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Posts posted by noa

  1. aaaa sorry, przysnelo mi sie.... kot ma sie calkiem dobrze, aczkolwiek w mieszkanku troche zmian, ale to nie temat publiczny :wink2:


    moj ostatni koncert to Compiegne, a przedostatni Warsaw, ale no kurde, nie jestem przyzwyczajona, zeby tak rzadko chodzic na jego koncerty!... przegina miksterek troche, zreszta tak jak z ta plyta--- ilez mozna czekac? :sneaky2:


    mam nadzieje, ze album wynagrodzi nam te "meki" :aah:, po tych kilku nowych piosenkach jestem dobrej mysli :blush-anim-cl:

  2. There was a discussion about which half of the audience won the "Blame it on the girls" competition :naughty: (Martin's half OF COURSE:mf_rosetinted::naughty:)


    And then that we should stop talkin Polish in this thread, so that the others could undersand:teehee:


    And YES, this is my first post in this thread, cause I totally forgot about it, but I know what's goin' on here:naughty: You can't hide from da Cookie Monster:mf_rosetinted:

    Mika's half OF COURSE!!!!! ah, one month ago.......:mf_lustslow:

  3. VIDEO:

    :dunno: I'm sorry for can't understand 2.Polish language.


    "Relacja z drugiego dnia Orange Warsaw Festival"




    They say, that Mika was absolutely amazing, that Mika is live like a bomb :naughty: und his music sounds live much better than on CD :thumb_yello:

    and my favorite picture of fans (kam, iva, agnieszka :wub2:)


  4. my english is sh....but I HAVE TO SAY: the gig was really amazing:, soooo much better than I thought before :thumb_yello:

    mika was in such a good mod, his voice was just breathtaking, I think, or I already know, he won many new fans in Poland. The people were so positively suprised, even the festival organizers have posted on facebook, that Mika surpassed their expectations :biggrin2:


    and, finally, I have to say-- I'm sooooo proud of us :naughty: The polish MFC is a group of friendly, positively crazy, creative people :mf_lustslow:.. First time we met on saturday at 15.30 and at 17 we all (20 people) decided to go to the airport to pick another person (agnieszka) and then we all stayed there for banners painting.. It was magical time! I already miss you all!!!!!!! :wub2:

  5. a my na to jak na lato!

    trzeba zaczac cos robic, bo wczoraj byl taki fajny moment z mika, ze hej!!! w kazdym razie do warszawy jedzie!!! (tzn, na dzien dzisiejszy :wink2:) nie chce uprzedzac faktow, kasia ma filmik i same zobaczycie!!!

    a kamus i agusiaczek juz planuja, planuja... :thumb_yello::biggrin2:

  6. no to dluuugo! jest szansa, ze nie znikniesz tak szybko....


    dziewczyny, ja w pewnym momenie praawdopodobnie zasne nad kompem, wiec sie nie zdziwcie, jak bede online ale nie bede reagowac na nic! juz teraz mowie grzecznie- dobranoc! jutro mam busy dzien, to moze do czwartku!

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