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Posts posted by mika_lover123

  1. ok............... So i am only doing this because I am bored and have no life :bleh:

    anyways, Today i was thinking about guys I hate, and then guys i love. Yes, i know this sounds dreadfully close to the " guys-we-fancy-the-heck-out-of" thread, but it is a bit different. so, tell me what guys you love. They can be anyone, someone you know, never met, a cleb, famous guy, not-so-famous guy, someone who is dead, even someone who has absolutley no idea you exist :shocked: the sky is the limit! (they can be any age as well) Don't be afraid to voice your opinion!!!!!!! some of mine are prety weird... :shocked:

  2. One thing i will do differently in 2008: try to be the best person I can be


    One place i will visit in 2008: LONDON, BABY!!!!!!!!!!


    One thing i am proud of and will continue to do in 2008:SING, ACT, and be in LOTS of plays and musicals.


    One thing i'd like to change in the world: That we could all JUST GET ALONG ALREADY AND STOP FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see world peace. (and also get the laed in the school play...)


    One thing i'd absoultely LOVE to see Mika do: Can't say it here :naughty:

  3. Thank you for caring so much about me, just a poor girl stuck in love with a guy that was never meant to be mine... I truley do appreciate that you are trying to help me, but i don't think i take it anymore. i have had to deal with this for close to 4 years... i want him to love me so much, i was in seventh grade when i knew that i really liked him... but, i did not yet know then, at my young naive age, just how painful love can be... Do you think the way he acts could reflect how he fells for me???????

  4. I am in love with a guy named Ryan, and yes i totally fancy the heck out of him!:wub2: problem-- We are best friends... Have been since the fourth grade. i don't want to tell him thet i love him, because i am afraid that if he does not feel the same way... our friendship would suffer. but yet every single day, i see him and it kills me because i can't tell him how i really feel... But, i will always love him, no matter where we stand, but my love for him was destined to be a secret love, always hidden. He reminds me of Mika alot-- looks, but pesonality most of all. oh Ryan, i just wish i could tell you that i love you...

  5. QUOTE:


    Originally Posted by mika_lover123

    Originally Posted by Fmbm

    "Will you adopt me?"


    (No offence to my parents or anything haha)----


    But then he would be like your guardian......


    I could never marry him then!!!!!!!!!!


    Posted by Fmbm-- Incest


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!:thumbdown: :thumbdown: THAT'S JUST WRONG!!!!!! :shocked: :shocked: (Even if it was with pointlesssly delicious Mika...):wub2: :wub2:

  6. Quote:

    Originally Posted by Reni

    ..no, you aren't going mad..there are three threads about the same topic...


    Yaeh, sorry about that.... i was just getting mad bec. i wasn't getting any replies!!!!!!!!!:sneaky2: :sneaky2:


    unil now...:thumb_yello:

  7. So.... I was sitting around today doing nothing, and I came up with this great idea, if you had 5 seconds to say something memorable to Mika- what would you say???? it can be funny,sentimental,romantic, or even 'ahem' naughty if you would like........

    I kmow what i would say-- "Mika, You are amazing!!! I'm in love with you!!!!!!!You are so hot!!! i would date, no, MARRY YOU!!!!!!!" What would you say??? (this should be interesing...)




  8. So.... I was sitting around today doing nothing,:thumbdown: and I came up with this great idea, if you had 5 seconds to say something memorable to Mika- what would you say???? it can be funny,sentimental,romantic, or even 'ahem' naughty if you would like........ :naughty: :naughty:

    I kmow what i would say-- "Mika, You are amazing!!! I'm in love with you!!!!!!!You are so hot!!! i would date, no, MARRY YOU!!!!!!!" :roftl: :roftl: What would you say??? (this should be interesing...):thumb_yello:



    LOVE,LOVE MIKA:wub2:

  9. mkay-- so i know that all of us here at MFC love and adore him to bits:roftl: :roftl: ... However i have been thinking about starting a club with me and my other "mika lover friends":wub2: :blush-anim-cl: ... soooooo I thought i would post this. This club, even though I have one offline, I also think I should have one online!!!!! So, if you would like to join the "I've been Mikafied" club, just let me know!!!!!:wink2: So then we can all get down to business worshipping and obsessing over "the exalted pointlessly delicious god of the curly hair and braces"-- MIKA!!!!!!!! :wub2:

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