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Posts posted by KaryLovesMika!

  1. bien bien :aah:


    Hahaha, cute. I can understand a couple of things when I listen people speaking korean, like "She", "Bye", "I love you" (Formal and non-formal, whatever that means...), "Pretty" and that's about it! So, so sad...


    Now, a questions, what is that about talking formally and informally? In spanish we have something similar, I believe, "Usted" and "Tú" are two ways of saying "You", but the first one is more respectful and the second one is used to talk to someone really close, is it the same thing and how much does the sentences change from one to another?


    Aww I studied spanish for a month :mf_rosetinted: and my spanish is just miserable :aah:


    anyways.... hola :bye:


    Spanish is a bit difficult, but if you want to, I can teach you. :wink2:


    SHINEE~ :teehee: you are a K-pop girl~ I am mika girl~:naughty:

    since when did you start listen K-pop?


    I'm both, a Mika girl and a Kpop girl, hehe. :teehee: I started listening K-pop about 3 months ago, I've known for like a year a couple of "popular" songs like "Abracadabra", "Sorry, Sorry", "Replay", but didn't pay much attention to it before, then I focused on SHINee and I fell in love, haha. :wub2:


    I think korean is beauuuuuuuutiful, and I've always thought that, is the only asian language that I actually like because japanese, chinese, taiwanes, etc, sound very weird and hangul looks amazing, a year ago I tried learning with guides and books but it's too difficult, it's something you can't do on your own for sure. :emot-sad: I'll keep trying though, 'cuz when I get married, my honey-moon is going to be in Korea! :mf_rosetinted:

  2. I want to learn Spanish :blush-anim-cl:


    Yay!! Let's be each-other's teacher. Are you up for it?? :biggrin2:


    who do you like?


    I want to learn English& French & mika~:teehee:

    he looks like onion~ everytime fresh~:wub2:


    Who do I like? Korean? I'm in love with SHINee, LOL! :wub2: And your english is pretty good! :wink2:

  3. Two more:


    Random guy at a library. I took his photo because I loved how he smiled all the time reading an old book.



    And this kid in a bike. I took it in a really small town while I was visiting it with my family.


  4. It's been a while since I posted here! Time to share my latest stuff!:teehee:


    This are from a photoshoot I did for a local art exhibition, I called the photoshoot "The Good, The Bad & the Ugly"













  5. Eh... ¿Buenas?


    ¡Qué envidia tengo de ustedes chiquillas! Cuando me di cuenta que Mika iba a Argentina, casi me muero, pensé en cómo irme para allá y todo el rollo, cuando me di cuenta de la fecha morí... Es el día de mi último parcial del semestre en la U. :boxed: Hm, en otra ocasión será.


    Jeje, estaré pasando más seguidito por acá. Besos, las quiero -a las nuevas también, jaja-


    Postdata: Premium para mí sería baratísimo! :crybaby: El cambio de peso colombiano a peso argentino me favorecería muchísimo.

  6. Aww, I love, love, looove Neil!! Hehe, my current wallpaper is him, actually. *Making screenshot*




    I have loved him since he pretended to be a doctor :naughty: and his acting in "How I Met Your Mother" is legen -wait for it- dary! When I knew he'd be on Glee, I almost died, hehe and now that I've seen the episode it was AMAZING!! Seeing him singing with Matthew Morrison one of my all time favorite songs was just magnificent!



    Awww, Neil! :wub2:

  7. Hola!!!

    Hace mucho no venía por acá... veo que todo anda medio muerto... Pero el amor por Mika nunca muere!!!!

    Chicas, necesito contactar a todas las colombianas, que aunque pocas, somos fuerza pues tengo algo importante... Escriban! Pasaré más seguido....



    Jeje, ¿qué tienes que contarnos? :naughty:

  8. i think it's him too. then again, nothing big really happened about gabriel in the last season so there's a good chance it might be her daughter:dunno:




    Haha, now I don't remember if it was her or not... I might have to watch the last part again :naughty: I guess I wanted it so bad that I thought I heard it. But am I right or not? She does look asian!!


    I hope it's not M.J, that family's been through a LOT!

  9. If you haven't watched the season 6 finale... Do not read this: SPOILER ALERT!


    Hahahaha, I watched tonight the season finale!!! I'm still in shock! :shocked:


    I love the fact that the stupid Logan was killed, haha, he didn't see it coming, very smart of Angie.


    And about Juanita... I always wondered why she had a bit of asians features, do you think Cherry thought about that twist at the casting?? Hm, and I was wishing it was her, I don't like that little gal. :naughty:

  10. Güenaas mis arggies!!!


    Ya casi salgo a vacas, weee!! Pero lo malo de la U es que prácticamente ya desde hace un año estoy muy desinformada de mi amado, alguien que se atreva a actualizarme un poco? Jé!


    Antes de ayer me llegó por fin el "Live Parc des Princes" y está geniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal!! Pensé que después de Koko London y LiveICM no iban a existir mejores gigs, pero qué errada estaba!!


    Entrevistas y fotos chéveres por ver?? Qué me recomiendan para ponerme al tanto!!!?


    Besos a todas las que conozco (y me conocen) y a las nuevas (relativamente) también!

  11. Hola!!


    Cómo están!?? No sé quieeenes actualmente estén entrando a éste foro, me imagino que Lau y Pau siguen por acá y por supuesto, Isilla que no nos olvida nunca.


    Isa, me perdonas? :tears:Yo recordé perfectamente el día de tu cumple y me la pasé pensando: "qué estará haciendo Isa ahorita mismo?" Pero sabes cómo he andado de ocupada y se me pasó volando el tiempo, tanto así que a 22 días de tu cumple doy la cara a decirte que espero hayas pasado un día fenomenal con tu familia y la gente que te adora (Que es muchísima!)


    Apuesto que Sole no volvió a entrar tampoco, no? :huh:Ojalá pronto salga a vacaciones para poder charlar con todas ustedes, las echo muchísimo de menos, hace ya casi 2 añitos somos amiguitas y lamento bastante no poder dedicarles tiempo últimamente.


    A quienes no conozca: HOLA Y BIENVENIDAS (os)!!!!!


    Las quiero!!!!!!!!!!! :wub2:

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