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Everything posted by tigerclaws95

  1. Ahh... GOOOOOOOD TIMES!!.. :D :D :D :D

  2. OMG! Tommorow, 8PM! :o

  3. Nah I ACTUALLY have evidence he does !.. ;)

  4. Erik loves me ... XD

  5. OMG !.. I have screenshots I've gotta show you ASAP !!... to do with Erik Hassle, Erik Hassle, Erik Hassle !!!.... :D

  6. Eeek !!... That word .. :tears:

  7. Yeah the 'S' word = School ... I hate that word with passion :L

  8. Same, listening to Mika on the walk to school makes me very happy .. until I get to school, my mood changes quite rapidly ... I feel unhappy when I get to the dreaded 'S' word that is school ..

  9. Well you probably are than where I live, thats what I kinda meant..


    Same, music makes me happy too... I like to indulge in !.. :)

  10. We have such simular music taste!!! -hi-fives-


    I come from a chavvy part of the country, Bucks is full of chavs..


    I wish my town got a 99p store instead of M & Co. That was misleading, i thought it was a Mika shop :L


    I wish i could live in a cool place, ur lucky.

  11. One of my friends is like a proper full emo but secretly she confessed she secretly likes Mika but she can't tell anyone or it will ruining her emo rep... She likes Aqua and Alphabeat too sercetly!.. ;)


    At my school it's either R'n'B or hardcore Drum and Bass music everyone listens to, it's quite a chavvy school.


    99p store isn't posh, the shops where i live are proper posh and expensive. I'd rather shop at 99p store anyday tbh.


    I'm gonna try and move to Bournemouth next year once I leave school. I can't do that till summer next year anyway... Hopefully I can move there, I feel more happy there.


    Where I live it's dull & boring and theres nothing to do without having to go out of town. Plus, i don't get on with many around here cos I've got that tag of I don't fit in here.

  12. People have thrown bread and water at me in the past cos I like Mika, I'll never will forget that torture I got..


    I miss Woolworths, there is Wellworths in some places tho isn't there?


    Cos of my moaning about where I live and how f***ing s*** it is, my mum is gonna try and take me to Bournemouth again next month. I think really my mum wants to have a go at my dad cos of the other day..


    I've fell asleep texting before, I know it's very easy to do! XD lol

  13. Ok twitter text let's gooooooo! :D

  14. I've gone through much trauma for Mika, getting bullied for liking him, having an asthma attack and much more but I cba to keep typing it all out. He's the best tho, no matters what people think they can't change my opinion which they think they can.


    I got my 1st Mika album + 1st Alphabeat album at Woolworths. It was the only reason I used to go downtown, I rarely go into town now where I live cos it's just crap now. :(


    I love Bournemouth in general too, I see it has my 2nd home. I was gutted I had to come back from there today. It's much better there, it's not dull and boring and the air is actually fresh.

  15. Yep poor ol' me... I never get replies back by Mika, I feel happy enough that Alphabeat do reply back to me. I bought my Mika album from Tesco where I live, well actually my mum did cos I rushed to Tesco before school but they didn't have it till afternoon and had an asthma attack in the doing which meant I got sent home from school and rushed to the doctor. Bad times. :(


    Tesco is the only shop where you can buy cd's where I live without having to go out of town. I miss Woolworths, they always had my music needs.


    I love the ASDA in Bournemouth, at least they do stock the CD's I want! I'm very satisfied with their products. They get thumbs up from me.. XD

  16. Haha, let me PM you my full name so you can find me on there. Thanks, I don't think it would go down too well with everybody if they found out. I know my head is gorgeous, it's a DDGSB! XD

  17. I tried doing with my arm with Mika and Anders SG, doesn't work tho..

    I love Alphabeat nearly almost to the scale I love Mika to, but they are still very far off the scale I love Mika to... I speak to them through the internet at times, at least they agree with me that they should have their new album at tesco. My tesco where I live don't do it, I had to go to ASDA in Bournemouth to get it.


    I love the winks tho...;)

  18. There is quite a lot of of snaps of the back of my sexy head, meow!.. I can't count tho, I finding counting to be the toughest thing with my brain. My brain is not made for counting or any thing which is in some way connected to mathematical ability...


    LOL!.. You should add me on facebook (let me know if want to) but pls if u do, don't mention anything about our shared husband... -cough- if you get me.. lol

  19. I've gotten into fights in and out of school over Mika, got a couple of scars from it but they ain't so obvious now thankfully..


    I want to create an Alphabeat shrine to go along with my Mika one. I can start building that up from next month, I get to see them live ;).


    My laptop apologises to me with the Mika pic on my desktop b.g. :drools:


    W.P = Wall post


    You don't wink as much as I put "..." & "XD".. lol

  20. My room is filled with loads Mika stuff!!... The room in itself I'd class as a shrine.


    Yeah I get what Achem means but I meant it - in what it was meant for in the convo?


    It was the laptop's fault for dying, it needed to be more patient.. XD


    Awesome!.. I was gonna get a bag for school but I thought it could give away where I've been to... I'm banned from speaking which tbh I'm gonna find tough, i love to annoy my friends by talking about Mika..


    LOL!.. I just read your blog entry, I'd say that sums that gig up quite perfect!!... :)


    What about the back of my midga-teeny head, ain't that a highlight!?!

  21. Soz I was gonna continue on from my last W.P but my laptop decided to die and then I had the fun of going all the way through my unpacked bag (not so much unpacked anymore) to find it. Why do laptop's die at such annoyingly awkward times??..


    Achem ?!?!... What is there to 'Achem' about ??.. :confused: lol


    Did you get any stuff at the gig??.. I got 2 t-shirts (1 is for someone else tho), a personalised/signed by Mika exercise book & album poster... I got some of the golden confetti off the floor and a couple of bits in my mouth and some of the blue string out of the giant party popper stuff that when off at the end.

  22. Evening, tell her it's alright. I know she probably didn't mean it, accidents happen!.. :)

  23. G2g, mum is back i think now. speak tomorrow! :)

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