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FAB5 ft SM&K

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Posts posted by FAB5 ft SM&K

  1. The pictures from Australia are so cute! I'm sure the dear hippo is having a fab time down under. :biggrin2:


    And I also love the pics with the band! Did they think MFC is insane for sending a hippo all over the planet? :roftl:

    They laughed at it, but in a good way and seemed to think it was a good idea. But yeah, they were really great with him.

  2. This post is from Soangel and Oakie Doke



    he looks epic- you two are crazy awesome for doing that!

    and the band of course... epic band...

    gotta love'em!


    Im a bad twitter manager arnt I? well, Ana is clearly doing a better job than me... hold on...


    The band are awesome, and great fun to talk to as well

    His twitter is updated now, so we're happy :biggrin2:



    I control the FB profile, Inbar does Twitter :dunno:


    I don't see any problem with Bianca taking Hugh to Perth! Do it! :naughty: I'm sure Hugh would love to meet Ambrose


    Then he would be sent off to England with Skully rox if I'm not wrong :blink:


    I should pay attention more... then I would have known that :naughty:

    Okay, so after a few days in Melbourne, in which Biance and I will be doing some things anyways, I'll give him over to her and he can visit perth and then its off to skully rox. One of us will pm them


    Who's he? He looks hot.



    Jimmy... he's awesome and funny and yes, hot :das:


    And THIS was the moment in which I noticed that you had been photographing the band . I apologise for my ignorance concerning everything Mika-related right now



    I'm sure Humphy would have loved sitting on Martin's head.


    Its alright, I didn't know who Jimmy was either... but now I'm a Jimmy fangurl. I was behind on all band related things as well.


    I loved that they all got into the photos, posing and all

  3. *feels tall*


    I'm taller than Cherisse :naughty: (from soangel)


    I'm not taller than Cherisse (when I'm on my knees) :naughty: (from oakie doke)


    Btw... just for those who don't know. This account is a joint account. This trip the it represented alot of people, but for the next few days its just me (soangel) and oakie doke. So anything posted is from us. Before that it was dc, kelz, hk, s&m, tanya k, teegs (and zoe) and us 2. Its easier for us to report on what we're doing together (hence the teaser trailer earlier which I wrote :naughty:)


    We got a ‘Love Love You’ as part of the line every single time he did the chorus, and he sang the song for a good long time, enjoying himself thoroughly. Wow!


    We Are Golden – featuring the surprise tactics of our most rehearsed MFCers, which worked beautifully to bring a grin to his face. This was a song where he wanted us louder for the WAG line, and got it plentifully.


    I got the feeling they didn’t want the show to end. Mika said a little earlier that they had done one show and then f***d off for three and half years and it was amazing to get this reception on their return.


    We did get it every line didn't we? It was awesome.


    Haha loved the look on his face with the Wag shouting


    and :naughty: I remember that he got the amount of time he'd been gone wrong... it's been 2 and a half years.... he overestimates it a little bit :fisch: But either way, its still been a long time coming and so glad they finally made it back

  5. Following is from Soangel and Oakie Doke who are still in Syd


    What was it that Mika had on his cheeks? Glue or UV-thingie? You can see it quit well on the pics with the blue stones on his forehead, you see transparent stripes on his cheeks.


    It was uv pant. They all had it, including our big girls


    All those time that you could only read about others' gigs or see our pics or watch our videos...NOW MANY OF YOU AUSSUES CAN RELATE!



    Ahem.... Aussies :fisch:




    Racinghorse, soangel, oakie dokie (who else did I miss? Choo was it?)

    I am super duper happy that you've all turned into uber fangurls! :

    Thanks for sharing! Loved reading every bit of detail. Awesome! Fab!



    We have been a bit :sneaky2::naughty: Its been 2.5 years for one of us since she could be a fangurl and the other hasn't had the chance yet


    did anyone mention the aussi petition to him? :


    No... didn't get a chance. Don't know if the others did, but Teegs did mention it to Jimmy I think?


    Hey guys

    i am new , but i was one of the big girls last night.


    Hey, welcome. Didn't chat to you much but next time will do so (hopefully next year). Check out the aussie thread



    Bec, you always gave the greatest detailed reports, even between gigs. :biggrin2:


    Its good to finally have a gig to report on. And that was a quick one while waiting for the others to arrive


    Yes I want to hear more about the dingo. :roftl:


    Did Mika get the necklace? Do we know?


    HK gave Mika the necklace.... we'll let her post about it


    Also, I got my pic taken with Mika. Is it just me, or is he really towering over me? He doesn't seem quite as tall in other pics I've seen... :teehee::naughty:



    (Thanks to Charlie for the pic. =])


    You rock EJ

    Choo! It's you!

