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Posts posted by PolyPocket

  1. Ugh....Perez Hilton must be rusting these days cause he has no new material on MIKA, and the old ones seem to have dissappeared.


    anyway, I was gonna feature MIKA on my blog with a mention on how Perez gives him a few good notes. but since those articles are nowhere to be found, I'm a little frustrated. Love Perez, but he's letting me down these days. any idea what happened to those posts? :sneaky2:

  2. g3260af9g8yxarbx6itc7n1slow45hu



    "I was sitting on the chest of drawers, and I thought that I would kiss you"





    "hey what's the big idea...I've been framed"


    lol...i like the idea of the first caption. it fits well ;)!

  3. i was told he lives in earls court?

    under his parents house

    with a pink door and railings?

    tell me if im wrong..


    August 10th im going down there

    and im planning to chain myself to his house somewhere.

    could be a good meeting point?

    what does everyone think?


    Ummmm....that's actually a little creepy. I wouldn't recommend it. You'd be better off snagging a shot of him in one of his shows :biggrin2:

  4. Jus thought id give the heads up that i am making a "mika media" website...anyways if u have any suggestions, or anything to add...just message me


    don't we already have that here? I thought there's a separate segment of this forum for that. anyway....sounds good to me. MIKA media is a great idea (hah, it rhymes)

  5. awww...that's weird. i thought he was fluent with spanish. I heard in an interview that he said he spoke english, french, and spanish. I could just immagine he sounds beautiful speaking spanish even with the wrong accent. I wanna hear it tho....lol!

  6. Hi guys...


    does anyone know a source of audio/video where MIKA speaks Spanish? I know MIKA is fluent with it, but I've only seen interviews of him speaking french and english.


    if you guys know a source...please help me out!


    thanks :)

  7. hey...sounds good. I've been playing with audio recording for a while now, so I would be able to do that well in my computer. I'd ask my sister if she wants to participate too so maybe we could record our voices together.


    count me in okay.....:punk:



    btw....my real name is Marjie :)...thanks a bunch!

  8. ummmm...I love a man who can speak in foreign languages. It makes them smart, and I love it when guys are smart. You know, more stuf up there than down.....well.....there :P!

    Anyway, I can only speak two languages, english and filipino. I took 3 years of french and half a year of spanish but nothing stuck. I wish I was able to speak more! :boxed:

  9. OMG guys.....for 411...I saw a long time ago in TV that the makers of Tamagochi also made one for a virtual boy/girl friend. Instead of keeping a pet alive, it's keeping a relationship alive. I've never seen one....but I was always intruige. I should try to find it on EBAY! I don't know what's it called either....but I'll find out!


    OOOhh...okay guys...as promised...I found it here: http://uk.gizmodo.com/2006/08/16/tamagotchi_girlfriend_and_boyf.html.


    Really intriguing!

  10. the batteries are expensive i paid 5 bucks for mine


    Yeah, that's right about the same amount I paid the last time. I also have to bring it in to the store coz I can't get the screws out. I think they might have tools for it, and have them place the battery while we're at it.


    OMG guys.....for 411...I saw a long time ago in TV that the makers of Tamagochi also made one for a virtual boy/girl friend. Instead of keeping a pet alive, it's keeping a relationship alive. I've never seen one....but I was always intruige. I should try to find it on EBAY! I don't know what's it called either....but I'll find out!

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