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Posts posted by baehj

  1. Had mine out last year! They were so painful coming in that I was trying to shove pens back there to chew on them to relieve the itching and the pain. My orthodontist told me that my wisdom teeth had already come in but I could tell they hadn't because I could feel them coming. What a great orthodontist huh? :sneaky2:

    Finally enough was enough and I could tell one of them was coming in waaay too close to my other tooth so I got them surgically removed. About four years before this I had 4 other teeth surgically removed (I have an insanely small mouth) and I know what you went through! One was stuck sideways up in my gum not coming down so they had to cut the gum and break it into bits. :shocked: If I had left the tooth there it could have damaged the nerves of my front teeth. The doctor joked around about me having a tooth growing out of my nose. HA HA FUNNY.... NOT.


    I never had any problems with the dissolvable stitches. Did anyone else? My only problem was that during class I'd be pulling bits of thread like stuff out of my mouth during class because they had dissolved off and where on my tongue.


    I have an odd, very odd story about the first time I went under. I STILL don't know how it happened.

    Apparently when I started to come to and wake up my parents were sitting on both sides of me rubbing my hands because I was stone cold. I remember the lady saying something about cotton then needing to go to scissors. They shoved cotton in my mouth to stop the bleeding and it got all tangled in my braces. Thankfully the drugs were still going strong so that my gag reflex was non-existent. The the odd thing that happened was... I was talking to my parents about the stuff in the room and the pictures on the walls. Then I remember being helped out to the van but get this.... I remember not being able to see a thing until I got into the van. As soon as I got into the van I remember being able to see.

    It's SOOOO weird. I told my mom that all I can remember was seeing black. I was aware of what was going on around me, but how can I only remember seeing black, being able to talk about things on the wall and not seeing anything until I get to the car?


    Heh... Scut... any idea? :wink2:



    It's really weird..Didn't you freak out?

  2. i read about a thread which about mika's sexuality, and i found there's song that i've never heard.. "erase".

    so i wonder is there any else songs which are not in the album.??:blink:

    i'll be appreciate if someone answer my stupid question..

    ooohh... actually i'm little bit shame about asking this because .....it seems like i'm not much interested in him!!:blush-anim-cl:

    no~~ i'm really struck on him!!:naughty:



    have a nice day!!

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