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2024 - MIKA @ Les Nits de Barcelona, SPAIN, 17 July REPORTS / VIDS / PICS

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a cap of mikainstagram story on 15/07/2024




Edited by Kumazzz
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Diari Girona Notícies


17/07/2024  -  23:14


Els Jardins del Palau de Pedralbes es converteixen en escenari de llum i música amb Mika a Les Nits de Barcelona

El concert d'aquesta nit ha estat un reflex perfecte de la capacitat de Mika per connectar amb el públic a través de la seva música i la seva presència escènica


Els jardins del Palau de Pedralbes s'han omplert de color i energia amb l'actuació del carismàtic cantant Mika aquesta nit, qui ha ofert un gran espectacle en el marc del festival Les Nits de Barcelona. Mika, conegut per un estil inconfusible, ha delectat al públic amb un repertori que ha inclòs èxits com "Grace Kelly", "Relax, Take It Easy" i "We Are Golden", entre altres.

Mika, nascut Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. el 18 d'agost de 1983 a Beirut, Líban, és un artista britànic que es va traslladar a Londres durant la seva infància. La seva música es caracteritza per una barreja única de pop, glam rock i elements teatrals, amb lletres sovint introspectives i melodies enganxoses. Mika va saltar a la fama internacional amb el seu àlbum debut "Life in Cartoon Motion" el 2007, que va incloure el senzill "Grace Kelly", una cançó que va arribar al número 1 en diverses llistes musicals a tot el món.

El concert d'aquesta nit ha estat un reflex perfecte de la capacitat de Mika per connectar amb el públic a través de la seva música i la seva presència escènica. Els assistents han pogut gaudir d'una posada en escena vibrant, amb llums i visuals que han complementat perfectament l'energia de les seves cançons.

Des dels seus inicis, Mika ha llançat diversos àlbums d'estudi, incloent "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" (2009), "The Origin of Love" (2012), "No Place in Heaven" (2015) i "My Name Is Michael Holbrook" (2019). A més dels seus èxits comercials, Mika ha estat reconegut amb nombrosos premis, incloent un Brit Award i una nominació al Grammy. La seva capacitat per reinventar-se i explorar nous sons manté la seva música fresca i rellevant, fent-lo un dels artistes més estimats i respectats de l'escena pop actual.

A més de la seva carrera musical, Mika és conegut pel seu compromís amb diverses causes socials, incloent la defensa dels drets LGBTQ+. La seva autenticitat i la seva disposició a abordar temes personals i socials en la seva música han ressonat amb una àmplia audiència global, consolidant-lo com una veu influent tant dins com fora dels escenaris.

Les Nits de Barcelona han estat l'escenari perfecte per a una actuació de Mika, un festival que combina la bellesa històrica del Palau de Pedralbes amb una programació musical diversa i de qualitat. Aquesta edició del festival ha destacat per la seva oferta eclèctica, atraient tant artistes consagrats com noves promeses de l'escena musical.

L'actuació de Mika a Les Nits de Barcelona serà recordada com una de les grans nits d'aquest estiu, deixant al públic amb ganes de més i confirmant una vegada més el talent inigualable d'aquest artista singular.


:uk: Google translator

The Jardins del Palau de Pedralbes become a stage of light and music with Mika at Les Nits de Barcelona

Tonight's concert was a perfect reflection of Mika's ability to connect with the audience through his music and his stage presence

The gardens of the Palau de Pedralbes were filled with color and energy with the performance of the charismatic singer Mika tonight, who offered a great show as part of the Les Nits de Barcelona festival. Known for his unmistakable style, Mika has delighted audiences with a repertoire that has included hits such as "Grace Kelly", "Relax, Take It Easy" and "We Are Golden", among others.


Mika, born Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. on August 18, 1983 in Beirut, Lebanon, is a British artist who moved to London during his childhood. Their music is characterized by a unique blend of pop, glam rock and theatrical elements, with often introspective lyrics and catchy melodies. Mika rose to international fame with her debut album "Life in Cartoon Motion" in 2007, which featured the single "Grace Kelly", a song that reached number 1 on various music charts worldwide.


