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Posts posted by deborxah

  1. Hi! I'm Debbie the old girl. I just wanted you to know we had the best time! The stage was beautiful & Mika was the ultimate showman!


    We got into line at about 6:30pm so by the time we got inside it was about 1/3full so we just hung out in the bar section. It was so fun! My friend & I had put gold glitter in our hair and brought the extra vials with us. When Mika sang WAG, we threw some around and the people near us were into it! A guy asked if he could buy some from me, but I just gave it to him. He told me later that he almost got kicked out because of the glitter! I'm not sure why. Maybe some of those around him didn't want to be glitter-ized! Or maybe it was making a mess.


    The only bummer about the evening was that it was a long time standing up for the over-the-hill gang. Hopefully next time he'll come to a bigger venue with seating for his 'elderly' fans! hee hee! :D


    Deb H

  2. Aurelien: It says you are only 21! Just a young'un!

    Lollipop Monkey: Yes, this is the first Mika concert for all 3 of us (me, my hubby, and my best girl buddy)

    Christine: We are immature too, so we should fit right in then! :-)

    Suzy: I'll keep an eye open for the glitter! Thanks for the welcome!


    It sounds like we'll be having a blast! And I feel much better now.

    Thanks everyone!

    Deb H

  3. Hi all!


    I'm new to the board! You all sound very much younger than I am (and fun!)!


    There are three of us going to the concert ranging in age from 47 to 52. I guess we haven't 'really' hit middle age yet! :biggrin2:


    Just wondering if anyone else in our age group is going too? We'll probably be lining up later and hanging near the back. Please take pity on us & say hi if you'd like to!



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