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Posts posted by natnak

  1. wooohoooo GO CANADA!!

    i live there... so you can put me on the list if u want:wink2:

    ive only been to 2 provinces(Quebec=live there, Ontario)... ok 3, but one was just for a plane transfer(so i just stayed in the airport)in B.C.

    I would love to visit every province and territory one day...:thumb_yello:

  2. awww that's sooo sweet!! im sure he actually did use that hot sauce:bleh:

    i didnt know he wore glasses:shocked: i've never seen one single picture of him wearing glasses... im sure he looks cute in them:blush-anim-cl:

  3. saraaaaaaahhh!!

    ya,i see that you joined mfc?!? haha... who is the one that told u about this wonderful site????? lol:naughty:

    avoue que le concert de mika etais trop super spectaculaire!!!!:bleh:

    anyways, loveeee uuu

  4. Well when they sang Sexyback and When Doves Cry....people just kind of stopped and watched. Most of the younger fans don't really know Prince's music I guess so they didn't get as excited as when he sang his own material. Does that help? :wink2:


    ahhh ok now i get it!! i do listen to older songs too but i never really liked prince songs... or at least i dont think soo :blink: thanks for explaining :)

  5. i have a question..

    in the montreal gazette they said this in the article they wrote on mika's concert:


    The stomping piano jam Stuck In the Middle incited general elation. While the two-for-one cover of Justin Timberlake's Sexyback and Prince's When Doves Cry (a reference his young fans didn't quite catch - the one lull in the night) was saved by his dynamic delivery.


    umm can someone explain that refrence please? cause i guess im one of those young fans that didnt get it :blush-anim-cl:



    if you want me to post the whole article from the gazette, just tell me!

  6. this was my first concert ever and i had a BLAST!!!:punk:

    i cant even describe the feeling that i got after every song and like every time the whole crowd would start screaming. i kept getting shivers of happiness :bleh:

    my favourite part as...ummm... well i dont think i had a favourite but one of the best parts was when he took his shirt off and started playing drums...and then he shook his BUTT at UUSSSS!!! loolll thats was amazing :bleh:

    also the ending was really cool with all the confetti and balloons and everything!!!!


    anyways people that are going to see one of his shows soon, have fun and be prepare to have an amazing time!! and learn all the lyrics by heart- it's more fun like that!!

  7. Hi everyone!

    Im new here. I live in Laval (which is right beside Montreal in case u didn't know:P)


    I became a Mika fan just this past summer so i was really sad when i realized he had just came to Montreal... but now I'm really happy 'cause he's coming back!! yayy I'll probably be going to his concert but i have to know how much the tickets cost. It would be a great Christmas gift!:biggrin2:



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