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Posts posted by akimluv

  1. With luck, hopefully after the shows, if he comes out to say hello, I'm planning to pick up where I left off with the random questions, so I ask him then.If you check out the birthday present brainstorming thread in the gossip about Mika section, you will see the selecton of ideas so far.

    Nothing has been decided for sure, but the front runner at the moment is the teaset with songs from the album depicted on it.



    thanx, luvin the tset idea, so londonish


    and buy anychance was u at the bham gig dressed as a penguine.


  2. The answer to your question is yes.

    As far as V is concerned, I'll be asking at either Hammersmith or Brixton, as I need to know for transporting his bday present.




    hi u siad u will b askin at btixton or hammersmith...wot does thst mean u will b speakin 2the man him self ?

    any ideas on the present ?

  3. hello,

    i was just wondering if anyone knows if Mika is doin Vfestival this year as i want to buy tickets but will only go if he is performin lol.

    and from lookin at the up and cumin mika gigs im so jelous to see that he can travel soo much to usa, australia, luky u mika


  4. if yopu click the 'quote' button underneath a message then type bellow what comes up in the reply box, you get the original message shown then you can reply to that person.

    Or you can send a private message - click the the username of the person who sent a message and then select private message to send them a person and non-public reply



    aww thanx very much, im a dud wiv technology... i no huw to work my msn and thats it lol.


    zoe roxanne


  5. my name is zoe roxanne, not kim lol my display name is i mikaluv backwards,

    huw do i work all this anyway....blonde moment, can we leave comments 4 each other coz i had a reply and wanted to reply to them and dont no huw..... help!

    lol thanx mika luvers

  6. hi its zoe roxanne, yh i was in front row too, against the fence thing, no it was just a white beanie, wiv orange pants and braces....so mika, its lush lol.

    ppl keep tellin me 2 put it on ebay...im lyk err no way, lol

    peace out,

  7. hi every1, im Zoe roxanne, and u mite of gussed but i lurv mika...woo

    seen him a v festival 2 weeks ago and i was his bday lol and i hav 1of his teddies, he left it on stage and lilly lallan thro it and i caught it.

    does any1 no if he is doin signins wen the new single comes out

    luv luv from me


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