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Posts posted by Yavanna

  1. Looking for a nice ticket for the Adelphi London gig somewhere in the center part of either the stalls or the dress circle if anyone has one spare? :)


    Hey I have one ticket left for the Adelphi Theatre: Dress Circle, Row D, Seat 29. Good view on the stage ;)

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  2. I have also one spare ticket for London:


    1 Ticket London, Adelphi Theatre (Sunday 18/10/2015 at 19.00)
    Dress Circle, Row D, seat 29

    I sell them at the same price I paid of course. Please PM if you are interested.



    EDIT (22.09.2015):


  3. Hello everybody!


    Well, I've just decided to join in this game - without having much idea about how everything works xD ...

    Actually, I've founded a team, but I don't have any team members. Would someone like to join my team? We can also change the name, I'm not really creative with this kind of stuff :aah:


    -> Team 169: Blue Fire ;)



    EDIT: oh, someone just joined this second. Hello to Spain, if you are reading this =D

  4. well, i can't say, if this episode was good or bad ^^ because i think, there were too much explosions :boxed: and all this martha has this osterhagen key, then sarah this what eva xD but it didn't helped much.

    ...then the doctor had this "gun" (?) -but... it were destroyed -.-


    i liked the two doctors very much :wub2: xD ...yeah, the doctor doesn't regenerate... still David Tennant :punk:

    and i enjoyed the german sentences very much ....yeah... well ... i'm fron Germany xD

    -> "Exterminieren" xD ...but in German Television they translated "Exterminate" into "Eliminieren" :bleh:


    and all the time I have to laugh when Dalek Caan says ...er... sings something :roftl:

  5. Hey!

    I hope it’s okay to write something in this thread, because the last post is from 1.11.07^^


    Well… I love Doctor Who! That show is just sooo brilliant and fantastic!! :punk:


    The first time I heard something about the Doctor was last summer, when I was in England. At home I searched in the internet and found a German Doctor Who Fan Site. …well, without seeing any episode I registered there xD And then I had the chance to see the first season in January, because a friend of my sister bought this DVD-Box. Then I saw the second season in March and I finished the third season just 1 ½ weeks ago xD:naughty:


    And for luck we have BBC One, so my sister and I can watch season four. I’m very excited for the next episode…


    I like both Doctors – Eccelston and Tennant. First I thought Eccelston is my favourite, but I can’t decide…

    (“I can’t decide whether you should live or die….” xD John Simm was great^^)


    Unfortunately Doctor Who hasn’t so much success here in Germany :( ProSieben started to show it in January, but after 6 episodes they stopped, because not many people watched it. But since 13.4. we can see it on German television again and I hope there would be some more people watching Dr Who.…:cool:

  6. aaah da war ich auch schon! ^^ Ich war 4mal in London... Hastings, Torquay, Harrogate, (und umgebung und soo ^^ ) .. und London...


    Hab viel spaaaß in Newcastle unso! :punk:


    Mary-Luis: :) Wir fahren ja mal zusammen :wink2::naughty:




    wow! 4mal in london! *neid*^^


    viel spaß euch beiden! ;)


    wenn ich meine freunde mit mika zulabbere werde ich immer schief angeguckt^^ xD

  7. ääh.. ich glaub, das hat mika sogar selbst gesagt, dass er ab märz an seinem neuem album arbeiten will o.O müsste ich aber mal nachschauen o.O


    ja, sie hasst wirklich mika^^ besser gesagt zwei freundinnen von mir, eine weitere ist immer genervt von mir, dass ich ihn ständig erwähne und eine andere freundin ist auch mika fan. sie ist auch im DMFC angemeldet, hat aber nicht wirklich viel zeit um on zu kommen^^

  8. nach london möchte ich dann auch noch mit ner freundin, wenn wir beide 18 sind ....zu schade, dass sie mika hasst ...

    also für die reise hab ich mir auch vorgenommen, extrem viel zu sparen und vllt sogar n ferienjob anzunehmen...



    hi *wink*

    mika nimmt eigentlich grad sein album auf:wub2:

  9. :biggrin2: ... ich bin nichtma bei dmfc... dann kannst du dir bestimmt vorstellen wie schwer das für mich war :naughty:




    letztens war ich für 5 tage auf klassenfahrt und schon am 2. tag wollte ich wieder an den pc^^

    ab übermorgen bin ich für 4 tage in england. :biggrin2: ich weiß schon jetzt dass ich den DMFC und meinen pc vermissen werd :shocked:


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