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Bianca's mother

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Posts posted by Bianca's mother

  1. I'm really glad to hear you had such a great time in France!! Also, thanks for the DM on Twitter, I've received it and I love the pictures :naughty:. Also, did he introduce his duet with Ida as "The Weather"? Just because it's the first time I hear it being called this way. However, they are sooooo sweet together I can't take my eyes off.


    Actually, he did not introduce the song with a specific title, I've given it this name.

    Something tells me this song will not be called "Blame it on the Weather" to avoid confusions, yet again this is not the thread to discuss it and I'm not the one to decide that, I've just given it a different name. :naughty:



  2. Will write a very brief report.

    This gig comes for me on no.3 in my top 3 Mika-related moments EVER.

    Won a ticket on thursday and I just decided I should go after all.


    Compiegne is such a beautiful city and I'm glad I've discovered it. Think I'll always add 2 days in Compi to my future Paris trips.


    Went to queue at 6 something even though I had a ticket for Cat.2. Was lovely meeting all the MFCrs again Nezza, Jazzy, Ingie, Nico, Luke, Rose, Saskja, Sara and the French MFCrs.

    The surprise of the day came when I figured at about 12pm that I have to queue on a different street for Cat.2. That's when the lovely YulsMcFuls said she had an extra Cat.1 ticket. I literally felt like Charlie when he found the golden Wonka ticket. :aah:

    So basically, I ended up from being bound to see the gig from afar, to being front row.

    Yuls, once again: :bow: :bow: :bow:


    The concert was mindblowing and I felt so lucky to be there. Like literally lucky. Had the time of my life!!


    Here are my pictures (there are some from Paris aswell, but they won't hurt your eyes, trust me) :lol3: : http://www.flickr.com/photos/thewhitefeather

    And here are my 2 great videos:

    The Weather:




  3. In the first interview he says that his mother used to say him to write a happy song not a depressing one


    but in third interview he says that it is about "a" mother (not his) who talks to his son and says him very bad/hurting things...


    Oh Ok, thank you...even if it is about just "a" mother, we sure know by now his mom is a great source of inspiration! And isn't that nice? :wub2:

  4. biancaaaaa :biggrin2:...fingers crossed pt tine la bac...bafta multa si curaj...treci tu si peste asta :wink2:


    daca vom merge pe varianta sa tinem noi foile, si nu sa le lipim, count me in :biggrin2:


    Woaaaah, amazing ideaaa!!! Ar trebui sa iti dea macar un punct in plus la bac pentru creativitate :naughty:


    Loads of luck darling, and count on me too for the banner :huglove:


    Bianca, BAFTA MUUUULTA!!!!


    I'm in for the banner too!



    TIN PUMNII, stii doar :huglove:


    +2 (ADDA & RUXI) for the banner


    You go, girl! :*:mf_rosetinted:


    I'll check for the weather now....




    Sunt convinsa ca vom gasi 7 fani sa tina bannerul,nu te ingrijora!:wink2:


    Whoa!! Ok multumesc mult pt sustinere! :lol3: si ma bucur ca sunteti eager sa ajutati cu banner-ul. Vreti sa-l vedeti? :das:


    Bianca :wub2:

  5. Ok stiu k am zis ca nu facem props si asa, dar am luat o pauza aseara de la invatat si mi-am exersat putin calitatile artistice si am facut un banner - pt k am dat peste un bloc de desen nou noutz...-


    Banner-ul spune:" MFC is here! " si e dispus pe mai multe foi dupa cum urmeaza:

    M - F - C - IS - HE - RE - !

    asa ca voi avea nevoie de 7 fani dispusi sa-si insuseasca cate o bucata de banner. voi aduce si banda adeziva sa lipim eventual foile pe bara, in fericitul caz in care vom fi in primul rand.


