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Posts posted by songeur82

  1. Hey sorry it's been awhile since I've been on here! We got to talk to Mika briefly before the show during soundcheck. He walked right up and introduced himself and asked us some questions. Then we just went right into what he wanted us to do onstage and then we rehearsed it with him and that was pretty much it! It was pretty darn sweet though having him just be the one to walk right up to us.

  2. Um...just wondering -- are the lollipop and big girls hired or chosen fans? If they're fans...I'm totally jealous! Mika rocked @ First Avenue! :punk:



    Hey I was one of the Big Girls in Minneapolis so here's how I got to do it. The other "Big Girl" Sara is a good friend of mine and she happened to know someone that was working with Mika's management. So basically they asked if we could do it, of course we could:wink2: and then we had to send in our pics to be approved by Mika and that was that! With Minneapolis, they didn't have anyone lined up really to be a Lollipop girl so they put out a bulletin on Myspace for girls that were interested. The stage was SO small at First Ave that that's why there was only one Lollipop girl. We were so scared we were going to trip and fall while up there!! And Mika and I actually smacked foreheads when the song was done cause he went to kind of hug me and unfortunately it didn't go as smoothly as it should have:shocked: He just said "owww" and I apologized and made my way off stage!! One of the best experiences of my life though!! SOOOO much fun!!



  3. aaahhhhhhh! :woot_jump: i saw you go into the side doors to go get ready!! you were waiting for someone to come get you and we told one of the employees that the big girls were waiting and then that guy led you in :biggrin2: later on we helped nadja(?) find her way backstage as well.. i felt like such a helper :naughty:


    sorry that was off subject


    Haha I certainly remember you girls saying good luck when we walked through the door! We were wondering how the heck Owen knew to come and get us! So thank you! :thumb_yello:


    And yes, his mom and sister were SO incredibly nice!! I feel dumb not knowing that that was them! Oh well, it was one of the best experiences I've ever had!!

  4. Can't believe that that is his sister!! I was one of the Big Girls onstage last week in Minneapolis and Yasmine and another lady, presumably Mom:wink2: were the ones who helped us with our costumes!! I had NO idea that that was them!! Thanks for the help!

  5. Thanks for the all the welcomes! It certainly seems like everyone has a lot of fun on here:thumb_yello: I happen to be in another fanclub of a band that shall remain nameless :wink2: and everyone is SO catty to each other and thinks they're better than everyone else. My friend paid good money for me to be in that club too!!:roftl: (it was a birthday present hehe) But still, it makes me rarely go on their board and its pretty disappointing! So better luck here I'm thinking!!!



  6. Hey guys I've been reading some of the threads and decided to join and thought I'd say hi! I was lucky enough to be Mika's Big Girl in Minneapolis:punk: So if anyone has pics from that song or Lollipop that they'd be willing to share with me, it would be much appreciated!



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