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Posts posted by heather87

  1. Hi to everyone going to the NYC show! I did not have the heart to change my RSVP status in the other thread, but I decided a few days ago not to go to the show because of some family obligations I have. Having seen Mika at GMA is helping me get through this! If I have the time, I might try to stop by the meetup just to say hello to everyone. If I don't make it, I wish all of you a fabulous time!


    I apologize for the awful weather we're having. Usually October is quite nice.


    All the best,




    Hi Joanne! We met today :)

  2. Does anyone know of someone selling extra tix? I wasn't originally supposed to be in NY this weekend, but now that my plans changed the tickets have all sold out! The only tickets I can find are 10x overpriced on ebay...I refuse to let someone make such a profit off of this!


    If ANYONE can help, please let me know! I'm starting to feel extremely desperate as I play the cd over and over and over...

  3. It was great meeting everyone yesterday! seriously, you guys are the nicest group of fans---the 7 hour wait flew by thanks to all of you!


    And the show was great, obviously! The only downside was that we were on the left near that piano thing, and the person right behind me kept pushing so hard every time mika came to that side. Unfortunately, I have bruises from when i got shoved into the barrier, and my friend left last night with a sprained ankle! I only wish they hadn't pushed us when he came to attempt the song right there bc we ended up too close to him/ the stage (and i think that may be part of the reason he had to leave that area). But once my friend and I moved to the back of the venue, it definitely got a lot better and we were able to enjoy the show !



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