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Posts posted by mikasloylfan

  1. Mica certainly is human and sensitive but as for judging people on what they say, I should avoid doing that... much better to judge them on what they do, I believe :wink2: .




    hi ... in general i don't like to judge people :boxed: .. but what i mean is her words does' make me comfortable i don't want to listen to it ...

    but by the way i like her music :wink2:

  2. i read only the first page and i am not sure if some body say that or not


    i agree its gay childe story ... and mika wrote it very will :thumb_yello:


    but i am not agree that its mika's story :no: i think its one of mika's friends becouse if you read the last sentance in the song

    the toy boy said : "When your *something* Tell them the story of a boy like me"



  3. :blink:

    i do care who mika hang out with ... there is old say "till me who your friend and i will tell you who you are"

    if i agree with you when you said "pretty obvious she's playing it up for the cameras"

    if you didn't see her at all and only listen to her words what you will say about her :boxed: :eek:

    and do the same with mika.. listen to his words ... he is so human and sensitive :thumb_yello:


    may be MIKA see her as a successful ruke star and he can be inspired by her

  4. anyways- my opinion- Mika should really find some new frinds to hang out with...

    just by seeing her clips and hearing her sing I could make up an opinion about her (and I dont do that often)

    she is a manily slut...


    first Gaga then dentist- poor week for the Mika...



    i totally agree with you


    and i think MIKA is in a great danger ,he needs our help . after all ,this is our role in his life....



  5. first he is on vacation so i think he is relaxing and drow for the new album :bleh:


    did i miss any thing why he is painting his door ? is it passable! :blink:

    i don't think so because he was too lazy to pack up his thing in LA :naughty:


    and lady gaga please.. i don't like the fact that he likes her :thumbdown:

    so please don't accept that ... i know he reads MFC


    so pleases mika DON'T BE WITH HER you can do so much better as in AVERIL song :naughty:

  6. Oh,I can't believe I made a post this long.

    Sorry guys but I'm so happy I could tell my story here finally.

    It's important to me.


    i enjoyed reading it too..

    and i agree with you that mika change my point of view of the life ... my life is so different now , in a good way of course.

    i am more optimistic now. :wink2: and relaxed :groovy::naughty:

  7. it is really borring :bored: i was tepical employee from the home to the work and vs

    no frind never fit in so i was angry all the time :starwars: hate everye body ... and depresed :sad: nothing worth any thing ...


    then one day my sister told me that she saw a new singer in TV and you have to see him , he is trully intertainer .. his name is mika... and i said " what kind of a naim is that " :annoyed_h4h: , then i search for him in YT i found the uk gig he was singing " love today" wearing the green pant and jaket with many pictures i liked it and i liked the way he talk to the audance and his :band:


    and while i was watshing i felt that he is very clouse to me.

    and from then i became obsest with him ... but in a good way of course .


    i saw all his videos in YT and while watshing his interviewas , i notes that i know this gay and i even finsh his sentences.


    so i took a promess to my silfe that i will support this guy till for ever :huglove: ....

    he is like my sole mate or somthing .. no really there is alot of commen thing with him...


    what a story....

  8. hi

    thank you for the report , video and pictures .. good job :thumb_yello:

    i felt like as if i were there :punk:


    but no one said if any one tills mika about our regareds :shocked::tears:


    its ok i understand if i were there talking to mika i will forgute even my name :roftl:

    it is really nice experiance .. i wish it will happen to me one day , i was in lebanon gig but i coudnt met him :sad:


    sory for my spilling :blush-anim-cl:

  9. hi mika how are you.. i wish you a successful gig tonight .. i am waiting to do gig in any country in the middle east




    please , please , please take care of your health .. take it easy with the drinking tonight :beer:


    sorry if i bothered you but this is me ... i always take care of the people how i love


  10. hi every one

    to be onest i am soooooooo jules from who will be there in the gig :annoyed_h4h: .. but i am traying to be nice.. :wink2: so good luke.


    i am wating for the video ... please take alot of video .. i want to see evry thing hapen in this special gig with the new album songs as if i am there ... pleeeeeeeees


    happy gig :punk: and injoy the ice cream from mikas hand ...:licks_lips:

    dont forget my regard to mika please


  11. nice to meet you all :wink2:


    i have mixed parent my mother is Egyptian but i born and raised in Saudi Arabia

    that's why i said medal east in the beginner ... i feel i am not really Saudi nether Egyptian..

    i am human .. loving every body ... all people are the same to me....


  12. hi every one

    i am new hear but i know mika since one year now or even more

    i am so happy to join you and thank you for this web its :punk: ruke

    my name is noha ,i am from Medal East ,i am working and planning to get my masters.

    and i am mad about MIKA :blush-anim-cl:

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