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Little Creature

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Posts posted by Little Creature

  1. hi everyone! Have to go through this thread when I get time! I really cant wait to see Mika in Ireland! Only problem is I can only go if he is here after May :( i really hope to see him here. It will break my heart if I dont.

    So I will share this with you : I live in a small town in Ireland (of course!) and I am just about the only Mika fan! Isnt that terrible! But i can proudly say I have introduced practically anyone Ive ever met to his music and I HAVE CREATED FANS!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!

  2. That poor, poor girl. There she is, out for dinner in a perfectly non-attention grabbing outfit, just trying to share a meal with a friend, and those terrible louts at the restaurant are staring at her. Where do these people get off, anyhow, staring at innocent, wholesome Lady Gaga? :mf_rosetinted:





    I have said so much about her already today elsewhere but omg this is just enough for me. I think i also better say no more!

  3. Ive basically just read the first and last page of this thread so heres what I think!

    I know Mika likes Lady Ga Ga and if he wants to spend time with her of course thats his decision and his business. I have to be honest and say basically she looks like a prostitute!! Ok she has some good songs but I was never impressed with her sense of dress or her music vidoes! Yuck totally dont like this look! hahah its true it looks like Mika doesnt know where to look :) She makes Mika look very very naughty!

  4. Hi sorry Im in a hurry and I havent quoted but this is in reply to the girl who I asked to clarify something!

    Thank you for explaining. I guess because all of this stupid episode has happened I dont want it to cast a bad name on Mikasounds forum. Im sure you also dont want that to happen this forum either. As other people have also said some people here are rude and not nice but we have had that on Mikasounds also. In fairness it has to be said that the majority of people on both forums are very nice people.

    So if Im still welcome here I would be delighted to stay and enjoy both forums!

  5. Duh ! My point of view is they have made the very choice to kill their last chance to attract either Mika, you or any real fan who (of course) would be there for nothing but music, fun, respect and love for the "Mika family" we are.

    Mika has been openly chosing those who where ALWAYS there for him, and this FROM THE START. Why should it be different? People here are really doing their best to DO things for him and to show love, they are not just chatting about what they'd do in bed (or not) with him.

    Of course they are some bitches and trolls here too, but this is what a family is always made of, is it?

    Please feel loved here Perez, you are and you can trust us. We're grateful for what you do. :)

    Btw, if they have learnt about something... wouldn't that mean that they come and get some informations here? Almost everyone has an account in all the existing Mika fan clubs around the planet !!!!!!!!!!

    This was just mean and pointless.

    Take care Perez, and please don't let such people hurt you.


    Can I just ask you to clarify who you mean exactly? Who talks about what they would or wouldnt do in bed with mika?? And who has killed their chance to attract mika or any other fan?

  6. Well yes actually thats a good point hahaha. I think in the past there was some form of 'fighting'if you can call it that but there hasnt being anything serious. Im sure all of this is actually doing some good and helping peace in Mikatopia

  7. aw. I'm also dying to hear the dates, it'll soon get too late and i'll be screwed again as I was last year! (I think you know what I mean)

    Hey Alex!! yes I understand I really hope this year is your mika year :) You deserve it hun.

  8. hahahhahaha oh yes i think we met! I was the old woman who looked liked a drowned rat!! Yes if all was well for me I would go back to holland to see him also but I dont think it will be possible this year. Im taking my 2 daughters to see him in Ireland hopefully. They love him!

  9. Thanxs Bab yeah it was definitley the worst ever. We were supposed to get married this year. On the night of my birthday I found out a major secret that had been kept from me for some time. He will go to prison I hope. I just have to have patience and hope for the best.

  10. Heeehee i wish I knew the dates its killing me I really want to know if I can go or not! Yeah Westerpark was wonderful brilliant atmosphere. Umm i wonder if we met?

    I was with my stupid ex who totally embarrassed me. He followed mika around everywhere with a camera in his face:thumbdown: Thats why I cant wait to see him in Ireland I dont have to be with an idiot like that! And it is that idiot who has ruined our lives.

  11. I don't go to the other forum because I've been trying to open an account there for over 2 years and still can't.



    Yes its all very frustrating! It needs sorting.

    Ive only been to one gig in my whole life and that was Mika last year in westerpark. The coolest thing was how all the fans met each other and chatted and there was such a good atmosphere. Its crazy that we cant have that on forums also.

    I hope you dont think Im whining but on my last birthday 28 Dec i found out something really terrible which has completley ruined my life and my familys life. Believe me things like this are so petty and such a waste of time.

    So any of you planning to come to Ireland to see MIKA :)

  12. Im glad you all understand where Im coming from about the Mikasounds forum. Believe me its a relief! I have contacted alexandra many times about the forum but she says mika wants to keep it secret but has always told me we will be happy and not disappointed. So I guess we just have to wait!

    we should be able to have both forums and all be friends and discuss Mika and have fun. Im sure its possible!

    I think i will post here more often now. A lot of people dont go to either forums I think because of all the rivalry but hey we can prove that it doesnt have to be that way:thumb_yello:

  13. I doubt he created it. I'm not saying this situation is exactly the same,but Katy Perry's official site also had a forum and she herself never read it or did anything to keep it alive and prefered the unofficial forum. I'm NOT saying it's the same with Mika.


    Another thing why I think MFC hears those things sooner is because the MFC is huge and MS rather small. The advantage of a huge fanclub is that more fans can be reached, even though they barely post or anything, while there is only a selective club on MS forum. I'm not saying being a small forum is a bad thing, but the situation is kind of understandable then don't you agree?:wink2:



    Yes I have to agree with you that more fans can be reached so it would make sense for mika to post here. I guess its the whole not knowing thing about the forum thats so annoying.

    This is all crazy really but it seems to be such an on going matter I wish it would all stop

  14. Oh I just dont know anymore Im just sick of the whole lot. Im not jealous of anyone here on mfc. Im just glad to be a mika fan and to know him and have met him and have his music. I dont really understand why people cant just be happy!

    I have a lot going on in my life these days as most people do but I always can say that being part of a mika forum makes me happy. With things like this going on I dont know if I can say that anymore. Its so unfair and sad that this goes on.


  15. Also (more blabbing) the fact is that Mikasounds forum isnt a random social club. Mika himself created it so I think he just has to inform his fans there what will be happening with it. Will it still exist????????? Who bloody knows!

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