    Sper ca e ok with you. Imi place cum a iesit. Nothing fancy, doar sa stie si ei ca nu canta pentru niste "straini" dupa 1 an de absenta... :thumb_yello:




    PS: TINETI-MI PUMNII LA BAAAAAAAC!! :aah::blush-anim-cl:

  6. :Update:


    Hurts have announced yesterday their autumn tour which is supposed to be their greatest to date ( :naughty: ). There aren't many dates but even so, you can already purchase the tickets on Facebook here:




    Hurts will play:


    Mon 17 Oct 2011 – Russia - St Petersburg - Glav Club

    Tue 18 Oct 2011 – Russia - Moscow - A2 Club

    Fri 30 Sep 2011 - Germany - Stuttgart - Porsche Arena

    Sat 01 Oct 2011 - Germany - Frankfurt - Jahrhunderthalle

    Sun 02 Oct 2011 - Germany - Munich - Zenith

    Tue 04 Oct 2011 - Germany - Dusseldorf - Philipshalle

    Wed 05 Oct 2011 - Germany - Erfurt - Thuringenhalle

    Sun 23 Oct 2011 – Croatia - Zagreb - Bocarski Dom

    Wed 26 Oct 2011 - Italy - Milan - Alcatraz

    Thu 27 Oct 2011 - Austria - Innsbruck - Dogana

    Sun 30 Oct 2011 - Switzerland - Zurich - Maag Event Hall

    Wed 2 Nov 2011 – UK - Brighton Centre

    Thu 03 Nov 2011 – UK - Glasgow - Academy

    Fri 04 Nov 2011 - UK - London – Brixton


    Bianca's already considering London. :aah:

  7. hey petra! Bianca aici.


    Inteleg perfect ce spui si sunt de acord. Eu si asa sunt super stresata ...ma rog mai degraba anxious sa termin o data cu BAC-ul asta si iti dai seama ca numai la props nu o sami stea mie gandul in luna iunie...:boxed:


    Oricum intr-un fel imi cam pun intrebarea daca mai merita gigul asta (dar deja am facut cheltuielile esentiale... :aah: ) avand in vedere toate formatiile romanesti pe langa cele straine care erauu deja in program, menite sa ne puna rabdarea si nervii la incercare.


    k sa nu mai spun ca de ceva vreme incoace nu mai pot practic sa mai ascult muzica deloc, inclusiv...ahem...sunt intr'o perioada ff aiurea...


    asa ca sunt alaturi de tine...desi un M&G nu ar strica niciodata. :naughty: oricum nu prea merge la noi cu "fan show" pt k nu suntem prea multe...

  8. Hey there! Bianca aici...


    Ma uitam pe niste poze si am dat peste ceva care mi-a adus aminte ca pana de curand M nici nu stia care e capitala Bucurestiului... mai tineti minte interviul si ce a zis de fapt?


    Asadar, here comes the idea pt banner: "Welcome to Dubrovnik!" :roftl::aah::roftl:


    Joking....dar asa am facut si data trecuta si a functionat....:naughty::roftl:



  9. One of Mika's assistants has pics - I think she's referring to this gig:


    @MazOrlandi To #MFCers, have found BG & LP pics from MTV show in Spain and also from Orange Romania if anyone would like them DM your email address x


    Yes, she was referring to this gig. Unbelievably we got our picture from backstage after so long. At one point we've all given up waiting for it but it was wonderful to get it when we were least expecting it! :wub2:




    Romanian MFCers in the pic: B!anka (BG), Iulia, Cherisse_ , Madeline_K (LG) and Ioana (bride!). :biggrin2:

  10. o sa fie un drum luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuung:mf_rosetinted: trebuie sa ne echipam cum se cuvine:naughty:


    presimt ca drumul asta pana la campul/padurea/ce o fi, o sa ne dea batai de cap:aah:


    Amen! :naughty:




    Oh... vine MIKA, huh?