Tonight's concert was a perfect reflection of Mika's ability to connect with the audience through his music and his stage presence. The attendees were able to enjoy a vibrant staging, with lights and visuals that perfectly complemented the energy of their songs.

Since his inception, Mika has released several studio albums, including "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" (2009), "The Origin of Love" (2012), "No Place in Heaven" (2015) and "My Name Is Michael Holbrook" (2019). In addition to his commercial successes, Mika has been recognized with numerous awards, including a Brit Award and a Grammy nomination. His ability to reinvent himself and explore new sounds keeps his music fresh and relevant, making him one of the most beloved and respected artists on the pop scene today.


In addition to his music career, Mika is known for his commitment to various social causes, including the defense of LGBTQ+ rights. His authenticity and willingness to address personal and social issues in his music have resonated with a wide global audience, establishing him as an influential voice both on and off the stage.


Les Nits de Barcelona have been the perfect setting for a performance by Mika, a festival that combines the historical beauty of the Palau de Pedralbes with a diverse and quality musical program. This edition of the festival has stood out for its eclectic offer, attracting both established artists and new promises from the music scene.


Mika's performance at Les Nits de Barcelona will be remembered as one of the great nights of this summer, leaving the audience wanting more and confirming once again the unparalleled talent of this singular artist.







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@mikainstagram ha enamorat al públic una vegada més.

Aquesta nit interpretant els seus millors èxits s’ha convertit en un autèntic showman a Les Nits de Barcelona.

La connexió amb el públic ha sigut de somni, gràcies per fer ballar, saltar, cantar i gaudir a tot l’auditori!

📸 @joseirun_fotografia






















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Posted (edited)

TikTok user



Ice Cream / Stuck In The Middle / Big Girl / Relax / Live Your Life / Good Guys / Popular / Billy Brown / Elle Me Dit / Lollipop / Grace Kelly / Happy Ending / Love Today /


Edited by Kumazzz
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2 hours ago, Mikasister said:

He talked a lot. I guess he's practising





It sounds bad because the echo. At the beginning says something about  angels, kings and queens, fresh beer and he would like to transform  that place  into a Butterfly Lounge, a place  where everybody can be free. It was an introduction for BG  but I think he didn't even know what he was saying  :facepalm:

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33 minutes ago, Perdchen said:

Does anyone know the setlist? 😊


I can't tell you the order but he sang, Ice cream, Origin of love. Lollipop, BG. Live your life, Popular, Underwater, Relax, GK, Good Guys, Billy Brown, Elle Me Dit, Stuck in the Middle, Love Today Happy Ending

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10 minutes ago, Maria Patricia said:


On my left there was an Italian woman, Alba introduced me to her, who had been recording many songs.

To my right is a girl who was practically recording during the entire concert.

I don't know if Alba, @Mikasister,  knows her.


On your left there was @Valmont69

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34 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:

That looks like a phantastic show and also a lot of fun!! I’m so happy for @Anajuliathat he took her up on stage!!! He definitely loved the fan action, very well done!!! 


Naw thank you! I really didnt expected it🥺 he was very suprised he said to the venue with a big smile: what are you doing?😂

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1 hour ago, Maria Patricia said:


On my left there was an Italian woman, Alba introduced me to her, who had been recording many songs.

To my right is a girl who was practically recording during the entire concert.

I don't know if Alba, @Mikasister,  knows her.

Alba and Mikasister is the same person 😃

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3 hours ago, Maria Patricia said:


I'm so sorry I didn't record you.

I thought your mother was next to you and that she was the one recording you.

And the truth is that yes, Mika was delighted with your action and said so.

It is alright:)  I will find some videos 

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@Mikasister and @Alvaro Lopez


Don't be so hard on him.

I know it was my first live concert.

They have done very well.

He has had the audience engaged from the first second.

It's been many years since he came to Barcelona and maybe he wanted people who have known him recently to also know his most emblematic songs  (he hasn't sung "Rain" or "Blame it on the girls"). 

And yes, it's a shame that he hasn't sung any songs from his new French album

Edited by Maria Patricia
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