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Posts posted by FRENCHCATHY25

  1. too right.Renars is fantastic looking.very boyish and innocent looking.and he has a fabulous voice.go on latvia..if thats the sort of specimen they produce im going to have to plan a trip over there...:wub2:

  2. Ohhh !! Du français, on a beau avoir 18.6 de moyenne en anglais et adorer ça, on s'en sort pas mieux ...

    J'ai honte mais j'avoue qu'pour le coup j'ai un peu d'mal à tout saisir !! lol

    Bon...j'me sens tout de même moins seule !! :)


    c'est super de pouvoir exprimer nos mikafolies en francais aussi.j'espere que tu ne seras pas trop perdue sur ce forum:doh: .eclate toi tout le monde est hyper sympa:band: passe de super Mika moments!!!

  3. Thanks for writing in. I hope others do too. Your email is fantastic. Mika IS the best selling male artist of 2007, and should be treated much better than they have treated him.

    My email basically said something similar. I said he was the best selling male artist of 2007 and he is never invited onto shows over here, so we were so disappointed at his interview being cut.

    Like I said, I do hope others write in. They need to realise how popular Mika is!!




    Love today from Marilyn

    i missed it !!!!! :tears: is it on again in the week ?
  4. Gosh...this article made me love him even more affectionately....everytime I read about him or listen to him during his interviews...I dunno...I can just relate to him more and more. It amazes me at times...because usually...you can't really relate to celebs because they act all "flawless and sparkly perfect" and it's as though they're the happiest people on earth and have no problems. But Mika..Mika is just the complete opposite. I mean come on..how many times do you actually hear celebs call themselves ugly? I for one, have never ever heard that before. And from what I've read in this thread, I can tell that, like me, alot of you can actually relate to Mika in many ways. In my case, I've been severely bullied for many reasons. Like because I used to have freckles in the 7th grade. Or because I'm like...the tallest girl in my school. And because I dress funny..well...atleast that's how other people see it...I certainly don't find anything funny in the way I dress. Like today, I went out to have lunch with my family, and I put on a red man utd shirt, white jeans and yellow converse sneakers....and people stared as though I was stark naked or something!:boxed:

    I've also been bullied because of my curly hair...which is completely absurd!

    Oh and...I have no interest whatsoever in fashion..(like Mika!:biggrin2: ) and so, due to that, I've been called "unattractive and ugly" which I find completely silly.

    I could really go on and on with my similarities with Mika, but that would mean you'd have to read a 99999 paged thread!:bleh:

    So...bottom line...I love Mika..god bless him and his beautiful soul.

    well said .i for one admire you.be true to yourself and you ll go a long way and like always say smile and you are half way there !!!
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/live/live.html?in_article_id=504038&in_page_id=1889

    here's the link to the daily mail article, for teh older oldlings...eheheheeh


    regarding said article...

    after reading his bullying tales one wouldn't but feel the need to hug, cuddle, reassure and lull him to death! but this is my italian mother heart speaking i'm afraid...

    her mother sent him directly to that awful russian teacher instead! ...and prob she did the right thing! she must be very tough, mika's mom!:biggrin2:

    .....i'm a mild one...i would just grow up a nerd instead....:boxed:



    i decided to put my london tickets in a box, wrapped it in xmas paper and put it under the tree....a suprise for all my family... not for me!

    wish me good luck....:shocked:

    wish i could have gone to see Mika in London ,ill b in london but had already booked Grease the musical so ill just have to think about you all singing away with :tears: !!ps .will have to make do with life in cartoon motion dvd for xmas and the hardest bit gonna haveto get rid of all the family so i can watch it in peace,no distractions allowed !!!!!:annoyed_h4h: .:newyear::thumb_yello: x
  6. hi people.uhh, i guess i discovered mika when i was sleeping over at my friends house and grace kelly came on the radio and i realized what a great song it was. then i went home and listened to all mika's songs on the computer and found out how much i love him!

    bonjour to u too mika fan and welcome here.its Mika madness.cathy x

  7. Hi Fellow Mothers...popping in to say "hello". Yes, the MFC can be our "bridge" night, "afternoon tea", "spa day" - us girls, especially us moms need this. (Mind you, I'm probably devoting a lot more time here then I should :naughty: )


    I have to wake up 2 hours before everyone else in the morning, just to be able to catch up here. So I'm gaining a few more pounds because I am totally skipping my workout.


    However this morning, before the household awoke, I did a load of laundry, wrote some Christmas cards, played "Tooth Fairy" and put money under my daughter's pillow (and took her tooth), made lunches, signed homework, and a dozen other things...I feel like I run a marathon before I even start my day a work! :blink:


    Just another day as a mom... :biggrin2:

    so now is the time to relax...take it easy....like the man says and enjoy spreading your Mika thoughts on the keyboard!hope your day went well....

  8. so far hubby is not interested in going to a Mika gig (thankfully or who'd watch the kids!) but I agree about the ego thing. I was walking through the shops the other day thinking about Mika (about the only time I don't think about Mika is when i'm asleep and even then I'm not so sure) and it suddenly occured to me that if my hubby was as obsessed with some little pop tart who I couldn't even appreciate the talent of, as I am about Mika (not saying Mika is a pop tart btw) I don't know if I'd take it too well.

    never thought about it that way.my hubby going crazy for a young pop star.doesnt sound right somehow...well tough...he s given up now and knows there is no cure for mika madness..and i dont want to find a cure either.this guy is so much part of my life too !!!!(mika i mean....not so sure about my husband!!!!

  9. Well girls, I organize a big MFC awards till the end of december:wink2: .

    Thus every two days I will draw up a balance sheet!!


    Remember, It's just a game, nothing official. It's all in a good cause:thumb_yello:


    So you will vote in the same order as I propose the different categories:



    1) The best Mika's video?

    2) The song you prefer in his concert?



    3) The song that puts you in a good mood?

    4) The song you can listen again and again till doomsday?

    5) The song that corresponds with your life?



    6) The theme that you would like Mika deals with?

    7) What song (of another artist) you would like Mika sings?

    8) With who he should have a duo?



    If you want to propose other categories, you can write its in bold type (in red)!!


    :naughty: Results in january!!


    Take care!

    best mika video love todaybest concert song love todaythe song that puts me in a good mood love today

    the song id listen to forever and ever relaxthe song that corresponds with my life relax] ]i d love Mika to deal with bullying.he knows a thing or 2 about that !!!!lettre a France by Michel polnareff is the song id luv to hear him sing. im sure he d sing that brilliantly in French .wow a duo with jake of scissor sisterswould b amazing.:partytime2:luvluvme[b][/b]

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