    Abia astept sa ne revedem si sa ne distram


    @Vanessa & Bianka sper ca vorbiti de ore PM, nu AM:boxed: ... pt front row.:biggrin2:


    Vreo idee de ce props am avea nevoie anul asta? (just realised... Mamaia a fost anul trecut:tears:)


    ah si sa nu uit in caz ca nu mai comunicam prea curand...




    mda...cam vine...inapoi!!! :excite:


    da, vorbim de super PM! :lol3:


    ah, nush...no idea, problema mea principala e sa ajung pana acolo. :roftl: si sa termin cu bacul. :aah:

  11. Avantajul la concertele din Romania :lumea nu se inghesuie in primul rand :naughty:

    Ar fi fost minunant sa vina Cut Copy dar as fi vrut nume britanice noi pe scena ca Clare Maguire de exemplu

    Dj Leo nu vine la Bestfest sa mixeze .

    Mi-a placut mai mult muzica care a pus-o la Mamaia .

    Si el de obicei este DJ la club Control nu stiu ce cauta la Fratelli :roftl:


    da mah stiu...la Viena nu o sa uit. AM intrat si nu vedeam unde e scena. Alergam dar nici eu nu stiam unde. :roftl:


    stiu ca nu vine, dar acelasi lucru am fi putut afirma si despre Mika acum o saptamana, nu? :das:


    Evident, trebuia sa "aibe grija" de mai multi oameni decat la Fratelli, era alt context.

    Presupun ca a are o colaborare cu Orange, avand in vedere ca ambele giguri au fost organizate de Orange. :wink2:

  12. 1) de unde ti-ai luat bilet?:mf_rosetinted: vreau sa dau comanda de pe myticket.ro dar am zis ca prima data ma duc sa vad daca nu are la Diverta cumva. desi...slabe sanse.


    Editia de anul asta de B'estfest mi se pare FOARTE diferita fata de anii precedenti.Atunci au venit nume mari si foarte cool. Chiar m-am mirat ca acum a "decazut" asa de mult. Ziua de 2 iulie mi se pare cea mai chill,daca pot sa folosesc cuvantul asta. Cred ca e de bine (sper). Din ce am auzit,multimea de oameni ce vine la B'estfest e destul de civilizata si nu cred ca o sa avem parte de pushing (din nou,sper). Daca pur si simplu asteptam de mai devreme,n-o sa avem probleme cu front row-ul :dunno:

    just my opinion.


    Sweetie, daca ai Diverta, ia-ti de la Diverta. It's quite fun! de la Diverta mi-am luat. Le scoate le imprimanta tzac-pac. :aah:


    Honestly, I don't even care. Ma bucur ca nu sunt Skunk inainte. No offence, vanessa! :naughty: ok, vedem cum facem.


    Eu mi-am luat biletul de pe myticket dar cred ca gasesti si la Diverta :

    Am fost la Bestfest acum 2 ani si lumea a fost extrem de civilizata m-am si mirat :NO PUSHING va vine sa credeti ?

    Bianca eu am ajuns pe la vreo 16 jumate acum doi ani si nu prea era nimeni in fata scenei in afara de mine si inca vreo 4 fani Franz Ferdinand ::

    Cred ca ar trebui sa discutam cu John inainte de concert despre M&G .Eu sper sa iasa sa se plimbe pe acolo langa scena .

    Eu de Lamb am auzit sunt un fel de Massive Attack dar a la feminin si vocea femeii ma cam irita la ureche ::


    mai imi vine sa cred, pt k am vazut cu ochii mei sapt trecuta. Am intrat la M&G la 7 si lumea era in front row deja. la 7 jumate erau MAI PUTINI oameni decat la 7 fix in front rows. :roftl: Romanii astia cred k orice concert e festivalu' berii. :lol3:


    off, mai bine veneau tot cut copy, nu Diana?! :teehee:


    Vanessa, daca il mai vad o data pe DJ leo cred ca innebunesc, desi baga muzica buna. That Bronski Beat a fost: :wub2: :


    A da, nu v-a spus Vanessa, saptamana trecuta am fost la gig la Hurts si in deschidere a fost celebrul DJ Leo de la Mamaia! :fangurl:

