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Posts posted by ALeXA

  1. I can't make it until doors open. I'm stuck at work today. But I'll try to find everyone after the show! Or say hi to everyone if I still see you mfcers queueing when I get in the area!

    I'm wondering is people are already there, I can't go until around 5 because of school and hw :(


    Looking forwards to meet you guys!

  2. I'm wondering the same thing! I'm gonna shoot for at least a couple hours before doors. Last time I lined up for a Mika show I got to the venue about 3.5 hours before doors and was at the foot of the stage for the show! Definitely not trying to wait all day though, I want to have time to eat and enjoy the city!


    I sort of wanna be there to see him walk in, but it would be such a long wait! Guess 3 hours before is good enough :) I'll go take a look at around 1 though

  3. I hope so!!

    Am not coming back to mexico until the end of july




    so coming back on 2010....does that mean north america tour aswell?! :teehee:

    HOPEFULLY!!! THAT WOULD BE PERFECT!!! when is his "last" programmed date so far?


    he could go to Latinamerica, and then back to the US like in August/September :D who likes the idea :biggrin2:


    Did anyone record this show ... god I hate living in the UK and having to sleep :( Boooo :aah:


    I didn't know they were going to do a live broadcast :( I want to die!!

    did anyone record this, or is there a way to watch it??

    I feel sooo bad!!!! I want to listen to him speaking spanish !! (anyone recorded it?):blush-anim-cl:

  4. Alright, now that I've gushed about it a bit and listened to it multiple times I'm gonna post my interpretation :biggrin2:




    Ok, so, I am gonna guess that the One Foot Boy is his conscience (BTW, when I say 'his' I don't necessarily mean Mika, I mean the story teller.)


    I'll say nothing on your microphone

    Till you swear to take me home


    Makes me think something like "I won't have sex with you until I'm married" which, sticking with the teenage theme of the album, makes a bit of sense cause I think a lot of teens are unsure whether to wait or go for it.


    And, well, for those of you who know me you'll know what I mean when I say I am kinda thinking of 'microphone' with two meanings :teehee:


    (AGAIN: I'm not implying anything about Mika himself!)


    There’s a one foot boy eleven stone

    He's sitting on my shoulder


    Makes me think conscience because your conscience is usually pretty strong and heavy and one usually tends to battle with it.


    I’m too scared to look away,


    Works too because he's afraid to go against his better judgement.


    He comes here almost everyday

    And everyday I push him off and tell him boy we’re over


    And this is like him wanting to do something insane and prolly not 'good' or 'right' or whatever word you want to use, as many teenagers do. As I know I want to do a lot of the time.


    I think


    MY OH MY

    I think my mind is gone

    I'm left here wondering

    Was I crazy all along?

    What do I do?

    Nothing left but pray

    Gonna shoot somebody

    Help me drive this craziness away

    I’m happy on my own


    is pretty much the insanity of adolescence because of the insane feelings and confusion and the plain hell just about everyone goes through. but I also think it might be about guilt (which ties in with the conscience). Like maybe he did the crazy thing he wanted to do but now he's questioning himself for doing it?


    What’s a matter

    with going places?

    Take that gross look off your faces

    Empty loving makes me seasick

    What you’re here for, I don’t need it


    Personally I think that's pretty straight foward. "Don't judge me, I'll do what I want, don't put me down, etc."





    Alright, yes, I'm gonna go in this direction simply because I see it.


    If everyone decided Mika needs an "I'm gay" song I think this is very much it.


    His use of the word "faces" instead of just face leads to different personalities. When you're young and unsure you'll often keep it to yourself. One personal life and one public life.


    One Foot Boy is again guilt or confusion. unsure as to whether or not there's something wrong with him.


    Empty loving makes me seasick

    Pretending to like women when he doesn't.


    I’m too scared to look away,

    He comes here almost everyday

    And everyday I push him off and tell him boy we’re over

    Afraid to be open about it and daily trying to build up the courage to be yourself to everyone.


    I think my mind is gone

    I'm left here wondering

    Was I crazy all along?

    What do I do?

    Unsure about what to do about his hidden feelings. Even doubting himself.


    Nothing left but pray

    The power religion plays in the fear of being gay.


    Say you like me,

    But not with changes?

    Like me for who I am!


    Shut up and forget it

    These are my faces

    This is who I am, get over it.


    All these colours

    That surround me

    All these places

    Only drown me


    Colours makes me think rainbow. You know what I mean.


    I'll say nothing on your microphone


    Well, I already said what I had to say about that :naughty:


    And of course:


    Happy on my own

    I'm happy being myself





    So, wadda ya think? Personally I prefer my second interpretation, but they're both rather closly related. :mf_rosetinted:


    This makes sense, good interpretation, and regarding the 2nd one, he is talking about "One Foot BOY", and well, MIKA is a BOY

  5. Omg the first time that Mika is going to Mexico!!

    and I am not there!!!


    Va a amar Mexico!:thumb_yello:



    Sii!!! tambien eres mexicana?

    although i just saw him 2 days ago, I wish I could

    see him in Mexico, my country, besides it will be is first time there!!

    I can picture his face when he arrives to the airport and steps on mexican

    territory :) he should have arrived already, I think, how lovely!!!!

    y que VIVA MEXICO !!!!!

  6. I went to his Seattle concert too and I feel like I should still be at the concert. I'm so not over it yet. I guess its a good thing I didn't meet him because I would have missed him even more if I did.


    Hey! nice to meet you :D Wasn't it amazing?? I just love him

    Do you live in Seattle?


    Put clear packing tape over the autograph. Trim the tape to fit.


    Thanks :) I think I'll buy one of the protections for the ipod touch screen and then cut it so it fits. I want to listen to my iPod so bad!!! I HAAAVVVEEE TOOO REESSISSTTT !!!!!


    Isn't it scary on how MIKA can influence us and the way we feel? he can make us super happy and then make us feel super bad?? don't know if it's a good addiction, but man!! I can't quit! :biggrin2:

  7. I so feel like this!!! I just saw him yesterday in Seattle, it all seems like an illusion by now, like it never happened :(

    I was getting cured of being MIKA obsessed and then, he has a concert

    I can attend to!!! GOSH!!!! and then I "can't" listen to my ipod because MIKA signed it, and I would ruin it, I won't be using it until this weekend when I get something that protects the autograph

    Blame it on the boy!!


    Hope everyone feels better soon:thumb_yello:

  8. yo ayer estuve rara (todavia un poco), les cuento:

    ayer sentía que ya no necesitaba a MIKA, ni sus fotos ni su música:shocked: , porque me había cansado de tanto "sufrir" por él, así que hice eso, hasta que en la noche, al ponerme mi IPod para dormir, puse play y suena esto "I bet you can´t erase my touch, your trying to replace a feeling without a name, with somebody else´s face, in your head" y me dieron ganas de llorar, como si eso fuera una "señal" de no dejar de quererlo...


    Lo pongo por si no lo leyeron:bleh:

  9. Hola!!

    Gracias por la bienvenida Susana! que mal lo de tu amigo :(

    Que padre que fuiste de viaje Marisol! yo voy de viaje en verano, espero, cual es la lista especial y eso? sorry, como soy nueva no se mucho de eso, aunque Pau ya me ha explicado, y eso de las logias, yo quiero ser de eso, aunque no se muy bn de que se trata, jaja!

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