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Posts posted by lorry

  1. ha ha i really like these things called forums. lol. b

    no i didn't catch the show here in sydney australia. i found out to late and couldnt get any money. i read a review yesterday about how great it was and started to wish id robbed a bank or something. anything for mika! lol. im planning on going to his next show in sydney even if i it kills me (after the show of course)

  2. cool...a mika fanclub

    well just wanted to say hi and really i have no idea how a forum works ive never been on one before so be kind.

    obviously i love mika ever since i first saw his video on tv and thought "hey thats actually good music" unlike some of the stuff u get nowdays. (cough cough pussycat dolls)

    anyway someone can reply and maby say something if they actually read this or this message can sit out in cyberspace all alone till the end of time. both are pretty cool sounding possibilities unless someone does read this and dosnt answer in which case it will sit in their minds for about 20 seconds before they move on and forget) lol.

    ps i love mika (duh. thus the use of a fanclub)

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