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Posts posted by flutitas

  1. Well, Hi!


    This is the first time in my life that I join a fan club. Probably because this is the first time I like someone so much...!


    I'm really eager to know more about Mika, and all about his music etc. I've been doing an investigation on my own, and each time I get more and more impressed about him!


    I consider him a great artist and really different from others. I am fascinated by the way he plays with his voice... is as if he could reach any note he wants to, and he´s got an incredible falseto too.


    Although he is young, he is tremendously talented, and I admire his capacity of creation and composition.


    One more thing, he is the cutest thing in the whole world...!


    I hope to hear from you soon!




    I was forgetting... How did I know about Mika...? Well, I just saw him once on TV, and I completely fell in love with him and his music. It was Grace Kelly, the first song I heard, and it felt perfect, I don´t know exactly how to describe it, but I felt some kind of fullness or smth like that. The song made me feel good and happy and relaxed and full of energy and I loved him. Since them his music is the first thing I listen in the morning and the last at night.


    I think that's all for now.


    See ya!

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