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Posts posted by Abercrombie

  1. J'ai découvert Mika dernièrement et même si j'ai 45 ans cette musique m'enflamme BRAVO MIKA J'aime beaucoup ton style et en plus tu a une gueule d'enfer domage que j'ai manquer ton spectacle a Montréal



    Alors, bienvenue à notre babillard. Il y a beaucoup de membres de partout dans le monde ici, et beaucoup parlent plus d'une langue comme vous et moi, particulièrement en Europe. Je vous accueilli ainsi encore, et l'anglais aidera à partager vos expériences et pensées au sujet de Mika plus de personnes sur ce babillard, ainsi je devine que vous "examinez les eaux".


    Bien à vous,


  2. i have a great full video of this song (bum shaking included)... and relax... of course its also 354 megabites... so Im going to have to give the vid to a friend to upload and cut up and shrink and whatever else can be done to a file that large so it can be uploaded...



    Youtube has its limitations... however, you can post longer and larger glips on google video.



  3. So we think that Mika logs onto here from time to time , ("that's scary"!!)



    Moderators on this board can tell pretty well if he does. Mods (is there only one?) on a vbulletin board can track IP addresses from each logon. They can check if one user logs into thie board from different IP addresses (which can be easily seen as country of login), therefore an indication of someone who travels. If those changing IPs correspond to to the cities he's currently touring in, you can pretty much bet you got either he or his crew.


    this is a sligthly better version of the song. it's only a bit of it though, so I cannot really get the general melody, but it sounds nice. :wink2:


    *his jeans are dropping down without the suspenders.. teeeeee-heeeee*



    Yeah, She was standing right front/next to me, and a helluva better camera. I took my shot with my phone. (damn batteries)

  5. They aren't working. They're only restricted to Canadian residents *sigh*


    I seriously hate regional restrictions, grrrrrrrr


    I believe you can get around that by setting a public Canadian proxy in your browser settings (internet connections, settings...). This tricks their web server into believing you're logging on from a computer in Canada.


    you can find some public ones here: http://www.publicproxyservers.com/



  6. I guess you're all going to shoot me for this one too... I also just uploaded it to youtube, and it does take some time for their site to process it.



    Mika - Lollipop , similar to previously posted, however I got them from the start, and captured more of the ambiance than just focusing on the stage. I hope you all enjoy these. You can see me at 2:10 into the clip when I turned the phone on me.

  7. Whoa... that guy's faster than me in putting them up! I wanted to edit them, trim the fat if you will, before putting them up. I'll put some up unedited.


    BTW, That dude was right next to me and a shoulder behind me from that angle. I thought I saw my camera in his shot. I talked to him too. saved my spot when I went to get more Schmirnoffs.


    Warning: My digicam's batteries died, so I reverted to video mode on my phone, so the clips won't be as good as I wanted them to be.


    ...and Lana, you summed up a lot of what I was going to continue on, wtg! Now I'm trying to spot you in these clips.


    More later.

  8. hpim0968ay1.jpg


    Wow... just wow... AMAZING show tonight! I couldn't get tickets for the longest time, but I got an email from my Craigslist post for an offer for one ticket at like 5pm, so I did meet up with the guy (Thanks Jason!) and basically stole them for $30. I bought him a Heiney once inside, cuz I felt I underpaid. So I go there just after 7, and I was lined up near the bottom of the front stairs. On the left was a couple speaking French, oblivious to the fact I speak French fluently *snicker*. To my right were grade 11ers, speaking with a Calgary HS guidance councillor who won a radio contest, and she was flown in and staying at the Sheraton, all expenses paid, and got to meet himn backstage. I got to meet him on Tuesday night at the Ultra Supper Club, so I knew what she was in for. So I got in, and lots of short people got right in front of the stage, which was fine with me as I'm 5'11" and I was easily able to take pix anf videos from my old and trusty HP digital camera.


    I'll go into more later (and post more pix), as it's a work day tomorrow and falling asleep at the keyboard. So post your pix and write about your experience here!

  9. just thought i'd say

    .. there were two arab guys there with a big card with lollipops on it for mika.. and it said "mika is better than falafel" or somethin like that haha...



    I just met one of the guys tonight. He was standing right in front of me at the Mod Club Show tonight (yeah, I got in at the last minute).


    I got pix and videos from tonight I'll post later.

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