    It's me! Mici! (mi-ki, Bianca you cheeky minx) aka Glue Girl.





    Then you should have made it mi-ki :sneaky2::naughty:

  6. Brilliant gig. So glad we all travelled from our various places to get here. Well worth the money.


    Firstly, one of our fab5ers was a big girl. We're so proud of her and she looked great.


    Orianthi was good. Some of us didnt like her but I (bec/soangel) enjoyed her.


    Mika was frikking brilliant. There's not words. I feel like I burned off a weeks worth of food jumping, especially from rain, love today and wag.


    We did a bit of aus idol shouting during wag and got a cheeky grin. Was going to do coordinated dance moves... but all we could do was jump which was fun still.


    There were some rude people near us. I think I may have bruises from them trying to push between charlie (racinghorse) and me but enough about them... I'm focused on the positives.


    Meet and greet had a lot of people, apart from us and Mika was a little crowded when he came in. We mfcers stuck back and waited. Some of us missed out on getting things signed by him or talking, but some of us will later report on their very special mika moments.


    Despite not getting much Mika face time we all got to chat with all the band members. Their all so awesome. Cherisse was adorable, Jimmy is funny, Sunshine recognised us from front row, Imma was super friendly and Martin spoke to us for ages about how much he loves Australia and Sydney, and how his planning to move to Sydney in about 3 years time. It was a nice long convo, and he was so friendly


    There's too much to write right now. Its super late and we've been talking together about it since the gig. We'll all be reporting as we can, some of us are sleeping, some will report when they get home, and some eager beevers tonight. For now we leave you with this: We all had a blast, can't wait for him to come again and are definately on a Mika high

  7. Hello all!!!!


    This is our last GC post. We've bought postcards. They will arrive after we're home!! :naughty:

    We took a daytrip to NSW. Tweed Heads. Took border shots. there will be more reportage once we get home as we have been keeping tabs on our activities,, :bleh:


    DC and I just got our piercings. My nose, his eyebrow. :punk::thumb_yello:



    Now we enjoy our last nioght of craziness,, oh, and there's a damikez song,, *zhhz*


    :huglove: to all :bye:

  8. Hey y'all Gold Coast Gang, y'all have a good time y'hear

    And report back when y'can


    Kelzy where is that LT vid??? I don't want it falling into the wrong hands while you are away. And stay away from those black widows)



    Good time = being had


    LT vid = safely in Kelzs computer, not uploaded

    Black widows = negative


    The Gold Coast Gang? A bit "Pirates of the Caribbean", methinks


    <P>Hope that you all have a great time, and looking forward to the pics


    I think it sounds more prison gangish :fisch:

    *see above about good time*



    You mean <we will have a party while they're gone?


    <P>So many pages... you guys talk too much</P>


    mikamites a poem by Mzee.</P>


    <P>Once deprived of what they want the most,</P>

    <P>They now haunt mika as a holy ghost,</P>

    <P>He tries to sleep soundly at night,</P>

    <P>but he is still haunted by the mikamite.

    wyn2 wun2 wub2 x 1,200


    *Teegs worships Mzee*

    *\Bec worships skills


    *dc offers roll of toilet paper* (which, considering we've had to buy it twice is a big thing - 2 ply 250 sheets x 11)



    <FONT color=darkgreen>Newsflash</FONT></P>

    <P><FONT color=darkgreen>****************</FONT></P>

    <P><FONT color=darkgreen>Bec and Kelz landed 2 hours ago in GC. 24 degrees and humid. Bec got a window seat and enjoyed her first flight. </FONT></P>


    <P><FONT color=darkgreen><FONT size=1>*runs away before she can get slapped*</FONT></FONT>



    Slap 1


    I love you<IMG class=inlineimg title=Wub2 alt="" src="http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/images/smilies/wub2.gif" border=0 smilieid="146"> aussies

    And we love our Canaussie



    So.. How is everybody's day going?

    which day *smth*

    All days are going good, tiring but good. Today we went bowling ft crazy cows (drinks) and no bumpers *sneaky2*


    Then we went to timezone and shot each other (laser wars) and ran each other off the road (dodgem cars x 2) and chased after each other with clubs (mini golf) before stuffing ourselves in hot air balloon booths with yummy pancakes (pancakes in paradise ft shunned service) </P>


    Now we report live from a very limited paid for Maccas connection (we're not addicted)


    bec* you Behaving in my absence daughtah *sneaky2*



    <P> </P>

    <P> </P>

    <P>For the record : I have seen Twatty in the Apples thread TWICE today & once in the Naughty Corner ... I haven't slapped her ... but I am saving ...


