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Posts posted by stickfigures

  1. I love vampire weekend I came across them spring 2007. I was suppose to see them in Salt Lake City december 2007 at this really small venue here called Kilby Court. It ended up starting to snow that night but when I left work to go I decided I was still going to try and go. I got to the freeway (it was a 20min drive that night when normally it is a 5 min drive) and traffic was so backed up. In that time period it started coming down faster and harder as well. I realized that it was probably going to take me a good hour to get the the venue (normally a 15min drive) and by the time I got there I would have been late. So I turned around and went home. I talked to some people who went later on who went. They said there were about 30-40 people there (this place fits 175-200 in winter) but it was a really good show.


    I finally got to see them this past March. Originally they were scheduled to play Kilby Court again (in warmer weather it holds about 250-275) but it sold out and had to be moved to a venue that holds 400. (actually it's the other side of the venue where Mika played). I was front row for that show. Said hi to them before the show and than actually met them after the show. I had to wait a good 45min to do so, but I was able to do it.

  2. It was a really good performance. My parents really don't know all of who I listen to because I listen to so much but my mom was in the room and I'm like "Mom this is MIKA!!!" i don't know if she was to sure of him because of his outfit and such. She has a cd player in her car now so I'll have to be sure to put MIKA in the car now.

  3. heya!!!! :D


    i'm glad you decided to join!

    our hearts worked!!


    i wonder if i met you in line...?

    i was wearing bright red skinny jeans, and had white suspenders on. :bleh:


    i know i saw you and i think you were with someone who had a heart sweater on which was just amazing.


    i know i saw charlotte because i remember the sweater, and your MFC pin.

  4. I got that part, but I have to convert the video first. I only got a couple of full song videos and couldn't figure out why ( I had 2gigs of memory) but than I realized that on my new camera I can do really high quality videos, and than I can do lower quality that are better for concerts. I liked the quality on my MIKA videos, but I wish I could have recorded more. My friend was looking at my pictures on my camera and deleted my Holy Johnny video :annoyed_h4h::thumbdown:

  5. I listen to a lot Mêlée, Sea Wolf, The Hush Sound,Menomena, Castledoor,The Bird and The Bee, Cold War Kids, This Providence, Manchester Orchestra, Alaska and Me,The Summer Set, Joy In Tomorrow, Straylight Run, Dear and The Headlights, Kevin Devine, Vampire Weekend, The Never,Pinback, Coconut Records,xoxo panda,Detektivbyrån,Imogen Heap, Stacy Clark,Limbeck, The Format, Brighten, The New Frontiers,Audrye Sessions,José González,Explosions in the Sky,+/-,Radiohead,Anathallo,The Most Serene Republic

  6. I guess I should make an introduction. I sort of introduced myself in the Salt Lake thread, but not really.


    My real name is lauralee


    Anyways I first heard of MIKA a little over a year ago when I heard the song on some random site (although it was probably myspace) and just had to find out who it was.


    I'm glad I found out about this fanclub, I'm not sure who it was, but one of the members asked me and some people behind me in line if we were members of the fan club but all of us had no idea it even existed.

  7. My pages are taking absolutely forever to load so someone probably replied to this already! Actually SLC is an awesome place!!! It has wonderful mountains and is a gorgeous city with beautiful seasons. The city itself is great - it is just that this place was so ghetto!!! It was all the way at the end of town, down by the railroad tracks. I'd never even heard of it before this. We have lots of nice upscale places here and a couple larger arenas but I guess not a lot of nicer places for smaller things like this. I have been to concerts at Deer Valley (in Park City), Symphony Hall, the Energy Solutions Arena, and Rice Stadium. All of them are awesome. I think that is why we were surprised that this was such a dive. But Mika made it the most wonderful place on earth that night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    seriously though Mika would not have been able to play at Deer Valley , Symphony Hall or the ESA they are all too big. Yes In The Venue is a piece of crap, but all of the small venues here are bad. Well we really don't have any decent venues here that look nice. Plus the sound at a lot of our smaller venues (including where MIKA played because to me that is huge) has bad sound. The best sound we have here without being an arena has to be at Kilby Court now since they put in a new sound system, but I think people would freak out if they saw what Kilby Court looked like (and the area around it)


    Seriously though Salt Lake just needs to be updated. But next time MIKA comes back it wouldn't surprise me if he played at Salt Air. It's not really big, but it does have a bigger stage and looks nicer even though it's 20min or so from salt lake.

  8. oh yeah venue wise, yes I hate In The Venue, but really there isn't another place for them to play in Salt Lake City. Next time they come they should go for Salt Air, but even that might be too big.


    Of course if they played during the summer at it was at Salt Air we'd have to deal with the smell of the brine shimp instead of the freezing cold. I think I'd take the cold any day.

  9. mika18.jpg

    :naughty: love the keyboard squabble they really WERE short on instruments eh? lol


    They look quite relaxed though, and I love this pic, you say he was trying to quiet the audience down...now he know what its like for US (he normally has those headphone earpiece things in doesn't he lol probs his bluetooth phone adapter if you ask me lmao).





    That first picture is actually when they were trading spots so mika could interact with the crowd a bit more.

  10. Oh yeah one of my favorite quotes of the night has to be when he realized there was a fenced area for the people drinking. He was just talking than all the sudden he goes "What are you doing in a cage? I just realized there's a cage halfway through this venue. Will they not let you out or something? (someone informs him its for people who are drinking) Ahhh! It's cause their drinking their ****ing drunk"

  11. hey I'm new here, I didn't even know this place existed otherwise I would have joined forever ago. Anyways I'm at work, but I have a few pictures and a couple videos that'll I will work on posting in the next couple of days. They aren't the best as it is a new camera and I wasn't sure how to work it, but it was AMAZING and I'm so glad I got to witness something that not everyone gets to see.

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