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Posts posted by Snowy66

  1. Could somebody please tell me when it is, and what age he's going to be? I've got a lot to learn I guess :) I've just been listening to his music for months and not really done much looking into anything more about him other than his music


    cheers :thumb_yello:

  2. Could somebody please tell me when it is, and what age he's going to be? I've got a lot to learn I guess :) I've just been listening to his music for months and not really done much looking into anything more about him other than his music


    cheers :thumb_yello:

  3. Is anybody from here going on either of those two nights? We've got seats in the front circle for the first night (Thank you pre-sales mailing list) and standing th second...standing??? noooooo boogieing yay ;)


    It was great to meet up with some from here at the Manchester vodaphone gig ... and .. and I'm sorry I can't recall names or nicknames ... thank you for the flashing hearts :) after spending half the gig hiding lol :) my little one finally got over being overwhelmed and absolutely loved it, it was his first live gig of anybody ever :) he kept saying it was the best thing we'd ever done together ... I've been seriously ill for 20 years and am only just, with advances in medicine, able to do a bit more physically with him so the gig was special beyond words to me too :)


    And it was a great gig!!! :)

  4. signing up :biggrin2:


    Some of us were thinking of getting up a petition to ask that this fan club be regarded as Mika's official fan club, and therefore we can get information about events, so that situations like today, when people were told only a few hours before a gig that they could go WITHOUT a ticket, are less likely to happen.

    If we can get the petition supported by as many people as possible, we will get it printed out, and will present it to Jerry (Mika's manager) and a copy to Mika as well, at the Glasgow concert in November - where there will be a 20+ contingent of MFC members!!

    FREDDIESDOUBLE will look after this thread, and will answer any questions that you may have (thanks Fred :biggrin2: )


    Sign up here for now - and we will work out a way to get the signatures at a later date!!


