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Posts posted by rauschendes_bächlein

  1. ahh yes...tokyo hotel. :naughty:


    they brainwashed me AGES ago.




    and their all supposed to be under 20-something. LOL :bleh:



    i think the eldest is turning 20 soon :naughty:

    i'm quite happy that i was never obsessed with them... i prefer spending my money on mika's next concert :naughty:


    maybe that is what you need ??? something new from mika :wink2:

  2. Well, I don't think there is a "key" to differentiate the conditionnel and the imparfait, but I can try to help you.


    If you know the conditionnel, you probably know the future, too. Well, the conditionnel is kind of a mix between the future and the imparfait. Eg:

    Etre - je suis (présent), j'étais (imparfait), je serai (future), je serais (conditionnel).

    Avoir - j'ai (présent), j'avais (imparfait), j'aurai (future), j'aurais (imparfait).

    Manger - je mange (présent), je mangeais (imparfait), je mangerai (future), je mangerais (conditionnel).....


    In the conditionnel, there is often an "r", so it's easy to recognize (as in the future). The imparfait forms don't have "r"s (well, I cannot think about ALL the verbs, since in French there are many exceptions, but I think it's a general rule...).


    Oh and I don't know if you're aware of this, but "si" phrase ask the imparfait, and not the conditionnel. It's the same in English: Si j'avais (imparfait) su, je ne serais (conditionnel) pas venue. = If I had known, I wouldn't have come.


    As for the accents, I really don't know how you could get them... I guess there are some codes... Sorry!:blush-anim-cl:



    ah, merci !!! alors c'est un peut plus facile a apprendre ca :clap:


    la cigogne is a stork in english :wink2:

  3. en ce moment nous repetons "le discours indirect* et j'ai oublie tout pendant les vacances :blink:

    les formes differentes sont troublantes :blink:

    specialement faire la difference entre imparfait et conditionnel ...

    est-ce qu'il y a un aide pour ne pas toujours prendre l'un pour l'autre ??


    (btw ... how do i get the "accent" over my letters ??? i had a german key pad and there it worked perfectly well, but my pc is a bit strange and only the english key pad works :blink: )

  4. Oooh I've only seen this thread now!

    Can I join s'il vous plait?

    I've been learning French for years but am not finished yet :naughty:


    j'aimerais bien faire partie ici :original:


    j'ai besoin de pratiquer mon francais :angel_not:


    j'apprends le francais depuis 4 ans ... mais c'est encore un peu difficile pour moi :rolls_eyes:

  5. hi mikaboo :punk:


    i wanna talk to you :naughty:


    i find it sometimes quite difficult to post something as well :blush-anim-cl:



    i met mika on the 3rd of november in dusseldorf ... it was absolutely amazing !!! i will never forget it :wub2:

    have you met him life ??? his life performance is really wow :shocked::wub2:

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