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Posts posted by Myrik

  1. I really don't care about the video ... it's a pop video for gods sake it has mika in it what else matters..... i know i won't notice anyone else ... well maybe the guys from the band.... i wanted to know the stupid things like how long was he there what was for lunch all of the stuff that was mentioned before.... but tbh i am kinda bored with the whole subject and won't be coming back to any of the video threads to see what the "film stars" think!!

  2. Maybe I'm being unfair here but this is starting to really wind me up it is really easy to be all smug and i want to keep this all a suprise when you know whats going on. We tried to go to this and were even told by the band and mika to get ourselves along last sunday night when we spoke to him.


    I thought this forum was for friends to chat about mika not for some people to make themselves feel important. I'm a grown up and i don't like being told it will spoil the suprise by people who happened to be lucky enough to be there.


    Maybe i am taking this too personally but people were here waiting with baited breath to hear what had happened, and then when they got back nobody would say.... how would people feel if when we went to a gig nobody would say anything ... well it MIGHT 1 day appear in a video.


    I considered people here friends and now i feel pushed out and tbh very p****d off:furious:


    If you were told by mika or one of mika's people not to say fair enough but from what i can pick up this is not the case you are just enjoying having one up .


    Also how can the pics posted spoil anything on the Video, they are still shots from a street in London that Mika happened to be on. The fact that it has big girls in costume is hardly a surprise now is it:bleh:

  3. Hi Guys it was great to meet you all last night. I have been thinking about the phone call mystery. :insane:

    Here is my theory, when he spoke to us i don't think he knew anything about you lot not getting in and he wanted to call a happy bouncy party, after he heard about what happened maybe he wasn't sure what kind of reception he would get.


    Just a thought.:blush-anim-cl:

  4. Hi everyone I am Motley(marks) wife. I have been nebbing from the sidelines for ages but i finally got my account sorted. I am Jo and 32 with 2 kids and Mika makes me drool like bros did when i was 12.:mf_lustslow:

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