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Posts posted by becca

  1. No, that's not him--he's the man with the dark curly hair wearing a black button-down shirt in some of the aftershow pics! But yeah, even if you don't

    get aftershow passes, Mika will come out the back if you wait long enough (an hour and a half, about?).


    ahhh, okay! i know the guy i'm talking about is a manager of some sort, but i never asked his name, and just assumed that's who you guys were talking about. this guy was around the venue during the day and with mika afterwards when he came outside, and i'd seen pictures of him from other people's shows saying he was a manager or something. different guy i guess!

  2. For those who met Mika...where did you go to meet him?


    I'm seriously freaking out...I'm going to see him on Saturday, and I just HAVE to meet him, but I've never ever been to that venue before and have no idea as to where to wait on him at. Is it pretty obvious where to wait at? What do you do right after the concert is over? Wait inside a bit? Go outside?




    yep, going and waiting outside is your best bet. that's how i've always met people (mika included). find where the white van is (actually there's 2 at certain times, the opening act has one also) and also the stage door. If you see band members coming in and out of any particular door, wait around there after the show.


    if you want to go the jerry route, he has blondish hair and glasses. my friends and i think he sort of resembles jerry springer (matching names and everything). haha but you'll probably see him walking around throughout the day, well if you're early enough. he walked by many times and talked to us a few times until 4:00 or something.


    best of luck! :)

  3. hey :) glad u had fun!

    what do u mean not with the fan club cause your friends r not in it??

    LOL! this is funny...he took ppl that are in THIS fanclub!? i think its funny cause its not even official!

    thats great :)


    yeah, i came with 2 friends, and they aren't members of the MFC, and i didn't want to leave them outside and go do that by myself, so i decided to take my chances and wait outside with them and meet him on our own :) which worked!

  4. Yep! THIS fanclub. :-) Jerry, the manager came down after teh show and said that everyone who's with the MFC crowd gets to go up and meet Mika.


    Becca, I don't think I remember you? How were you dressed? I must have talked to you, surely?




    ha, i talked to jerry! it was probably like 3:30 or 4, right after the first rain shower hit. one of the 930 guys brought us 3 umbrellas in exchange for helping him with some cones lol so we had these 3 umbrellas, and jerry walked by after the rain had stopped, and said, "you guys came prepared, huh?" and 2 of us said, "yes!" then we were like, "wait, we didn't though. why did we just say yes to him?" it was funnier at the time i guess haha.


    let's see, i have long blonde hair, which was down most of the time but i put it up part of the time in line and after the show. i was wearing a blue dress but i had this gray hoodie thing over it some of the time. oh, and a yellow bow in my hair, and red shoes. i pretty much kept to myself/my 2 friends i guess. what were you wearing?

  5. oh man, what an amazing show. such great energy! that whole crowd seemed to love it, from what i could tell. that was annoying about the cameras though. 930 almost always allows cameras so that was surprising. i brought mine in and took a few without flash, and one with flash by accident. i took a couple of cool ones on my phone. i was right at the front, perfect spot, since we were 2nd in line (or 3rd? not sure if those 2 people came together). we got there at 3:15, it rained once, then a couple of hours later was the huge thunderstorm of course, which was when we were moved to the basement.


    anyways the show was incredible and we met him afterwards (not with the fan club, since the 2 friends i came with aren't members and i didn't want to leave them). he was a total sweetie. he was eating this gummy bear and angrily called it a mediocre teddy bear haha it was adorable. and he recognized my friend christel's name as french so he started talking in french to her. he then proceeded to rant about how american gummy bears are soft and chewy and in france they're hard and tough haha and we gave him this fancy little note thing that you have to pull to open it.. hard to explain haha but yeah it was great! i'll post my picture with him and the 1 clear picture i got during the show (accidental flash) tomorrow.

  6. it varies from show to show.. mainly wherever the bus is. sometimes they park right out front, sometimes right around the corner, so basically scope out the area before the show or something just to have an idea of where the bus is so you know where to dart to at the end of the show. if for some reason you can't find the bus anywhere (which is doubtful, because there's nowhere to really hide it, except the alley, which i've never seen them do, even with some of the bigger acts i've seen at 930), you could also just wait right around the corner (the left of the venue, by the way. not the alley on the right, haha.. you'll see what i mean when you get there). about halfway or so down the building, there's this stairwell that goes down to a door. if you wait by those stairs, it's likely that he'll exit there.


    haha i know, it's unhealthy how well i know this venue, but i guess after a while you learn a few tricks!


    and if you get there at 7 i'm not sure that you'll be at the BACK, but keep in mind it's sold out, you'll certainly have to push your way forward somewhat if you want a good view :) shouldn't be too bad though!


    man i am excited!

  7. i'm going insanely early with 2 other people. so we'll be there waaaaaaay ahead of time haha.


    by the way, based on my experience, if you wait after the show in the right spots, you are pretty much guaranteed to meet him, at least briefly. i mean, don't sue me or anything if you don't haha but you almost definitely definitely can meet him after :)

  8. Becca, what can you tell me about the parking? I bought the ticket to park in the club's adjacent lot -- will I be able to get in to the lot earlier than 6:30?


    dcdeb <two weeks from tonight! Mika in DC!>


    you should be fine, i've parked in the lot early in the day, so unless anything has changed in the last few months, you should be able to park there earlier than then :)

  9. the thing about 930 is, sometimes there's barriers, sometimes there isn't. there never used to be, but the last 2 times i've been there there have been, but i guess it could depend on the show.


    as far as the security guards go, they're cool at 930. if you go there enough you get to know them haha and it comes in handy having them on your good side!


    and if you're worried about meeting him, have no fear :) it's a piece of cake at 930. as long as you're willing to have some patience, unless the person is really sick, really mean, or really really famous, you'll be just fine. at least in my experience :)

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