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Posts posted by bjslice

  1. Hahah, I am thinking the same all all you guys, I've been replaying and scrutinizing my message since I did it like a week and a half ago, and there is no way to win - I will always think it sounds stupid to me, but I know Mika won't care. He seems so amazing with fans, I think it is assured that he will really love this gesture, no matter WHAT you say!


    *SIGH* Now I am daydreaming about Mika and thus distracting myself from the loads and loads of work I need to get done today...:shocked:

  2. yes of course I didn't think of that and...anyway one look at my pic and he will reach for the sick bucket :naughty::naughty: even if he IS usually gentle and patient with his fans and he is I have seen the video evidence, and I don't want to make the poor lad ill do I. :bleh:

    You know what I love about him when I have seen him meeting fans and talking to people in interviews etc, he looks em directly in the eyes very intensely, *oo shudders* I think I would melt on the spot, there's just something so open and honest and genuine and powerful about being able to do that I know I couldn't I get sorta shy but he must be a natural flirt lol.


    I think you're TOTALLY right, I bet he's got some natural flirty genes happening, hahaha. I completely wish I could be like that too, but no way that's gonna happen in this lifetime :wub2:

  3. Actually, nevermind, i did another recording with my forum name and my first name and i think it sounded better than the first, so that's the one i sent to you violet_sky - i hope you received it and that it is ok for you to work with! sorry, it's .wma, making work for you :(

  4. hey is the list of participants going to have just our forum IDs or also our actual names? i did a recording tonight and i said my first name but i dunno if i should do it again or what, and say my ID name too, just so he knows, hehehe.


    also, violet_sky did you say a subject we should put in the e-mail so it doesn't go to spam possibly? i *guess* it has to at least say Mika somewhere, HA :biggrin2:

  5. woo, this sounds awesome! i have the same question as elise, can i record it on a phone, if so i would totally do it (since i don't have a mic with my computer). i just got a razr (catching up with the rest of the universe) and i don't really know how to use all the features yet, hahaha, but i would assume it has voice recording, does anyone know?

  6. Also - the picture place around the corner from my house needs to open before my head explodes, I couldn't get there yesterday since I was visiting with friends from out of town (and secretly hoping to run into Mika somewhere in the city while doing this), so now I am desperately counting the seconds until the place opens so I can drop off my cameras. Thank god I took off work today :biggrin2:

  7. O.M.G. I am such a loser, what time was it when Mika was outside after the show?!?! I totally left before that cause I was thinking there were way too many people and I didn't see how I could meet him, I am kicking myself violently now. I should have tried to hook up with club members, I'm a dork I'm so new to this club I wasn't really sure what to do! He just needs to come back to Chicago immediately so I can try again to meet him.



  8. Well now it's official, I will absolutely not be able to concentrate one bit on anything for the next month!!! I was so bummed reading they don't allow cameras but if they are not strict on it then I'm all for trying to get one in.


    I have no idea when to show up - does anyone know, are there assigned places or is it just a rush, whoever shows up earlier gets the better seats?

  9. Hey all! Just posting to instroduce myself. I'm from the U.S., and like some people have said Mika is not really that big here (YET!), certainly not as popular as overseas, but I'm sure that will change


    I thank iTunes for introducing me to Mika - I went on iTunes one day and stumbled on some little blurb like 'Hey, check this guy out', I listened to the clips from the songs, loved 'em, bought the album, loved the whole thing, started finding out about him, watching interviews, etc. and the rest is history...so basically in less than 2 months, I have become 1,000% hooked! :biggrin2:


    Thanks for having me, rock on to everyone who loves MIKA!



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