleno de ritmo


Muchas sorpresas, charla en «espaniano» (español e italiano), luces de potentes colores e incluso fuentes de fuego fueron parte del show de Mika.


Apenas se ha puesto bajo un foco en medio del oscuro escenario para decir “bona nit", se ha puesto a todo el público -más de 2.400 personas- en el bolsillo y ha empezado un show en el que no ha dejado de bailar, de saltar, de subir y bajar del piano, decorado con una M, una calavera y un corazón, y de interactuar con un auditorio encantado de estar allí.


:uk: Google translator



Mika floods Cap Roig with rhythm, colored lights and good vibes
Editorial The Debate

The international pop music icon Mika has put on a show full of rhythm this Saturday on the Cap Roig stage

Many surprises, talk in "espaniano" (Spanish and Italian), powerful colored lights and even fire fountains were part of Mika's show.

As soon as he stood under a spotlight in the middle of the dark stage to say "bona nit", he put the entire audience -more than 2,400 people- in his pocket and started a show in which he did not stop dancing, jumping, getting on and off the piano, decorated with an M, a skull and a heart, and interacting with an audience delighted to be there.






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8 hours ago, Kumazzz said:


La Vanguardia (1ª edición)


Mika, energía y buen rollo en Cap Roig


El cantante triunfó con un amplio recital que animó al público desde el minuto uno


Mika, en un momento de su actuación

Relax, take it easy. O, lo que es lo mismo, relájate y tómatelo con calma. Anoche, Mika hizo gala de su famoso lema en el Festival de Cap Roig. El artista de Beirut, que recientemente presentó Eurovisión junto a Laura Pausini, transmitió su buen rollo a los que se acercaron a Calella de Palafrugell, que no fueron pocos. De hecho, la organización hacía tiempo que anunciaba el sold out (todo vendido) para este concierto, uno de los más esperados del cartel.


“Vi un concierto suyo en París en el 2018 y fue espectacular. En cuanto supe que venía a Catalunya, no lo dudé ni un segundo. Es un show garantizado”, reconocía una de las asistentes poco antes de que empezara el espectáculo. El resto del público parecía estar de acuerdo con ella, pues la euforia estalló cuando apareció de entre el público cantando Lollipop, algo que hizo en varias ocasiones, y fue a más conforme iban sonando temas, como Yo Yo o We are golden o el espectacular Love today.

Tampoco faltaron el popular Big girl con su “you are beautiful” a coro del público al inicio, ni otras canciones de su más reciente álbum, My name is Michael Holbrook, con el que empezó una gira mundial que se vio obligada a poner pausa por la pandemia.


Aunque si hubo una canción con la que revolucionó a los asistentes, esa fue Grace Kelly, el single que le trajo la fama en el 2007 y con el que alcanzó el número 1 en las listas de distintos países, entre ellos España. Cuando sacó ese hit,

su propósito no era otro que burlarse de los músicos que intentan reinventarse para ser más populares. Y, de hecho, esa es un poco su marca personal: ser siempre él mismo. Una esencia que, pese a sus catorce años de carrera y más de diez millones de discos vendidos, mantiene intacta.


Alegría, humor y buenas vibraciones fueron los principales ingredientes de un show que puso al público en pie durante la noche. c


:uk: Google translator

  Reveal hidden contents

Mika, energy and good vibes in Cap Roig

The singer triumphed with an extensive recital that encouraged the public from minute one

Mika, at one point in his performance

Relax, take it easy. Or, what is the same, relax and take it easy. Last night, Mika showed off his famous motto at the Cap Roig Festival. The artist from Beirut, who recently presented Eurovision together with Laura Pausini, conveyed his good vibes to those who came to Calella de Palafrugell, who were not a few. In fact, the organization had long announced the sold out (everything sold out) for this concert, one of the most anticipated on the bill.

“I saw a concert of his in Paris in 2018 and it was spectacular. As soon as I found out that he was coming to Catalonia, I didn't doubt it for a second. It is a guaranteed show”, acknowledged one of the attendees shortly before the show began. The rest of the public seemed to agree with him, because the euphoria exploded when she appeared from the public singing Lollipop, something he did on several occasions, and it got worse as songs were being played, such as Yo Yo or We are golden or the spectacular Love today.


Nor was the popular Big girl missing with her "you are beautiful" in the chorus of the public at the beginning, nor other songs from his most recent album, My name is Michael Holbrook, with which he began a world tour that was forced to pause for the pandemic.

Although if there was a song with which she revolutionized the audience, that was Grace Kelly, the single that brought her fame in 2007 and with which she reached number 1 on the charts of different countries, including Spain. When she put out that hit,

his purpose was none other than to make fun of musicians who try to reinvent themselves to be more popular. And, in fact, that is a bit of his personal brand: always being himself. An essence that, despite his fourteen-year career and more than ten million records sold, remains intact.

