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Posts posted by Sonador

  1. oh, i understand.


    first leonie was alone but one year later she was very sad:(

    then i´ve seen shaggy at some friends and they must took shaggy away.

    i asked my parents all the time:roftl: and then they said ok^^

  2. @ findingmywords, oh, thank u:D my horse is my life!

    I love ur dooog! he´s sooooo cuuute:wub2: :woot_jump:

    later i want a dog too!! what is the race? (is it race? my english sorry)


    @ kk448, thx! just one rabbit? I always want a floppy ear-rabbit too^^



    @ mikaluvr, ur turtle is cute!

  3. pics of my pets:


    my horse (and me)

    in the foreground, she´s a white/red horse, ahm, i just know it in german: rotschimmel.




    my rabbits (Leonie and Shaggy)







    (Shaggy (he´s soo cute;)))


    sorry, no pics of budgies.



    oh sorry, they are so big:S

  4. @ Mikamaniac, ich mag dich :naughty:


    du bist die einzige, die sonador wahrscheinlich richtig ausspricht;)


    und die bedeutung kennt:biggrin2:


    ohja, bloß denken viele eltern, merle sei so ein schöner name^^ allein in meiner klasse sind wir 3 merles--:bleh:


    ich komme aus bergedorf und du???


    @ mariposa, jaaa, das forum von mikasounds.de is echt erbärmlich...


    ist ein deutscher fanclub in planung?

  5. Hi!


    Have u a mika t-shirt?


    Have u made it for ur self? How?


    Have u bought a t-shirt from the fan-shop??


    have u photoooos???


    i just can pay in euro:( have u any ideas????


    post post post!!

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