    1. Wendi


    3. mel_tinydancer

    4. CazGirl

    5. Lollipop_monkey


    7. girlintheblue

    8. Beckar

    9. hoochatootch

    10. ohwowitsnicka

    11. Mika Mad

    12. Queenie

    13. poohsticks

    14. Piperita Patty

    15. Kata

    16. Steph

    17. xLAURENx

    18. Sara Zamuone OZ

    19. harabel

    20. Monshi

    21. my_rainbow_radio

    22. Frances

    23. Curly

    24. DaMango

    25. Sasje

    26. Hannah

    27. hotdlp

    28. carrinevie

    29. Mary

    30. Fmbm

    31. Lucy

    32. jassisa

    33. leighhodgson

    34. *carrie*

    35. so_rococo

    36. Sarahlou1973

    37. JeyJen

    38. violetsky

    39. -Amanda-

    40. Sivan

    41. mgpm

    42. dcdeb

    43. Droopsy

    44. esperia75

    45/ Robertina

    46. Mika Owns Me

    47. Jack Violet

    48. cath85

    49. stella

    50. LebAngel

    51. MIKAontheweb

    52. lazy_daisy

    53. Blue Sky

    54. Mariposa

    55. scg

    56. Kavi

    57. Kriszti

    58. skimbletapps

    59. mandilambi

    60. sherry_baby

    61. deano

    62. Mikablog

    63. Sunny Monkey

    64. CartoonKellyGreen

    65. BonjourMika1990

    66. Suzy

    67. findingmywords

    68. CaroLollipop

    69. Ela

    70. Kath

    71. Eir

    72. sparkly1

    73. lilmot

    74. Cynthia Mulat

    75. Ka_Cheng22

    76. veroMica

    77. Dangerous Kat

    78. soangel

    79. Giedrusia_NY

    80. Finkster

    81. kasia87

    82. carlasue

    83. MIKA MANIA

    84. sunshine931

    85. Lnrd Toxic

    86. mika_lover7

    87. elizabethlovesmika

    88. sammyjo 531

    89. Satu

    90. Pamette

    91. Marianne84

    92. schock

    93. Rainbow Sky

    94. Lolliepop_girl

    95. martine

    96. lunafish

    97. Blue Eyes

    98. Matt1984

    99. rilo 8913

    100. Blue

    101. Mirtilla

    102. sonjalovestoday

    103. annabelle

    104. TheBlackQueen

    105. sienna

    106. Giulietta

    107. Mika_forever

    108. love_grace_lollipop

    109. mouselle

    110. Gatagordinha

    111. -Jennie-

    112. Diana

    113. MikaObsessed

    114. luna

    115. Iamdaguy

    116. avoca

    117. MIKA&RBDluvr101


    119. happikali

    120. Becky

    121. EnFA

    122. Nico Collard

    123. Jolene

    124. Scut Monkey

    125. voilet sky

    126. titania

    127. IngievV

    128. tuki

    129. Semm

    130. Love.love.me

    131. JUlie

    132. Phlea

    133. Mag

    134. TTel20

    135. nathaliiexx

    136. Jaeschen02

    137. Figaro

    138. Rosielou

    139. thereallollipopgirl 12

    140. Nicole

    141. aryap8

    142. Bexxy

    143. Ju.Thuk-girl

    144. Mirano

    145. Sou

    146. tamika

    147. Ioana

    148. Marianne

    149. Jo Perrin

    150. sesil17aa

    151. lollipopgirl92

    152. annabelle

    153. minkey_00

    154. coffeegrace

    155. marian

    156. cubitus

  5. Hmmm...what time was the bulletin sent out?


    There were not many people there and time went on until the guy on stage said the gig wouldn't start until the people at the back seated came forward to the front (so it looked like there were more people) so perhaps it was a last minute attempt to get more people down there?


    Cracking little gig though and Mika was funny with his reactions to how many, and how! (I was stood in front of Scooby doo and Snow White) people were in francy dress :)

  6. I got that email last night but then today I got texts saying to take the phone with me and that it was 'Admit Two'



    I got an email saying that too.....but that dosnt meen uve won tickets does it!?!?!? the email was titled ...'Welcome...step inside':blink:
  7. It just asked me to join the mailing list when I was on the site, which I did, even though I'm already on a mailing list. It asked for my name, address, mobile number etc when I joined but after that there was just a 'Welcome' email to the list...no indication I'd been entered or anything, I thought the whole thing was over, 50 pairs isn't much for a city the size of Manchester, I figured Mika has more than 50 fans here online so they must have gone but ... nope ... perhaps there were more than 50 :)


    If the young girl down south is able to make her way up here but doesn't know anybody here she's welcome to come along with me and my son, I'm a female musician of 40 and my son is 11...both pretty harmless except for our puns ;)





    um...well...not really....i might!?!?:blink::biggrin2:

    when u sent the email off....what did the email say back to u???:blink:

  8. Why do you need someone to go with?


    Do you know anybody up here?


    If you get yourself up here it can be anytime in the day, as long as you bring your mobile hone so you can get the text about the venue lol :)





    well some of us have jobs and it is slightly short notice!! im not really complining about the journey, i need some one to go with!
  9. I can't remember where, I could have got it mixed up with them saying 50 pairs being given away :)


    I wouldn't say 500 was 'intimate' though...I'll be intruiged if it is, the last small gig I played was only 500 and was in Manchester so I may know the venue :)





    Have you read/heard somewhere that it's only supposed to be 100 people?


    I was thinking more as the record company site said they had 50 pairs to give away.........which is already 100...............then there's all the peeps who got tickets for attending the screen tests..............then all of the registrations via vodafone.


    Mmmmmmmmmm......I was thinking 500??


    I'd be interested to know what everyone else thinks?


    Vix x

  10. About 1045pm last night I sent the email


    330pm today, well it would be, short of having a time machine ;) I got the texts


    Not a majorly secure system really because if a bunch of people can't go there will be a lot less than the 100 is it? expected to go, it won't look good for Mika but it won't be his fault :( They should have some way of people contacting them to reject the tickets so they can be passed onto somebody else.



    how long did it take for the texts to come through to say u could go???:blink:
  11. Whereabouts are you? I'm only 6 miles south of Manchester city centre but it's still going to be a bit dificult for me too, my texts also said I would be told tomorrow, 3pm then doors opening only a couple of hours later for just one hour. Manchester is big, it may not even be in the centre


    Even more difficult is finding fancy dress for my son...I'm ok my clothes have always been like fancy dress anyway lol just check out the pics on my Myspace but it's fun finding stuff for him to wear :)


    I don't know about transferring 'tickets' though because you have to take the actual phone they arrived on and many people don't want another person to have access to their phone and then there's the getting it to another person on time even if you are ok with that.


    2 hours from confirmation of the venue gives you a bit of scope but depends where you are?






    i got an email from the mika site saying, about aSECRETgig in manchester, so i mailed them, and now i have txts saying i can go and they will txt me the location tomo!


    im not really sure what is going on with this! i would LOVE to go but its a little short notice, and a very long journey for me!

  12. Please would you give me a contact telephone number for somebody in the TBA section. I've recieved txt tickets for two, for Mika's gig, Manchester tomorrow, 27th but I do not know who/ where to contact to see if it is ok for my 11 year old son to have the second ticket. Would the venue allow an 11 year old? I need to know asap because if the answer is yes I need to get it arranged for him to leave school a little early, and if not, for care for him. Thank you :)

    this is quite urgen so please could somebody get back to me with the answer? I'm not asking for the venue :) I will find that out tomorrow :) Just if my son can come, cheers :)

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