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Posts posted by wdhvnguy

  1. Originally Posted by Kata

    It's always so either/or Either you don't say and then you're "making it seem wrong to be gay" or you tell and then you have to be a gay role model or spokesperson for the entire gay community It would be so damn nice if an artist could just be gay and then that's it - the artist who made this great album and btw happens to be gay, not the GAY artist who by the way made this album I can to some extend understand artists who don't want to discuss their sexuality, it really does often become the focus point But it's not like I don't understand your point of view



    Ok, first of all I don't know how to work this "posting" thing. The above was a reply to my last post on this topic. I wanted to respond.



    WHY OH WHY does EVERYONE here associate sexuality ONLY with SEX and who you sleep with?


    Sexual orientation goes much deeper than sex and who you choose to have sex with. It ultimately plays a role in who you decided to be in a lifelong relationship with, who you choose to be friends with, and so many other things.


    My 14 year relationship with my partner is not JUST built on SEX anymore than I imagine most straight peoples marriage is.


    What we’re talking about here is learning WHO Mika is and what he’s about. It’s not about EXPOSING his sex life or prying into his personal life. It’s about gaining insight into who he is, where he came from, and where he’s going as a person and artist.


    As far as being a “role model” I wasn’t suggesting that he take on that role. What I was trying to point out is that it’s nice, when you’re young, to know that there are other people like you in the world. There are still places (in America) where gay youth don’t have anyone to look to for inspiration. If artist, like Mika, can supply a dose of that to gay teens it would be helpful.


    The biggest problem I have with this debate is that you don’t see straight artist trying to “hide” the fact that they’re straight. Nor have I EVER heard of a straight male artist refuse to talk about it..


    In general the straight community never tries to hide the fact that they’re straight. When couples get married they wear RINGS, have children, and do many social things that indicate to the entire world what their sexual preference is. No one considerers being straight to be an issue or something to be ashamed of. Straight teens don’t have to “come out” to their parents or anyone else.



  2. I don't think the point is whether he is gay or not. It's whether he acknowledges it if he is gay. I'm sure there is a large segment of the gay population who aren't happy when celebrities remain in the closet because it implies there is shame in being gay. It makes it more difficult for young gays and lesbians to find acceptance in themselves and from others.


    Obviously threatening his life is ridiculous, but I think Mika is always going to receive flak for not coming out of the closet because he sets off everyone's gaydar to the max. You can balk at gay stereotypes and homophobia, but it was Perez Hilton who pegged Mika as gay back in October when most people had never even heard of him.





    First of all I think making death threats against anyone for not coming out is wrong (and most likely criminal) on all fronts.


    Having said that, I also agree with everything the above post says.


    It doesn’t matter to me if a music artist is gay or not. I love Mika’s music either way. But for gay people, like myself, it is important to have artist (like Mika) come out if they are gay.


    For so many years the gay community has been marginalized and/or ignored for its talents and accomplishments. There have been very few people to serve as role models for gay youth or even anyone that gay youth can look to for inspiration.


    When gay artist stay in the closet it implies that there is something wrong with being gay and that, in my opinion, is an unacceptable position to take. You don’t see other ethnic, or minority groups, trying to hide the fact that they are who they are.


    I think Mika should go ahead and put this issue to rest. It may cost him some support now, but in the long run, I think it will help him.

  3. I was shocked to see him turn up in Atlanta, and went in to a full day depression that I was not notified in advance. I could have met him in person If i'd have known. Since I don't listen to Dave FM, or any Atlanta broadcast station, I miss all the local stuff.


    Anyway, I hope he was well received here but am not sure. Atlanta seems to become more and more conservative (and very coorporate driven) every year. I'm not sure how someone as original and "different" as Mika will be received.


    Everyone I've played his song for has seemed to like it. I think the song "My Interpretation" would do better on Atlanta Air waves.

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