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Posts posted by bomagic

  1. Hi!

    I have remarked, that in Poland "Life In Cartoon Motion" is available in two versions - 1st, hm... "original" version; 2nd: "Polish price". And CD in "polish price" is by a half cheapest than the "original" version.


    Does in other countries so too? :boxed:

  2. mmm I dont think so...even if I love Mel Gibson!!

    that's true they have almost the same mouth, teeth, chin....but if they wouldn't smile on those pics, it'd be different....:blink: euh do u know what I mean????:blink::biggrin2:


    No, I don't know what You mean :bleh:

    Maybe you say something on this theme more? :biggrin2: :biggrin2:

    I will be thankful :roftl:

  3. I love his music but it's not everything! To assume me as fan I have to know (at least a little bit) the singer's personality! And when I meet Mika's personality I completly fell in love. :wub2: He's so cute and funny. I love his hair and irreverent style. He really seems to be a really nice person! So I think I love Mika for that both reasons. He's a wonderful artist and also a wonderful person.



    So You love him?

    I think, that it's not possible to love person, who I don't know.

    But I understand your feelings :original:


    Have you willingness to talk with me? :original:


  4. Okay. It's finish a conversation.


    I must take a shower :wink2:

    So... See you tomorrow...? Or later :blush-anim-cl:

    Nice to meet you, tantastic!

    Nice to meet you, ohwowitsnicka!


    Have a nice... night :original: bye!

  5. How do you say you're welcome... was it.. Prosze? or is that thanks XD im lost


    Welcome - Witaj (it's a bit official :wink2:, differently from Cześć, Hej other Siema :biggrin2: :biggrin2:)

    Proszę mean "please" :original:

  6. I hope I named the right name..

    Polish names are hard to pronouce, though :/


    Yes... "Podróż za jeden uśmiech" is correct name :original: Congratulations! :thumb_yello:


    I heard that Polish names make difficulties foreigners :original:

    But if you want, I will teach you :biggrin2: :biggrin2:



  7. whyyyyyyyyyyyy :crybaby:

    you mean you don't like "Podróż za jeden uśmiech"? :tears: :tears:


    Well... I didn't read this book.

    BUT! Only for you I will read "Podróż za jeden uśmiech" :blush-anim-cl:

    Are you happy? :original:


    xoxo :wink2:

  8. Can I share my love for Adam Bahdaj with you too? :biggrin2:


    No, tantastic, I don't like Adam Bahdaj's work :bleh:

    So... Am I an exception? :biggrin2: (Do this question is correct? :blink:)


    Regards, tantastic! :biggrin2:

  9. Dobra, Toruń może być, to bliziutko...


    Tak jest! Do Torunia, proszę :D

    Ej. No ale można by jakoś dać znać o sobie! Pomyślę nad tym. Wypadałoby poszukać jakiegoś adresu jego agenta czy coś... Lub na forum wpisać się w wątku o koncertach albo założyć swój. W końcu jeżdżą brytyjscy przedstawiciele fan clubu na koncerty, więc mogli by może przekazać Mice jakiś list z prośbą o koncert u nas... :blush-anim-cl: Co Wy na to? Pozwolicie mi nad tym pomyśleć i zrealizować? :wink2: Jak mn coś na myśl przyjdzie, to Wam osobiście ogłoszę, ha? :D


    Regards ziomale :bleh:

  10. Witam, witam :D Faktycznie, sporo nas!

    Jeśli chodzi o płytkę... Najpierw ściągnęłam oczywiście :bleh: No i niedawno kupiłam sobie na allegro. Chyba tą "polska cena", bo za 20 zetów :cool: Ale skoro nie ma tekstów, jak mówicie... No to kupię drugą. Aaaaaaaaale problem. Ale beznadziejnie zrobili, że podzielili na wersję normalną i polską... :thumbdown: Nigdy wcześniej nie widziałam takiego przypadku z jakąkolwiek płytą!

    Jeśli ktoś miałby ochotę kupić oryginalną płytę, to można ją dostać przeważnie w każdym sklepie internetowym z płytami - merlin.pl, stereo.pl, fan.pl, gigant.pl... Do wyboru do koloru :) No, w końcu jestem obeznana w tym temacie ;D Nie kupuję gdzie indziej, bo z internetu (przynajmniej moje) wszystkie są cacy, zawsze o parę groszy tańsze niż w Empiku, gdzie drożyzna niesamowita...


    Super, że mamy swój polski wątek na forum :)


    Zapraszam na http://www.mika21.blog.onet.pl.

    Regards :naughty:

  11. Cześć! (it's in Polish "Hello" :D)



    My name's Magda and i'm 15. I'm from Poland, so my English is... horrible, sorry!:emot-sad: So... Please, correct me, if I will make a mistake! (for example in Private Messages) :thumb_yello: I will try write something on forum, but you know... My English isn't very good.


    In Poland Mika isn't very popular artist (maybe else (or yet...?:blink:) ?), but it's possible to buy his CD "Life In Cartoon Motion" in shops, no problem.

    His songs are very funny and positive. And those his hair...! :mf_lustslow:


    I would like to make contact with others Mika's fans! So... Let's write! I will be thankful!


    I invite on my blog about Mika (in Polish ofcorse) - www.mika21.blog.onet.pl and my photoblog - www.madlen92.photoblog.pl.



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