  13. eu vin pt ADF :mf_rosetinted:


    Bianca aici! :biggrin2:

    Nu ma intrebati de ce numi folosesc contul meu. Nu il mai am si nici nu am de gand sa ma leg de MFC prea mult. E doar strictul necesar.


    asa...deci...mai guys. pe mine ma cam inspaimanta bestfestul asta. Adica o sa vina o gloata de oameni nebuni pt ceilalti doi, pt k sincer, stii cand zice cineva ca: yeah, well, i listen to dub. nu prea tin ei cont de CINE canta dub. Ei doar vin. :roftl: asa ca, vanessa cel putin stiu ca a mai fost la bestfest, poti sami explici cum naiba ajungem in front row (cuz I won't have it any other way! de data asta am dat si bani ...:roftl: )


    si cu m&g-ul...:huh: trebuie sa cercetez...pt k ...honestly nu imi imaginez in campia aia minunata cum o sa reusim noi sa ne dam seama unde sa il gasim. Chiar si anul trecut, daca nu eram BG, m-ar cam fi pus la incercare cu locul unde s-ar fi putut tine un M&G decent. :lol3:


    so...got ticket yet? :biggrin2:

  14. Hey guys!


    can someone pass me the link to an interview or some thread where he mentioned Angela Carter's book "Nights at the Circus"? I gather that he mentioned it somewhere, but I simply can't recall.

    I know about "The Magic Toyshop" which was mentioned in an interview I have.


    Thanks a lot!

    B!anka ;)

  15. Hey guys.

    B!anka here.


    Look I need a bit of your help. Coca-Cola organises a competition here where one must post a pic that expresses best their "fan-dom" for their fav artist and it requires people to vote for those pics too. the prize is a 3-days trip to London to meet Maroon 5. ::biggrin2:


    So, if you would be so kind to go to these pics that I've posted:



    and just click that "thumbs-up" icon under the left corner of the pic. No need to register or anything.


    Thanks a lot guys!!




  16. ticket reserved :boing: :boing: :boing:

    now I just have to wait 4 months:naughty:


    I've just seen the Serbia gig on facebook, and was heading over here to let you know, but I guess you've already (REALLY) found out.




    I've just remembered the other days, that in I'm going to their show in April. :doh: gotta dust off the ticket. :naughty:




  17. Hi! :bye:

    he talks about that in this interview at about 2:30 min



    he says "Dancing in the Dark" but i think he means "Dancer in the Dark" by Lars von Trier

    I've watched it and it's really one of the saddest films I've ever seen :sad:



    EDIT: and this is what he wrote about the subject in the blog you're mentioning


    November 9, 2008 8:23 pm mikablog Blog


    Why have you said that you often cry in planes? Is it because you are afraid? Because you always see sad movies in planes or some other reason ?

    HA! I’ve actually looked into this a bit.* Apparently high altitudes have strange effects on people.* It can lead to* a heightening of emotion and a dulling down of other things, like your taste-buds for instance.* Its mainly because I often watch dark or sad movies on flights.* The same actually happens with alcohol! At high altitude the effect of alcohol is exaggerated.* That’s one thing that’s hard to resist when flying, cuz there’s bugger all else to do! Its a bad habit.


    :bow: :bow: :bow::huglove:

    Thank you so much! I knew I wasn't imagining!


    can I ask you about something else too?


    Do you remember where he has mentioned enjoying Jacques Tati's films/work? Been searching through his tweets all day, but couldn't find anything. :huh:

    If you can't recall, it's fine.




  18. Hey guys!

    Long time, no see...


    Can someone remember one of Mika's old blogs, where he had answered some questions about travels, and there was the well-known questions, if it's true he cries on planes, and he explained that he cried because of a film. I know it was something with "Dance in The Dark".


    Was it the movie, "Dancer in The Dark" with Bjork?




    I hope I didn't make you go through some superhuman efforts.




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