Joy, humor and good vibes were the main ingredients of a show that put the audience on their feet during the night. c





La Vanguardia




Mika, energía y buen rollo en Cap Roig


Relax, take it easy. O, lo que es lo mismo, relájate y tómatelo con calma. Anoche Mika hizo gala de su famoso lema en el Festival de Cap Roig. El artista de Beirut, que recientemente presentó Eurovisión junto a Laura Pausini, transmitió su buen rollo a los que se acercaron a Calella de Palafrugell, que no fueron pocos. De hecho, la organización hacía tiempo que anunciaba el ‘sold out’ para este concierto, uno de los más esperados del cartel.


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“Vi un concierto suyo en París en 2018 y fue espectacular. En cuanto supe que venía a Catalunya, no lo dudé ni un segundo. Es un show garantizado”, reconocía una de las asistentes poco antes de que empezara el espectáculo. El resto del público parecía estar de acuerdo con ella, pues la euforia estalló cuando apareció de entre el público cantando Lollipop, algo que hizo en varias ocasiones, y fue a más conforme iban sonando temas, como Yo Yo o We are Golden


Tampoco faltaron el popular Big Girl con su ‘you are beautiful’ a coro del público al inicio, ni otras canciones de su más reciente álbum, My name is Michael Holbrook, con el que empezó una gira mundial que se vio obligada a poner pausa por la pandemia.

Aunque si hubo una canción con la que revolucionó a los asistentes, esa no fue otra que Grace Kelly, el single que le trajo la fama en 2007 y con el que alcanzó el número 1 en las listas de distintos países, entre ellos España. 


Cuando sacó a la luz este hit, su propósito no era otro que burlarse de los músicos que intentan reinventarse para ser más populares. Y, de hecho, esa es un poco su marca personal: no olvidar sus orígenes y ser siempre él mismo. Una esencia que, pese a sus catorce años de carrera y más de diez millones de discos vendidos, mantiene intacta y con la que impregnó el festival.


Alegría y humor fueron los principales ingredientes de un espectáculo que logró poner al público en pie en más de una ocasión. No importó que el cantante reconociera tener algo de afonía al final del recital. Él mismo se disculpó y explicó que días atrás estuvo enfermo y que a punto estuvo de cancelar la actuación, pero que había sentido las buenas vibraciones de los asistentes y que decidió venir a darlo todo. Sea como sea, si algo es indudable, es que Mika consiguió una vez más ponerse a los fans en el bolsillo.


:uk: Google translator


Mika, energy and good vibes in Cap Roig

Relax, take it easy. Or, what is the same, relax and take it easy. Last night Mika showed off his famous motto at the Cap Roig Festival. The artist from Beirut, who recently presented Eurovision together with Laura Pausini, conveyed his good vibes to those who came to Calella de Palafrugell, who were not a few. In fact, the organization had long announced the 'sold out' for this concert, one of the most anticipated on the bill.

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“I saw a concert of his in Paris in 2018 and it was spectacular. As soon as I found out he was coming to Catalonia, I didn't doubt it for a second. It is a guaranteed show”, acknowledged one of the attendees shortly before the show began. The rest of the public seemed to agree with her, because the euphoria exploded when she appeared from the public singing Lollipop, something she did on several occasions, and it got worse as songs like Yo Yo or We are Golden were played.

Nor was the popular Big Girl missing with her 'you are beautiful' chorused by the audience at the beginning, or other songs from her most recent album, My name is Michael Holbrook, with which she began a world tour that was forced to pause for the pandemic.

Although if there was a song with which he revolutionized the audience, that was none other than Grace Kelly, the single that brought him fame in 2007 and with which he reached number 1 on the charts of different countries, including Spain.

When she released this hit, her purpose was none other than to make fun of musicians who try to reinvent themselves to be more popular. And, in fact, that is a bit of his personal brand: not forgetting his origins and always being himself. An essence that, despite his fourteen-year career and more than ten million records sold, he maintains intact and with which he impregnated the festival.

Joy and humor were the main ingredients of a show that he managed to get the audience on its feet on more than one occasion. It did not matter that the singer admitted having some hoarseness at the end of the recital. He himself apologized and explained that days ago he was sick and that he was about to cancel the performance, but that he had felt the good vibes of the attendees and that he decided to come and give everything. Be that as it may, if anything is certain, it is that Mika once again managed to put the fans in his pocket.









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Con @mikainstagram lo de ayer fueron todo buenas vibraciones 🫶🏼🎉

El artista nos hizo disfrutar desde el primer segundo hasta el último de su increíble show ❤️

Os dejamos las mejores imágenes de la jornada de ayer 👀

🎥 @terratrencada


MFCers in this Clip !



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I'm in Barcelona til tomorrow, so can't post much til I'm home, but maybe I can upload a few pix tonight. Great gig! Setlist a little shorter than usual, I think - he played EMD and Rain, but not BBB. Sadly also not Live your life, I had hoped for that... anyway he said he was sick and had voice problems, so maybe that's why.

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