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Posts posted by Benedicte

  1. I think he said in an interview that his new album would be different. He actually said "angrier", so I think we can assume it's different.


    So he really said that? I've seen it mentioned before. That's cool! I usually prefer "angrier" music anyway. But I doubt he'll become like Rammstein or Slipknot over night... :bleh:


    A bit more edge in the music and darker lyrics would be wonderfull. I hope he won't be as "cartoony" for the next album. Even though I've enjoyed it!


    Just imagine going to a Mika show in a years time:

    Everybody, including Mika, is wearing black leather and spikes... And tatoos... :naughty:


  2. There's no such thing as new Mika.


    My thought exactly!



    I thought the music was really boring... I didn't like it at all. And this Eric guy is NOT cute. :thumbdown:


    I'm more of a "one popstar at a time" kind of girl. So I feel intimidated when somebody is compared with my favorite. But I'm not worried. Mika is 1000 times better than this guy!

  3. I'm pretty sure I will like the music. But if it's too much like LICM, it might be a bit boring... I hope he's smart enough to change a little. LICM was amazing, but I'd love to hear something new.


    I think the worst he could do would be to cut his hair short. I've got issues with short hair... :sneaky2: But I wouldn't mind if he grew a mustache. :naughty:


    Whatever he does, I'm sure I'll like it.

    Shock me, Mika! :wink2:

  4. I voted. But he's only at 5.80 % for best act, and 7.27 % for most fanciable!!! :blink:

    Jeez, doesn't ppl know he's the hottest thing around? :naughty:


    He should be nominated for best video too...



    BTW. I see Beth Ditto is nominated for Legend Of The Year. So is Prince...

  5. 2007 was an amazing year for a new artist like Mika.

    So what does everybody think about 2008?

    We know there will be more touring, and probably a new album? Any ideas of what the sound might be? Same as before or something very different?


    And what about his image? Will he keep the cartoon theme? Will he change his clothing style?


    I'd love to hear what others think.


    Personally, I'm hoping for a surprise, something different...


  6. I don't feel i know enough about Mika to decide what I think about his beliefs...


    But I've always though he was a "Libertine light". :naughty:

    Not really a libertine, but his image sertainly has aspects of it... In a positive way of course.


    Or am I completely wrong? :blink:




    From Wiki:

    "Libertine has come to mean one devoid of any restraints, especially one who ignores or even spurns religious norms, accepted morals, and forms of behaviour sanctioned by the larger society."

  7. Oh no!! I missed my buss to the airport tonight! (and so I missed the flight too) So I can't make the consert after all! :(


    This sucks... Everything was payed for and I was packed and ready to go.


    It's never a good idea to go out drinking with your friends when you've got a plane to catch early the next morning.... :doh:


    I'll be reading the forums, watch the DVD and hit myself in the head for not being there...


    I hope everybody else will have a great time!

  8. Briliant concert, brilliant Mika, got a few souvenirs and got a hug outside the arena after the show :)


    I'm so jealous... Where? When? At some back door or something? Next time I'm not leaving so soon...


    And most of us, even after waiting and meeting or not meeting him, feel very LOST after a gig....nowhere to put all that energy and excitement, nobody to share with, so that is why it is so nice to share it all with us here on MFC.


    We are famous for boosting everyone back up from the post-gig blues!!:biggrin2:


    I really need it now. I could have met him! I'm totally clueless! :blush-anim-cl:

    Ah, well... It was a great show!

  9. Wow, what an amazing show!

    (I barely got there after a very tiersome trip to Copenhagen yesterday.) I loved every minute of it of course! I was somewhere between 1. and 4. row from the stage, and could almost touch him! But just almost...


    I was surpised there was no gap! We were so close! And he even stage dived! That was really cool! He spoke norwegian very well, and everybody sang along (or screamed) to all the songs. And we all got hysterical when he took his shirt off. :biggrin2:



    I had no idea what to do after the show though, so I just went home... How do you people get to meet him all the time? Is it just to show up very early, or stay after the gig? I always feel so lost after a concert...

  10. But seriously! Haha! There's only 1500 tickets, and it's like 3 weeks ago they started selling them. It's really sad.


    På en virkelig sjov ond måde - så kan han sgu lære det.


    Only 1500??

    Well... Maybe there will be a very intimate concert with just the biggest fans.. :naughty:

  11. haha! That video is nice.. :mf_rosetinted: We were eating and singing! We've also interviewed eachother.. Haha! About not seeing Mika!


    Where is the video? Can I see it too?

    Just to find out what i might have experienced if I hadn't run back to the hotel right after I found out it was cancelled... :sad:

  12. I guess I can help.. If you want...

    But you would have to transfer money to me first because I just made myself broke buying concert tickets and plane tickets...


    But you don't know me, so I don't blame you if you don't trust me. And if you can't order the tickets in the first place, I guess you can't transfer any money either..?

  13. DISAPOINTED!!!!! :mad3:


    I just came back from the festival... I didn't even know untill I asked someone where Mika was playing!!


    It's OK if he has to cancel, but i wish i knew sooner!!


    This was supposed to be my first Mika-concert, instead I just got my shoes full of mud... :annoyed_h4h:


    At least the beer is cheap in Denmark... I'm gonna get SO drunk now...

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