    Hey HK


    *slap 2 for Twatty*




    <P><FONT color=darkgreen>I wasn't slapping you, honest. The slapping punishment was voluntarily imposed after all. </FONT></P>

    <P> </P>

    <P><FONT color=darkgreen>The irony is that normally I can go weeks at a time without checking the MFC but as soon as I ban myself from here all of a sudden I develop the urge to check in. <IMG class=inlineimg title="Rolls Eyes" alt="" src="images/smilies/rolls_eyes.gif" border=0 smilieid="179"></FONT></P>

    <P> </P>

    <P> </P>

    <P><FONT color=darkgreen>Anyway, the reason I'm here:</FONT></P>

    <P> </P>

    <P><FONT color=darkgreen>Newsflash</FONT></P>

    <P><FONT color=darkgreen>*******************</FONT></P>

    <P><FONT color=darkgreen>Mike and the Mechanics/Mikamites have bought drum sticks. Bec can now drum pots and pans in style. As band manager I'm pleased to report that the recording of the single seems to be on-track. </FONT></P>



    *slap 3*


    Ah, yeah.. the single... uh..... *smth*.... uh... <3 .... um.... :$ ..... yeah about that ... well... looks like we're out of time now:fisch:




    <P> </P>

    <P>I wait to hear the outcome... Have they decided what song they're recording yet?



    *see above*



    Hiya hun - I have not been very well, but starting to feel a bit more</P>

    <P>human now!! I miss coming on MFC - and so am happy to be back!! :blush-anim-cl



    <P>Hope you feel better wendi *sends Gold Coast sunshine and hugs your way ft cheek licking*</P>



    ZOMG I'm top poster in this thread atm.</P>

    <P> </P>

    <P> </P>

    <P> </P>

    <P> </P>

    <P>Though of course once Kelzy and OKD get back :fisch



    <P>Depends on if you can finish this thread off before we return (but don't... thats so much to mq *zhhz*)</P>



    <FONT size=4><FONT face="Arial Narrow">So when's the next gig? I betcha this is one band that will tour Australia fo sho.

    <P><IMG class=inlineimg title=Naughty alt="" src="http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/images/smilies/naughty.gif" border=0 smilieid="91">



    <P>I hope not *shocked* Then I (bec) would be out of work</P>


    <P>hey Suzy *sends you gold coast warmth, buns and cleavage shots*</P>




    <P><FONT color=darkgreen>Mike and the Mikamites will be touring Australia "at the top of the year". "Official" tour dates will be announced "ASAP". < smilieid="133"></FONT></P>


    <P><FONT color=darkgreen>I am not at liberty to discuss possible changes in the line-up. A MySpace video of Bec shaking her bum to console her fans before an unceremonious firing may or may not appear. :mf_rosetinted</FONT>


    <P>*slap 4*</P>






    <P>That vid was just for your eyes only (bec)</P>




    <FONT color=dimgray>Hello again Mikamites! Another mad week...:boxedThis is becoming unconfortably routine, being able to log in only every week or so and having too much Aussie thread to catch up on...</FONT></P>

    <P><FONT color=dimgray>Anyone want to update me? :naughtyAre the GC'ers in GC yet? Have they sent us any striptease videos?</FONT>



    <P>Hey ER </P>


    <P>*sends warmth and as yet non existent sex tease videos* (but time may tell) </P>

    <P>*sends hot aussie beach guys*</P>



    They are at the Gold Coast. They left a couple of days ago.</P>


    <P>No striptease videos as of yet, but we can always hope. :



    <P>You want to see strip tease vids ft your mothah *shocked*</P>




    <FONT size=6>O.M.G.!!!!</FONT></P>

    <P> </P>

    <P> </P>

    <P>Everyone else must miss us too much to log on</P>


    <FONT color=darkgreen>Yeah, it's quiet. I'm just eating dinner now but my first exam is tomorrow. I still have half of the material to cover by 12pm tomorrow. :boxed</FONT>


    <P>*slap 5*</P>

    <P>*slap 6*</P>

    <P>*slap 7* (since your exam is tomorrow)</P>


    <P>*buys you a slapper*</P>





    <P>Hey OkD... hows WA? Miss us yet? </P>



    <P>And big hellos to anyone we missed (sorry if we did, so much mqing, you might have dropped off.. we tried to get everyone)</P>


    <P>having a blast, photos when we get back</P>


    <P>Tomorrow we sail the good ship lollipop</P>


    *ft sucking too hard on lollipops because that makes Mike smile* *zhhz*

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