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Posts posted by ircazo

  1. Was ist GNTM? :)


    Davon hab ich schon wieder mal nichts gehört... was ist denn los wieder mal?


    Oh man, nichtmal ein Tag hats gedauert..


    "Germany's next top model"


    ich kann mir das lied nicht mal auf youtube ansehen, weil es irgendwie entfernt wurde. ich weiß gar nicht, worum es da geht...aber wenn's schon spekulationen gibt, kann ich mir's schon denken.



  2. Haha, das wär sicher das beste Geschenk :wink2:


    Du ziehst um...? Aber nicht weg von deiner Wohnung, oder..??


    Nein, eigentlich nicht, nur seit gestern hab ich so ne komische Phase... :boxed:


    das sind die frühlingshormone.


    ich ziehe in eine andere wohnung, bleibe aber im selben bezirk.


    Hey ihr Lieben!


    Bin auch nochmal kurz da bevor ich schlafen gehe...

    Hatte bis eben Besuch - GNTM schauen, das ist immer so lustig! :naughty:


    Ich höre mir die neuen Songs jetzt nochmal an und dann bin ich weg :wink2:


    Besonders interessant finde ich ja "Toy boy"...und die ganzen "Spekulationen" dazu hier im Forum :mf_rosetinted:


    das hab ich gar nicht alles gelesen...welche spekulationen gibt es denn schon wieder?

  3. wär geil, wenn das album an meinem geburtstag rauskommen würde. :naughty:


    naja, bei mir ist momentan wieder das volle chaos. außerdem ziehe ich gerade um, das heißt, die wohnung ist auch ein chaos.


    dir geht's gut und scheiße zugleich?!? ich hoffe, du hast so etwas nicht öfter...


    Ooooh .. wonderful


    I have no idea, but looking at that list you posted (I had no idea who had how many children :roftl:) it shouldn't be Taylor, he's waaaaaay ahead of the others ...


    (Or his wife I mean of course, it really shouldn't be Taylor that's pregnant next .. )


    Taylor pregnant? would be a relief for his wife for a while. :roftl:

    does she want to spend all her life being pregnant or what? :naughty:


    Yeah they do look alike.....like the Hanson mom maybe? Oops, did I just really cross a line there? :naughty:


    Whose kids are they? I don't keep track of the names hahaha (except I know Zac's son is Shepherd, and I think Tay has one called Penelope)


    Mama Hanson is blonde!


    The kids:


    TAY: Jordan Ezra, Penelope Anne, River Samuel, Viggo Moriah

    IKE: Clarke Everett, James Monroe

    ZAC: John Ira Shepherd


    Avery, Jessica, Mackenzie and Zoe are the other Hanson-siblings!

  6. No, the "Mmmbop the collection"-album .. but it has 2 of their Christmas songs, so ... :roftl: But I have Snowed In too .. It was the only cd I played around Christmas every year :wub2: (starting a 'little' before Christmas and ending a 'little' after .. my parents loved it .. :naughty::roftl:)


    that's so nice!


    i watched "The road to albertane" today. Tay is hot in his red pants.:naughty:

  7. I'm listening to Merry Christmas Baby ... that sounds so wrong at the moment (I'm so ready for the summer .. ) :roftl:


    oooh, the christmas album. i remember dancing around the christmas tree to "Rocking around the christmas tree"...sooo wonderful!


    yes he has!! pity he's married and has a baby........



    he seems to be a gorgeous dad! i still find it funny how the wives look alike. :naughty:


    i have found pics on youtube of avery, jessica and zoe. they have grown, man! dunno about mackenzie though. i think i saw him but i am not sure.

  8. thanks for the pics, Keti and Iris! :thumb_yello:


    I have to say, Zac has always been my fave...I mean, I think Tay is a nicer singer but I love Zac's silliness...plus, he's exactly 6 months younger than me :wub2:


    Bienie, I'm quoting this from an article: "[TW] fronted by Taylor Hanson, who incidentally was either stuffing his shorts or has a Ray J-sized package...." :das::mf_rosetinted:

    (I don't know who Ray J is, but I get the meaning...)


    hi :wub2:


    Tay has always been my fav (:wub2:) but lately i realised how hot Zac is! he really has become a hottie! :shocked:

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