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Posts posted by raphawelle

  1. I've got my ticket too, but I've bought it on ebay...


    J'ai lu sur un site qu'il s'agissait d'une prévente du 25 septembre jusqu'au 2 octobre et qu'ensuite les billets seraient disponibles partout.


    Alors ça peut laisser de l'espoir à ceux qui n'ont pas pu acheter.


    Désolé pour le français, je suis incapable de dire ça en anglais. si quelqu'un veut bien tenter de traduire pour ceux qui en auront besoin...



  2. Ahhhhh

    en re-regardant les pubs pour l'ours grumly (merci Olivia d'avoir trouvé cette intégrale!), j'a vu celle où il veut massacrer le poulet à la tronçonneuse...

    et Mika était en poulet samedi!!!


    Ca, c'était vraiment pas fait exprès!

  3. ce qui l'a fait tant rire, Olivia, c'est que ce nounours à l'apparence banale est un Grumly

    (faut voir les pubs sur internet elles sont super!)

    et quand on lui appuie sur le ventre , il fait un bruit terrible!

    un vrai truc de gamin quoi!


    j'étais quasi-sûre que ça le ferait bien marrer!

  4. well I guess all there is left to do is ebay...

    to those who got their tickets: does your name stand on the ticket? I know there is a reservation number, but not a name or sth? because if I go there with a ticket somebody else ordered and they check their list or sth and I'm not on it, well you know what I mean... normally that should not happen but you know I'm a little worried and just want to make sure! I don't wanna spend 200 euro and not be let in :thumbdown:


    yes there's my name on my places... But i think nobody will see if you're this person or not!

    Or the three persons with me will have problems because they don't have my name!

  5. ok si par hasard je tombe sur l'info je transmets, mais faut vraiment pas compter sur moi, il y a des tas de gens qui fouillent plus que moi. Il y a des forums français où ils font la chasse aux places, c'est grâce à eux que j'ai su pour l'olympia. Il y a le forum de mika-life et surtout celui de mikawebsite.

    les places ont été mises en vente le 22 me semble, moi j'y suis allée dans la nuit du 26 au 27.

    et le 27 il y avait encore des places debout et le 28 c'était cuit.

  6. les places étaient dispo en même temps sur le site de l'olympia et sur place. Si par chance un jour des places sont à nouveau dispo, il faudra chercher sur fnac, virgin ou peut être y en aura-t-il de nouveau sur olympiahall.com. à surveiller.

    J'avoue que pour ma part, ayant eu les 4 dernières places assises côte à côte, je ne me renseigne plus guère sur les disponibilités...

    Il reste encore l'option ebay, si vous êtes prêts à payer 200€ la place...

  7. welcome!! from what corner of france do you come?

    and don't worry your English is fine!


    I come from north east, Metz, Nancy...


    About my english, special thanks to my greek friend that don't want to speak french... So I know how to be understood!

  8. do they do that sometimes? that would be so great!


    In France they (who?) said, "for the moment", places are avaiable on the olympia's website or at the olympia only. Now in Olympia there are no places yet but maybe they didn't sell the (about to) 2000 places but only 500 (for example) and later fnac and virgin will sell the others...

    I don't know how it is in other countries but usually in France each seller has a number of places to sell.

    But maybe they sold the 2000...


    We have no more informations...

  9. So hello


    I hope you'll understand me because I speak english as well as a spanish cow


    So one of my friends told me "listen to this, it's really nice!"

    ok grace kelly... mika... ok. I downloaded it...


    hmmm quite nice!

    so downloading the full album and a video of a musical program called "taratata"

    and then

    "oh my god, my god, he is, he is, he is, oh , there are no words... everything that i like!!!!!"

    2 days later I bought the CD, it didn't arrive for many many years, but this one, I needed it!

    And I wanted to see him live... hmmmm sold out argh

    oh another concert in june? ok send mails on his myspace until having more precisions...no ansmwer grrrrr... and I found the information and in the middle of the night I bought my place for june 30th. 24 hours later, no places left... oh yeah I have mine!!!!!!


    So I'm Raphaëlle, 25 years old, schoolteacher, not at school because of health, that can explane my obsession about Mika! I have nothing else to think!!!!!!!

  10. Considering he's 23, he's been famous for less than an entire year, he's a solo artist, it's his second gig in Paris (in France) : YES it's too expansive... I know we all love him but we can stay objective !! He's not responsible for the prices either (like Dolores from the Cranberries), but yes, there is a big problem there, it's excessive...


    I'm french I'll go to this concert!!!

    Yes it's expensive and that's not mika that decided it but the olympia is an expensive place. There are no concerts under 30€ there.

    sure Mika could have chosen another place...


    Its now sold out but maybe they reserved places that they will sell later. Nobody knows

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